    def enumerate_version(self,
        vf = VersionsFile(versions_file)

        hashes = {}
        futures = {}
        files = vf.files_get()
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor:
            for file_url in files:
                futures[file_url] = executor.submit(self.enumerate_file_hash,

            for file_url in futures:
                hashes[file_url] = futures[file_url].result()

        version = vf.version_get(hashes)

        # Narrow down using changelog, if accurate.
        if vf.has_changelog():
            version = self.enumerate_version_changelog(url, version, vf,

        return version, len(version) == 0
    def __init__(self, PluginClass=None):
            @param PluginClass: as returned by handler.list('controller'). Must
                extend BasePlugin.
        plugin = PluginClass()
        if plugin:

            self.name = plugin._meta.label

            if plugin.can_enumerate_plugins:
                self.plugins_can_enumerate = True
                self.plugins_wordlist_size = file_len(plugin.plugins_file)

            if plugin.can_enumerate_themes:
                self.themes_can_enumerate = True
                self.themes_wordlist_size = file_len(plugin.themes_file)

            if plugin.can_enumerate_interesting:
                self.interesting_can_enumerate = True
                self.interesting_url_size = len(plugin.interesting_urls)

            if plugin.can_enumerate_version:
                versions_file = VersionsFile(plugin.versions_file)

                self.version_can_enumerate = True
                hvm = versions_file.highest_version_major(plugin.update_majors)
                self.version_highest = ', '.join(hvm.values())
 def setUp(self):
     super(FingerprintTests, self).setUp()
     self.add_argv(['scan', 'drupal'])
     self.add_argv(['--method', 'forbidden'])
     self.v = VersionsFile(self.xml_file)
    def test_files_get_all_chlg(self):
        changelog_file = 'CHANGELOG.txt'
        vf = VersionsFile(self.update_versions_xml)
        files = vf.files_get()
        files_all = vf.files_get_all()

        assert len(files) == len(files_all) - 1
        assert changelog_file in files_all
        assert not changelog_file in files
 def setUp(self):
     super(FingerprintTests, self).setUp()
     self.add_argv(['scan', 'drupal'])
     self.add_argv(['--method', 'forbidden'])
     self.v = VersionsFile(self.xml_file)
    def test_updates_changelog(self):
        weird_hash = '13371337133713371337133713371337'
        vf = VersionsFile(self.update_versions_xml)

        hashes = {
            '6.34': {
                'misc/ajax.js': 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA',
                'CHANGELOG.txt': weird_hash,
                'misc/drupal.js': 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'


        out = vf.str_pretty()
        assert weird_hash in str(out)
    def test_equal_number_per_major(self):
            Drupal fails hard after updating with auto updater of versions.xml
            This is because misc/tableheader.js had newer versions and not older versions of the 7.x branch.
            I've removed these manually, but if this is not auto fixed, then it
                opens up some extremely buggy-looking behaviour.

            So, in conclusion, each version should have the same number of
            files (as defined in versions.xml file) as all other versions in
            the same major branch.

            E.g. All drupal 7.x versions should reference 3 files. If one of
            them has more than 3, the detection algorithm will fail.
        fails = []
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
           vf = VersionsFile(xml_path)

           if 'silverstripe' in xml_path:
               major_numbers = 2
               major_numbers = 1

           fpvm = vf.files_per_version_major(major_numbers)

           number = 0
           for major in fpvm:
              for version in fpvm[major]:
                  nb = len(fpvm[major][version])
                  if number == 0:
                      number = nb

                  if nb != number:
                      msg = """All majors should have the same number of
                          files, and version %s has %s, versus %s on other
                          files.""" % (version, nb, number)

                      fails.append(" ".join(msg.split()))

              number = 0

        if len(fails) > 0:
            for fail in fails:

            assert False
    def test_equal_number_per_major(self):
            Drupal fails hard after updating with auto updater of versions.xml
            This is because misc/tableheader.js had newer versions and not older versions of the 7.x branch.
            I've removed these manually, but if this is not auto fixed, then it
                opens up some extremely buggy-looking behaviour.

