def producer(args): # connect to kafka producer = kafka.KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers=args.kafka_brokers.split(","), partitioner=partitioner) # initialize packet capture capture = pcapy.open_live(args.interface, 65535, True, 3000) packet_count = 0 # start packet capture while True: (pkt_hdr, pkt_raw) = if pkt_hdr is not None: # send packet to kafka pkt_ts = timestamp(pkt_hdr) producer.send(args.topic, key=pack_ts(pkt_ts), value=pkt_raw) # debug messages, if needed packet_count += 1 if args.debug > 0 and packet_count % args.debug == 0: print 'Sent Packet: count=%s dt=%s topic=%s' % ( packet_count, to_date(pkt_ts), args.topic) print to_hex(pkt_raw)
def consumer(args): # connect to kafka brokers = args.kafka_brokers.split(",") kafka_consumer = kafka.KafkaConsumer(args.topic, bootstrap_servers=brokers) # if debug not set, write libpcap global header if args.debug == 0: sys.stdout.write(global_header()) # start packet capture packet_count = 0 for msg in kafka_consumer: # if debug not set, write the packet header and packet if args.debug == 0: sys.stdout.write(packet_header(msg.value, msg.key)) sys.stdout.write(msg.value) elif packet_count % args.debug == 0: print 'Packet: count=%s dt=%s topic=%s' % ( packet_count, to_date(unpack_ts(msg.key)), args.topic) print to_hex(msg.value) packet_count += 1 if args.packet_count > 0 and packet_count >= args.packet_count: break
def consumer(args): # connect to kafka brokers = args.kafka_brokers.split(",") kafka_consumer = kafka.KafkaConsumer(args.topic, bootstrap_servers=brokers) # if debug not set, write libpcap global header if args.debug == 0: sys.stdout.write(global_header()) # start packet capture packet_count = 0 for msg in kafka_consumer: # if debug not set, write the packet header and packet if args.debug == 0: sys.stdout.write(packet_header(msg.value, msg.key)) sys.stdout.write(msg.value) elif packet_count % args.debug == 0: print "Packet: count=%s dt=%s topic=%s" % (packet_count, to_date(unpack_ts(msg.key)), args.topic) print to_hex(msg.value) packet_count += 1 if args.packet_count > 0 and packet_count >= args.packet_count: break
def consumer(args, poll_timeout=3.0): """ Consumes packets from a Kafka topic. """ # setup the signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # connect to kafka logging.debug("Connecting to Kafka; %s", args.kafka_configs) kafka_consumer = Consumer(args.kafka_configs) kafka_consumer.subscribe([args.kafka_topic]) # if 'pretty-print' not set, write libpcap global header if args.pretty_print == 0: sys.stdout.write(global_header(args)) sys.stdout.flush() try: pkts_in = 0 while not finished.is_set() and (args.max_packets <= 0 or pkts_in < args.max_packets): # consume a message from kafka msg = kafka_consumer.poll(timeout=poll_timeout) if msg is None: # no message received continue; elif msg.error(): if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: logging.debug("reached end of topar: topic=%s, partition=%d, offset=%s", msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset()) elif msg.error(): raise KafkaException(msg.error()) else: pkts_in += 1 logging.debug("Packet received: pkts_in=%d", pkts_in) if args.pretty_print == 0: # write the packet header and packet sys.stdout.write(packet_header(msg)) sys.stdout.write(msg.value()) sys.stdout.flush() elif pkts_in % args.pretty_print == 0: # pretty print print 'Packet: count=%s date=%s topic=%s' % ( pkts_in, to_date(unpack_ts(msg.key())), args.kafka_topic) print to_hex(msg.value()) finally: sys.stdout.close() kafka_consumer.close()
def test_api_tcp(): ''' Test transmitting TCP messages using API frames. ''' print("Launching API tcp frames test.") ser = serial.Serial(port='COM7', baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=1) tx = TXRequest( payload= b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.64.0\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n", dst="") ser.write(tx.packed) print("TX: %s" % tx) for i in range(5): time.sleep(1) rx = print("RX: NotYetParsed(bytes=%s, hex=%s)" % (rx, to_hex(rx))) ser.close()
