 print "\nAnalyzing message number %d: %s\n" % (msgNum+1, msg)
 print "Message IC: %.4f" % msgIC
 print "Message is likely %s\n" % ("polyalphabetic" if isPoly else "monoalphabetic")
 # 3. For the ones which you suspect aren't monoalphabetic, they have been encrypted either using a Vignere cipher or Hills system. In order to differentiate, we shall apply the standard Vignere tests for keyword - the messages have specifically been chosen so that a Hills system message will be recognizable by how these tests perform. 
 if isPoly:
     # (a) Find all repeated strings of lengths 3 or more and apply the Kasiski test.
     kt = KasiskiTest()        
     kasiskiFailed = False
     repeatedSubstrs = kt.getRepeatedSubstrs(msg, 3)     
     if repeatedSubstrs:
         print "Repeated substrs of length >= 3:\n%s\n" % repeatedSubstrs
         print "Potential keys determined by running Kasiski test on each substring:"
         # print out potential key lengths for every substring
         for keyLens in kt.getAllPotentialKeyLens(msg, repeatedSubstrs):
             print keyLens
         mostLikelyKeysKasiski = kt.getMostLikelyKeyLens(msg, repeatedSubstrs)
         print "\nMost likely key lengths using Kasiski test:\n%s\n" % (mostLikelyKeysKasiski)
         # initialize the letter frequency class
         letFreq = LetterFrequency()
         # loop through the top 4 most likely key lengths according to the kasiski test
         for keyLen in mostLikelyKeysKasiski[:2]:
             # Split the message into keyLen columns        
             msgColumns = polyCi.msgSplit(msg, keyLen)
             # holds the potential keyword
             keyword = ""
             # perform frequency analysis on each column