class Report(object):
    """docstring for Report"""
    def __init__(self, exercise_id, update_time='2017-11-01 00:00:00'):
        # do something inits
        self.db_fetcher = DataBaseFetcher()
        self.exercise_id = exercise_id
        self.dict_content_answer = {}  # error content
        self.curr_time = datetime.datetime.now()

        self.update_time = update_time  # update time
        self.recommend = RecommendQuestion()

        self.dict_realtion_quesion, self.dict_question_num = self.getRelationQuestion(
        self.dict_parent_quesion = self.getChildQuestion()
        self.dict_question_diff = self.getRightDifficulty()
        self.dict_point, self.dict_topic_point = self.getPoints()

        self.dict_students = self.getStudentId()
        self.dict_student_score, self.dict_student_records = {}, {
            x: []
            for x in self.dict_students

        self.exam_list_records, self.practice_list_records = self.getExerciseRecord(
        )  #records

        # dict
        self.dict_question_types = {
            1: '选择题',
            2: '填空题',
            4: '简答题',
            6: '综合题',
            17: '计算题',
            44: '证明题'
        self.dict_question_difficulty = {
            1: '易',
            2: '中',
            3: '难',
            4: '极难'
        }  # 1:易 2:中 3:难 4:极难

        # feedback
        self.dict_students_resource = self.getStudentResource()  # resource

    def getExerciseRecord(self):
        exam_list_records = []
        practice_list_records = []
        sql = "select a.question_id, a.student_id, a.ret_num, a.submit_answer, a.submit_time, b.question_type from entity_student_exercise a join \
                neworiental_v3.entity_question b on b.id = a.question_id where a.submit_time > \'%s\' and a.exercise_source = 6" % (

        dict_is_choice = {}
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = row
            student_id = long(student_id)

            if answer == 'null' or answer == 'None' or answer == '' or answer == 'NULL' or answer == None or len(
                    answer) == 0:
            if question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                    question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time,

                    question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time,
                self.dict_content_answer['%s_%s' %
                                         (question, student_id)] = answer
            elif question in self.dict_parent_quesion:
                dict_content = self.dict_parent_quesion[question]
                parent_question_id = dict_content['parent_id']

                rank = dict_content['rank']
                link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[
                if question_num >= 17 and question_num <= 21:
                    if rank == 1:
                            parent_question_id, student_id, ret, answer,
                            submit_time, question_type
                            parent_question_id, student_id, ret, answer,
                            submit_time, question_type
                    elif rank == 2:
                        self.dict_content_answer['%s_%s' %
                                                  student_id)] = answer
                elif question_num >= 22 and question_num <= 23:
                    key = '%s_%s' % (parent_question_id, student_id)
                    if rank == 1:
                        if answer == 'A':
                            dict_is_choice[key] = 1
                            dict_is_choice[key] = 0
                    elif rank == 2:
                        if key in dict_is_choice:
                            if dict_is_choice[key] == 1:
                                    parent_question_id, student_id, ret,
                                    answer, submit_time, question_type
                                    parent_question_id, student_id, ret,
                                    answer, submit_time, question_type
                    elif rank == 3:
                        self.dict_content_answer[key] = answer
                    question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time,

        return exam_list_records, practice_list_records

    def getStudentId(self, file_name='students.txt'):
        list_students = []
        with open(file_name) as handle_f:
            for line in handle_f:
                system_id = long(line.strip())

        set_studends = set(list_students)  # students set
        str_content = ','.join([str(x) for x in set_studends])
        sql = "select a.`system_id`, a.`name` from neworiental_user.entity_user a where type = 2 and a.system_id in (%s)" % str_content
        dict_students = {}
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            student_id, name = row
            if student_id in set_studends:
                dict_students[student_id] = name

        return dict_students

    def getRightDifficulty(self):
        dict_question_diff = {}
        sql = "select b.id, b.difficulty from neworiental_v3.entity_question b join link_question_answer a on  b.id = a.link_question_id where a.update_time >= \'%s\'" % self.update_time
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            question_id, difficulty = row
            dict_question_diff[question_id] = int(difficulty)

        return dict_question_diff

    def getChildQuestion(self):
        dict_parent_list = {}
        dict_parent_question = {}
        sql = "select a.id, a.parent_question_id from link_question_answer b join neworiental_v3.entity_question a on a.parent_question_id = b.link_answer_id \
                where b.question_num >= 17 and b.update_time >= \'%s\'" % self.update_time
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            qid = row[0]
            parent_id = row[1]
            if parent_id not in dict_parent_list:
                dict_parent_list[parent_id] = []


