def test_one_input(self): d = 48 # These shapes are what is actually returned from environment dummy_obs = { "screen": np.zeros((16, d, d), dtype="int32"), "minimap": np.zeros((7, d, d), dtype="int32"), "available_actions": np.arange(10) } dummy_ts = TimeStep(StepType.MID, 0.0, 0.0, dummy_obs) p = ObsProcesser() assert p.process_one_input(dummy_ts)["screen_numeric"].shape == ( ObsProcesser.N_SCREEN_CHANNELS, d, d) assert p.process_one_input(dummy_ts)["minimap_numeric"].shape == ( ObsProcesser.N_MINIMAP_CHANNELS, d, d) n_screen_scalar_features = len( [k for k in SCREEN_FEATURES if k.type == FeatureType.SCALAR]) total_screen_dim = n_screen_scalar_features + 3 + 1 # binary flags + visibility_flag assert total_screen_dim == ObsProcesser.N_SCREEN_CHANNELS n_screen_minimap_features = len( [k for k in MINIMAP_FEATURES if k.type == FeatureType.SCALAR]) total_minimap_dim = n_screen_minimap_features + 3 + 1 assert total_minimap_dim == ObsProcesser.N_MINIMAP_CHANNELS
def __init__(self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None, n_envs=1): self.envs = envs self.n_envs = n_envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 self.score = 0.0 assert self.agent.mode in [ACMode.PPO, ACMode.A2C] self.is_ppo = self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO if self.is_ppo: assert ppo_par is not None # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size self.ppo_par = ppo_par
def __init__( self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None, n_envs=1, policy_type = None ): self.envs = envs self.n_envs = n_envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=8) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 self.score = 0.0 # self.policy_type = FullyConvPolicy if ( (policy_type == 'FullyConv') or (policy_type == 'Relational')) else MetaPolicy if policy_type == 'FullyConv': self.policy_type = FullyConvPolicy elif policy_type == 'Relational': self.policy_type = RelationalPolicy elif policy_type == 'MetaPolicy': self.policy_type = MetaPolicy elif policy_type == 'FullyConv3D': self.policy_type = FullyConv3DPolicy elif policy_type == 'AlloAndAlt': self.policy_type = FullyConvPolicyAlt elif (policy_type == 'Factored'): self.policy_type = FactoredPolicy elif (policy_type == 'FactoredPolicy_PhaseI'): self.policy_type = FactoredPolicy_PhaseI elif (policy_type == 'FactoredPolicy_PhaseII'): self.policy_type = FactoredPolicy_PhaseII else: print('Unknown Policy') assert self.agent.mode in [ACMode.A2C, ACMode.PPO] self.is_ppo = self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO if self.is_ppo: assert ppo_par is not None # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size self.ppo_par = ppo_par
def __init__( self, envs, agent: A2CAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True ): self.envs = envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0
def __init__(self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None, episodes=3): self.envs = envs self.agent = agent # assign a variable agent to the AC which comes from the module of your choice self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 self.episodes = episodes
class Runner(object): def __init__(self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None, episodes=3): self.envs = envs self.agent = agent # assign a variable agent to the AC which comes from the module of your choice self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 self.episodes = episodes def reset(self): obs = self.envs.reset() self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs) def _log_score_to_tb(self, score): summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_score', simple_value=score) self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, self.episode_counter) def _handle_episode_end(self, timestep): score = timestep.observation["score_cumulative"][0] print("episode %d ended. Score %f" % (self.episode_counter, score)) self._log_score_to_tb(score) self.episode_counter += 1 def run_batch(self): mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] mb_values = np.zeros((self.envs.n_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards = np.zeros((self.envs.n_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) latest_obs = self.latest_obs # state(t0) rnn_state = self.agent.state_init for n in range(self.n_steps): action_ids, spatial_action_2ds, value_estimate, rnn_state = self.agent.step( latest_obs, rnn_state) #print('step: ', n, action_ids, spatial_action_2ds, value_estimate) # for debugging # Store actions and value estimates for all steps (this is being done in parallel with the other envs) mb_values[:, n] = value_estimate mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids, spatial_action_2ds)) # Do action, return it to environment, get new obs and reward, store reward actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids, spatial_action_2ds) obs_raw = self.envs.step(actions_pp) latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw) # state(t+1) mb_rewards[:, n] = [t.reward for t in obs_raw] #Check for all convolutional lstm vizdoom if last state is true for t in obs_raw: if t.last(): self._handle_episode_end(t) # Get the Vt+1 and use it as a future reward from st+1 as we dont know the actual reward (bootstraping here with net's predicitons) mb_values[:, -1] = self.agent.get_value(latest_obs, rnn_state) n_step_advantage = general_n_step_advantage(mb_rewards, mb_values,, lambda_par=1.0) full_input = { # these are transposed because action/obs # processers return [time, env, ...] shaped arrays FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(), FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose() } # We combine all experiences from every env full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions)) full_input.update(self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs)) full_input = { k: combine_first_dimensions(v) for k, v in full_input.items() } if not self.do_training: pass else: self.agent.train( full_input, rnn_state ) # You might want to reset the state between forward and backward pass self.latest_obs = latest_obs #state(t) = state(t+1) self.batch_counter += 1 print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() def run_trained_batch(self): # This function enables testing from a trained model. It loads the weights and runs the model for some episodes. latest_obs = self.latest_obs # state(t0) rnn_state = self.agent.state_init while self.episode_counter <= (self.episodes - 1): action_ids, spatial_action_2ds, value_estimate, rnn_state = self.agent.step( latest_obs, rnn_state) # (MINE) AGENT STEP = INPUT TO NN THE CURRENT #print('action: ', actions.FUNCTIONS[action_ids[0]].name, 'on', 'x=', spatial_action_2ds[0][0], 'y=', spatial_action_2ds[0][1], 'Value=', value_estimate[0]) # for debugging actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids, spatial_action_2ds) obs_raw = self.envs.step(actions_pp) latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw) # Check for all observations if last state is true for t in obs_raw: if t.last(): self._handle_episode_end(t) self.latest_obs = latest_obs # state(t) = state(t+1) self.batch_counter += 1 #print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush()
class Runner(object): def __init__(self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None): self.envs = envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 assert self.agent.mode in [ACMode.PPO, ACMode.A2C] self.is_ppo = self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO if self.is_ppo: assert ppo_par is not None assert n_steps * envs.n_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 assert n_steps * envs.n_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size self.ppo_par = ppo_par def reset(self): obs = self.envs.reset() #print(min_distance_to_enemy(obs[0], minimap=True)) self.last_min_dist_to_enemy = min_distance_to_enemy(obs[0], minimap=True) #print(count_units(obs[0], minimap=False)) self.units_in_frame = count_units(obs[0], minimap=False) self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs) def _log_score_to_tb(self, score): summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_score', simple_value=score) self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, self.episode_counter) def _log_modified_to_tb(self, score): summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_score_modified', simple_value=score) self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, self.episode_counter) def _handle_episode_end(self, timestep): score = timestep.observation["score_cumulative"][0] print("episode %d ended. Score %f" % (self.episode_counter, score)) self._log_score_to_tb(score) self.episode_counter += 1 def _train_ppo_epoch(self, full_input): total_obs = self.n_steps * self.envs.n_envs shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(total_obs) batches = dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicst({ k: np.split(v[shuffle_idx], total_obs // self.ppo_par.batch_size) for k, v in full_input.items() }) for b in batches: self.agent.train(b) def run_batch(self): mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] mb_values = np.zeros((self.envs.n_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards = np.zeros((self.envs.n_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards_modified = np.zeros((self.envs.n_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) latest_obs = self.latest_obs for n in range(self.n_steps): # could calculate value estimate from obs when do training # but saving values here will make n step reward calculation a bit easier action_ids, spatial_action_2ds, value_estimate = self.agent.step( latest_obs) mb_values[:, n] = value_estimate mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids, spatial_action_2ds)) actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids, spatial_action_2ds) obs_raw = self.envs.step(actions_pp) latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw) mb_rewards[:, n] = [t.reward for t in obs_raw] # NEW i = 0 last_dist = self.last_min_dist_to_enemy #print(last_dist) curr_dist = min_distance_to_enemy(obs_raw[0], minimap=True) #print(curr_dist) if last_dist < INF and curr_dist < INF: mb_rewards_modified[:, n] = [ t.reward + (last_dist - curr_dist) / 20 for t in obs_raw ] self.last_min_dist_to_enemy = curr_dist ### for t in obs_raw: if t.last(): self._handle_episode_end(t) mb_values[:, -1] = self.agent.get_value(latest_obs) n_step_advantage = general_n_step_advantage( mb_rewards, mb_rewards_modified, mb_values,, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0) full_input = { # these are transposed because action/obs # processers return [time, env, ...] shaped arrays FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(), FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose() } full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions)) full_input.update(self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs)) full_input = { k: combine_first_dimensions(v) for k, v in full_input.items() } if not self.do_training: pass elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.A2C: self.agent.train(full_input) elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO: for epoch in range(self.ppo_par.n_epochs): self._train_ppo_epoch(full_input) self.agent.update_theta() self.latest_obs = latest_obs self.batch_counter += 1 sys.stdout.flush()
