 def func(x):
     x_bits = binary(x, size=self.index_blength)
     # Take the XOR of the negated index bit and query bit
     gamma = [precomputed[1-bit][i] for bit, i in zip(x_bits, range(len(x_bits)))]
     # TODO optimize the AND step
     # After all, we keep ANDing the same set of bits and the order is not important.
     return reduce(_AND, gamma)
 def test_retrieve(self):
     public_key, secret_key = generate_pair()
     index = 2
     enc_index = public_key.encrypt(binary(index, size=self.store.index_blength))
     enc_data = self.store.retrieve(enc_index, public_key)
     data = [secret_key.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data]
     assert_true(all(data == self.db[index]))
 def test_retrieve(self):
     public_key, secret_key = generate_pair()
     index = 2
     enc_index = public_key.encrypt(
         binary(index, size=self.store.index_blength))
     enc_data = self.store.retrieve(enc_index, public_key)
     data = [secret_key.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data]
     assert_true(all(data == self.db[index]))
 def func(x):
     x_bits = binary(x, size=self.index_blength)
     # Take the XOR of the negated index bit and query bit
     gamma = [
         precomputed[1 - bit][i]
         for bit, i in zip(x_bits, range(len(x_bits)))
     # TODO optimize the AND step
     # After all, we keep ANDing the same set of bits and the order is not important.
     return reduce(_AND, gamma)
    def test_set(self):
        index = 2
        new_value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        self.store.set(index, new_value)

        public_key, secret_key = generate_pair()
        enc_index = public_key.encrypt(binary(index, size=self.store.index_blength))
        enc_data = self.store.retrieve(enc_index, public_key)
        data = [secret_key.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data]
        assert_equals(data, new_value)
    def test_set(self):
        index = 2
        new_value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        self.store.set(index, new_value)

        public_key, secret_key = generate_pair()
        enc_index = public_key.encrypt(
            binary(index, size=self.store.index_blength))
        enc_data = self.store.retrieve(enc_index, public_key)
        data = [secret_key.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data]
        assert_equals(data, new_value)
    def retrieve(self, index):
        Retrieves a value from the Blindstore array.
        :param index: the index of the value to retrieve.
        :returns: the value stored at the given index, as a bit array.
        public_key, secret_key = generate_pair()
        enc_index = public_key.encrypt(binary(index, size=self.index_length), secret_key)

        data = {'PUBLIC_KEY': str(public_key), 'ENC_INDEX': str(enc_index)}
        r = requests.post(self.url + 'retrieve', data=data)
        enc_data = [EncryptedBit(public_key, str(s)) for s in json.loads(r.text)]
        return [secret_key.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data]
    def __init__(self, record_size=3, record_count=5, database=None, fill=0):
        Creates a new private store.
        :param record_size: the size of each record, in bits.
        :param record_count: the number of records.
        :param database: numpy matrix of database values.
        :param fill: value to fill the database with.
        if database is None:
            array = None
            if fill == "random":
                array = [[random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(record_size)] for _ in range(record_count)]
                array = [[fill] * record_size for _ in range(record_count)]
            database = np.array(array)

        self.record_count, self.record_size = database.shape
        self.database = database
        self.index_bits = index_bits(self.record_count)

        # precompute binary representation for index
        self.binary_index = [binary(x, size=self.index_bits) for x in range(self.record_count)]
def set():
    index = int(request.form['INDEX'])
    data = int.from_bytes(base64.b64decode(request.form['DATA']), 'big')

    store.set(index, binary(data, store.record_blength))
    return '', 200
from common.utils import binary

