        def compute(self, *args):
            inputNames = self.inputNames()

            if len(args) != len(inputNames):
                raise ValueError(name+'.compute requires '+str(len(inputNames))+' argument(s), '+str(len(args))+' given')

            # we have to make some exceptions for YamlOutput and PoolAggregator
            # because they expect cpp Pools
            if name in ('YamlOutput', 'PoolAggregator', 'SvmClassifier', 'PCA', 'GaiaTransform'):
                args = (args[0].cppPool,)

            # verify that all types match and do any necessary conversions
            result = []

            convertedArgs = []
            for i in range(len(inputNames)):
                goalType = _c.Edt(self.inputType(inputNames[i]))
                    convertedData = _c.convertData(args[i], goalType)
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError('Error cannot convert argument %s to %s' \
                          %(str(_c.determineEdt(args[i])), str(goalType)))


            results = self.__compute__(*convertedArgs)

            # we have to make an exceptional case for YamlInput, because we need
            # to wrap the Pool that it outputs w/ our python Pool from common.py
            if name in ('YamlInput', 'PoolAggregator', 'SvmClassifier', 'PCA', 'GaiaTransform', 'Extractor'):
                return _c.Pool(results)

                return results
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.__initialized = False
        self.__initializedType = _c.Edt(_c.Edt.UNDEFINED)
        self.dataref = data
        self.data = _StreamConnector(None, self, 'data')

        # keys should be StreamConnectors (outputs) and values should be lists
        # of StreamConnectors/pool tuples/None (inputs)
        self.connections = {}

        self.connections[self.data] = []
        def compute(self, *args):
            inputNames = self.inputNames()

            if len(args) != len(inputNames):
                raise ValueError(name+'.compute requires '+str(len(inputNames))+' argument(s), '+str(len(args))+' given')

            # we have to make some exceptions for YamlOutput and PoolAggregator
            # because they expect cpp Pools
            if name in ('YamlOutput', 'PoolAggregator', 'SvmClassifier', 'PCA', 'GaiaTransform'):
                args = (args[0].cppPool,)

            # verify that all types match and do any necessary conversions
            result = []

            convertedArgs = []

            for i in range(len(inputNames)):
                arg = args[i]

                if type(args[i]).__module__ == 'numpy':
                    if not args[i].flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
                        arg = copy(args[i])

                goalType = _c.Edt(self.inputType(inputNames[i]))

                    convertedData = _c.convertData(arg, goalType)
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError('Error cannot convert argument %s to %s' \
                          %(str(_c.determineEdt(arg)), str(goalType)))


            results = self.__compute__(*convertedArgs)

            # we have to make an exceptional case for YamlInput, because we need
            # to wrap the Pool that it outputs w/ our python Pool from common.py
            if name in ('YamlInput', 'PoolAggregator', 'SvmClassifier', 'PCA', 'GaiaTransform', 'Extractor'):
                return _c.Pool(results)

            # MusicExtractor and FreesoundExtractor output two pools
            if name in ('MusicExtractor', 'FreesoundExtractor'):
                return (_c.Pool(results[0]), _c.Pool(results[1]))

            # In the case of MetadataReader, the 7th output is also a Pool
            if name in ('MetadataReader'):
                return results[:7] + (_c.Pool(results[7]),) + results[8:]

                return results
    def __rshift__(left, right):
        if not isinstance(left.output_algo, VectorInput) and \
           not left.output_algo.hasOutput(left.name):
            raise NameError(
                'The \'%s\' algorithm does not have a source called \'%s\'' %
                (left.output_algo.name(), left.name))

        # connect a source to a sink
        if isinstance(right, _StreamConnector):
            # need to make an exception if the left algorithm is a VectorInput
            # because its underlying c++ type is initialized at connection time
            if isinstance(left.output_algo, VectorInput):

            if not right.input_algo.hasInput(right.name):
                raise NameError(
                    'The \'%s\' algorithm does not have a sink called \'%s\'' %
                    (right.input_algo.name(), right.name))

            _essentia.connect(left.output_algo, left.name, right.input_algo,

            # update connections

            return right

        elif isinstance(
                _essentia.StreamingAlgorithm) and right.name() == 'FileOutput':
            _essentia.fileOutputConnect(left.output_algo, left.name, right)

            # update connections

            return right

        # connect a source to a pool
        elif isinstance(right, tuple):
            if not len(right) == 2 or \
               not isinstance(right[0], _c.Pool) or \
               not isinstance(right[1], str):
                raise TypeError(
                    'the right side tuple given should consist of a Pool and a string descriptor name'

            # make sure to lazy-initialize the VectorInput
            if isinstance(left.output_algo, VectorInput):

            # update connections

            return _essentia.poolConnect(left.output_algo, left.name,
                                         right[0].cppPool, right[1])

        # connect a source to NOWHERE
        elif right is None:
            # still need to lazy-initialize the VectorInput
            if isinstance(left.output_algo, VectorInput):

            # update connections

            return _essentia.nowhereConnect(left.output_algo, left.name)

        # none of the above accepted types: raise an exception
        raise TypeError('\'%s.%s\' A source can only be connected to a sink, a pair '\
                        '(tuple) of pool and key name, or None'
                        %(left.output_algo.name(), left.name))