def click_duplicate_button(self, xblock_id): """ Click on the duplicate button for the given XBlock """ self._action_btn_for_xblock_id(xblock_id, "duplicate").click() wait_for_notification(self) self.wait_for_ajax()
def click_button(self, button_name, index=0, require_notification=False): """ Click on a button as specified by `button_name` Arguments: button_name (str): button name index (int): query index """ self.q(css=BUTTON_SELECTORS[button_name]).nth(index).click() if require_notification: wait_for_notification(self) self.wait_for_ajax()
def drag(page, source_index, target_index, placeholder_height=0): """ Gets the drag handle with index source_index (relative to the vertical layout of the page) and drags it to the location of the drag handle with target_index. This should drag the element with the source_index drag handle BEFORE the one with the target_index drag handle. """ draggables = page.q(css=".drag-handle") source = draggables[source_index] target = draggables[target_index] action = ActionChains(page.browser) action.click_and_hold(source).move_to_element_with_offset(target, 0, placeholder_height) if placeholder_height == 0: action.release(target).perform() else: action.release().perform() wait_for_notification(page)
def add_component(page, item_type, specific_type, is_advanced_problem=False): """ Click one of the "Add New Component" buttons. item_type should be "advanced", "html", "problem", or "video" specific_type is required for some types and should be something like "Blank Common Problem". """ btn = page.q( css='.add-xblock-component .add-xblock-component-button[data-type={}]'. format(item_type)) multiple_templates = btn.filter( lambda el: 'multiple-templates' in el.get_attribute('class')).present if multiple_templates: sub_template_menu_div_selector = '.new-component-{}'.format(item_type) page.wait_for_element_visibility( sub_template_menu_div_selector, 'Wait for the templates sub-menu to appear') page.wait_for_element_invisibility( '.add-xblock-component .new-component', 'Wait for the add component menu to disappear') # "Common Problem Types" are shown by default. # For advanced problem types you must first select the "Advanced" tab. if is_advanced_problem: advanced_tab = page.q(css='.problem-type-tabs a').filter( text='Advanced').first # Wait for the advanced tab to be active css = '.problem-type-tabs li.ui-tabs-active a' page.wait_for( lambda: len(page.q(css=css).filter(text='Advanced').execute()) > 0, 'Waiting for the Advanced problem tab to be active') all_options = page.q( css='.new-component-{} li button span'. format(item_type)) chosen_option = all_options.filter(text=specific_type).first wait_for_notification(page) page.wait_for_ajax()
def drag(page, source_index, target_index, placeholder_height=0): """ Gets the drag handle with index source_index (relative to the vertical layout of the page) and drags it to the location of the drag handle with target_index. This should drag the element with the source_index drag handle BEFORE the one with the target_index drag handle. """ draggables = page.q(css='.drag-handle') source = draggables[source_index] target = draggables[target_index] action = ActionChains(page.browser) action.click_and_hold(source).move_to_element_with_offset( target, 0, placeholder_height) if placeholder_height == 0: action.release(target).perform() else: action.release().perform() wait_for_notification(page)
def add_component(page, item_type, specific_type, is_advanced_problem=False): """ Click one of the "Add New Component" buttons. item_type should be "advanced", "html", "problem", or "video" specific_type is required for some types and should be something like "Blank Common Problem". """ btn = page.q(css='.add-xblock-component .add-xblock-component-button[data-type={}]'.format(item_type)) multiple_templates = btn.filter(lambda el: 'multiple-templates' in el.get_attribute('class')).present if multiple_templates: sub_template_menu_div_selector = '.new-component-{}'.format(item_type) page.wait_for_element_visibility(sub_template_menu_div_selector, 'Wait for the templates sub-menu to appear') page.wait_for_element_invisibility( '.add-xblock-component .new-component', 'Wait for the add component menu to disappear' ) # "Common Problem Types" are shown by default. # For advanced problem types you must first select the "Advanced" tab. if is_advanced_problem: advanced_tab = page.q(css='.problem-type-tabs a').filter(text='Advanced').first # Wait for the advanced tab to be active css = '.problem-type-tabs li.ui-tabs-active a' page.wait_for( lambda: len(page.q(css=css).filter(text='Advanced').execute()) > 0, 'Waiting for the Advanced problem tab to be active' ) all_options = page.q(css='.new-component-{} li button span'.format(item_type)) chosen_option = all_options.filter(text=specific_type).first wait_for_notification(page) page.wait_for_ajax()