def _p_i_win_save(self, depth, mine, opp): if depth <= 0: return 0 save = 0.0 fsum = 0.0 for opp_new in range(opp, self.goal): f = self.p_opp_gets(opp, opp_new, mine) if f > 0: fsum += f save += f*self.p_i_win(depth-1, mine, mine, opp_new) if save > 1: m('p_i_win_save(%s) -> ' % ((depth, mine, opp),), save, fsum) return save
def play(self, beginner): m("----------") for p in self.p: p.beginGame() self.points = [0, 0] self.game_turns = [0, 0] p = beginner while self.turn(p): p = (p+1)%2 m("%s won the game" % self.p[p].__class__.__name__) self.turns[p][0] += self.game_turns[0] self.turns[p][1] += self.game_turns[1][p] += 1 return p
def play(self): score = 0 round = 0 self.p.beginGame() while True: round += 1 old_score = score self.p.beginTurn(old_score, 0) m('BEGIN TURN') while self.p.decide(): x = self.roll() if x == 6: score = old_score break self.p.thrown(x) score += x if score >= self.aim: return round
def _decide_(self, old, mine, opp): self.prepare_saved(old, opp) roll = self.p_i_win_roll(self.depth, old, mine, opp) save = self.p_i_win_save(self.depth, mine, opp) if abs(roll - save) < 0.001: m('close decision %f at %s' % (abs(roll - save), (old, mine, opp))) if old == mine and save >= roll: m('obviously wrong decision at %s' % ((old, mine, opp),)) m('(%d -> %d) roll > save == %f > %f' % (old, mine, roll, save)) return roll > save
def turn(self, p): self.game_turns[p] += 1 player = self.p[p] opponent = self.p[(p+1)%2] m('begin turn of player "%s"' % player.__class__.__name__) m('current scores: %s' % self.points) player.beginTurn(self.points[p], self.points[(p+1)%2]) n = 0 s = self.points[p] while n != 6: s += n if s >= self.points[p] = s return False if not player.decide(): m('SAVE') self.points[p] = s break n = self.roll() m('ROLL: %d -> %d' % (n, n+s)) player.thrown(n) opponent.op_threw(n) return True
def beginTurn(self, my, o): Player.beginTurn(self, my, o) self.take = self.targets[self.aim - my] m('begin turn: difference to goal is %d so take is %d' % (self.aim - my, self.take))