class Runner(object): def __init__( self, envs, agent: A2CAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True ): self.envs = envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 def reset(self): obs = self.envs.reset() self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs) def _log_score_to_tb(self, score): summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_score', simple_value=score) self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, self.episode_counter) def _handle_episode_end(self, timestep): score = timestep.observation["score_cumulative"][0] print("episode %d ended. Score %f" % (self.episode_counter, score)) self._log_score_to_tb(score) self.episode_counter += 1 def run_batch(self): dim = (self.envs.n_envs, self.n_steps) mb_rewards = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.float32) mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] latest_obs = self.latest_obs for n in range(self.n_steps): # values is not used for anything but calculated anyway action_ids, spatial_action_2ds = self.agent.step(latest_obs) mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids, spatial_action_2ds)) actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids, spatial_action_2ds) obs_raw = self.envs.step(actions_pp) latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw) mb_rewards[:, n] = [t.reward for t in obs_raw] for t in obs_raw: if t.last(): self._handle_episode_end(t) last_state_values = self.agent.get_value(latest_obs) n_step_rewards = calculate_n_step_reward(mb_rewards,, last_state_values) mb_actions_combined = self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions) mb_obs_combined = self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs) if self.do_training: self.agent.train( n_step_rewards.transpose(), mb_obs_combined=mb_obs_combined, mb_actions_combined=mb_actions_combined ) self.latest_obs = latest_obs self.batch_counter += 1 sys.stdout.flush()
class Runner(object): def __init__(self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None, n_envs=1): self.envs = envs self.n_envs = n_envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=flags.FLAGS.resolution) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 self.score = 0.0 assert self.agent.mode in [ACMode.PPO, ACMode.A2C] self.is_ppo = self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO if self.is_ppo: assert ppo_par is not None # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size self.ppo_par = ppo_par def reset(self): #self.score = 0.0 obs = self.envs.reset() self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs) def reset_demo(self): #self.score = 0.0 obs = self.envs.reset() self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process([obs]) def _log_score_to_tb(self, score): summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_score', simple_value=score) self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, self.episode_counter) def _handle_episode_end(self, timestep, length, last_step_r): #(MINE) This timestep is actually the last set of feature observations #score = timestep.observation["score_cumulative"][0] #self.score = (self.score + timestep) # //self.episode_counter # It is zero at the beginning so you get inf self.score = timestep print( ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>episode %d ended. Score %f | Total Steps %d | Last step Reward %f" % (self.episode_counter, self.score, length, last_step_r)) self._log_score_to_tb(self.score) # logging score to tensorboard self.episode_counter += 1 # Is not used for stopping purposes judt for printing. You train for a number of batches (nsteps+training no matter reset) #self.reset() # Error if Monitor doesnt have the option to reset without an env to be done (THIS RESETS ALL ENVS!!! YOU NEED remot.send(env.reset) to reset a specific env. Else restart within the env def _train_ppo_epoch(self, full_input): total_obs = self.n_steps * self.envs.num_envs shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(total_obs) batches = dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicst({ k: np.split(v[shuffle_idx], total_obs // self.ppo_par.batch_size) for k, v in full_input.items() }) for b in batches: self.agent.train(b) def run_batch(self): #(MINE) MAIN LOOP!!! mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] mb_values = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) mb_done = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.int32) latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) for n in range(self.n_steps): # could calculate value estimate from obs when do training # but saving values here will make n step reward calculation a bit easier action_ids, value_estimate = self.agent.step(latest_obs) print( '|step:', n, '|actions:', action_ids ) # (MINE) If you put it after the envs.step the SUCCESS appears at the envs.step so it will appear oddly # (MINE) Store actions and value estimates for all steps mb_values[:, n] = value_estimate mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids)) # (MINE) do action, return it to environment, get new obs and reward, store reward #actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids) # Actions have changed now need to check: BEFORE: actions.FunctionCall(, []) NOW: actions.FUNCTIONS.no_op() obs_raw = self.envs.step(action_ids) #obs_raw.reward = reward latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process( obs_raw[0] ) # For obs_raw as tuple! #(MINE) =state(t+1). Processes all inputs/obs from all timesteps (and envs) #print('-->|rewards:', np.round(np.mean(obs_raw[1]), 3)) mb_rewards[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[1]] mb_done[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[2]] #Check for all t (timestep/observation in obs_raw which t has the last state true, meaning it is the last state # IF MAX_STEPS OR GOAL REACHED # You can use as below for obs_raw[4] which is success of failure #print(obs_raw[2]) indx = 0 for t in obs_raw[2]: if t == True: # done=true # Put reward in scores epis_reward = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['r'] epis_length = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['l'] last_step_r = obs_raw[1][indx] self._handle_episode_end( epis_reward, epis_length, last_step_r ) # The printing score process is NOT a parallel process apparrently as you input every reward (t) independently indx = indx + 1 # finished envs count # for t in obs_raw: # if t.last(): # self._handle_episode_end(t) #print(">> Avg. Reward:",np.round(np.mean(mb_rewards),3)) mb_values[:, -1] = self.agent.get_value( latest_obs ) # We bootstrap from last step if not terminal! although he doesnt use any check here n_step_advantage = general_n_step_advantage( mb_rewards, mb_values,, mb_done, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0) full_input = { # these are transposed because action/obs # processers return [time, env, ...] shaped arrays FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(), FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose( ) # if you add to the advantage the value you get the target for your value function training. Check onenote in APL-virtual } #(MINE) Probably we combine all experiences from every worker below full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions)) full_input.update(self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs)) full_input = { k: combine_first_dimensions(v) for k, v in full_input.items() } if not self.do_training: pass elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.A2C: self.agent.train(full_input) elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO: for epoch in range(self.ppo_par.n_epochs): self._train_ppo_epoch(full_input) self.agent.update_theta() self.latest_obs = latest_obs self.batch_counter += 1 # It is used only for printing reasons as the outer while loop takes care to stop the number of batches print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() def run_trained_batch(self): #gameDisplay.fill((1, 50, 130)) # STATE, ACTION, REWARD, NEXT STATE # YOU NEED TO DISPLAY FIRST IMAGE HERE AS YOU HAVE RESETED AND THERE ARE OBS THERE AS WELL (YOUR FIRST ONES!) #sleep(2.0) latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) # action = agent(state) action_ids, value_estimate, representation = self.agent.step_eval( latest_obs ) # (MINE) AGENT STEP = INPUT TO NN THE CURRENT STATE AND OUTPUT ACTION print('|actions:', action_ids) obs_raw = self.envs.step( action_ids ) # It will also visualize the next observation if all the episodes have ended as after success it retunrs the obs from reset latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process( obs_raw[0:-3] ) # Take only the first element which is the rgb image and ignore the reward, done etc print('-->|rewards:', np.round(np.mean(obs_raw[1]), 3)) # if obs_raw[2]: # done is True # # for r in obs_raw[1]: # You will double count here as t # self._handle_episode_end(obs_raw[1]) # The printing score process is NOT a parallel process apparrently as you input every reward (t) independently self.latest_obs = latest_obs # (MINE) state(t) = state(t+1), the usual s=s' self.batch_counter += 1 #print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() return obs_raw[0:-3], action_ids[0], value_estimate[0], obs_raw[ 1], obs_raw[2]
class Runner(object): def __init__( self, envs, agent: ActorCriticAgent, n_steps=5, discount=0.99, do_training=True, ppo_par: PPORunParams = None, n_envs=1, policy_type = None ): self.envs = envs self.n_envs = n_envs self.agent = agent self.obs_processer = ObsProcesser() self.action_processer = ActionProcesser(dim=8) self.n_steps = n_steps = discount self.do_training = do_training self.ppo_par = ppo_par self.batch_counter = 0 self.episode_counter = 0 self.score = 0.0 # self.policy_type = FullyConvPolicy if ( (policy_type == 'FullyConv') or (policy_type == 'Relational')) else MetaPolicy if policy_type == 'FullyConv': self.policy_type = FullyConvPolicy elif policy_type == 'Relational': self.policy_type = RelationalPolicy elif policy_type == 'MetaPolicy': self.policy_type = MetaPolicy elif policy_type == 'FullyConv3D': self.policy_type = FullyConv3DPolicy elif policy_type == 'AlloAndAlt': self.policy_type = FullyConvPolicyAlt elif (policy_type == 'Factored'): self.policy_type = FactoredPolicy elif (policy_type == 'FactoredPolicy_PhaseI'): self.policy_type = FactoredPolicy_PhaseI elif (policy_type == 'FactoredPolicy_PhaseII'): self.policy_type = FactoredPolicy_PhaseII else: print('Unknown Policy') assert self.agent.mode in [ACMode.A2C, ACMode.PPO] self.is_ppo = self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO if self.is_ppo: assert ppo_par is not None # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 # assert n_steps * envs.n_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs % ppo_par.batch_size == 0 assert n_steps * self.envs.num_envs >= ppo_par.batch_size self.ppo_par = ppo_par def reset(self): #self.score = 0.0 obs = self.envs.reset() self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs) def reset_demo(self): #self.score = 0.0 obs = self.envs.reset() self.latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process([obs]) def _log_score_to_tb(self, score, length): # log score to tensorboard summary = tf.Summary() summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_score', simple_value=score) summary.value.add(tag='sc2/episode_length', simple_value=length) self.agent.summary_writer.add_summary(summary, self.episode_counter) def first_nonzero(self, arr, axis):#, invalid_val=self.n_steps): mask = arr != 0 return np.where(mask.any(axis=axis), mask.argmax(axis=axis), self.n_steps) def _handle_episode_end(self, timestep, length, last_step_r): self.score = timestep # print("\rMean Rewards: {:.2f} Episode: {:d} ".format( # np.mean(self.ep_rewards[-100:]), self.ep_counter), end="") # print("\rMean Rewards: {:.2f} Episode: {:d} ".format( # self.score, self.episode_counter), end="") # To be persistent on the screen it needs to be ran on a main loop, so you print once and just updates the score # print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>episode %d ended. Score %f | Total Steps %d | Last step Reward %f" % (self.episode_counter, self.score, length, last_step_r)) print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>episode %d ended. Score %f | Total Steps %d" % ( self.episode_counter, self.score, length)) self._log_score_to_tb(self.score, length) # logging score to tensorboard self.episode_counter += 1 # Is not used for stopping purposes judt for printing. You train for a number of batches (nsteps+training no matter reset) #self.reset() # Error if Monitor doesnt have the option to reset without an env to be done (THIS RESETS ALL ENVS!!! YOU NEED remot.send(env.reset) to reset a specific env. Else restart within the env def _train_ppo_epoch(self, full_input): total_obs = self.n_steps * self.envs.num_envs shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(total_obs) batches = dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicst({ k: np.split(v[shuffle_idx], total_obs // self.ppo_par.batch_size) for k, v in full_input.items() }) if self.policy_type == MetaPolicy: # We take out the if from the loop so you choose trainer BEFORE getting into the batch loop for b in batches: self.agent.train_recurrent(b) else: for b in batches: self.agent.train(b) def _train_ppo_recurrent_epoch(self, full_input, rnn_state): # HE SHUFFLES SO BE CAREFUL!!! RECHECK IT: rnn_state might need to get in the full_input total_obs = self.n_steps * self.envs.num_envs shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(total_obs) batches = dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicst({ k: np.split(v[shuffle_idx], total_obs // self.ppo_par.batch_size) for k, v in full_input.items() }) for b in batches: self.agent.train_recurrent(b, rnn_state) # IMPORTANT : όταν κανεις training δεν χρειαζεσαι την rnn_State, ξεκινας απο το 0 και αθτη παιρνη την μορφή πουπρεπει να εχει def run_batch(self): #(MINE) MAIN LOOP!!! # The reset is happening through Monitor (except the first one of the first batch (is in hte run_agent) mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] mb_values = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) mb_done = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.int32) latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) for n in range(self.n_steps): # could calculate value estimate from obs when do training # but saving values here will make n step reward calculation a bit easier action_ids, value_estimate = self.agent.step(latest_obs) # print('|step:', n, '|actions:', action_ids) # (MINE) If you put it after the envs.step the SUCCESS appears at the envs.step so it will appear oddly # (MINE) Store actions and value estimates for all steps mb_values[:, n] = value_estimate mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids)) # (MINE) do action, return it to environment, get new obs and reward, store reward #actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids) # Actions have changed now need to check: BEFORE: actions.FunctionCall(, []) NOW: actions.FUNCTIONS.no_op() obs_raw = self.envs.step(action_ids) #obs_raw.reward = reward latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw[0]) # For obs_raw as tuple! #(MINE) =state(t+1). Processes all inputs/obs from all timesteps (and envs) #print('-->|rewards:', np.round(np.mean(obs_raw[1]), 3)) mb_rewards[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[1]] mb_done[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[2]] #Check for all t (timestep/observation in obs_raw which t has the last state true, meaning it is the last state # IF MAX_STEPS OR GOAL REACHED if obs_raw[2].any(): # At least one env has done=True for i in (np.argwhere(obs_raw[2])): # Run the loop for ONLY the envs that have finished indx = i[0] # i will contain in [] the index of the env that has finished epis_reward = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['r'] epis_length = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['l'] last_step_r = obs_raw[1][indx] self._handle_episode_end(epis_reward, epis_length, last_step_r) # self.latest_obs[indx] = self.envs # You can use as below for obs_raw[4] which is success of failure #print(obs_raw[2]) # indx=0 # env count # for t in obs_raw[2]: # Monitor returns additional stuff such as epis_reward and epis_length etc apart the obs, r, done, info # #obs_raw[2] = done = [True, False, False, True,...] each element corresponds to an env # if t == True: # done=true # # Put reward in scores # epis_reward = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['r'] # epis_length = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['l'] # last_step_r = obs_raw[1][indx] # self._handle_episode_end(epis_reward, epis_length, last_step_r) # The printing score process is NOT a parallel process apparrently as you input every reward (t) independently indx = indx + 1 # finished envs count # for t in obs_raw: # if t.last(): # self._handle_episode_end(t) #print(">> Avg. Reward:",np.round(np.mean(mb_rewards),3)) mb_values[:, -1] = self.agent.get_value(latest_obs) # We bootstrap from last step. If not terminal! although he doesnt use any check here # R, G = calc_rewards(self, mb_rewards, mb_values[:,:-1], mb_values[:,1:], mb_done, # R = R.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)) # self.n_envs returns 1, self.envs.num_envs # G = G.