def _RetrieveTreeStatus(tree_name, start_time, end_time=None):
    """Returns a time-ascending-sorted TreeStatus list since checking point."""
    url = _MONITORED_TREES[tree_name]
    params = {
        'limit': 1000,  # 1000 is large enough to get all recent tree statuses.
        'format': 'json',
        # Tree status app treats endTime as the beginning of the time range.
        'endTime': time_util.ConvertToTimestamp(start_time),
    if end_time:
        # Tree status app treats startTime as the end of the time range.
        params['startTime'] = time_util.ConvertToTimestamp(end_time)
    http_client = FinditHttpClient()
    status_code, content, _response_headers = http_client.Get(url,
    if status_code == 200:
        all_statuses = map(_CreateTreeStatus, json.loads(content))
        all_statuses.sort(key=lambda s: s.time)
        # With 'endTime' set, the Tree status app always includes a duplicate entry
        # for the latest status.
        return all_statuses[:-1]
        logging.error('Failed to retrieve tree status for %s from %r to %r',
                      tree_name, start_time, end_time)
        return []  # Wait for next execution.
def _TreeIsOpen():
    """Determine whether the chromium tree is currently open."""
    url = 'https://chromium-status.appspot.com/allstatus'
    params = {
        'limit': '1',
        'format': 'json',
    client = FinditHttpClient()
    status_code, content, _response_headers = client.Get(url, params)

    if status_code == 200:
            states = json.loads(str(content))
            if states and states[0].get('general_state') == 'open':
                return True
        except ValueError, ve:
            logging.exception('Could not parse chromium tree status: %s', ve)