def get_or_add_hypervisor(self, graph_db, resource_id, pop, timestamp, properties=None): """ Retrieve or add the Hypervisor node from the DB :param graph_db: Graph DB instance :param resource_id: ID of the Hypervisor :param pop: PoP ID :param timestamp: timestamp in epoch :param properties: optional properties of the node :return Node: Hypervisor node """ if not properties: properties = dict() with mutex: properties['pop'] = pop index = (self.label, 'openstack_uuid', 'hypervisor-' + str(resource_id)) hyperv_node = neo_resource.add_node(graph_db, index, timestamp, properties) if self.hostname: host_node = HostNode(self.hostname).get_resource( graph_db, timestamp) if host_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, hyperv_node, host_node, timestamp, 'runs_on') return hyperv_node
def get_or_add_hypervisor(self, graph_db, resource_id, pop, timestamp, properties=None): """ Retrieve or add the Hypervisor node from the DB :param graph_db: Graph DB instance :param resource_id: ID of the Hypervisor :param pop: PoP ID :param timestamp: timestamp in epoch :param properties: optional properties of the node :return Node: Hypervisor node """ if not properties: properties = dict() with mutex: properties['pop'] = pop index = (self.label, 'openstack_uuid', 'hypervisor-' + str(resource_id)) hyperv_node = neo_resource.add_node(graph_db, index, timestamp, properties) if self.hostname: host_node = HostNode(self.hostname).get_resource(graph_db, timestamp) if host_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, hyperv_node, host_node, timestamp, 'runs_on') return hyperv_node
def store(self, graph_db, properties, pop, timestamp): """ Store a new controller service in the Graph DB :param graph_db: Graph DB instance :param properties: properties of the controller node :param pop: PoP ID :param timestamp: timestamp in epoch """ with mutex: if self.uuid: properties['pop'] = pop controller_service_node = self.get_or_add_resource(graph_db, timestamp, properties) host_node = HostNode(properties['hostname']).get_resource(graph_db, timestamp) neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, controller_service_node, host_node, timestamp, 'runs_on')
def store(self, graph_db, properties, pop, timestamp): """ Store a new controller service in the Graph DB :param graph_db: Graph DB instance :param properties: properties of the controller node :param pop: PoP ID :param timestamp: timestamp in epoch """ with mutex: if self.uuid: properties['pop'] = pop controller_service_node = self.get_or_add_resource( graph_db, timestamp, properties) host_node = HostNode(properties['hostname']).get_resource( graph_db, timestamp) neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, controller_service_node, host_node, timestamp, 'runs_on')
def store(self, path, hwloc_file, cpu_file=None, sriov_file=None, dpdk_file=None, timestamp=None): """ Store information contained in files created by the EPA agents into Neo4j. using a networkx graph :param path: Path of the files :param hwloc_file: Hardware locality file :param cpu_file: Optional cpu information file :param sriov_file: Optional SR-IOV information file :param dpdk_file: Optional DPDK information file :param timestamp: Optional timestamp in epoch """ graph = nx.DiGraph() xml_root = Et.parse(path + hwloc_file).getroot() deleted_edges = {} for child in xml_root: _parse_object_hwloc(graph, child, self.hostname, deleted_edges, self.pop_id) if cpu_file is not None: processors_dict = _parse_cpu_info(path + cpu_file) _enrich_graph_cpuinfo(graph, processors_dict) if dpdk_file is not None: dpdk_dict = _parse_dpdk_info(path + dpdk_file) _enrich_graph_dpdkinfo(graph, dpdk_dict) if sriov_file is not None: sriov_dict = _parse_sriov_info(path + sriov_file) _enrich_graph_sriovinfo(graph, sriov_dict) if timestamp is not None: now = timestamp else: now = time.time() neo_id_nodes = {} nodes_to_add = [] nodes_stored = [] query_string = ( "Match n Where n.hostname = {hostname} " "And n.resource_type = {resource_type} Return n.physical_name" ) res = self.graph_db.cypher.execute(query_string, hostname=self.hostname, resource_type="physical") for item in res: print str(item) nodes_stored.append(item["n.physical_name"]) for nx_node in