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)) # He replaces the last value with a bootstrap value. E.g. s_t-->V(s_t),s_{lastnstep}-->V(s_{lastnstep}), s_{lastnstep+1} # and we replace the V(s_{lastnstep}) with V(s_{lastnstep+1}) n_step_advantage = general_nstep_adv_sequential( mb_rewards, mb_values,, mb_done, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0, # change lambda to something between 1 and 0 else you do not get the nstep reward calculation nenvs=self.n_envs, maxsteps=self.n_steps ) # n_step_advantage = general_n_step_advantage( # mb_rewards, # mb_values, #, # mb_done, # lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0 # ) # disc_ret = calculate_n_step_reward( # mb_rewards, #, # mb_values, # ) full_input = { # these are transposed because action/obs # processers return [time, env, ...] shaped arrays CHECK THIS OUT!!!YOU HAVE ALREADY THE TIMESTEP DIM!!! FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(),#, G.transpose() FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose()# R.transpose()# (we left out the last element) if you add to the advantage the value you get the target for your value function training. Check onenote in cmu_gym/Next Steps } #(MINE) Probably we combine all experiences from every worker below full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions)) full_input.update(self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs)) # Below comment it out for LSTM full_input = {k: combine_first_dimensions(v) for k, v in full_input.items()} # The function takes in nsteps x nenvs x [dims] and combines nsteps*nenvs x [dims]. if not self.do_training: pass elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.A2C: self.agent.train(full_input) elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO: for epoch in range(self.ppo_par.n_epochs): self._train_ppo_epoch(full_input) self.agent.update_theta() self.latest_obs = latest_obs self.batch_counter += 1 # It is used only for printing reasons as the outer while loop takes care to stop the number of batches print('Update %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() def run_factored_batch(self): #(MINE) MAIN LOOP!!! # The reset is happening through Monitor (except the first one of the first batch (is in hte run_agent) mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] mb_values = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_values_goal = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_values_fire = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards_goal = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards_fire = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) mb_done = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.int32) latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) for n in range(self.n_steps): # could calculate value estimate from obs when do training # but saving values here will make n step reward calculation a bit easier action_ids, value_estimate_goal, value_estimate_fire, value_estimate = self.agent.step_factored(latest_obs) # print('|step:', n, '|actions:', action_ids) # (MINE) If you put it after the envs.step the SUCCESS appears at the envs.step so it will appear oddly if np.random.random() < 0.20: action_ids = np.array([self.envs.action_space.sample() for _ in range(self.envs.num_envs)]) # (MINE) Store actions and value estimates for all steps mb_values[:, n] = value_estimate mb_values_goal[:, n] = value_estimate_goal mb_values_fire[:, n] = value_estimate_fire mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids)) # (MINE) do action, return it to environment, get new obs and reward, store reward #actions_pp = self.action_processer.process(action_ids) # Actions have changed now need to check: BEFORE: actions.FunctionCall(, []) NOW: actions.FUNCTIONS.no_op() obs_raw = self.envs.step(action_ids) #obs_raw.reward = reward latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw[0]) # For obs_raw as tuple! #(MINE) =state(t+1). Processes all inputs/obs from all timesteps (and envs) #print('-->|rewards:', np.round(np.mean(obs_raw[1]), 3)) mb_rewards[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[1]] temp = [t for t in obs_raw[3]] mb_rewards_goal[:,n] = [d['goal'] for d in temp] mb_rewards_fire[:, n] = [d['fire'] for d in temp] mb_done[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[2]] # IF MAX_STEPS OR GOAL REACHED if obs_raw[2].any(): # At least one env has done=True for i in (np.argwhere(obs_raw[2])): # Run the loop for ONLY the envs that have finished indx = i[0] epis_reward = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['r'] epis_length = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['l'] last_step_r = obs_raw[1][indx] self._handle_episode_end(epis_reward, epis_length, last_step_r) # indx=0 # env count # for t in obs_raw[2]: # Monitor returns additional stuff such as epis_reward and epis_length etc apart the obs, r, done, info # #obs_raw[2] = done = [True, False, False, True,...] each element corresponds to an env # if t == True: # done=true # # Put reward in scores # epis_reward = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['r'] # epis_length = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['l'] # last_step_r = obs_raw[1][indx] # self._handle_episode_end(epis_reward, epis_length, last_step_r) # The printing score process is NOT a parallel process apparrently as you input every reward (t) independently # indx = indx + 1 # finished envs count # for t in obs_raw: # if t.last(): # self._handle_episode_end(t) #print(">> Avg. Reward:",np.round(np.mean(mb_rewards),3)) mb_values_goal[:, -1], mb_values_fire[:, -1], mb_values[:, -1] = self.agent.get_factored_value(latest_obs) # We bootstrap from last step. If not terminal! although he doesnt use any check here # R, G = calc_rewards(self, mb_rewards, mb_values[:,:-1], mb_values[:,1:], mb_done, # R = R.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)) # self.n_envs returns 1, self.envs.num_envs # G = G.