def test_oversaturation_7x7_board_builds():
    # The wall structure prevents more than two keys from being added
    # This behavior will likely change in the future to try lower saturation automatically
    board = build_board(side_length=7, num_seed_walls=10)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 7
    assert ensure_walls_exist(board)
    assert count_keys(board) == 2
def write_html():
    # see for the basic usage
    # here.
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    # connect to the database
    conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=pnsdp.SQL_HOST,

    if "game" not in form or "user" not in form:
        report_error("Invalid parameters.")

    game = int(form["game"].value)

    (players, size, state) = get_game_info(conn, game)

    user = form["user"].value
    if user not in players:
        report_error("Sorry, the player '%s' is not part of this game." % user)

    curUser = players.index(user)

    (board, nextToPlay, letter) = build_board(conn, game, size)

    # TODO: read this from the DB, later
    last = "1 Jan 1970"

<head><title>346 - Russ Lewis - Tic-Tac-Toe</title></head>


<font size="+1"><b>Game %d:</b> %s (X) vs. %s (O)</font>

<p><b>Size:</b> %dx%x

<p><b>State:</b> %s

<p><b>Next to Play:</b> %s
<br><b>You Are:</b> %s

""" % (game, players[0], players[1], size, size, state, players[nextToPlay],

<form action="" method="get">
  <input type=hidden name="user" value="%s">
  <input type=hidden name="game" value="%s">

<table border=2>
""" % (players[nextToPlay], game),

    for y in range(size):
        print("  <tr height=50 valign=center>")

        for x in range(size):
            if board[x][y] != "":
                content = board[x][y]
            elif curUser != nextToPlay or state != "Active":
                content = ""
                content = """<button type=submit name="pos" value="%d,%d" style="height:50px;width:50px"></button>""" % (
                    x, y)

            print("    <td width=50 align=center>" + content + "</td>")

        print("  </tr>")


""", end="")

    if curUser == nextToPlay and state == "Active":
        print("""<input type=submit value="Resign" name="resign">\n\n""")


    if state == "Active":
        print("<p>Last activity: %s\n\n" % last, end="")

    print("""<p>HTTP Variables:
""", end="")
    for k in form:
        print("    %s=%s" % (k, repr(form.getlist(k)[0])))
    print("""  </pre>


""", end="")

def process_form():
    # see for the basic usage
    # here.
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    # connect to the database
    conn = MySQLdb.connect(host   = pnsdp.SQL_HOST,
                           user   = pnsdp.SQL_USER,
                           passwd = pnsdp.SQL_PASSWD,
                           db     = pnsdp.SQL_DB)

    if "user" not in form or "game" not in form:
        raise FormError("Invalid parameters.")
    if "pos" not in form and "resign" not in form:
        raise FormError("Invalid parameters.")

    game = int(form["game"].value)

    (players,size,state) = get_game_info(conn, game)

    user = form["user"].value
    if user not in players:
        raise FormError("Invalid player ID - player is not part of this game")

    if "resign" in form:
        resign = True
        resign = False
        pos = form["pos"].value.split(",")
        assert len(pos) == 2
        x = int(pos[0])
        y = int(pos[1])

    (board,nextPlayer,letter) = build_board(conn, game,size)

    if user != players[nextPlayer]:
        raise FormError("Internal error, incorrect player is attempting to move.")

    if resign:
        # this user is choosing to resign.  Update the game state to reflect that.
        other_player_name = players[1-nextPlayer]

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("""UPDATE games SET state=%s WHERE id=%s;""", (other_player_name+":resignation",game))

        assert x >= 0 and x < size
        assert y >= 0 and y < size

        assert board[x][y] == ""
        board[x][y] = "XO"[nextPlayer]

        # we've done all of our sanity checks.  We now know enough to say that
        # it's safe to add a new move.
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO moves(gameID,x,y,letter,time) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,NOW());""", (game,x,y,letter))

        if cursor.rowcount != 1:
            raise FormError("Could not make move, reason unknown.")


        result = analyze_board(board)
        if result != "":
            if result == "win":
                result = players[nextPlayer]+":win"

            cursor = conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute("""UPDATE games SET state=%s WHERE id=%s;""", (result,game))

    # we've made changes, make sure to commit them!

    # return the parms to the caller, so that they can build a good redirect
    return (user,game)
def test_blank_15x15_board_has_correct_key_count():
    board = build_board(side_length=15, num_seed_walls=0)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 15
    assert count_keys(board) == 4
def test_create_15x15_board():
    board = build_board(side_length=15, num_seed_walls=3)
    assert ensure_walls_exist(board)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 15
def test_create_blank_15x15_board():
    board = build_board(side_length=15, num_seed_walls=0)
    assert ensure_no_walls(board)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 15
def test_saturated_7x7_board_all_keys_reachable():
    board = build_board(side_length=7, num_seed_walls=3)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 7
    assert count_keys(board) == 4
    assert len(get_reachable_key_locations(board)) == 4
def test_saturated_7x7_board_has_clear_edges():
    # Edges should always be clear in the game design to allow movement on perimeter of board
    board = build_board(side_length=7, num_seed_walls=3)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 7
    assert count_keys(board) == 4
    assert edges_clear(board)
def test_saturated_7x7_board_has_correct_key_count():
    board = build_board(side_length=7, num_seed_walls=3)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 7
    assert count_keys(board) == 4
def test_saturated_30x30_board_has_clear_edges():
    board = build_board(side_length=30, num_seed_walls=5)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 30
    assert count_keys(board) == 4
    assert edges_clear(board)
def test_saturated_30x30_board_has_correct_key_count():
    board = build_board(side_length=30, num_seed_walls=5)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 30
    assert count_keys(board) == 4
def test_create_30x30_board():
    board = build_board(side_length=30, num_seed_walls=3)
    assert ensure_walls_exist(board)
    assert get_side_length(board) == 30