        for parent_id in dict_parent_list:
            sort_question = sorted(dict_parent_list[parent_id], reverse=False)
            count = 1
            for item in sort_question:
                dict_parent_question[item] = {
                    'parent_id': parent_id,
                    'rank': count
                count += 1

        return dict_parent_question

    def getRelationQuestion(self):
        dict_realtion_quesion = {}
        dict_point_question_num = {}
        sql = "select a.link_question_id, a.link_answer_id, a.link_point_id, a.question_num, b.difficulty, a.question_exercise_id, b.question_type from link_question_answer a join neworiental_v3.entity_question b on a.link_question_id = \
            b.id  where a.update_time >= \'%s\'" % self.update_time
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        dict_parent_quesion = {}
        link_parent_list = []
        for row in rows:
            link_question_id, link_answer_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = row
                link_answer_id] = link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type
            arr_point = link_point_id.strip().split(',')
            for point in arr_point:
                if point not in dict_point_question_num:
                    dict_point_question_num[point] = []

                    link_question_id, question_num, difficulty,
                    question_exercise_id, question_type

        return dict_realtion_quesion, dict_point_question_num

    def getScore(self, question_num, answer):
        ascore, score = 0, 0
        if question_num >= 1 and question_num <= 16:
            score = 5 if (answer == 'A' or answer == 'B') else 0
            ascore = 5
        elif question_num >= 17 and question_num <= 21:
            if answer == 'A':
                score = 4
            elif answer == 'B':
                score = 7
            elif answer == 'C':
                score = 9
            elif answer == 'D':
                score = 12
            ascore = 12
        elif question_num >= 22 and question_num <= 23:
            if answer == 'A':
                score = 4
            elif answer == 'B':
                score = 7
            elif answer == 'C':
                score = 9
            elif answer == 'D':
                score = 10
            ascore = 10

        return ascore, score

    def statQustionReport(self):
        dict_question_count, dict_question_right = {}, {}
        dict_point_count, dict_point_right = {}, {}
        dict_error_students, dict_right_students = {}, {}

        for item in self.exam_list_records:
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = item

            if question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[
                arr_points = link_point_id.strip().split(',')
                ascore, score = self.getScore(question_num, answer)
                is_right = (answer == 'A') or (answer == 'B')

                # 1 point
                for point in arr_points:
                    if point in self.dict_point:
                        name, ptype, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id = self.dict_point[
                        if name not in dict_point_count:
                            dict_point_count[name] = 0
                            dict_point_right[name] = 0

                        dict_point_right[name] += 1 if (
                            question_num <= 16 and is_right) or (
                                question_num >= 17 and answer == 'D') else 0  #
                        dict_point_count[name] += 1

                if link_question_id not in dict_question_count:
                    dict_question_right[link_question_id] = 0
                    dict_question_count[link_question_id] = 0

                    link_question_id] += 1 if ret == 1 else 0  #
                dict_question_count[link_question_id] += 1

                # questions
                if link_question_id not in dict_right_students:
                    dict_right_students[link_question_id] = []
                    dict_error_students[link_question_id] = []

                if (question_num <= 16 and is_right) or (question_num >= 17
                                                         and answer == 'D'):

                if student_id not in self.dict_student_score:
                    self.dict_student_score[student_id] = 0

                self.dict_student_score[student_id] += score

        dict_point_acc = {}
        for point_name in dict_point_count:
            acc = dict_point_right[point_name] / dict_point_count[point_name]
            dict_point_acc[point_name] = acc
            #print '%s \t%s' % (point_name, acc)

        # students
        dict_students_point_question = self.calStudentPoints(dict_point_acc)
        return dict_students_point_question

    def getErrorText(self, answer):
        if answer == 'C':
            return '审题时,粗心看错了'
        elif answer == 'D':
            return '审题时,题意读不懂'
        elif answer == 'E':
            return '析题时,思路模糊不清'
        elif answer == 'F':
            return '析题时,思路方向错误'
        elif answer == 'G':
            return '解题时,公式记错了'
        elif answer == 'H':
            return '解题时,计算出错了'
        elif answer == 'I':
            return '未作答(或未完成),时间来不及了'
        elif answer == 'A' or answer == 'B':
            return '答题正确'

    def getQuestionWords(self):
        dict_question_words = {}
        str_question = ','.join([
            for x in self.dict_realtion_quesion
        str_sql = "select c.id, c.subject_id, t.type_id,t.struct_id, c.json_data from neworiental_v3.entity_question c left join neworiental_v3.entity_question_type t on \
                    t.type_id=c.question_type_id where c.id in (%s)" % str_question