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)) # He replaces the last value with a bootstrap value. E.g. s_t-->V(s_t),s_{lastnstep}-->V(s_{lastnstep}), s_{lastnstep+1} # and we replace the V(s_{lastnstep}) with V(s_{lastnstep+1}) n_step_advantage_goal = general_nstep_adv_sequential( mb_rewards_goal, mb_values_goal,, mb_done, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0, nenvs=self.n_envs, maxsteps=self.n_steps ) n_step_advantage_fire = general_nstep_adv_sequential( mb_rewards_fire, mb_values_fire,, mb_done, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0, nenvs=self.n_envs, maxsteps=self.n_steps ) # n_step_advantage = n_step_advantage_goal + n_step_advantage_fire n_step_advantage = general_nstep_adv_sequential( mb_rewards, mb_values,, mb_done, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0, nenvs=self.n_envs, maxsteps=self.n_steps ) # disc_ret = calculate_n_step_reward( # mb_rewards, #, # mb_values, # ) full_input = { # these are transposed because action/obs # processers return [time, env, ...] shaped arrays CHECK THIS OUT!!!YOU HAVE ALREADY THE TIMESTEP DIM!!! FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(),#, G.transpose() FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose(), FEATURE_KEYS.value_target_goal: (n_step_advantage_goal + mb_values_goal[:, :-1]).transpose(),# R.transpose()# (we left out the last element) if you add to the advantage the value you get the target for your value function training. Check onenote in cmu_gym/Next Steps FEATURE_KEYS.value_target_fire: (n_step_advantage_fire + mb_values_fire[:, :-1]).transpose() } # full_input = { # # these are transposed because action/obs # # processers return [time, env, ...] shaped arrays CHECK THIS OUT!!!YOU HAVE ALREADY THE TIMESTEP DIM!!! # FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(),#, G.transpose() # FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose()# R.transpose()# (we left out the last element) if you add to the advantage the value you get the target for your value function training. Check onenote in cmu_gym/Next Steps # } #(MINE) Probably we combine all experiences from every worker below full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions)) full_input.update(self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs)) # Below comment it out for LSTM full_input = {k: combine_first_dimensions(v) for k, v in full_input.items()} # The function takes in nsteps x nenvs x [dims] and combines nsteps*nenvs x [dims]. if not self.do_training: pass elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.A2C: self.agent.train(full_input) elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO: for epoch in range(self.ppo_par.n_epochs): self._train_ppo_epoch(full_input) self.agent.update_theta() self.latest_obs = latest_obs self.batch_counter += 1 # It is used only for printing reasons as the outer while loop takes care to stop the number of batches print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() def run_meta_batch(self): mb_actions = [] mb_obs = [] mb_rnns = [] mb_values = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps + 1), dtype=np.float32) mb_rewards = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.float32) # n x d array (ndarray) mb_done = np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, self.n_steps), dtype=np.int32) # EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING ON PARALLEL!!! r_=np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, 1), dtype=np.float32) # Instead of 1 you might use n_steps a_=np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs), dtype=np.int32) latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) # rnn_state = self.agent.theta.state_init rnn_state = self.agent.theta.state_init for n in range(self.n_steps): action_ids, value_estimate, rnn_state_new = self.agent.step_recurrent(latest_obs, rnn_state, r_, a_) # Automatically returns [num_envs, outx] for each outx you want # print('|step:', n, '|actions:', action_ids) # (MINE) Store actions and value estimates for all steps mb_values[:, n] = value_estimate mb_obs.append(latest_obs) mb_actions.append((action_ids)) # (MINE) do action, return it to environment, get new obs and reward, store reward obs_raw = self.envs.step(action_ids) latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw[0]) # For obs_raw as tuple! #(MINE) =state(t+1). Processes all inputs/obs from all timesteps (and envs) mb_rnns.append(rnn_state) rnn_state = rnn_state_new r_ = obs_raw[1] # (nenvs,) but you need (nenvs,1) r_ = np.reshape(r_,[self.envs.num_envs,1]) # gets into recurrency as [nenvs,1] # The 1 might be used as timestep a_ = action_ids mb_rewards[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[1]] mb_done[:, n] = [t for t in obs_raw[2]] # Shouldnt this part below be OUT of the nstep loop? NO: You check if done=True and you extract the additional info that Monitor outputs indx=0 # env count for t in obs_raw[2]: # Monitor returns additional stuff such as epis_reward and epis_length etc apart the obs, r, done, info # obs_raw[2] = done = [True, False, False, True,...] each element corresponds to an env (index gives the env) if t == True: # done=true # Put reward in scores epis_reward = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['r'] epis_length = obs_raw[3][indx]['episode']['l'] # EPISODE LENGTH HERE!!! last_step_r = obs_raw[1][indx] self._handle_episode_end(epis_reward, epis_length, last_step_r) # The printing score process is NOT a parallel process apparrently as you input every reward (t) independently # Here you have to reset the rnn_state of that env (rnn_state has h and c EACH has dims [batch_size x hidden dims] rnn_state[0][indx] = np.zeros(256) rnn_state[1][indx] = np.zeros(256) #reset the relevant r_ and a_ r_[indx] = 0 a_[indx] = 0 indx = indx + 1 # finished envs count # Below: if all are zeros then you get nsteps mb_l = self.first_nonzero(mb_done,axis=1) # the last obs s-->sdone