graph.nodes(): nodes_to_add.append(str(nx_node)) neo_id_nodes[nx_node] = neo_resource.add_node( self.graph_db, (self.label, self.index, nx_node), now, get_node_properties(graph, nx_node) ) nodes_to_remove = [item for item in nodes_stored if item not in nodes_to_add] for node in nodes_to_remove: neo_resource.delete_node(self.graph_db, (self.label, self.index, node)) for edge in graph.edges(): source = edge[0] target = edge[1] edge_label = "" if "label" in graph.edge[source][target]: edge_label = graph.edge[source][target]["label"] db_src = neo_id_nodes[source] db_target = neo_id_nodes[target] rel_stored = neo_resource.get_edge(self.graph_db, db_src, db_target) if rel_stored is None: neo_resource.add_edge(self.graph_db, db_src, db_target, timestamp, edge_label) else: neo_resource.update_edge(self.graph_db, timestamp, edge_label, db_src=db_src, db_target=db_target)
def store(self, graph_db, properties, pop, timestamp, in_edges=None, out_edges=None, host_nodes=None, controller_services=None, hypervisors=None, update=False): """ Store the resource to the Graph DB :param graph_db: Graph DB instance :param properties: properties of the node :param pop: PoP ID :param timestamp: timestamp in epoch :param in_edges: inward relations :param out_edges: outward relations :param host_nodes: Machine node where the resource is running on :param controller_services: Controller services that manage the resource :param hypervisors: hypervisor where the resource is running on, if any :param update: if true, it updates an existing node """ with mutex: properties['pop'] = pop if update: openstack_node = neo_resource.update_node(graph_db, self.index, timestamp, properties=properties) else: openstack_node = neo_resource.add_node(graph_db, self.index, timestamp, properties=properties) if openstack_node: if in_edges: for in_edge in in_edges: if in_edges[in_edge]['mandatory']: in_node = OpenstackResource(in_edge).get_or_add_resource(graph_db, timestamp) else: in_node = OpenstackResource(in_edge).get_resource(graph_db) if in_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, in_node, openstack_node, timestamp, in_edges[in_edge]['label']) if out_edges: for out_edge in out_edges: if out_edges[out_edge]['mandatory']: out_node = OpenstackResource(out_edge).get_or_add_resource(graph_db, timestamp) else: out_node = OpenstackResource(out_edge).get_resource(graph_db) if out_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, out_node, timestamp, out_edges[out_edge]['label']) if host_nodes: for host in host_nodes: host_node = HostNode(host).get_resource(graph_db, timestamp) if host_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, host_node, timestamp, 'runs_on') if hypervisors: for host in hypervisors: hypervisor = Hypervisor(host).get_hypervisor(graph_db) if hypervisor: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, hypervisor, timestamp, 'deployed_on') if controller_services: for service in controller_services: service_node = ControllerService().get_resource_by_type(graph_db, service) if service_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, service_node, openstack_node, timestamp, 'manages') if['type'] == 'port': if 'profile' in['attributes']: port_attributes = json.loads(['attributes']) if 'profile' in port_attributes and 'pci_slot' in port_attributes['profile']: pci_dev = neo_resource.get_nodes_by_attribute(graph_db,['hostname'], port_attributes['profile']['pci_slot']) if pci_dev and len(pci_dev) == 1: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, pci_dev[0], timestamp, 'runs_on') return openstack_node
def store(self, graph_db, properties, pop, timestamp, in_edges=None, out_edges=None, host_nodes=None, controller_services=None, hypervisors=None, update=False): """ Store the resource to the Graph DB :param graph_db: Graph DB instance :param properties: properties of the node :param pop: PoP ID :param timestamp: timestamp in epoch :param in_edges: inward relations :param out_edges: outward relations :param host_nodes: Machine node where the resource is running on :param controller_services: Controller services that manage the resource :param hypervisors: hypervisor where the resource is running on, if any :param update: if true, it updates an existing node """ with mutex: properties['pop'] = pop if update: openstack_node = neo_resource.update_node( graph_db, self.index, timestamp, properties=properties) else: openstack_node = neo_resource.add_node(graph_db, self.index, timestamp, properties=properties) if openstack_node: if in_edges: for in_edge in in_edges: if in_edges[in_edge]['mandatory']: in_node = OpenstackResource( in_edge).get_or_add_resource( graph_db, timestamp) else: in_node = OpenstackResource(in_edge).get_resource( graph_db) if in_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, in_node, openstack_node, timestamp, in_edges[in_edge]['label']) if out_edges: for out_edge in out_edges: if out_edges[out_edge]['mandatory']: out_node = OpenstackResource( out_edge).get_or_add_resource( graph_db, timestamp) else: out_node = OpenstackResource( out_edge).get_resource(graph_db) if out_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, out_node, timestamp, out_edges[out_edge]['label']) if host_nodes: for host in host_nodes: host_node = HostNode(host).get_resource( graph_db, timestamp) if host_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, host_node, timestamp, 'runs_on') if hypervisors: for host in hypervisors: hypervisor = Hypervisor(host).get_hypervisor(graph_db) if hypervisor: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, hypervisor, timestamp, 'deployed_on') if controller_services: for service in controller_services: service_node = ControllerService( ).get_resource_by_type(graph_db, service) if service_node: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, service_node, openstack_node, timestamp, 'manages') if['type'] == 'port': if 'profile' in['attributes']: port_attributes = json.loads(['attributes']) if 'profile' in port_attributes and 'pci_slot' in port_attributes[ 'profile']: pci_dev = neo_resource.get_nodes_by_attribute( graph_db,['hostname'], port_attributes['profile']['pci_slot']) if pci_dev and len(pci_dev) == 1: neo_resource.add_edge(graph_db, openstack_node, pci_dev[0], timestamp, 'runs_on') return openstack_node
def store(self, path, hwloc_file, cpu_file=None, sriov_file=None, dpdk_file=None, timestamp=None): """ Store information contained in files created by the EPA agents into Neo4j. using a networkx graph :param path: Path of the files :param hwloc_file: Hardware locality file :param cpu_file: Optional cpu information file :param sriov_file: Optional SR-IOV information file :param dpdk_file: Optional DPDK information file :param timestamp: Optional timestamp in epoch """ graph = nx.DiGraph() xml_root = Et.parse(path + hwloc_file).getroot() deleted_edges = {} for child in xml_root: _parse_object_hwloc(graph, child, self.hostname, deleted_edges, self.pop_id) if cpu_file is not None: processors_dict = _parse_cpu_info(path + cpu_file) _enrich_graph_cpuinfo(graph, processors_dict) if dpdk_file is not None: dpdk_dict = _parse_dpdk_info(path + dpdk_file) _enrich_graph_dpdkinfo(graph, dpdk_dict) if sriov_file is not None: sriov_dict = _parse_sriov_info(path + sriov_file) _enrich_graph_sriovinfo(graph, sriov_dict) if timestamp is not None: now = timestamp else: now = time.time() neo_id_nodes = {} nodes_to_add = [] nodes_stored = [] query_string = 'Match n Where n.hostname = {hostname} ' \ 'And n.resource_type = {resource_type} Return n.physical_name' res = self.graph_db.cypher.execute(query_string, hostname=self.hostname, resource_type='physical') for item in res: print str(item) nodes_stored.append(item['n.physical_name']) for nx_node in graph.nodes(): nodes_to_add.append(str(nx_node)) neo_id_nodes[nx_node] = neo_resource.add_node( self.graph_db, (self.label, self.index, nx_node), now, get_node_properties(graph, nx_node)) nodes_to_remove = [ item for item in nodes_stored if item not in nodes_to_add ] for node in nodes_to_remove: neo_resource.delete_node(self.graph_db, (self.label, self.index, node)) for edge in graph.edges(): source = edge[0] target = edge[1] edge_label = '' if 'label' in graph.edge[source][target]: edge_label = graph.edge[source][target]['label'] db_src = neo_id_nodes[source] db_target = neo_id_nodes[target] rel_stored = neo_resource.get_edge(self.graph_db, db_src, db_target) if rel_stored is None: neo_resource.add_edge(self.graph_db, db_src, db_target, timestamp, edge_label) else: neo_resource.update_edge(self.graph_db, timestamp, edge_label, db_src=db_src, db_target=db_target)