def readfile_xyz(fname): string = "" zmat, symbols, masses = ff.read_xyz_zmat(fname) xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(zmat[0],zmat[1]) # Print more information ndummy = symbols.count("XX") natoms = len(symbols)-ndummy # without dummies symbols_wo , xcc_wo = fncs.clean_dummies(symbols,xcc=xcc) symbols_wo , masses_wo = fncs.clean_dummies(symbols,masses=masses) molecule = Molecule() molecule.setvar(xcc=xcc_wo,symbols=symbols_wo,masses=masses_wo,ch=0,mtp=1) molecule.prepare() molecule.setup() string += "Molecular formula : %s\n"%molecule._mform string += "Number of atoms : %i\n"%natoms string += "Number of dummy atoms : %i\n"%ndummy string += "Vibrational d.o.f. : %i\n"%molecule._nvdof string += "\n" # Cartesian Coordinates string += "Cartesian coordinates (in Angstrom):\n" sidx = "%%%si"%len(str(len(symbols))) at_wo = -1 dwithout = {} for at,symbol in enumerate(symbols): xi,yi,zi = [value*pc.ANGSTROM for value in xcc[3*at : 3*at+3]] mass = masses[at]*pc.AMU datainline = (sidx%(at+1),symbol,xi,yi,zi,mass) if symbol != "XX": at_wo += 1; dwithout[at] = at_wo else: dwithout[at] = None string += "[%s] %-2s %+12.7f %+12.7f %+12.7f (%7.3f amu)\n"%datainline string += "\n" return xcc,zmat,symbols,masses,(dwithout,molecule,natoms,ndummy),string
def detect_nh2(cmatrix, symbols, lzmat, zmatvals, inpvars): lNH2 = [] xcc = None enantio = {} for idxN, symbol in enumerate(symbols): if symbol != "N": continue # check bonded atoms bonded_N = [idx2 for idx2, bool2 in enumerate(cmatrix[idxN]) if bool2] if len(bonded_N) != 3: continue hatoms = [idx2 for idx2 in bonded_N if symbols[idx2] == "H"] ratoms = [idx2 for idx2 in bonded_N if symbols[idx2] != "H"] if len(hatoms) != 2: continue # Get Cartesians if xcc is None: xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) # Define dihedral for reference configuration idxH1, idxH2 = sorted(hatoms) idxR = ratoms[0] HNRH_atoms = (idxH1, idxN, idxR, idxH2) HNRH_value, HNRH_bool = tfh.deal_with_HNRH(HNRH_atoms, xcc) lNH2.append((HNRH_atoms, HNRH_value, HNRH_bool)) # in target torsion? for X, tatoms in inpvars._tatoms.items(): atA, atB, atC, atD = tatoms # see case and define dihedral for the other H if (atB == idxN and atA == idxH1) or (atC == idxN and atD == idxH1): enantio[X] = +HNRH_value elif (atB == idxN and atA == idxH2) or (atC == idxN and atD == idxH2): enantio[X] = -HNRH_value else: continue return lNH2
def test_hsconstraints(lzmat, zmatvals, constr, which="hard"): if constr is None or len(constr) == 0: return True # the xcc xcc = None # check constraints for ic, icdomain in constr: if ic in zmatvals: icvalue = zmatvals[ic] if icvalue < 0.0: icvalue = icvalue % 360 else: # Get atoms icatoms = [int(at) - 1 for at in ic.split("-")] nicatoms = len(icatoms) # Get xcc for each atom if xcc is None: xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) xyzs = [, at) for at in icatoms] # calculate value in xcc if nicatoms == 2: icvalue = fncs.distance(*xyzs) * ANGSTROM elif nicatoms == 3: icvalue = np.rad2deg(fncs.angle(*xyzs)) % 360 elif nicatoms == 4: icvalue = np.rad2deg(fncs.dihedral(*xyzs)) % 360 else: raise Exception # in domain? boolean = fncs.float_in_domain(icvalue, icdomain) if which == "hard" and boolean is False: return False if which == "soft" and boolean is True: return True # (hard) all of them are fulfilled if which == "hard": return True # (soft) all of them failed if which == "soft": return False