        s_rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(str_sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in s_rows:
            question, subject_id, type_id, struct_id, json_data = row
            if json_data != '' and json_data != 'None' and json_data != None:
                keywords, res = sq.predict(question, subject_id, type_id,
                                           struct_id, json_data)
                dict_question_words[question] = keywords, res

        return dict_question_words

    def calStudentPoints(self, dict_point_acc):
        dict_coef = {x: 1.0 for x in self.dict_point}  #
        bate = 0.25
        dict_student_points = {}
        dict_students_point_question = {}  # student -> error question
        for student_id in self.dict_students:
            if student_id not in dict_student_points:
                dict_student_points[student_id] = {}

            records = sorted(self.dict_student_records[student_id],
                             key=lambda x: x[-1],
            dict_error = {
                'C': 0.0,
                'D': 0.0,
                'E': 0.0,
                'F': 0.0,
                'G': 0.0,
                'H': 0.0,
                'I': 0.0
            mass_score = 0
            dict_question_point = {}
            for item in records:
                question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = item
                if answer == 'answer': continue
                if question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                    link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[
                    if question_exercise_id != self.exercise_id: continue
                    if question_type == '单选题' or question_type == '选择题':
                        qtype = 1
                    elif question_type == '填空题':
                        qtype = 2
                        qtype = 3

                    difficulty = self.dict_question_diff[link_question_id]
                    arr_points = link_point_id.strip().split(',')
                    a_score, score = self.getScore(question_num, answer)
                    content = '%s_%s' % (question, student_id)
                    if content in self.dict_content_answer:
                        answer = self.dict_content_answer[content]
                        if answer != 'A' and answer != 'B' and answer != 'answer':
                            dict_error[answer] += a_score - score
                            if answer == 'C' or answer == 'G' or answer == 'H':
                                mass_score += a_score - score

                        for point in arr_points:
                            if point not in dict_question_point:
                                dict_question_point[point] = []

                                (link_question_id, qtype, submit_time))
                            name, ptype, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id = self.dict_point[
                            acc = dict_point_acc[name]
                            if point not in dict_student_points[student_id]:
                                dict_student_points[student_id][point] = 0.0

                                point] += dict_coef[point] * (
                                    a_score - score
                                ) * acc / math.log(1 + bate *
                                                   (level + difficulty))

            sort_error = sorted(dict_error.items(),
                                key=lambda x: x[1],
            if len(dict_student_points[student_id]) > 0:
                sort_point = sorted(dict_student_points[student_id].items(),
                                    key=lambda x: x[1],
                student_name = self.dict_students[student_id]
                point_name1, ptype1, question_type1, level1, parent_id1, link_id1 = self.dict_point[
                point_name2, ptype2, question_type2, level2, parent_id2, link_id2 = self.dict_point[
                point_name3, ptype3, question_type3, level3, parent_id2, link_id3 = self.dict_point[

                is_power = 1 if mass_score > 5 else 0
                error1, error1score = sort_error[0][0], sort_error[0][1]
                error2, error2score = sort_error[1][0], sort_error[1][1]
                error1_name, error2_name = self.getErrorText(
                    error1), self.getErrorText(error2)
                    student_id] = sort_point, dict_question_point

        return dict_students_point_question

    def getPoint2Question(self):
        dict_point_org_question = {}
        for answer_id in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
            link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[
            arr_point = link_point_id.strip().split(',')

            for item in arr_point:
                if item not in dict_point_org_question:
                    dict_point_org_question[item] = []


        return dict_point_org_question

    def pointsRecQuestion(self,
        # 1,2 choice question 1:easy 2:difficulty 3,4: comprehensive problem 3:easy 4:difficulty
        # dict_point_org_question = self.getPoint2Question() # org question point
        dict_question_text = self.getQuestionWords()
        dict_question_target = {}
        dict_student_recommend_question = {}
        print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
            '学生id', '学生名字', '考点', '考点名称', '原题id', '推荐习题id', '关键词', '难度')
        for student_id in dict_students_point_question:

            arr_point, dict_question_point_target = dict_students_point_question[
            student_name = self.dict_students[student_id]
            haveTime = 12
            recommend_questions = []
            pre_set = set()
            for item_target in arr_point:
                if haveTime <= 0 and len(recommend_questions) % 3 == 0: break
                item_point = item_target[0]
                arr_question = sorted(dict_question_point_target[item_point],
                                      key=lambda x: x[-1],

                key = '%s-%s' % (student_id, item_point)
                rateRight, difficulty = dict_diff[
                    key] if key in dict_diff else (0.0, 1)

