  def computeBkgYieldsFromABCDData(self):
      Estimate background yields from data using the ABCD method
      A = b_mass < 6.27 && hnl_charge == 0 (SR)
      B = b_mass < 6.27 && hnl_charge != 0 
      C = b_mass > 6.27 && hnl_charge == 0 
      D = b_mass > 6.27 && hnl_charge != 0 

      N_A = N_B * N_C/N_D
    f_data = ROOT.TFile.Open('root://t3dcachedb.psi.ch:1094/'+self.data_file.filename, 'READ')
    #quantity = Quantity(name_flat='hnl_mass', nbins=1, bin_min=0, bin_max=1000)
    quantity = Quantity(name_flat='hnl_mass', nbins=1, bin_min=2.83268, bin_max=3.13932)

    bin_selection = self.selection

    #hist_data_B = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=bin_selection+' && b_mass<6.27 && hnl_charge!=0')
    #hist_data_C = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=bin_selection+' && b_mass>6.27 && hnl_charge==0')
    #hist_data_D = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=bin_selection+' && b_mass>6.27 && hnl_charge!=0')
    hist_data_B = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=bin_selection+' && hnl_cos2d>0.993 && sv_prob<0.05')
    hist_data_C = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=bin_selection+' && hnl_cos2d<0.993 && sv_prob>0.05')
    hist_data_D = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=bin_selection+' && hnl_cos2d<0.993 && sv_prob<0.05')

    n_obs_data_B = hist_data_B.GetBinContent(1)
    n_obs_data_C = hist_data_C.GetBinContent(1)
    n_obs_data_D = hist_data_D.GetBinContent(1)

    n_err_data_B = math.sqrt(hist_data_B.GetBinContent(1))
    n_err_data_C = math.sqrt(hist_data_C.GetBinContent(1))
    n_err_data_D = math.sqrt(hist_data_D.GetBinContent(1))

    n_obs_data_A = n_obs_data_B * (n_obs_data_C / n_obs_data_D) 
    n_err_data_A = n_obs_data_A * (n_err_data_B / n_obs_data_B + n_err_data_C / n_obs_data_C + n_err_data_D / n_obs_data_D)

    return int(n_obs_data_A), int(n_err_data_A)
  def getSignalEfficiency(self):
      eff(bin) = N_flat(bin) / N_gen
      N_gen = N_reco / filter_efficiency

    # get number of generated events
    f = ROOT.TFile.Open('root://t3dcachedb.psi.ch:1094/'+self.signal_file.filename, 'READ')
    n_reco = PlottingTools.getNminiAODEvts(self, f)
    n_gen = n_reco / self.signal_file.filter_efficiency

    # get number of selected reco events
    quantity = Quantity(name_flat='hnl_mass', nbins=1, bin_min=0, bin_max=1000)
    hist_flat_bin = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection='ismatched==1' if self.selection=='' else 'ismatched==1 && '+self.selection)
    n_selected_bin = hist_flat_bin.GetBinContent(1)
    #print 'n_selected_bin',n_selected_bin

    efficiency = n_selected_bin / n_gen
    #print 'efficiency',efficiency

    return efficiency
  def computeApproxWeightQCDMCtoData(self, quantity, selection):
      weight = lumi_data / lumi_mc = N_data * sigma_mc / (N_mc * sigma_data) estimated as N_data / N_mc

    f_data = ROOT.TFile.Open('root://t3dcachedb.psi.ch:1094/'+self.data_file.filename, 'READ')
    hist_data = PlottingTools.createHisto(self, f_data, 'signal_tree', quantity, branchname='flat', selection=selection)
    n_obs_data = hist_data.GetBinContent(1)
    n_err_data = math.sqrt(n_obs_data) #hist_data.GetBinError(1)

    hist_mc_tot = PlottingTools.createWeightedHistoQCDMC(self, self.qcd_files, self.white_list, quantity=quantity, selection=selection)
    n_obs_mc = hist_mc_tot.GetBinContent(1)
    n_err_mc = math.sqrt(n_obs_mc) #hist_mc_tot.GetBinError(1)

    weight = n_obs_data / n_obs_mc

    if n_obs_data != 0 and n_obs_mc != 0:
      err = weight* (n_err_data / n_obs_data + n_err_mc / n_obs_mc)
      err = 0

    return weight, err