文件: key.py 项目: sfluo/Mr.Bot
def calculate_keys(p, q, nbits):
    '''Calculates an encryption and a decryption key given p and q, and
    returns them as a tuple (e, d)


    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    # A very common choice for e is 65537
    e = 65537

        d = common.inverse(e, phi_n)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("e (%d) and phi_n (%d) are not relatively prime" %
                (e, phi_n))

    if (e * d) % phi_n != 1:
        raise ValueError("e (%d) and d (%d) are not mult. inv. modulo "
                "phi_n (%d)" % (e, d, phi_n))

    return (e, d)
def calculate_keys(p, q, nbits):
    '''Calculates an encryption and a decryption key given p and q, and
    returns them as a tuple (e, d)


    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    # A very common choice for e is 65537
    e = 65537

        d = common.inverse(e, phi_n)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("e (%d) and phi_n (%d) are not relatively prime" %
                         (e, phi_n))

    if (e * d) % phi_n != 1:
        raise ValueError("e (%d) and d (%d) are not mult. inv. modulo "
                         "phi_n (%d)" % (e, d, phi_n))

    return (e, d)
文件: key.py 项目: sfluo/Mr.Bot
    def __init__(self, n, e, d, p, q, exp1=None, exp2=None, coef=None):
        self.n = n
        self.e = e
        self.d = d
        self.p = p
        self.q = q

        # Calculate the other values if they aren't supplied
        if exp1 is None:
            self.exp1 = int(d % (p - 1))
            self.exp1 = exp1

        if exp1 is None:
            self.exp2 = int(d % (q - 1))
            self.exp2 = exp2

        if coef is None:
            self.coef = common.inverse(q, p)
            self.coef = coef
    def __init__(self, n, e, d, p, q, exp1=None, exp2=None, coef=None):
        self.n = n
        self.e = e
        self.d = d
        self.p = p
        self.q = q

        # Calculate the other values if they aren't supplied
        if exp1 is None:
            self.exp1 = int(d % (p - 1))
            self.exp1 = exp1

        if exp1 is None:
            self.exp2 = int(d % (q - 1))
            self.exp2 = exp2

        if coef is None:
            self.coef = common.inverse(q, p)
            self.coef = coef
def make_test(a, b, modulus):

    assert (0 <= a < modulus)
    assert (0 <= b < modulus)
    assert (modulus & 1)

    R = 1
    nw = 0
    B = 1 << 64
    while modulus >= R:
        R <<= 64
        nw += 1

    n0 = modulus & (B - 1)
    m0 = -inverse(n0, B) % B
    assert (0 < m0 < B)

    a_m = (a * R) % modulus
    b_m = (b * R) % modulus

    # What we expect the function to compute
    result_m = (a * b * R) % modulus

    # Turn data into arrays of 64-bit words
    a_m_s = split64(a_m)
    b_m_s = split64(b_m)
    modulus_s = split64(modulus)
    result_m_s = split64(result_m)

    # Everything must have nw words
    for ds in (a_m_s, b_m_s, modulus_s, result_m_s):
        ds += ["0"] * (nw - len(ds))

    # Modulus also byte encoded, big endian
    modulus_b = []
    while modulus > 0:
        modulus_b.insert(0, hex(modulus % 256))
        modulus >>= 8

    test_nr = counter.next()
    print ""
    print "void test_%d() {" % test_nr
    print "    const uint64_t a[] = {" + ", ".join(a_m_s) + "};"
    print "    const uint64_t b[] = {" + ", ".join(b_m_s) + "};"
    print "    const uint64_t n[] = {" + ", ".join(modulus_s) + "};"
    print "    const uint64_t expected[] = {" + ", ".join(result_m_s) + "};"
    print "    uint64_t out[%d];" % (nw + 1)
    print "    uint64_t scratch[%d];" % (3 * nw + 1)
    print ""
    print "    memset(out, 0xAA, sizeof out);"
    print "    mont_mult_internal(out, a, b, n, %dUL, scratch, %d);" % (m0, nw)
    print "    assert(memcmp(out, expected, 8*%d) == 0);" % nw
    print "    assert(out[%d] == 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUL);" % nw
    print "}"
    print ""

    test_nr = counter.next()
    print ""
    print "void test_%d() {" % test_nr
    print "    const uint64_t a[] = {" + ", ".join(a_m_s) + "};"
    print "    const uint64_t b[] = {" + ", ".join(b_m_s) + "};"
    print "    const uint8_t modulus[] = {" + ", ".join(modulus_b) + "};"
    print "    const uint64_t expected[] = {" + ", ".join(result_m_s) + "};"
    print "    uint64_t out[%d];" % (nw + 1)
    print "    MontContext *ctx;"
    print "    int res;"
    print "    uint64_t scratch[%d];" % (3 * nw + 1)
    print ""
    print "    res = mont_context_init(&ctx, modulus, sizeof modulus);"
    print "    assert(res == 0);"
    print "    memset(out, 0xAA, sizeof out);"
    print "    res = mont_mult(out, a, b, scratch, ctx);"
    print "    assert(res == 0);"
    print "    assert(out[%d] == 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUL);" % nw
    print "    assert(memcmp(out, expected, 8*%d) == 0);" % nw
    print "    mont_context_free(ctx);"
    print "}"
    print ""