                pre_set = pre_set | set([x[0] for x in arr_question])  #
                for base_question, qtype, submit_time in arr_question:
                    if haveTime <= 0 and len(recommend_questions) % 3 == 0:
                    keywords, text = dict_question_text[base_question]
                    text = text.replace('\n', '').strip('\r').strip()  # filter

                    base_question_key = '%s-%s' % (base_question, difficulty)
                    if base_question_key in dict_question_target:
                        target_questions = dict_question_target[
                        target_questions = self.recommend.getEsResult(
                            base_question, text, keywords, difficulty, qtype,
                            pre_set, throld)
                            base_question_key] = target_questions

                    for rec_question in target_questions:
                        if haveTime <= 0 and len(recommend_questions) % 3 == 0:
                        if rec_question in pre_set: continue

                        haveTime += -1
                            (base_question, keywords, rec_question, item_point,

            for rec_item in recommend_questions:
                source_question, keywords, rec_question, item_point, difficulty = rec_item
                point_name, ptype, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id = self.dict_point[
                print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
                    student_id, student_name, item_point, point_name,
                    source_question, rec_question, keywords, difficulty)

    def importDefault(self, is_new, dict_question_topic):
        defult_list = [(10805815, 0), (10806190, 2), (10805815, 4),
                       (10806184, 6), (10806182, 8), (10806169, 10),
                       (10806104, 12), (10806057, 14), (10805815, 16),
                       (10806068, 18)]
        update_sql = "insert into entity_recommend_question_bytopic(system_id, type,chapter_id,topic_id, question_id, `master`, duration, important, subject_id, score, school_publish, org_id, org_type) values"
        new_sql = "insert into sync_student_recommend_question(system_id, resource_type, resource_id, subject_id, tag1, tag2, score, type, type_level, type_id) values"
        db_rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(
            "select student_id from entity_student_white_list",
        is_first = 1
        for row in db_rows:
            student_id = row[0]
            for item in defult_list:
                question_id, subject_id = item

                type_id = 2186
                if question_id in dict_question_topic:
                    set_topic = dict_question_topic[question_id]
                    if len(set_topic) > 0:
                        type_id = set_topic.pop()

                if is_first == 1:
                    update_sql += "(%s, 2, 0, 0, %s, 2, 2, 1, %s, %s, 0, 113, 2)" % (
                        student_id, question_id, subject_id, 0)
                    if is_new == 1:
                        new_sql += "(%s, 1, %s, %s, \'最近新错\', \'重难点\', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                            student_id, question_id, subject_id, 0, 1, 3,
                    is_first = 0
                    update_sql += ",(%s, 2, 0, 0, %s, 2, 2, 1, %s, %s, 0, 113, 2)" % (
                        student_id, question_id, subject_id, 0)
                    new_sql += ",(%s, 1, %s, %s, \'最近新错\', \'重难点\', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                        student_id, question_id, subject_id, 0, 1, 3, type_id)

        if is_new == 1:
            self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(new_sql, 'mysql_v3_white_list')
            self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(update_sql, 'mysql_white_list')

    def import2DataBase(self, flag, is_new=1, fname='student_rec.txt'):
        dict_question_topic = self.recommend.getThisQuestionTopic(
        )  # question topic
        if is_new == 1:
                "delete from sync_student_recommend_question",
                'mysql_v3_white_list')  # update
                "delete from entity_recommend_question_bytopic",
                'mysql_white_list')  # update

        # self.importDefault(is_new, dict_question_topic) # import
        if flag == 1:  # 1,3 5 recomend
            update_sql = "insert into entity_recommend_question_bytopic(system_id, type,chapter_id,topic_id, question_id, `master`, duration, important, subject_id, score, school_publish, org_id, org_type) values"
            insert_sql = "insert into entity_question_recommend(student_id,student_name,point,point_name,question_id,recommend_id,keywords,difficulty) values"

            new_sql = "insert into sync_student_recommend_question(system_id, resource_type, resource_id, subject_id, tag1, tag2, score, type, type_level, type_id) values"
            insert_score, is_first = 0, 1
            with open(fname) as rec_f:
                for line in rec_f:
                    if insert_score > 1:
                        arr = line.strip().split('\t')
                        student_id, question_id = arr[0], long(arr[5])
                        type_id = 2186
                        if question_id in dict_question_topic:
                            set_topic = dict_question_topic[question_id]
                            if len(set_topic) > 0:
                                type_id = set_topic.pop()

