def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host = redis_host) self.dbname = self.get_dbname() self.redis_host = redis_host self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo, self.dbname, iredis = self.redis) if not self.mysql_client.create_db(self.get_dbname()): raise Exception("init rstock database failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.dbname = self.get_dbname() self.table_name = self.get_tablename() self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host = redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo, self.dbname, iredis = self.redis) if not self.mysql_client.create_db(self.dbname): raise Exception("create plate database failed") if not self.create_table(self.table_name): raise Exception("create valuation table failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, redis_host=None): self.table = ct.COMBINATION_INFO_TABLE self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host=redis_host) self.mysql_client = cmysql.CMySQL(dbinfo, iredis=self.redis) if not self.init(): raise Exception("init combination table failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, without_init = False, redis_host = None): self.table = ct.CALENDAR_TABLE self.trigger = ct.SYNCCAL2REDIS self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host = redis_host) self.mysql_client = cmysql.CMySQL(dbinfo, iredis = self.redis) if without_init == False: if not self.init(): raise Exception("calendar table init failed")
def __init__(self, market=ct.SH_MARKET_SYMBOL, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, redis_host=None): = market self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.balcklist = ['2006-07-10' ] if market == ct.SH_MARKET_SYMBOL else list() self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.dbname = self.get_dbname(market) self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host=redis_host) self.header = { "Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36" } self.mysql_client = CMySQL(self.dbinfo, dbname=self.dbname, iredis=self.redis) if not self.mysql_client.create_db(self.dbname): raise Exception("create %s failed" % self.dbname)
def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo) self.table = ct.ANIMATION_INFO self.trigger = ct.SYNC_ANIMATION_2_REDIS if not self.create(): raise Exception("create animation table %s table failed" % self.table) if not self.register(): raise Exception("create animation trigger %s failed" % self.trigger)
def __init__(self, code, dbname, dbinfo, redis_host): self.code = code self._dbname = dbname self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo=dbinfo, dbname=dbname, iredis=self.redis)
def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.emotion_table = ct.EMOTION_TABLE self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(self.dbinfo, iredis = self.redis) self.rstock_client = RIndexStock(dbinfo, redis_host) self.logger = getLogger(__name__) if not self.create(): raise Exception("create emotion table failed")
def __init__(self, code, dbinfo, redis_host): self.code = code self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.dbname = self.get_dbname(code) self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo, dbname=self.dbname, iredis=self.redis)
def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.table = self.get_table_name() self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo, iredis = self.redis) self.header = {"Host": "", "Referer": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36"} if not self.create(): raise Exception("create stock %s failed" % self.table)
def __init__(self, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.table = ct.STOCK_INFO_TABLE self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host = redis_host) self.mysql_client = cmysql.CMySQL(dbinfo, iredis = self.redis) self.mysql_dbs = self.mysql_client.get_all_databases() #self.trigger = ct.SYNCSTOCK2REDIS #if not self.create(): raise Exception("create stock info table:%s failed" % self.table) if not self.init(): raise Exception("init stock info table failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, redis_host=None): self.table = ct.DELISTED_INFO_TABLE self.trigger = ct.SYNC_DELISTED_2_REDIS self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo) self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host=redis_host) if not self.create(): raise Exception("create delisted table failed") if not self.init(True): raise Exception("init delisted table failed") if not self.register(): raise Exception("create delisted trigger failed")
