def getReferenceVector(points):
    points = sortRectPoints(points)

    lowestPointVal = points[0][1]
    lowestPointIndex = 0
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if (points[i][1] > lowestPointVal):
            lowestPointVal = points[i][1]
            lowestPointIndex = i

    points = np.concatenate(
        (points[lowestPointIndex:], points[:lowestPointIndex]))

    # vector a
    a = [points[1][0] - points[0][0], points[0][1] - points[1][1]]
    width = getLength(a)

    # vector b
    b = [points[2][0] - points[1][0], points[1][1] - points[2][1]]
    height = getLength(b)

    # vector d
    d = [points[3][0] - points[0][0], points[0][1] - points[3][1]]
    d = norm(d)

    angle = np.degrees(getAngle(horizontal, d))

    if (width > height):
        angle = 270 + angle

    return [np.cos(np.radians(angle)), np.sin(np.radians(angle))]
文件: pnp.py 项目: king-shak/Common
 def __init__(self, pathToObjPts):
     self.objPts = json.loads(open(pathToObjPts, 'r').readline())['points']
     self.polarPts = np.zeros((len(self.objPts), 2), dtype=np.float32)
     for i in range(len(self.objPts)):
         vector = [self.objPts[i][0], self.objPts[i][1]]
         length = getLength(vector)
         angle = getAngle([1, 0], norm(vector), False)
         self.polarPts[i][0] = length
         self.polarPts[i][1] = angle
def sortImgPts(imgpts, x, midpt):
    numOfPoints = len(imgpts)
    pts = {}
    for i in range(numOfPoints):
        vector = norm([imgpts[i][0][0] - midpt[0], midpt[1] - imgpts[i][0][1]])
        angle = getAngle(x, vector, False)
        pts[angle] = imgpts[i]

    pts = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(pts.items()))

    sortedPts = np.zeros((numOfPoints, 1, 2), dtype=np.int32)
    j = 0
    for i in pts:
        sortedPts[j] = pts[i]
        j += 1

    return sortedPts
    def __init__(self, contours, frameCenter, useConvexHull, numOfCorners):
        # Save the contours that comprise the group
        self.contours = contours

        # Combine the points from the contours
        self.vertices = ContourGroup.combinePoints(contours)

        # Find the convex hull of the contour group
        self.useConvexHull = useConvexHull
        self.convexHull = cv.convexHull(self.vertices)

        # Apply k-means if there are duplicates
        criteria = (cv.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 10, 1.0)
        if useConvexHull:
            if (len(self.convexHull) > numOfCorners) and (numOfCorners
                                                          is not 0):
                self.convexHull = cv.kmeans(
                    self.convexHull.astype(dtype=np.float32), numOfCorners,
                    None, criteria, 10, cv.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)[2]
                self.convexHull = self.convexHull.reshape(
                    (numOfCorners, 1, 2)).astype(dtype=np.int32)
            if (len(self.vertices) > numOfCorners) and (numOfCorners is not 0):
                self.vertices = cv.kmeans(
                    self.vertices.astype(dtype=np.float32), numOfCorners, None,
                    criteria, 10, cv.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)[2]
                self.vertices = self.vertices.reshape(
                    (numOfCorners, 1, 2)).astype(dtype=np.int32)

        # Find the area of the contour
        self.area = ContourGroup.combineArea(contours)

        # Obtain the straight bounding box
        self.boundingBoxPoints, self.boundingBoxArea, self.boundingBoxAspectRatio = getBoundingBoxPoints(
        x, y, self.boundingBoxWidth, self.boundingBoxHeight = cv.boundingRect(
        self.boundingBoxUpperLeftPoint = (x, y)
        self.boundingBoxLowerRightPoint = (x + self.boundingBoxWidth,
                                           y + self.boundingBoxHeight)
        self.boundingBoxPoints = [
            self.boundingBoxUpperLeftPoint, [x + self.boundingBoxWidth, y],
            self.boundingBoxLowerRightPoint, [x, y + self.boundingBoxHeight]