                        if is_first == 1:
                            update_sql += "(%s, 2, 0, 0, %s, 2, 2, 1, %s, %s, 0, 113, 2)" % (
                                student_id, question_id, 0, insert_score)
                            insert_sql += "(%s,\'%s\',%s, \'%s\', %s, %s, \'%s\',%s)" % (
                                arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5],
                                arr[6], arr[7])
                            if is_new == 1:
                                new_sql += "(%s, 1, %s, %s, \'最近新错\', \'重难点\', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                                    student_id, question_id, 0, insert_score,
                                    1, 3, type_id)
                            is_first = 0
                            update_sql += ",(%s, 2, 0, 0, %s, 2, 2, 1, %s, %s, 0, 113, 2)" % (
                                student_id, question_id, 0, insert_score)
                            insert_sql += ",(%s,\'%s\',%s, \'%s\', %s, %s, \'%s\',%s)" % (
                                arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5],
                                arr[6], arr[7])
                            if is_new == 1:
                                new_sql += ",(%s, 1, %s, %s, \'最近新错\', \'重难点\', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                                    student_id, question_id, 0, insert_score,
                                    1, 3, type_id)

                    insert_score += 1

            # self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(insert_sql, 'mysql_logdata')
            if is_new == 1:  # update mysql
                                               'mysql_v3_white_list')  # new
                self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(update_sql, 'mysql_white_list')

    def getPoints(self):
        dict_point = {}
        dict_topic_point = {}
        sql = 'select id, name, type, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id, topics_id from entity_exam_points'  # do something
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            point_id, name, ptype, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id, topics_id = row
            point_id = str(point_id)
                point_id] = name, ptype, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id
            if ptype == 3:  #
                arr_topic = [long(x) for x in topics_id.strip().split(',')]
                for topic in arr_topic:
                    if topic not in dict_topic_point:
                        dict_topic_point[topic] = []


        return dict_point, dict_topic_point

    def getStudentResource(self):
        dict_students_resource = {}
        str_content = ','.join([str(x) for x in self.dict_students])
        sql = "select b.student_id, a.resource_id, b.deadline from neworiental_v3.link_respackage_publish_resource a JOIN neworiental_v3.link_respackage_student b on \
            a.publish_id = b.publish_id where a.resource_type = 2 and b.student_id in (%s)" % (

        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            student_id, resource_id, deadline = row
            if resource_id > 0:
                if student_id not in dict_students_resource:
                    dict_students_resource[student_id] = set()


        return dict_students_resource

    def getQuestionBaseInfo(self, question_set):
        dict_question_difficulty = {}
        str_content = ','.join([str(x) for x in question_set])
        sql = "select b.id, b.difficulty from neworiental_v3.entity_question  where b.id in (%s)" % str_content
        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            question_id, difficulty = row
            dict_question_diff[question_id] = int(difficulty)

        return dict_question_difficulty

    def updateStuAdapt2Difficult(self, range_throld=10, difficulty_throld=10):
        dict_exam_question = {}
        dict_exam_difficulty = {}
        dict_question_topic = self.recommend.getThisQuestionTopic()  #

        for exam_item in self.exam_list_records:
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = exam_item
            if question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[
                arr_point = link_point_id.strip().split(',')
                is_right = 1 if answer == 'A' or answer == 'B' else 0

                for point in arr_point:
                    key = '%s-%s' % (student_id, point)
                    if key not in dict_exam_question:
                        dict_exam_question[key] = []
                        dict_exam_difficulty[key] = {}

                    record = (question, is_right, difficulty, submit_time,
                    if difficulty not in dict_exam_difficulty[key]:
                        dict_exam_difficulty[key][difficulty] = []

        question_set = set([x[0] for x in self.practice_list_records])
        dict_question_difficulty = self.getQuestionBaseInfo(question_set)

        for practice_item in self.practice_list_records:
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = practice_item
            is_right = 1 if ret == 1 else 0
            if question in dict_question_difficulty:
                difficulty = self.dict_question_difficulty[question]
                if question in dict_question_topic:
                    topic_set = dict_question_topic[question]
                    for topic in topic_set:
                        if topic in self.dict_topic_point:
                            point = self.dict_topic_point[topic]
                            key = '%s-%s' % (student_id, point)
                            if key not in dict_exam_question:
                                dict_exam_question[key] = []
                                dict_exam_difficulty[key] = {}

