def __init__(self, prefix_length, num_joints, num_outputs, num_controls, model_velocities): self.translations_size = num_outputs self.controls_size = num_controls self.model_velocities = model_velocities self.model = QuaterNet(num_joints, num_outputs, num_controls, model_velocities) self.use_cuda = False self.prefix_length = prefix_length dec_params = 0 for parameter in self.model.parameters(): dec_params += parameter.numel() print('# parameters:', dec_params)
class PoseNetwork: def __init__(self, prefix_length, num_joints, num_outputs, num_controls, model_velocities): self.translations_size = num_outputs self.controls_size = num_controls self.model_velocities = model_velocities self.model = QuaterNet(num_joints, num_outputs, num_controls, model_velocities) self.use_cuda = False self.prefix_length = prefix_length dec_params = 0 for parameter in self.model.parameters(): dec_params += parameter.numel() print('# parameters:', dec_params) def cuda(self): self.use_cuda = True self.model.cuda() return self def eval(self): self.model.eval() return self def _prepare_next_batch_impl(self, batch_size, dataset, target_length, sequences): # This method must be implemented by the subclass pass def _loss_impl(self, predicted, expected): # This method must be implemented by the subclass pass def train(self, dataset, target_length, sequences_train, sequences_valid, batch_size, n_epochs=3000, rot_reg=0.01): np.random.seed(1234) self.model.train() lr = 0.001 batch_size_valid = 30 lr_decay = 0.999 teacher_forcing_ratio = 1 # Start by forcing the ground truth tf_decay = 0.995 # Teacher forcing decay rate gradient_clip = 0.1 optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=lr) if len(sequences_valid) > 0: batch_in_valid, batch_out_valid = next(self._prepare_next_batch_impl( batch_size_valid, dataset, target_length, sequences_valid)) inputs_valid = torch.from_numpy(batch_in_valid) outputs_valid = torch.from_numpy(batch_out_valid) if self.use_cuda: inputs_valid = inputs_valid.cuda() outputs_valid = outputs_valid.cuda() losses = [] valid_losses = [] gradient_norms = [] print('Training for %d epochs' % (n_epochs)) start_time = time() start_epoch = 0 try: for epoch in range(n_epochs): batch_loss = 0.0 N = 0 for batch_in, batch_out in self._prepare_next_batch_impl(batch_size, dataset, target_length, sequences_train): # Pick a random chunk from each sequence inputs = torch.from_numpy(batch_in) outputs = torch.from_numpy(batch_out) if self.use_cuda: inputs = inputs.cuda() outputs = outputs.cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() terms = [] predictions = [] # Initialize with prefix predicted, hidden, term = self.model(inputs[:, :self.prefix_length], None, True) terms.append(term) predictions.append(predicted) tf_mask = np.random.uniform(size=target_length-1) < teacher_forcing_ratio i = 0 while i < target_length - 1: contiguous_frames = 1 # Batch together consecutive "teacher forcings" to improve performance if tf_mask[i]: while i + contiguous_frames < target_length - 1 and tf_mask[i + contiguous_frames]: contiguous_frames += 1 # Feed ground truth predicted, hidden, term = self.model(inputs[:, self.prefix_length+i:self.prefix_length+i+contiguous_frames], hidden, True, True) else: # Feed own output if self.controls_size > 0: predicted =, inputs[:, self.prefix_length+i:self.prefix_length+i+1, -self.controls_size:]), dim=2) predicted, hidden, term = self.model(predicted, hidden, True) terms.append(term) predictions.append(predicted) if contiguous_frames > 1: predicted = predicted[:, -1:] i += contiguous_frames terms =, dim=1) terms = terms.view(terms.shape[0], terms.shape[1], -1, 4) penalty_loss = rot_reg * torch.mean((torch.sum(terms**2, dim=3) - 1)**2) predictions =, dim=1) loss = self._loss_impl(predictions, outputs) loss_total = penalty_loss + loss loss_total.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), gradient_clip) optimizer.step() # Compute statistics batch_loss += loss.item() * inputs.shape[0] N += inputs.shape[0] batch_loss = batch_loss / N losses.append(batch_loss) # Run validation if len(sequences_valid) > 0: with torch.no_grad(): predictions = [] predicted, hidden = self.model(inputs_valid[:, :self.prefix_length]) predictions.append(predicted) for i in range(target_length - 1): # Feed own output if self.controls_size > 0: predicted =, inputs_valid[:, self.prefix_length+i:self.prefix_length+i+1, -self.controls_size:]), dim=2) predicted, hidden = self.model(predicted, hidden) predictions.append(predicted) predictions =, dim=1) loss = self._loss_impl(predictions, outputs_valid) valid_loss = loss.item() valid_losses.append(valid_loss) print('[%d] loss: %.5f valid_loss %.5f lr %f tf_ratio %f' % (epoch + 1, batch_loss, valid_loss, lr, teacher_forcing_ratio)) else: print('[%d] loss: %.5f lr %f tf_ratio %f' % (epoch + 1, batch_loss, lr, teacher_forcing_ratio)) teacher_forcing_ratio *= tf_decay lr *= lr_decay for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] *= lr_decay if epoch > 0 and (epoch+1) % 10 == 0: next_time = time() time_per_epoch = (next_time - start_time)/(epoch - start_epoch) print('Benchmark:', time_per_epoch, 's per epoch') start_time = next_time start_epoch = epoch except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Training aborted.') print('Done.') #print('gradient_norms =', gradient_norms) #print('losses =', losses) #print('valid_losses =', valid_losses) return losses, valid_losses, gradient_norms def save_weights(self, model_file): print('Saving weights to', model_file), model_file) def load_weights(self, model_file): print('Loading weights from', model_file) self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))