are not getting in the training!!!This is because sdone--> ? and R=0 # Substitute 0s with 1 declaring 1 step # mb_l[mb_l==0] = 1 for b in range(mb_l.shape[0]): if mb_l[b] < self.n_steps: mb_l[b] = mb_l[b] + 1 # You start stepping from step 0 to 1 mask = ~(np.ones(mb_rewards.shape).cumsum(axis=1).T > mb_l).T mb_rewards = mb_rewards*mask # Below: r + gammaV(s')(1-done) - V(s)// V(s')=mb_values[:,-1] but if its done we dont care if we put the last nstep V or the actual V(s_done+1) as the whole term is gonna be zero # From V(nstep) estimate the expected reward - what if though we finished the sequence earlier??? # This is for the last obs which you do not store. All other values that will be used as targets are available # mb_values[:, -1] = self.agent.get_recurrent_value(latest_obs, rnn_state, r_, a_) # Put at last slot the estimated future expected reward for bootstrap the V after the nsteps mask_v = ~(np.ones(mb_values.shape).cumsum(axis=1).T > mb_l).T mb_values = mb_values*mask_v # We take the vector of values after nsteps and we use ONLY the valid ones in the loop below vec = self.agent.get_recurrent_value(latest_obs, rnn_state, r_, a_) for b in range(mb_l.shape[0]): if mb_l[b] == self.n_steps: mb_values[b, -1] = vec[b] # if the sequence didnt end within nsteps then we add the value so the term gammaVt+1(1-done) is not 0 # Mask below the values that enter the nstep advantage n_step_advantage = general_nstep_adv_sequential( mb_rewards, mb_values,, mb_done, lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0, nenvs=self.n_envs, maxsteps=self.n_steps ) # n_step_advantage = general_n_step_advantage( # mb_rewards, # mb_values, #, # mb_done, # lambda_par=self.ppo_par.lambda_par if self.is_ppo else 1.0 # ) # prev_rewards = [0] + mb_rewards[:, :-1]#.tolist() # from the rewards you take out the last element and replace it with 0 prev_rewards = np.c_[np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs, 1), dtype=np.float32), mb_rewards[:, :-1]] # Below we add one zero action element and we take out the a_t so we get at=0:t-1 prev_actions = [np.zeros((self.envs.num_envs), dtype=np.int32)] + mb_actions[:-1] # You have to pad this probably to have equal lengths with your data in terms of nsteps full_input = { FEATURE_KEYS.advantage: n_step_advantage.transpose(), FEATURE_KEYS.value_target: (n_step_advantage + mb_values[:, :-1]).transpose() # NETWORK TARGET (A+V=R) } full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(mb_actions)) full_input.update(self.obs_processer.combine_batch(mb_obs)) # full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(prev_actions)) # THIS FEEDS AGAIN THE SELECTED_ID_ACTION PLACEHOLDER!!!! # full_input.update(self.action_processer.combine_batch(prev_rewards)) # THIS FEEDS AGAIN THE SELECTED_ID_ACTION PLACEHOLDER!!!! # Below: [maxsteps x batch] --> [batch x maxsteps] full_input = {k: np.swapaxes(v, 0, 1) for k, v in full_input.items()} # obs should be first trasnposed and then combine else you loose the time order full_input = {k: combine_first_dimensions(v) for k, v in full_input.items()} # YOU CAN COMMENT THIS AND UNCOMMENT BELOW # full_input = {k: np.swapaxes(v,0,1) for k, v in full_input.items()} if not self.do_training: pass elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.A2C: if self.policy_type == MetaPolicy: self.agent.train_recurrent(full_input,mb_l,prev_rewards,prev_actions) else: self.agent.train(full_input) elif self.agent.mode == ACMode.PPO: for epoch in range(self.ppo_par.n_epochs): self._train_ppo_epoch(full_input) self.agent.update_theta() self.latest_obs = latest_obs self.batch_counter += 1 print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() def run_trained_batch(self): latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) action_ids, value_estimate, fc, action_probs = self.agent.step_eval(latest_obs) # (MINE) AGENT STEP = INPUT TO NN THE CURRENT STATE AND OUTPUT ACTION print('|actions:', action_ids) obs_raw = self.envs.step(action_ids[0]) # It will also visualize the next observation if all the episodes have ended as after success it retunrs the obs from reset latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw[0:-3]) # Take only the first element which is the rgb image and ignore the reward, done etc print('-->|rewards:', np.round(np.mean(obs_raw[1]), 3)) # if obs_raw[2]: # done is True # # for r in obs_raw[1]: # You will double count here as t # self._handle_episode_end(obs_raw[1]) # The printing score process is NOT a parallel process apparrently as you input every reward (t) independently self.latest_obs = latest_obs # (MINE) state(t) = state(t+1), the usual s=s' self.batch_counter += 1 #print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() return obs_raw[0:-3], action_ids[0], value_estimate[0], obs_raw[1], obs_raw[2], obs_raw[3], fc, action_probs def run_trained_factored_batch(self): latest_obs = self.latest_obs # (MINE) =state(t) action_ids, value_estimate, value_estimate_goal, value_estimate_fire, fc, action_probs = self.agent.step_eval_factored(latest_obs) # (MINE) AGENT STEP = INPUT TO NN THE CURRENT STATE AND OUTPUT ACTION print('|actions:', action_ids) obs_raw = self.envs.step(action_ids) # It will also visualize the next observation if all the episodes have ended as after success it retunrs the obs from reset latest_obs = self.obs_processer.process(obs_raw[0:-3]) # Take only the first element which is the rgb image and ignore the reward, done etc print('-->|rewards:', np.round(np.mean(obs_raw[1]), 3)) self.latest_obs = latest_obs # (MINE) state(t) = state(t+1), the usual s=s' self.batch_counter += 1 #print('Batch %d finished' % self.batch_counter) sys.stdout.flush() return obs_raw[0:-3], action_ids[0], value_estimate[0], value_estimate_goal[0], value_estimate_fire[0], obs_raw[1], obs_raw[2], obs_raw[3], fc, action_probs