                            if difficulty not in dict_exam_difficulty[key]:
                                dict_exam_difficulty[key][difficulty] = []
                            record = (question, is_right, difficulty,
                                      submit_time, question_type)

        dict_res = {}
        self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd('delete from entity_student_feature',
        for key in dict_exam_question:
            arr_content = key.split('-')
            student_id, point = arr_content[0], arr_content[1]
            question_records = sorted(dict_exam_question[key],
                                      key=lambda x: x[-1],
            right_cnt = 0
            throld = min(len(question_records), range_throld)
            #if throld < 10: continue
            for record_item in question_records[:throld]:
                question, is_right, difficulty, submit_time, question_type = record_item
                right_cnt += is_right

            rateRight = right_cnt / range_throld
            adaDiff, pDiff = 0, -1
            for difficulty in dict_exam_difficulty[key]:
                drecords = sorted(dict_exam_difficulty[key][difficulty],
                                  key=lambda x: x[-1],
                difficulty_throld = min(len(drecords), difficulty_throld)
                #if difficulty_throld < 4: continue
                dright_cnt = 0
                for diff_item in drecords[:difficulty_throld]:
                    question, is_right, difficulty, submit_time, question_type = diff_item
                    dright_cnt += is_right

                drateRight = dright_cnt / difficulty_throld
                if drateRight > pDiff:
                    adaDiff = difficulty
                    pDiff = drateRight

            point_name, ptype, question_type, level, parent_id, link_id = self.dict_point[
            insert_sql = "insert into entity_student_feature(student_id, point_id, point_name, adapt_difficulty, master) values(%s, %s, \'%s\', %s, %s)" \
                    % (student_id, point, point_name, adaDiff, rateRight)

            insert_id = self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(insert_sql,
            dict_res[key] = rateRight, difficulty

        return dict_res

    def getStudentScore(self):
        dict_student_score = {}
        for exam_item in self.exam_list_records:
            exam_question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = exam_item

            if exam_question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[

                a_score, i_score = self.getScore(question_num, answer)
                exam_key = '%s-%s' % (student_id, question_exercise_id)

                if exam_key not in dict_student_score:
                    dict_student_score[exam_key] = 0
                dict_student_score[exam_key] += i_score

        return dict_student_score

    def getFirstPoint(self):  # point
        dict_relation_point13 = {}
        sql = "select a.id id3, a.`name` name3, c.id id1, c.`name` name1 from entity_exam_points a join entity_exam_points  \
                b on b.id = a.parent_id join entity_exam_points c on c.id = b.parent_id where a.type = 3"

        rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for row in rows:
            point3, name3, point1, name1 = row
            dict_relation_point13[point3] = name3, point1, name1

        return dict_relation_point13

    def getExerciseName(self):
        dict_exercise_name = {}
        sql = "select DISTINCT a.question_exercise_id, b.resource_name from link_question_answer a join neworiental_v3.entity_exercise b \
                on b.id = a.question_exercise_id where a.update_time >= \'%s\'" % self.update_time

        exercise_rows = self.db_fetcher.get_sql_result(sql, 'mysql_logdata')
        for exercise_row in exercise_rows:
            exercise_id, resource_name = exercise_row
            dict_exercise_name[exercise_id] = resource_name

        return dict_exercise_name

    def getExamData(self, dict_student_score, dict_relation_point13,
        for exam_item in self.exam_list_records:  # exam
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = exam_item
            if question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[
                arr_points = [int(x) for x in link_point_id.strip().split(',')]
                exam_key = '%s-%s' % (student_id, question_exercise_id)
                str_point1, str_name1, str_point3, str_name3 = '', '', '', ''
                is_first = True
                for point3 in arr_points:
                    name3, point1, name1 = dict_relation_point13[point3]
                    if is_first == True:
                        str_point3, str_name3, str_point1, str_name1 = str(
                            point3), str(name3), str(point1), str(name1)
                        is_first = False
                        str_point3 += ',%d' % point3
                        str_name3 += ',%s' % name3
                        str_point1 += ',%d' % point1
                        str_name1 += ',%s' % name1

                resource_name = dict_exercise_name[question_exercise_id]
                exercise_score = dict_student_score[
                    exam_key] if exam_key in dict_student_score else 0
                a_score, i_score = self.getScore(question_num, answer)

                error_text = self.getErrorText(answer)
                print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
                    student_id, link_question_id, question_type, str_point1,
                    str_name1, str_point3, str_name3, submit_time,
                    resource_name, exercise_score, question_exercise_id,
                    a_score, i_score, difficulty, ret, question_num,
                    error_text, 1)

    def getPracticeData(self, dict_relation_point13, dict_question_topic,
        for practice_item in self.practice_list_records:  # practice
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = practice_item
            str_point1, str_name1, str_point3, str_name3 = '', '', '', ''
            is_first = True
            if question in dict_question_topic:
                if question in dict_question_topic:
                    topic_set = dict_question_topic[question]
                    for topic in topic_set:
                        if topic in self.dict_topic_point:
                            arr_point3 = [
                                int(x) for x in self.dict_topic_point[topic]
                            for point3 in arr_point3:
                                name3, point1, name1 = dict_relation_point13[
                                if is_first == True:
                                    str_point3, str_name3, str_point1, str_name1 = str(
                                        point3), str(name3), str(point1), str(
                                    is_first = False
                                    str_point3 += ',%s' % point3
                                    str_name3 += ',%s' % name3
                                    str_point1 += ',%s' % point1
                                    str_name1 += ',%s' % name1