def correct_NH2_inversion(lzmat, zmatvals, zmatatoms, lNH2): inversion = False if len(lNH2) != 0: # Create Cartesian coords xcc0 = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) # Check every NH2 group for HNRH_atoms, HNRH_value, HNRH_bool in lNH2: # check inversion cvalue, cbool = deal_with_HNRH(HNRH_atoms, xcc0) if HNRH_bool == cbool: continue # EXCHANGE HIDROGEN ATOMS!! inversion = True idxH1 = HNRH_atoms[0] idxH2 = HNRH_atoms[3] x1 = xcc0[3 * idxH1:3 * idxH1 + 3] x2 = xcc0[3 * idxH2:3 * idxH2 + 3] xcc0[3 * idxH1:3 * idxH1 + 3] = x2 xcc0[3 * idxH2:3 * idxH2 + 3] = x1 # recalculate zmatrix values (only those involving H1 or H2) for ic, atoms in zmatatoms.items(): if not (idxH1 in atoms or idxH2 in atoms): continue xs = (xcc0[3 * at:3 * at + 3] for at in atoms) if len(atoms) == 2: zmatvals[ic] = ANGSTROM * fncs.distance(*xs) if len(atoms) == 3: zmatvals[ic] = np.rad2deg(fncs.angle(*xs)) if len(atoms) == 4: zmatvals[ic] = np.rad2deg(fncs.dihedral(*xs)) return zmatvals, inversion
def adjmatrix_from_zmatrix(lzmat, zmatvals, cfactor): # convert to cartesian coordinates xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) # symbols symbols = [pack[0] for pack in lzmat] # Get connection matrix cmatrix = intl.get_adjmatrix(xcc, symbols, scale=cfactor, mode="bool")[0] return cmatrix
def enantiovec(lzmat, zmatvals, dcorr, inpvars): if dcorr == "Cs": vec = zmat2vec(zmatvals, inpvars._tic, negative=True) return TorPESpoint(vec) else: xcc0 = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) xcc_enantio = enan.generate_enantio(xcc0) xcc_enantio = enan.reorder_enantio(xcc_enantio, dcorr) vec_enantio = xcc2vec(xcc_enantio, inpvars) return vec_enantio
def read_gaussian_log(filename,target_level=None): ''' xcc,gcc,Fcc and symbols --> returned without dummy atoms ''' if not os.path.exists(filename): return # split lines into blocks (in case of Link1) blocks = split_gaulog_into_gaublocks(filename) # Get info of each block data = [get_data_from_gaublock(block) for block in blocks] # There is nothing to return if data == []: return [None]*12 # Localize data with hessian matrix IDX = -1 for idx,data_i in enumerate(data): Fcc = data_i[7] if Fcc is not None: IDX = idx break # Return the best set of data (the last with the hessian or the last block) commands,comment,ch,mtp,symbols,xcc,gcc,Fcc,energies,E_oniom,num_imag,zmat = data[IDX] # Recalculating xcc from z-matrix (do not trust the orientation read from output) if zmat is not None: (lzmat,zmatvals,zmatatoms),symbols = convert_zmat(zmat) xcc = zmat2xcc(lzmat,zmatvals) # Correct symbols (just in case) symbols,atonums = symbols_and_atonums(symbols) # Remove dummies from xcc, gcc and Fcc! if xcc is not None: xcc = clean_dummies(symbols,xcc=xcc)[1] if gcc is not None: gcc = clean_dummies(symbols,gcc=gcc)[1] if Fcc is not None: Fcc = clean_dummies(symbols,Fcc=Fcc)[1] symbols = clean_dummies(symbols) # If user does not ask for level, send one of lowest energy if target_level is None: energies.sort() energy,level = energies[0] else: IDX = None exception = Exc.LevelNotFound() exception._var = target_level for idx,(energy,level) in enumerate(energies): if level.lower() == target_level.lower(): IDX = idx break if IDX is None: raise exception energy, level = energies[IDX] # oniom? if E_oniom is not None: energy = E_oniom level = "ONIOM" # Return data return commands,comment,ch,mtp,symbols,xcc,gcc,Fcc,energy,num_imag,zmat,level
def get_rotcons(lzmat,zmatvals,symbols): xcc = zmat2xcc(lzmat,zmatvals) # correct symbols (just in case) symbols,atonums = fncs.symbols_and_atonums(symbols) # Data without dummies symbols_wo,xcc_wo = fncs.clean_dummies(symbols,xcc=list(xcc)) # generate Molecule instance molecule = Molecule() molecule.setvar(xcc=xcc_wo) molecule.setvar(symbols=symbols_wo) molecule.setvar(V0=0) molecule.setvar(ch=0,mtp=1) molecule.prepare() molecule.setup() # in freq units (GHz) imoms = [Ii * pc.KG*pc.METER**2 for Ii in molecule._imoms] rotcons = [pc.H_SI/(Ii*8*np.pi**2)/1E9 for Ii in imoms] return rotcons
