def get_ranking(self, mode, start_page=1, last_page=1, period='d', today=True, func=None): """Yahooランキング取得""" ret_list = [] p = start_page update_date = None while True: url = "{}&mk=1&tm={}&vl=a&p={}".format( mode, period, p) html = requests.get(url, timeout=10) bs = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "lxml") if update_date is None: update_date = self.get_update_date(bs) if today and update_date < return [] trs = bs.find_all('tr', {'class': 'rankingTabledata'}) ret = func(trs, update_date) ret_list.extend(ret) if not self.has_next_page(bs) or last_page == p: return ret_list p = p + 1
def _daily_get(self, key): if self.trigger.is_weekday(): tm = self.db.hget(key, 'ct') if tm is not None: save_day = datetime.strptime(tm.decode(), '%Y/%m/%d').date() if save_day < self.db.delete(key) return None return self._get_val(key)
def run(self, dao: Dao, h1): dao_brands = dao.table("stock_brands") dao_thema = self.dao.table('stock_thema_ccode') dao_ph = self.dao.table('stock_price_history') dao_repo = self.dao.table('stock_report') h1('銘柄一覧取得') brands = dao_brands.full_scan() h1('Yahooから詳細情報取得') ys = YahooStock() ccodes = [b['ccode'] for b in brands] ys_details = ys.get_stock_details_async(ccodes) h1('Kabtanから詳細情報取得') ccodes_chank = list(chunked(ccodes, 50)) kb = Kabtan() kb_details = [] for i, ccodes in enumerate(ccodes_chank): for j, cd in enumerate(ccodes): # print('kabtan: cd={}'.format(cd)) kbs = kb.get_stock_detail(cd) kb_details.append(kbs) if j % 7 == 0: time.sleep(random.randint(1,2)) print('kabtan詳細取得中 : {}'.format(i)) time.sleep(1) Log.debug('brands={}, ys_details={}, kb_details={}'.format(len(ccodes), len(ys_details), len(kb_details))) h1('stock_brandsに登録') ys_err_lst = [] kb_err_lst = [] brands = brands for i, brand in enumerate(brands): ccode = brand['ccode'] ys_lst = [d for d in ys_details if ccode == d['ccode']] kb_lst = [d for d in kb_details if ccode == d['ccode']] ys_detail = [] kb_detail = {} if not kb_lst: kb_err_lst.append(ccode) else: kb_detail = kb_lst[0] if not ys_lst: ys_err_lst.append(ccode) continue else: ys_detail = ys_lst[0] # stock_brands_detail登録 # j: jika_sougaku, b: pbr, e: per, t: nen_taka, y: nen_yasu, k: kabusuu nentaka = '-' if ys_detail['nen_taka'] == '-' else str(int(ys_detail['nen_taka'])) nenyasu = '-' if ys_detail['nen_yasu'] == '-' else str(int(ys_detail['nen_yasu'])) market = brand['market'] if 'market' in brand and brand['market'] else '-' info = brand['info'] if 'info' in brand and brand['info'] else '-' r = {'ccode': ccode, 'market': market, 'name': brand['name'], 'info': info, 'tn': emp_to_str(ys_detail['tan']), 'j': emp_to_str(ys_detail['jika_sougaku']), 'k': emp_to_str(ys_detail['hakkou_kabusuu']), 'e': emp_to_str(ys_detail['per']), 'b': emp_to_str(ys_detail['pbr']), 't': nentaka, 'y': nenyasu, 'kj': emp_to_str(ys_detail['keijiban'])} r['url'] = kb_detail['url'] if 'url' in kb_detail and kb_detail['url'] != '' else '-' r['cate'] = kb_detail['cate'] if 'cate' in kb_detail and kb_detail['cate'] != '' else '-' dao_brands.put_item(Item=r) repo = dao_repo.find_by_key(ccode) if repo: repo['kj'] = r['kj'] repo['url'] = r['url'] dao_repo.put_item(Item=repo) print('登録 ccode={}, i={}'.format(ccode, i)) d = DateTimeUtil.strf_ymd_st( ph_list = dao_ph.find_query({ 'cd': ccode, 'd': d }) if ph_list and len(ph_list) == 1: ph = ph_list[0] ph['e'] = emp_to_str(ys_detail['per']) ph['b'] = emp_to_str(ys_detail['pbr']) ph['t'] = nentaka ph['y'] = nenyasu ph['j'] = emp_to_str(ys_detail['jika_sougaku']) ph['k'] = emp_to_str(ys_detail['hakkou_kabusuu']) dao_ph.put_item(Item=ph) tm = dao_thema.find_by_key(ccode) nms = emp_to_str(kb_detail['thema']) if tm: tm['nms'] = nms else: tm = { 'ccode': ccode, 'nms': nms } dao_thema.put_item(Item=tm) h1('Job012をキック') boto3.client('batch').submit_job( jobName='Job012', jobQueue="arn:aws:batch:ap-northeast-1:007575903924:job-queue/Job012_high_low_to_brand_and_repo", jobDefinition="Job012_high_low_to_brand_and_repo:1" )