            a_score, i_score = 0, 0
            # 单选题 选择题 填空题
            if question_type == '单选题' or question_type == '选择题' or question_type == '填空题':
                a_score = 5
                a_score = 12

            if ret == 1:
                i_score = a_score
            elif ret == 5:
                i_score = 0.5 * a_score

            difficulty, qtype = 1, 1
            if question in dict_question_base_info:
                difficulty, qtype = dict_question_base_info[question]

            errorText = '正确' if ret == 1 else '错误'
            print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
                student_id, question, question_type, str_point1, str_name1,
                str_point3, str_name3, submit_time, '推送练习', 0, 0, a_score,
                i_score, difficulty, ret, 0, errorText, 0)

    def getData(self):
        dict_student_score = self.getStudentScore()
        dict_relation_point13 = self.getFirstPoint()  # point
        dict_exercise_name = self.getExerciseName()

        dict_question_topic = self.recommend.getThisQuestionTopic(
        )  # question topic
        dict_question_base_info = self.recommend.getThisQuestionBaseInfo(
        )  # question quality
        print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % \
            ('学生id', '题目id', '题目类型', '一级考点id', '一级考点名称', '三级考点id', '三级考点名称', '提交时间', '试卷名称', '成绩', '题集id', '题目满分', '题目得分', '题目难度', '答题结果', '试卷题号', '错误原因', '考练类型')

        self.getExamData(dict_student_score, dict_relation_point13,
                         dict_exercise_name)  # exam
        self.getPracticeData(dict_relation_point13, dict_question_topic,
                             dict_question_base_info)  # practice

    def recommendMonday(self, is_new=0, throld=500):
        dict_question_topic = self.recommend.getThisQuestionTopic(
        )  # question topic
        d1 = datetime.datetime.now()
        d3 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(days=-14)
        str_monday = d3.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")

            "delete from entity_recommend_question_bytopic",
            'mysql_white_list')  # update
        self.importDefault(0, dict_question_topic)  # import
        is_first, insert_score = 1, 0
        new_sql = "insert into sync_student_recommend_question(system_id, resource_type, resource_id, subject_id, tag1, tag2, score, type, type_level, type_id) values"
        update_sql = "insert into entity_recommend_question_bytopic(system_id, type,chapter_id, topic_id, question_id, `master`, duration, important, subject_id, score, school_publish, org_id, org_type) values"
        dict_student_cnt = {}
        records = self.exam_list_records  #+ self.practice_list_records
        for item in records:
            question, student_id, ret, answer, submit_time, question_type = item
            if submit_time > str_monday:
                if question in self.dict_realtion_quesion:
                    link_question_id, link_point_id, question_num, difficulty, question_exercise_id, question_type = self.dict_realtion_quesion[

                    answer_key = '%s_%s' % (question, student_id)
                    if answer_key in self.dict_content_answer:
                        answer = self.dict_content_answer[answer_key]
                    if answer == 'A' or answer == 'B':
                        ret = 1
                        ret = 2

                if ret != 1:
                    if student_id not in dict_student_cnt:
                        dict_student_cnt[student_id] = 0
                    if dict_student_cnt[student_id] < throld:
                        # print '%s\t%s' % (student_id, link_question_id)
                        if is_first == 1:
                            update_sql += "(%s, 2, 0, 0, %s, 2, 2, 1, %s, %s, 0, 113, 2)" % (
                                student_id, link_question_id, 0, insert_score)
                            if is_new == 1:
                                new_sql += "(%s, 1, %s, %s, \'最近新错\', \'重难点\', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                                    student_id, link_question_id, 0,
                                    insert_score, 1, 3, 2186)
                            is_first = 0
                            update_sql += ",(%s, 2, 0, 0, %s, 2, 2, 1, %s, %s, 0, 113, 2)" % (
                                student_id, link_question_id, 0, insert_score)
                            if is_new == 1:
                                new_sql += "(%s, 1, %s, %s, \'最近新错\', \'重难点\', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                                    student_id, link_question_id, 0,
                                    insert_score, 1, 3, 2186)