_AND = lambda a, b: a & b

# Get a store that has cached:
#   a) a bin array of the indices
#   b) encrypted(1) HM_XOR encrypted(1)
#   c) encrypted(0) HM_XOR encrypted(1)
# We need to print and play with the lengths of:
#   a) encrypted(1)
#   b) encrypted(0)
#   c) encrypted(1) HM_XOR encrypted(1) (same for 0)
#   d) length of indices
#   e) num of indices
pk, _ = generate_pair()
index_to_find = binary(32, size=32)
index_to_find_enc_bit_array = pk.encrypt(index_to_find)

index_in_store = binary(32, size=32) # can be a whatever number. it is just for testing

enc_one = pk.encrypt(0)
enc_zero = pk.encrypt(1)

cached_enc_one_one = enc_zero ^ enc_one
cached_enc_zero_one = enc_one ^ enc_one
cached_reverse_encryptions = [cached_enc_one_one, cached_enc_zero_one]

def gamma(a_hats, index_bit_array):
    pre_gamma = []
    for i, a_hat in enumerate(a_hats):
        pre_gamma.append( cached_reverse_encryptions[index_bit_array[i]] ^ a_hat )
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")

from benchmarks.benchmark import benchmark
from scarab import generate_pair
from common.utils import binary
from server import Store

store = Store(record_size=20, record_count=20, fill='random')
index = 2
pk, sk = generate_pair()
eq = pk.encrypt(binary(index, size=store.index_bits), sk)

def func():
    list(store.retrieve(eq, pk))

benchmark(func, 10, verbose=True)
import sys
import os.path
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")

from benchmarks.benchmark import benchmark_precise
from scarab import generate_pair
from common.utils import binary

pk, sk = generate_pair()
index = binary(42, size=8)
encrypted_one = pk.encrypt(1)

def func():

benchmark_precise(func, 10000, verbose=True)
import sys.path
import os.path
# Import from sibling directory
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")

from scarab import generate_pair
from benchmark import benchmark
from common.utils import binary
from server import Store

store = Store(record_size=20, record_count=20, fill='random')
index = 2
pk, sk = generate_pair()
eq = pk.encrypt(binary(index, size=store.index_length), sk)

def func():
    list(store.retrieve(eq, pk))

benchmark(func, 10, verbose=True)
 def func(x):
     x = binary(x, size=self.index_blength)
     x = public_key.encrypt(x)
     x = _gamma(cipher_query, x, cipher_one)
     return x
            return x

        # TODO: make this parallel
        gammas = map(func, range(self.record_count))
        gammas = np.array(list(gammas))

        # TODO: make this parallel
        return map(lambda x: _R(gammas, self.database[:, x], public_key), range(self.record_blength))

    def set(self, idx, value):
        Set a value in the array.
        :param idx: the unencrypted index to set.
        :param value: the unencrypted value.
        if len(value) < self.record_blength:
            padded_value = np.zeros(self.record_blength, dtype=np.int)
            padded_value[padded_value.size - len(value):] = value
            padded_value = value

        self.database[idx] = padded_value

if __name__ == '__main__':
    store = Store(record_count=8, record_blength=8)
    pk, sk = generate_pair()
    index = 2
    enc_data = store.retrieve(pk.encrypt(binary(index, size=store.index_blength)), pk)
    print([sk.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data])
def set():
    index = int(request.form['INDEX'])
    data = int.from_bytes(base64.b64decode(request.form['DATA']), 'big')

    store.set(index, binary(data, store.record_blength))
    return '', 200
 def func(x):
     x = binary(x, size=self.index_blength)
     x = public_key.encrypt(x)
     x = _gamma(cipher_query, x, cipher_one)
     return x
        # TODO: make this parallel
        gammas = map(func, range(self.record_count))
        gammas = np.array(list(gammas))

        # TODO: make this parallel
        return map(lambda x: _R(gammas, self.database[:, x], public_key),

    def set(self, idx, value):
        Set a value in the array.
        :param idx: the unencrypted index to set.
        :param value: the unencrypted value.
        if len(value) < self.record_blength:
            padded_value = np.zeros(self.record_blength, dtype=np.int)
            padded_value[padded_value.size - len(value):] = value
            padded_value = value

        self.database[idx] = padded_value

if __name__ == '__main__':
    store = Store(record_count=8, record_blength=8)
    pk, sk = generate_pair()
    index = 2
    enc_data = store.retrieve(
        pk.encrypt(binary(index, size=store.index_blength)), pk)
    print([sk.decrypt(bit) for bit in enc_data])