def write_molden_allconfs(dataconfs,Eref,allsymbols,folder): print(tvars.IBS2+"Generating xyz file with all geometries...") print(tvars.IBS2+" filename: %s"%(folder+tvars.ALLCONFS)) string = "" for idx,conftuple in enumerate(dataconfs): vec,V0,V1,G,weight,Qrv,ifreq,zmat,zmatvals,log = conftuple # convert to xyz V0_rel = (V0-Eref)*pc.KCALMOL description = " * E = %+7.3f kcal/mol ; (%i) %s"%(V0_rel,idx+1,str(vec)) symbols = [symbol for symbol in allsymbols if symbol.upper() not in ("X","XX")] natoms = len(symbols) xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(zmat,zmatvals) # remove dummy atoms (if there is any) xcc = fncs.flatten_llist( [,idx) for idx,symbol in enumerate(allsymbols) \ if symbol.upper() not in ("X","XX")]) # add to string string += string4xyzfile(xcc,symbols,info=description) with open(folder+tvars.ALLCONFS,'w') as asdf: asdf.write(string) print("")
from common.files import read_xyz from common.files import read_xyz_zmat from common.files import write_xyz from common.pgs import get_pgs files = [fname for fname in os.listdir(".") if fname.endswith(".xyz")] print(files) for xyz in files: #if "" not in xyz: continue print(xyz) # read file try: xcc, symbols, masses = read_xyz(xyz) except: (lzmat, zmatvals, zmatatoms), symbols, masses = read_xyz_zmat(xyz) xcc = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) # point group pg, rotsigma = get_pgs(symbols, masses, xcc) print(" -", pg) # Name for molden file xyz2 = xyz.replace(".xyz", "") # Get enantiomer try: xcc_enantio = gen_enantio_and_correlate(xcc, symbols, masses, pp=True) except: xcc_enantio = None if xcc_enantio is None: print("unable to correlate!\n") elif os.path.exists(xyz2): print("%s already exists!\n" % xyz2)
def main(): # Presentation and arguments argsbools = get_options_from_prompt() num_options = len([argsbools[option] for option in OPTIONS__.split(",") \ if argsbools[option] is not False]) # No options selected & no input- print info if num_options == 0 and not os.path.exists(tvars.IFILE): pp.print_notfound(tvars.IFILE) sprint("No options were given! Use --help for more information", tvars.NIBS, 1) raise exc.END # Input & Templates creation if argsbools["inp"] or argsbools["input"]: inpvars = deal_with_input(case="create") raise exc.END else: try: inpvars = deal_with_input(case="read") except: raise exc.END # No options selected & no zmatrix - print info if num_options == 0 and not os.path.exists(inpvars._zmatfile): pp.print_notfound(inpvars._zmatfile) sprint("No options were given! Use --help for more information", tvars.NIBS, 1) raise exc.END # zmat file exists? if not os.path.exists(inpvars._zmatfile): pp.print_filenotfound(inpvars._zmatfile, tvars.NIBS, 1) raise exc.END # Read zmat, check variables, generate templates and update current variables inpvars.prepare_variables() if len(inpvars._ttorsions) == 0: sprint("No torsions selected in input file!", tvars.NIBS) if num_options == 0: sprint("No options were given! Use --help for more information", tvars.NIBS, 1) raise exc.END inpvars, zmat, symbols, masses, cmatrix, lCH3, lNH2, ndummy = zmat_preparation( inpvars) # Enantiomers? Correlate numbering dcorr = None if inpvars._enantio: sprint("--> enantio keyword activated!", tvars.NIBS2) sprint(" testing on reference...", tvars.NIBS2) lzmat, zmatvals, zmatatoms = zmat # reference geom xcc0 = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals) vec0 = tfh.xcc2vec(xcc0, inpvars) sprint(" reference : %s" % str(vec0), tvars.NIBS2) try: # (1) First, try checking Cs symmetry! # 1.1 - create geom with all torsions at 180 zmatvals2 = zmatvals.copy() for ic in inpvars._tic: zmatvals2[ic] = 180.0 xcc0 = intl.zmat2xcc(lzmat, zmatvals2) # 1.2 check is point group is Cs pg, rotsigma = get_pgs(symbols, masses, xcc0) if pg == "Cs": dcorr = "Cs" sprint(" enantiomer: phi --> -phi", tvars.NIBS2, 1) # (2) Correlate atoms with enantiomer else: # enantiomer xcc_enantio = enan.generate_enantio(xcc0) dcorr = enan.correlate_enantio(xcc0, xcc_enantio, symbols) xcc_enantio = enan.reorder_enantio(xcc_enantio, dcorr) vec_enantio = tfh.xcc2vec(xcc_enantio, inpvars) sprint(" enantiomer: %s" % str(vec_enantio), tvars.NIBS2, 1) except: dcorr = None sprint(" something went wrong... enantio deactivated!", tvars.NIBS2, 1) inpvars._enantio = False # Check opt mode if ndummy != 0 and inpvars._optmode != 0: sprint( "WARNING! Dummy atoms detected! Keyword 'optmode' will be set to 0!!", tvars.NIBS, 1) inpvars._optmode = 0 # dealing with TS? if not inpvars._ts: inpvars._ifqrangeLL = [] inpvars._ifqrangeHL = [] #=========================# # Act according option(s) # #=========================# # No options selected - print info if num_options == 0: sprint("", tvars.NIBS) sprint("No options were given! Use --help for more information", tvars.NIBS, 1) raise exc.END #--------------------------# # LL SEARCH (opt + search) # #--------------------------# if argsbools["prec"] is not False or argsbools["stoc"]: # Preconditioned search? inpvars._prec = argsbools["prec"] try: args = (inpvars, zmat, symbols, cmatrix, dcorr, lNH2) execute_code(search_conformers, args, "Low-Level search") except exc.WrongDimension as exception: sprint("ERROR! Wrong dimension in file '%s'!" % inpvars._pcfile, tvars.NIBS2) sprint( "First line of file contains %i torsion(s)!" % exception._ntor, tvars.NIBS2 + 7) sprint("--> %s " % exception._fline, tvars.NIBS2 + 7) sprint("Line which causes this error:", tvars.NIBS2 + 7) sprint("--> %s " % exception._line, tvars.NIBS2 + 7) sprint() raise exc.END except exc.UnableGenRandAng as exception: sprint("ERROR! Unable to generate valid random angle!", tvars.NIBS2) if len(exception._domain) == 0: sprint("Empty domain for one of the torsions!", tvars.NIBS2 + 7) else: the_domain = "U".join( ["(%.0f,%.0f)" % (p1, p2) for p1, p2 in exception._domain]) sprint("Domain for torsion: %s" % the_domain, tvars.NIBS2 + 7) sprint() raise exc.END except exc.ErrorHConstraint: sprint("ERROR! Problem(s) when checking hard constraint(s)!\n", tvars.NIBS2) raise exc.END except exc.ErrorSConstraint: sprint("ERROR! Problem(s) when checking soft constraint(s)!\n", tvars.NIBS2) raise exc.END #--------------------------# # MSHO LL # #--------------------------# if argsbools["msho"] in ["ll", "all"]: argsLL = (inpvars, cmatrix, "LL", dcorr) execute_code(classify_files, argsLL, "Low-Level MSHO partition functions") #--------------------------# # MSTOR LL # #--------------------------# if argsbools["mstor"] in ["ll", "all"]: args = (inpvars, "ll", dcorr, lCH3) execute_code(gen_mstor, args, "Generating MsTor input (LL)") #--------------------------# # HLOPT (re-optimization) # #--------------------------# if argsbools["hlopt"] is not False: mode_hlopt, lowerconformer, upperconformer = argsbools["hlopt"] if mode_hlopt == "0": args = (inpvars, cmatrix, lowerconformer, upperconformer, True, lNH2) execute_code(highlevel_reopt, args, "High-Level calculations") elif mode_hlopt == "1": args = (inpvars, cmatrix, lowerconformer, upperconformer, False, lNH2) execute_code(highlevel_reopt, args, "Generating High-Level input files") raise exc.END #--------------------------# # MSHO HL # #--------------------------# if argsbools["msho"] in ["hl", "all"]: argsHL = (inpvars, cmatrix, "HL", dcorr) execute_code(classify_files, argsHL, "High-Level MSHO partition functions") #--------------------------# # MSTOR HL # #--------------------------# if argsbools["mstor"] in ["hl", "all"]: args = (inpvars, "hl", dcorr, lCH3) execute_code(gen_mstor, args, "Generating MsTor input (HL)") #--------------------------# # REGEN (regenerate data) # #--------------------------# if argsbools["regen"]: args = (inpvars, ) execute_code(regen_from_tmp, args, "Regenerating domains") raise exc.END