                        dict_student_cnt[student_id] += 1
                        insert_score += 1

        if is_new == 1:
            self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(new_sql, 'mysql_v3_white_list')
            self.db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(update_sql, 'mysql_white_list')
        is_first = 1
        for u in ul:
            if is_first > 0:  # parse
                lis = u.find_all('li')
                for li in lis:
                    if li.h3 is not None:
                        second_text = li.h3.text
                        thirds = li.ul.find_all('li')
                        for th in thirds:
                            attribute_url = '%s/%s' % (jquery_host,
                            attribute = th.a.text  # attribute
                            print attribute
                            retVal, str_summarize, str_parameter, str_example = parse_jquery_attribute(
                            cnt += 1
                            insert_sql += "(\'%s\', \'%s\', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % \
                                    (attribute, first_text, second_text, retVal, str_summarize, str_parameter, str_example)
                            if cnt % 10 == 0:
                                res = db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(
                                    insert_sql, "mysql_duyi_core")
                                insert_sql = "insert into crawl_jquery(attribute, first_class, second_class, ret_value, summarize, parameter, example) values"
                                insert_sql += ','

                is_first = -1

    insert_sql = insert_sql[:len(insert_sql) - 1]  # process last ','
    db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(insert_sql, "mysql_duyi_core")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # update news_report company
    now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    yes_time = now_time + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
    yes_date = yes_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    db_data = db_fetcher.get_sql_result(
        'select id, article_json, publish from kr_articles where publish = \'%s\''
        % yes_date, 'mysql_insight')
    for pos in range(len(db_data)):
        kid = str(db_data[pos][0])
            article_json = str(db_data[pos][1])
            article_obj = json.loads(article_json, strict=False)

            url = 'http://36kr.com/p/%s.html' % kid
            title = article_obj['title']
            source = "36Kr"
            publish_date = '%s 00:00:00' % str(db_data[pos][2])
            domain = '36kr.com'
            content_html = article_obj['content'].encode(
            ) if 'content' in article_obj and article_obj['content'] else ''
            content = re.sub('<[^>]+>', '', content_html)

            insert_sql = "insert into news_report(url, publish_date, title, content, source, domain, aid) values(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\',\'%s\',%s)" % (
                url, publish_date, title, content, source, domain, kid)
            db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(insert_sql, 'mysql_insight')
            print 'the error article id :%s' % kid
import sys,os
sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../')))
import json,math,MySQLdb,datetime,time
import similary_question as sq

from recommend import RecommendQuestion
from common.db_fetcher import DataBaseFetcher

recommend = RecommendQuestion() # object
db_fetcher = DataBaseFetcher()

question_list = [] # set
delete_sql = "DELETE FROM error_question_log WHERE question_id IN ( select c.question_id from (SELECT a.question_id FROM error_question_log a JOIN neworiental_v3.entity_question b ON a.question_id = b.id WHERE b.subject_id != 4) c)"
db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(delete_sql, 'mysql_logdata') # update

rows = db_fetcher.get_sql_result("select question_id from error_question_log", 'mysql_logdata')
for row in rows:
    qid = row[0]

def getQuestionWords(question_list): # question word
    dict_question_info = {}
    lSet = int(len(question_list) / 1000) + 2
    start, end = 0, 0
    for i in range(1, lSet):
        end = i * 1000
        if end > len(question_list): end = len(question_list)
        str_question = ','.join([str(x) for x in question_list[start:end] ])
        str_sql = "select c.id, c.subject_id, t.type_id,t.struct_id, c.json_data, c.difficulty, c.question_type from neworiental_v3.entity_question c left \

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # update news_report company
    now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    yes_time = now_time + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
    yes_date = yes_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    condition_sql = "publish_date >= \'%s 00:00:00\' and publish_date <= '%s 23:59:59' and type = 0" % (
        yes_date, yes_date)
    db_data = db_fetcher.get_sql_result(
        'select id, title, content from news_report where %s' % condition_sql,
    for pos in range(len(db_data)):
        kid, title, content = str(db_data[pos][0]), str(db_data[pos][1]), str(
            topic_coms = comlib.extract_report(
                title, content.encode('utf8', 'ignore'), '-1')
            reported_coms = ",".join([x[0] for x in topic_coms])
            com_id, is_confident = comlib.extract_report(
                title, content.encode('utf8', 'ignore'))
            reported_com = 0
            if com_id and com_id != "0" and is_confident:
                reported_com = int(com_id)
            event_type = get_event_type(title)
            update_sql = "update news_report set reported_com= %s, reported_coms = \'%s\',event_type = %s  where id = %s" % (
                reported_com, reported_coms, event_type, kid)
            db_fetcher.commit_sql_cmd(update_sql, "mysql_insight")
            print 'happend error title:%s' % title