def main(): # start the app app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # initialize and check for gpg and a secret key gpg = GnuPG() # initialize the module which handles the daily headlines feature. headlines = Headlines() system = platform.system() if system == 'Darwin': if not gpg.is_gpg_available(): common.alert( 'GPG doesn\'t seem to be installed. Install <a href="">GPGTools</a>, generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.' ) sys.exit(0) seckeys = gpg.seckeys_list() if len(seckeys) == 0: common.alert( 'You need an encryption key to use AutoCanary. Run the GPG Keychain program, generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.' ) sys.exit(0) elif system == 'Linux': seckeys = gpg.seckeys_list() if len(seckeys) == 0: common.alert( 'You need an encryption key to use AutoCanary. Generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.' ) sys.exit(0) elif system == 'Windows': if not gpg.is_gpg_available(): common.alert( 'GPG doesn\'t seem to be installed. Install <a href="">Gpg4win</a>, generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.' ) sys.exit(0) seckeys = gpg.seckeys_list() if len(seckeys) == 0: common.alert( 'You need an encryption key to use AutoCanary. Run the Kleopatra program, generate a new personal OpenPGP key pair, and run AutoCanary again.' ) sys.exit(0) # start the gui gui = AutoCanaryGui(app, gpg, headlines) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def save_to_file_clicked(self): d = QtGui.QFileDialog(caption='Save to File') d.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) d.setDefaultSuffix('asc') d.setNameFilter('*.asc') if d.exec_(): filename = d.selectedFiles()[0] # save output to file try: open(filename, 'w').write(self.signed_message) common.alert('Digitally signed cannary message saved to:\n{0}'.format(filename)) self.accept() except: common.alert('Failed saving file:\n{0}'.format(filename))
def fetch_headlines(self): # --- feed.entries is empty list on fail. feed = feedparser.parse(config['feed_url']) # --- available keys: summary_detail published_parsed links title # comments summary guidislink title_detail link published id entry_data = map(lambda x: (x.title, ), feed.entries) headlines = map( lambda x: "{}{}".format(config['headline_bullet'], x[0]), entry_data) if len(headlines) == 0: self.have_headlines = False common.alert("Couldn't fetch headlines.") else: self.have_headlines = True self.store_headlines(headlines)
def save_to_file_clicked(self): d = QtGui.QFileDialog(caption='Save to File') d.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) d.setDefaultSuffix('asc') d.setNameFilter('*.asc') if d.exec_(): # this is a QString (character string). filename = d.selectedFiles()[0] filename_encoded = u'{}'.format(filename) # save output to file; don't forget to encode. try: open(filename_encoded, 'w').write(self.signed_message.encode('utf-8')) common.alert(u'Digitally signed canary message saved to:\n{0}'.format(filename_encoded)) self.accept() except: common.alert(u'Failed saving file:\n{0}'.format(filename_encoded))
def copy_to_clipboard_clicked(self): if platform.system() == 'Windows': # Qt's QClipboard isn't working in Windows import ctypes GMEM_DDESHARE = 0x2000 ctypes.windll.user32.OpenClipboard(None) ctypes.windll.user32.EmptyClipboard() hcd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, len(bytes(self.signed_message))+1) pch_data = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalLock(hcd) ctypes.cdll.msvcrt.strcpy(ctypes.c_char_p(pch_data), bytes(self.signed_message)) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GlobalUnlock(hcd) ctypes.windll.user32.SetClipboardData(1, hcd) ctypes.windll.user32.CloseClipboard() else: clipboard = clipboard.setText(self.signed_message) common.alert('Digitally signed cannary message copied to clipboard') self.accept()
def sign(self): frequency = self.frequency.currentText() year = self.year.currentText() year_period = self.get_year_period() status = str(self.status.currentText()) text = str(self.textbox.toPlainText()) if self.headlines.enabled and self.headlines.have_headlines: text = '\n\n'.join([text, self.headlines.headlines_str, '']) # add headers period_date = year_period if frequency == 'Quarterly': if year_period == 'Q1': period_date = 'January 1 to March 31' elif year_period == 'Q2': period_date = 'April 1 to June 30' elif year_period == 'Q3': period_date = 'July 1 to September 30' elif year_period == 'Q4': period_date = 'October 1 to December 31' elif frequency == 'Semiannually': if year_period == 'Q12': period_date = 'January 1 to June 30' elif year_period == 'Q34': period_date = 'July 1 to December 31' # the QString objects which represent the widget state are unicode # strings, hence the u'...' message = u'Status: {}\nPeriod: {}, {}\n\n{}'.format( status, period_date, year, text) # sign the file key_i = self.key_selection.currentIndex() fp = self.gpg.seckeys_list()[key_i]['fp'] signed_message = self.gpg.sign(message, fp) if signed_message: # display signed message dialog = OutputDialog(, signed_message) dialog.exec_() else: common.alert('Failed to sign message.')