def __init__(self, index_code, dbinfo = ct.DB_INFO, redis_host = None): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.index_code = index_code self.index_obj = CIndex(index_code, dbinfo = self.dbinfo, redis_host = redis_host) self.db_name = self.index_obj.get_dbname(index_code) self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.ris = RIndexStock(dbinfo, redis_host) self.bull_stock_ratio_table = self.get_table_name() self.redis = create_redis_obj() if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(self.dbinfo, dbname = self.db_name, iredis = self.redis) if not self.create(): raise Exception("create emotion table failed")
def get(code=None, column=None, redis=None, redis_host=None): if redis is None: redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host=redis_host) df_byte = redis.get(ct.STOCK_INFO) if df_byte is None: return pd.DataFrame() df = _pickle.loads(df_byte) if code is None: return df if column is None: return df.loc[df.code == code] else: return df.loc[df.code == code][column].values[0]
def __init__(self, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, redis_host=None, stocks_dir='/data/tdx/history/days', stock_path='/data/tdx/base/stocks.csv'): self.table = ct.STOCK_INFO_TABLE self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host=redis_host) self.mysql_client = cmysql.CMySQL(dbinfo, iredis=self.redis) self.mysql_dbs = self.mysql_client.get_all_databases() self.stocks_dir = stocks_dir self.stock_path = stock_path
def __init__(self, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, redis_host=None): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.tu_client = get_tushare_client() self.doc = CDoc() self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(redis_host) self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo, iredis=self.redis) self.margin_client = Margin(dbinfo=dbinfo, redis_host=redis_host) self.rstock_client = RIndexStock(dbinfo=dbinfo, redis_host=redis_host) self.sh_market_client = StockExchange(ct.SH_MARKET_SYMBOL) self.sz_market_client = StockExchange(ct.SZ_MARKET_SYMBOL) self.emotion_client = Emotion()
def __init__(self, market_from=ct.SH_MARKET_SYMBOL, market_to=ct.HK_MARKET_SYMBOL, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, redis_host=None): self.market_from = market_from self.market_to = market_to self.balcklist = None self.crawler = None self.mysql_client = None self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.logger = getLogger(__name__) self.redis = create_redis_obj( ) if redis_host is None else create_redis_obj(host=redis_host)
def is_trading_day(_date=None, redis=None): _redis = create_redis_obj() if redis is None else redis df = CCalendar.get(redis=_redis) tmp_date = _date if _date is not None else '%Y-%m-%d') return True if df.empty else 1 == df.loc[df.calendarDate == tmp_date].isOpen.values[0]
def get(index_type = None, redis = None): redis = create_redis_obj() if redis is None else redis df_byte = redis.get(ct.COMBINATION_INFO) if df_byte is None: return pd.DataFrame() df = _pickle.loads(df_byte) if index_type is None: return df return df[[df.cType == index_type]]
def choose_plate(edate = '2016-10-11', ndays = 90): rindustry_info_client = RIndexIndustryInfo(redis_host='') today_industry_df = rindustry_info_client.get_k_data(edate) pchange_df = today_industry_df.sort_values(by = 'pchange', ascending = False).head(3) mchange_df = today_industry_df.sort_values(by = 'mchange', ascending = False).head(3) plate_code_list = list(set(pchange_df.code.tolist()).intersection(pchange_df.code.tolist())) if len(plate_code_list) == 0:"no interested plate for date:%s" % edate) return list() sdate = get_day_nday_ago(edate, ndays, '%Y-%m-%d') #get sh index data sh_index_obj = CIndex('000001', redis_host='') sh_index_info = sh_index_obj.get_k_data_in_range(sdate, edate) sh_index_pchange = 100 * (sh_index_info.loc[len(sh_index_info) - 1, 'close'] - sh_index_info.loc[0, 'preclose']) / sh_index_info.loc[0, 'preclose'] #get industry data all_industry_df = rindustry_info_client.get_k_data_in_range(sdate, edate) all_industry_df = all_industry_df.loc[all_industry_df.code.isin(plate_code_list)] industry_static_info = DataFrame(columns={'code', 'sai', 'pchange', ct.KL, ct.QL, ct.JL, ct.FL}) #choose better industry redisobj = create_redis_obj("") today_industry_info = IndustryInfo.get(redisobj) for code, industry in all_industry_df.groupby('code'): industry = industry.reset_index(drop = True) industry['sri'] = 0 industry['sri'] = industry['pchange'] - sh_index_info['pchange'] industry['sai'] = 0[(industry.pchange > 0) & (sh_index_info.pchange < 0), 'sai'] = industry.loc[(industry.pchange > 0) & (sh_index_info.pchange < 0), 'sri'] industry_sai = len(industry.loc[industry.sai > 0]) industry_pchange = 100 * (industry.loc[len(industry) - 1, 'close'] - industry.loc[0, 'preclose']) / industry.loc[0, 'preclose'] code_list = json.loads(today_industry_info.loc[today_industry_info.code == code, 'content'].values[0]) info_dict, good_code_list = choose_stock(code_list, sdate, edate) industry_static_info = industry_static_info.append(DataFrame([[code, industry_sai, industry_pchange, info_dict[ct.KL], info_dict[ct.QL], info_dict[ct.JL], info_dict[ct.FL]]], columns = ['code', 'sai', 'pchange', ct.KL, ct.QL, ct.JL, ct.FL]), sort = 'True') industry_static_info = industry_static_info.reset_index(drop = True) industry_static_info = industry_static_info.sort_values(by=['pchange'], ascending=False) return good_code_list
