def sumlExpr(spec):
    expr = []
    for part in common.splitYUML(spec):
        if not part: continue
        if part == ',':
            if expr: yield expr
            expr = []

        # [something like this]
        elif part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
            part = part[1:-1]
            expr.append(('record', part.strip()))
        # <message
        # >message
        elif part[0] in '<>':
            expr.append((part[0], part[1:].strip()))
        # message>
        # message<
        elif part[-1] in '<>':
            expr.append((part[-1], part[:-1].strip()))

    if expr: yield expr
def sumlExpr(spec):
    expr = []
    for part in common.splitYUML(spec):
        if not part: continue
        if part == ',':
            if expr: yield expr
            expr = []

        # [something like this]
        elif part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
            part = part[1:-1]
            expr.append(('record', part.strip()))
        # <message
        # >message
        elif part[0] in '<>':
            expr.append((part[0], part[1:].strip()))
        # message>
        # message<
        elif part[-1] in '<>':
            expr.append((part[-1], part[:-1].strip()))

    if expr: yield expr
def yumlExpr(spec):
    expr = []
    for part in common.splitYUML(spec):
        if not part: continue
        # End of line, eat multiple empty lines (part is like ',,,,')
        if len(part) > 0 \
                and (len(part.strip(',')) == 0 or part.strip(',').startswith('//')):
            if expr: yield expr
            expr = []
        elif part == '^':
            expr.append(('edge', 'empty', '', 'none', '', 'solid'))

        # [something like this]
        # [something like this {bg:color}]
        # [note: something like this {bg:color}]
        elif part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
            part = part[1:-1]
            bg = ''
            if part[-1] == '}':
                x = part.split('{bg:')
                assert len(x) == 2
                part = x[0]
                bg = x[1][:-1]

            if part.startswith('note:'):
                expr.append(('note', part[5:].strip(), bg))
            elif '[' in part and ']' in part:
                p = part.split('[')
                part = p[0]
                nodes = [node.replace(']', '').strip() for node in p[1:]]
                expr.append(('cluster', part.strip(), bg, nodes))
                expr.append(('record', part.strip(), bg))
        elif '-' in part:
            if '-.-' in part:
                style = 'dashed'
                x = part.split('-.-')
                style = 'solid'
                x = part.split('-')

            assert len(x) == 2
            left, right = x

            def processLeft(left):
                if left.startswith('<>'):
                    return ('odiamond', left[2:])
                elif left.startswith('++'):
                    return ('diamond', left[2:])
                elif left.startswith('+'):
                    return ('odiamond', left[1:])
                elif left.startswith('<') or left.startswith('>'):
                    return ('vee', left[1:])
                elif left.startswith('^'):
                    return ('empty', left[1:])
                    return ('none', left )

            lstyle, ltext = processLeft(left)

            if right.endswith('<>'):
                rstyle = 'odiamond'
                rtext = right[:-2]
            elif right.endswith('++'):
                rstyle = 'diamond'
                rtext = right[:-2]
            elif right.endswith('+'):
                rstyle = 'odiamond'
                rtext = right[:-1]
            elif right.endswith('>'):
                rstyle = 'vee'
                rtext = right[:-1]
            elif right.endswith('^'):
                rstyle = 'empty'
                rtext = right[:-1]
                # zOMG, it seams valid
                rstyle, rtext = processLeft(right)

            expr.append(('edge', lstyle, ltext, rstyle, rtext, style))
    if expr: yield expr
def yumlExpr(spec):
    expr = []
    for part in common.splitYUML(spec):
        if not part: continue
        # End of line, eat multiple empty lines (part is like ',,,,')
        if len(part) > 0 \
                and (len(part.strip(',')) == 0 or part.strip(',').startswith('//')):
            if expr: yield expr
            expr = []
        elif part == '^':
            expr.append(('edge', 'empty', '', 'none', '', 'solid'))

        # [something like this]
        # [something like this {bg:color}]
        # [note: something like this {bg:color}]
        elif part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
            part = part[1:-1]
            bg = ''
            if part[-1] == '}':
                x = part.split('{bg:')
                assert len(x) == 2
                part = x[0]
                bg = x[1][:-1]

            if part.startswith('note:'):
                expr.append(('note', part[5:].strip(), bg))
            elif '[' in part and ']' in part:
                p = part.split('[')
                part = p[0]
                nodes = [node.replace(']', '').strip() for node in p[1:]]
                expr.append(('cluster', part.strip(), bg, nodes))
                expr.append(('record', part.strip(), bg))
        elif '-' in part:
            if '-.-' in part:
                style = 'dashed'
                x = part.split('-.-')
                style = 'solid'
                x = part.split('-')

            assert len(x) == 2
            left, right = x

            def processLeft(left):
                if left.startswith('<>'):
                    return ('odiamond', left[2:])
                elif left.startswith('++'):
                    return ('diamond', left[2:])
                elif left.startswith('+'):
                    return ('odiamond', left[1:])
                elif left.startswith('<') or left.startswith('>'):
                    return ('vee', left[1:])
                elif left.startswith('^'):
                    return ('empty', left[1:])
                    return ('none', left)

            lstyle, ltext = processLeft(left)

            if right.endswith('<>'):
                rstyle = 'odiamond'
                rtext = right[:-2]
            elif right.endswith('++'):
                rstyle = 'diamond'
                rtext = right[:-2]
            elif right.endswith('+'):
                rstyle = 'odiamond'
                rtext = right[:-1]
            elif right.endswith('>'):
                rstyle = 'vee'
                rtext = right[:-1]
            elif right.endswith('^'):
                rstyle = 'empty'
                rtext = right[:-1]
                # zOMG, it seams valid
                rstyle, rtext = processLeft(right)

            expr.append(('edge', lstyle, ltext, rstyle, rtext, style))
    if expr: yield expr