def sign(self): frequency = self.frequency.currentText() year = self.year.currentText() year_period = self.get_year_period() status = str(self.status.currentText()) text = self.textbox.toPlainText() # add headers period_date = year_period if frequency == 'Quarterly': if year_period == 'Q1': period_date = 'January 1 to March 31' elif year_period == 'Q2': period_date = 'April 1 to June 30' elif year_period == 'Q3': period_date = 'July 1 to September 30' elif year_period == 'Q4': period_date = 'October 1 to December 31' elif frequency == 'Semiannually': if year_period == 'Q12': period_date = 'January 1 to June 30' elif year_period == 'Q34': period_date = 'July 1 to December 31' # the QString objects which represent the widget state are unicode # strings, hence the u'...' message = u'Status: {}\nPeriod: {}, {}\n\n{}'.format(status, period_date, year, text) # sign the file key_i = self.key_selection.currentIndex() fp = self.gpg.seckeys_list()[key_i]['fp'] signed_message = self.gpg.sign(message, fp) if signed_message: # display signed message dialog = OutputDialog(, signed_message) dialog.exec_() else: common.alert('Failed to sign message.')
def save_to_file_clicked(self): d = QtGui.QFileDialog(caption='Save to File') d.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) d.setDefaultSuffix('asc') d.setNameFilter('*.asc') if d.exec_(): # this is a QString (character string). filename = d.selectedFiles()[0] filename_encoded = u'{}'.format(filename) # save output to file; don't forget to encode. try: open(filename_encoded, 'w').write(self.signed_message.encode('utf-8')) common.alert( u'Digitally signed canary message saved to:\n{0}'.format( filename_encoded)) self.accept() except: common.alert( u'Failed saving file:\n{0}'.format(filename_encoded))
def sign(self): frequency = self.frequency.currentText() year = self.year.currentText() year_period = self.get_year_period() status = str(self.status.currentText()) text = self.textbox.toPlainText() # add headers period_date = year_period if frequency == 'Quarterly': if year_period == 'Q1': period_date = 'January 1 to March 31' elif year_period == 'Q2': period_date = 'April 1 to June 30' elif year_period == 'Q3': period_date = 'July 1 to September 30' elif year_period == 'Q4': period_date = 'October 1 to December 31' elif frequency == 'Semiannually': if year_period == 'Q12': period_date = 'January 1 to June 30' elif year_period == 'Q34': period_date = 'July 1 to December 31' message = 'Status: {}\nPeriod: {}, {}\n\n{}'.format( status, period_date, year, text) # sign the file key_i = self.key_selection.currentIndex() fp = self.gpg.seckeys_list()[key_i]['fp'] signed_message = self.gpg.sign(message, fp) if signed_message: # display signed message dialog = OutputDialog(, signed_message) dialog.exec_() else: common.alert('Failed to sign message.')
def main(): # start the app app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # initialize and check for gpg and a secret key gpg = GnuPG() system = platform.system() if system == 'Darwin': if not gpg.is_gpg_available(): common.alert('GPG doesn\'t seem to be installed. Install <a href="">GPGTools</a>, generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.') sys.exit(0) seckeys = gpg.seckeys_list() if len(seckeys) == 0: common.alert('You need an encryption key to use AutoCanary. Run the GPG Keychain program, generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.') sys.exit(0) elif system == 'Linux': seckeys = gpg.seckeys_list() if len(seckeys) == 0: common.alert('You need an encryption key to use AutoCanary. Generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.') sys.exit(0) elif system == 'Windows': if not gpg.is_gpg_available(): common.alert('GPG doesn\'t seem to be installed. Install <a href="">Gpg4win</a>, generate a key, and run AutoCanary again.') sys.exit(0) seckeys = gpg.seckeys_list() if len(seckeys) == 0: common.alert('You need an encryption key to use AutoCanary. Run the Kleopatra program, generate a new personal OpenPGP key pair, and run AutoCanary again.') sys.exit(0) # start the gui gui = AutoCanaryGui(app, gpg) sys.exit(app.exec_())
import RPi.GPIO as gpio # installable via pip from filelock import Timeout, FileLock # common source from common import alert, path, max_buffer_size gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) gpio.setup(11, gpio.IN) filename = os.path.join(path, 'data', 'buffer.dat') with FileLock(filename + '.lock', timeout=2): # try to read old dataset, if it doesn't exist # initialize an empty buffer try: with open(filename, 'rt') as f: data = f.readlines() except: data = [] wateralarm = 1-gpio.input(11) if wateralarm: alert('DANGER: WATERALARM ACTIVE!') with open(filename, 'wt') as f: f.writelines(data[-(max_buffer_size-1):]) f.write("""{{"time": "{}", "value": {}}}\n""".format(, wateralarm))
def other_org(self): common.alert('This has not been implemented yet. For now, choose one of the SecureDrop instances from the official list.')
#!/usr/bin/python """ this script installs an interrupt to trigger actions asap """ from datetime import datetime import os import time import RPi.GPIO as gpio # installable via pip from common import alert, path gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) gpio.setup(11, gpio.IN) while True: try: channel = gpio.wait_for_edge(11, gpio.RISING) if channel is not None: alert("DANGER: WATERALARM TRIGGERED") with open(os.path.join(path, 'data', 'incidents.dat'), 'a') as f: f.write("""{{"time": "{}", "value": {}}}\n""".format(, 1)) else: print("fatal error") except Exception as e: print(e)
def login(self): common.alert('Login is not yet implemented.')
def create_account(self): common.alert('Create account is not yet implemented.')