def producer(args, sniff_timeout_ms=500, sniff_promisc=True): """ Captures packets from a network interface and sends them to a Kafka topic. """ # setup the signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # connect to kafka"Connecting to Kafka; %s", args.kafka_configs) kafka_producer = Producer(args.kafka_configs) # initialize packet capture"Starting packet capture") capture = pcapy.open_live(args.interface, args.snaplen, sniff_promisc, sniff_timeout_ms) pkts_in = 0 try: while not finished.is_set() and (args.max_packets <= 0 or pkts_in < args.max_packets): # capture a packet (pkt_hdr, pkt_raw) = if pkt_hdr is not None: logging.debug("Packet received: pkts_in=%d, pkt_len=%s", pkts_in, pkt_hdr.getlen()) pkts_in += 1 pkt_ts = timestamp(pkt_hdr) kafka_producer.produce(args.kafka_topic, key=pack_ts(pkt_ts), value=pkt_raw, callback=delivery_callback) # debug messages, if needed if args.pretty_print > 0 and pkts_in % args.pretty_print == 0: print '{} packet(s) received'.format(pkts_in) print to_hex(pkt_raw) # serve the callback queue kafka_producer.poll(0) finally: # flush all messages"Waiting for '%d' message(s) to flush", len(kafka_producer)) kafka_producer.flush() # pkts_out may not be initialized if the callback was never executed pkts_out = 0 if hasattr(delivery_callback, "pkts_out"): pkts_out = delivery_callback.pkts_out"'%d' packet(s) in, '%d' packet(s) out", pkts_in, pkts_out)
def test_api_tls(): ''' Test transmitting TCP messages with SSL/TLS using API frames. Note that this also contains the commands to set up the TLS profiles. Note that if you have a typo in the certs filename, you'll get this: "hex=7E 00 03 89 01 86 EF" where the 0x86 means "Invalid TLS configuration (missing file, etc.)". If you try to connect to a server that doesn't exist, you'll get "hex=7E 00 03 89 01 82 F3" is a "TX Status" message and the 0x82 means "No Server". If you try to connect to the wrong port / invalid port on a server that exists, you'll get "hex=7E 00 03 89 01 80 F5" where the 0x89 is the "TX Status" message type and the 0x80 means "Connection Refused" . For more details on the codes returned by the "TX Status" API Frame message, see: ''' print("Launching the API frames SSL/TLS test.") ser = serial.Serial(port='COM7', baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=1) print("Using the following XBee TLS Profile 0 configuration:") tx = ATCommand( b"$0", b"" ).packed # @todo what string needs to go in here to set up TLS??? ser.write(tx) print("TX: %s" % tx) rx = print("RX: %s" % rx) print("Now performing the HTTPS request.") tx = TXRequest( payload= b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.64.0\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n", dst="", tls_profile=b'\x00') ser.write(tx.packed) print("TX: %s" % tx) for i in range(5): time.sleep(1) rx = print("RX: NotYetParsed(bytes=%s, hex=%s)" % (rx, to_hex(rx))) ser.close()
def test_api_AT_Command(): print("Launching API AT Command test.") ser = serial.Serial(port='COM7', baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=1) tx = ATCommand(b"AP", b"") ser.write(tx.packed) print("TX: %s" % tx) time.sleep(1) rx = print("RX: ATResponse(bytes=%s, hex=%s)" % (rx, to_hex(rx))) ser.close()
def test_api_aws_connection(): ''' Test transmitting SSL/TLS-secured TCP messages to AWS using API frames. Assumes XBee operating mode is API Frames With Escapes (ATAP2). ''' print("Launching the AWS API frames test.") with serial.Serial(port='COM7', baudrate=115200, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=1) as ser: DO_CONFIG = False DO_DNS_LOOKUP = True aws_endpoint = b'' #aws_endpoint = b'' thing_type = b'XBee3Cellular' thing_name = b'DanXBee' if DO_CONFIG: print("Configuring the XBee TLS settings.") # Set IP protocol to SSL over TCP communication. # UPDATE: I believe this setting applies only to Transparent Mode, but we'll set it just in case. tx = ATCommand(b"IP", b"\x04").packed ser.write(tx) print("TX: %s" % tx) rx = print("RX: %s" % rx) # Set up TLS v1.2. tx = ATCommand(b"TL", b"\x03").packed ser.write(tx) print("TX: %s" % tx) rx = print("RX: %s" % rx) # Set up paths to certs. tx = ATCommand( b"$0", b"/flash/cert/;/flash/cert/aws.crt;/flash/cert/aws.key" ).packed # Set up paths to certs ser.write(tx) print("TX: %s" % tx) rx = print("RX: %s" % rx) else: print("Skipping config.") if DO_DNS_LOOKUP: print("Now performing the DNS lookup.") tx = ATCommand(b"LA", aws_endpoint).packed ser.write(tx) print("TX: %s" % tx) rx = print("Got: %s" % rx) if len(rx) < 13: raise Exception("DNS lookup failed.") ip_addr = ".".join( ["%i" % i for i in rx[8:12]] ) # This converts something like b"~\x00\t\x88\tLA\x00\x12\xd9\xee\xa9_" to something like "" print("Got: %s" % ip_addr) else: print("Skipping DNS lookup; using hard-coded IP address.") ip_addr = "" print("Now performing the HTTPS request.") payload = b"GET /things/%s/shadow HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n" % ( thing_name, aws_endpoint) tx = TXRequest(payload=payload, dst=ip_addr, tls_profile=b'\x00', tls_port=8443) ser.write(tx.packed) print("TX: %s" % tx) for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) rx = print("RX: NotYetParsed(bytes=%s, hex=%s)" % (rx, to_hex(rx)))