        # Find the rotated rect and it's area
        rect = cv.minAreaRect(self.vertices)
        _, (width, height), _ = rect
        if (width < height):
            self.tshort = width
            self.tlong = height
            self.tshort = height
            self.tlong = width
        box = np.int0(cv.boxPoints(rect))
        self.rotatedRect = [box]
        self.rotatedRectArea = cv.contourArea(box)

        # Get the center of the group
        self.midpoint = tuple(
            np.average(self.vertices, axis=0).ravel().astype(int))

        # Find the direction vector using the rotated rect and create a Line instance of it
        self.directionVector = getReferenceVector(box)
        self.rotation = getAngle(horizontal, self.directionVector)
        self.referenceVector = Line(self.directionVector, self.midpoint)
        self.contourLine = Line(
            [self.midpoint[0], frameCenter[1] * 2 - self.midpoint[1]])

        # Finally, sort the image points
        self.vertices = sortImgPts(self.vertices, self.directionVector,

        # Get the distance to the center of the frame
        self.distanceToCenter = np.linalg.norm(
                self.midpoint[0] - frameCenter[0],
                frameCenter[1] - self.midpoint[1]
    def __init__(self, contourPoints, frameCenter, useConvexHull,
        # First process the contour points
        self.points = contourPoints

        # Find the area of the contour
        self.area = cv.contourArea(self.points)

        # Obtain the straight bounding box
        self.boundingBoxPoints, self.boundingBoxArea, self.boundingBoxAspectRatio = getBoundingBoxPoints(
        x, y, self.boundingBoxWidth, self.boundingBoxHeight = cv.boundingRect(
        self.boundingBoxArea = self.boundingBoxHeight * self.boundingBoxWidth
        self.boundingBoxAspectRatio = self.boundingBoxWidth / self.boundingBoxHeight
        self.boundingBoxUpperLeftPoint = (x, y)
        self.boundingBoxLowerRightPoint = (x + self.boundingBoxWidth,
                                           y + self.boundingBoxHeight)

        # Find the rotated rect and it's area
        rect = cv.minAreaRect(self.points)
        _, (width, height), _ = rect
        if (width < height):
            self.tshort = width
            self.tlong = height
            self.tshort = height
            self.tlong = width
        box = np.int0(cv.boxPoints(rect))
        self.rotatedRect = [box]
        self.rotatedRectArea = cv.contourArea(box)

        # Compute the verticies of the contour
        self.vertices = cv.approxPolyDP(
            self.points, 0.015 * cv.arcLength(self.points, True), True)

        # Apply k-means if there are duplicates
        criteria = (cv.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 10, 1.0)
        if (len(self.vertices) > numOfCorners) and (numOfCorners is not 0):
            self.vertices = cv.kmeans(self.vertices.astype(dtype=np.float32),
                                      numOfCorners, None, criteria, 10,
            self.vertices = self.vertices.reshape(
                (numOfCorners, 1, 2)).astype(dtype=np.int32)

        # Find the convex hull of the contour
        self.useConvexHull = useConvexHull
        self.convexHull = cv.convexHull(self.vertices)

        # Find the midpoint of the contour
        self.midpoint = getMidPoint(self.points)

        # Find the direction vector using the rotated rect and create a Line instance of it
        self.directionVector = getReferenceVector(box)
        self.rotation = getAngle(horizontal, self.directionVector, True)
        self.referenceVector = Line(self.directionVector, self.midpoint)
        self.contourLine = Line(
            [self.midpoint[0], frameCenter[1] * 2 - self.midpoint[1]])

        # Finally, sort the vertices
        if self.useConvexHull:
            self.vertices = sortImgPts(self.convexHull, self.directionVector,
            self.vertices = sortImgPts(self.vertices, self.directionVector,

        # Get the distance to the center of the frame (used for sorting)
        self.distanceToCenter = np.linalg.norm(
                self.midpoint[0] - frameCenter[0],
                frameCenter[1] - self.midpoint[1]