def __init__(self, dbinfo, table): self.table = table self.redis = create_redis_obj() self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo) self.trigger = ct.SYNC_HALTED_2_REDIS if not self.create(): raise Exception("create chalted table failed") if not self.init(True): raise Exception("init chalted table failed") if not self.register(): raise Exception("create chalted trigger failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo, code): self.code = code self.dbname = self.get_dbname(code) self.redis = create_redis_obj() self.data_type_dict = {9: "day"} self.influx_client = CInflux(ct.IN_DB_INFO, self.dbname) self.mysql_client = cmysql.CMySQL(dbinfo, self.dbname) if not self.create(): raise Exception("create combination table failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo, dbname, iredis=create_redis_obj()): self.redis = iredis self.dbname = dbname self.df_client = DataFrameClient(dbinfo['host'], dbinfo['port'], dbinfo['user'], dbinfo['password'], self.dbname, timeout=10)
def __init__(self, dbinfo, dbname='stock'): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.dbname = dbname self.redis = create_redis_obj() self.engine = create_engine( "mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s?charset=utf8" % (self.dbinfo['user'], self.dbinfo['password'], self.dbinfo['host'], self.dbname), pool_size=0, max_overflow=-1, pool_recycle=120)
def __init__(self, dbinfo): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.sdir = '/data/docs/blog/' self.doc = CDoc(self.sdir) self.stock_objs = dict() self.redis = create_redis_obj() self.mysql_client = CMySQL(self.dbinfo, iredis=self.redis) self.cal_client = ccalendar.CCalendar(without_init=True) self.animating = False self.emotion_table = ct.EMOTION_TABLE if not self.create_emotion(): raise Exception("create emotion table failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo, dbname='stock', iredis=None): self.dbinfo = dbinfo self.dbname = dbname self.redis = create_redis_obj() if iredis is None else iredis self.engine = create_engine( "mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s?charset=utf8" % (self.dbinfo['user'], self.dbinfo['password'], self.dbinfo['host'], self.dbname), pool_size=0, max_overflow=-1, pool_recycle=20, pool_timeout=5, connect_args={'connect_timeout': 3})
def __init__(self, dbinfo=ct.DB_INFO, without_init=False): self.table = ct.CALENDAR_TABLE self.trigger = ct.SYNCCAL2REDIS self.mysql_client = cmysql.CMySQL(dbinfo) self.redis = create_redis_obj() if without_init == False: if not self.create(): raise Exception("create calendar table failed") if not self.init(True): raise Exception("calendar table init failed") # here must be first init and second register, for init will delete table # which will delete trigger if not self.register(): raise Exception("create calendar trigger failed")
def __init__(self, dbinfo): self.sdir = '/data/docs/blog/' self.doc = CDoc(self.sdir) self.redis = create_redis_obj() self.mysql_client = CMySQL(dbinfo) self.cal_client = ccalendar.CCalendar(without_init=True) self.trading_info = None self.animating = False self.emotion_table = ct.EMOTION_TABLE self.industry_table = ct.INDUSTRY_TABLE if not self.create_industry(): raise Exception("create industry table failed") if not self.create_emotion(): raise Exception("create emotion table failed")
def worker(client_id, func_name, df, key, subset): worker = gear.Worker(client_id) worker.addServer(host=ct.GEARMAND_HOST, port=ct.GEARMAND_PORT) worker.registerFunction(func_name) redis = create_redis_obj() while True: job = worker.getJob() info = json.loads(job.arguments.decode('utf-8')) tmp_df = pandas.DataFrame(info, index=[0]) tmp_redis = redis.get(key) if tmp_redis is not None: df = _pickle.loads(tmp_redis) df = df.append(tmp_df) df = df.drop_duplicates(subset) redis.set(key, _pickle.dumps(df, 2)) job.sendWorkComplete()
def get(redis=None): redis = create_redis_obj() if redis is None else redis df_byte = redis.get(ct.INDUSTRY_INFO) return pd.DataFrame() if df_byte is None else _pickle.loads(df_byte)