            So, in conclusion, each version should have the same number of
            files (as defined in versions.xml file) as all other versions in
            the same major branch.

            E.g. All drupal 7.x versions should reference 3 files. If one of
            them has more than 3, the detection algorithm will fail.
        fails = []
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
            vf = VersionsFile(xml_path)

            if 'silverstripe' in xml_path:
                major_numbers = 2
                major_numbers = 1

            fpvm = vf.files_per_version_major(major_numbers)

            number = 0
            for major in fpvm:
                for version in fpvm[major]:
                    nb = len(fpvm[major][version])
                    if number == 0:
                        number = nb

                    if nb != number:
                        msg = """All majors should have the same number of
                          files, and version %s has %s, versus %s on other
                          files.""" % (version, nb, number)

                        fails.append(" ".join(msg.split()))

                number = 0

        if len(fails) > 0:
            for fail in fails:

            assert False
    def test_narrow_down_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file_changelog, "7.27")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        assert result == ['7.27']
    def test_update_calls_plugin(self):
        files = ['misc/drupal.js', 'misc/tabledrag.js', 'misc/ajax.js']
        self.mock_md5_file.return_value = md5

        vf = VersionsFile(self.update_versions_xml)
        versions = ['7.34', '6.34']
        ret_val = (self.gr, vf, versions)

        with patch('common.update_api.github_repo_new', return_value=ret_val) as m:
            fpv_before = vf.files_per_version()
            out = self.scanner.update_version()
            fpv_after = vf.files_per_version()

            assert len(fpv_before) == len(fpv_after) - len(versions)
            for v in versions:
                assert v in fpv_after
                assert fpv_after[v] == files
    def test_narrow_down_ignore_incorrect_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file_changelog, "7.22")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        # Changelog is possibly outdated, can't rely on it.
        assert result == mock_versions
    def download_append(self, vg, versions_file, **additional_params):
            @param vg an instance of VersionGetterBase, such as SSVersions or
            @param versions_file the versions_file which corresponds to this
                VersionGetterBase, in the filesystem.
            @param **aditional_params:
                - override_newer: utilize this value instead of calling
        versions = VersionsFile(versions_file)

        ok = self.confirm('This will download a whole bunch of stuff. OK?')
        if ok:
            base_folder = mkdtemp() + "/"

            # Get information needed.
            if 'override_newer' in additional_params:
                new = additional_params['override_newer']
                majors = versions.highest_version_major(vg.update_majors)
                new = vg.newer_get(majors)

            if len(new) == 0:
                self.error("No new version found, versions.xml is up to date.")

            # Get hashes.
            dl_files = vg.download(new, base_folder)
            extracted_dirs = vg.extract(dl_files, base_folder)
            file_sums = vg.sums_get(extracted_dirs, versions.files_get())

            xml = versions.str_pretty()

            # Final sanity checks.
            f_temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
            call(['diff', '-s', f_temp.name, versions_file])

            ok = self.confirm('Overwrite %s with the new file?' %

            if ok:
                f_real = open(versions_file, 'w')

                print "Done."

                call(['git', 'status'])

    def enumerate_version(self, url, versions_file, threads=10, verb='head',
            timeout=15, hide_progressbar=False):
        vf = VersionsFile(versions_file)
        files = vf.files_get()
        changelogs = vf.changelogs_get()

        if not hide_progressbar:
            p = ProgressBar(sys.stderr, len(files) +
                    len(changelogs), "version")

        hashes = {}
        futures = {}
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor:
            for file_url in files:
                futures[file_url] = executor.submit(self.enumerate_file_hash,
                        url, file_url=file_url, timeout=timeout)

            for file_url in futures:
                if shutdown:

                    hsh = futures[file_url].result()
                    hashes[file_url] = hsh
                except RuntimeError:

                if not hide_progressbar:

        version = vf.version_get(hashes)

        # Narrow down using changelog, if accurate.
        if vf.has_changelog():
            version = self.enumerate_version_changelog(url, version, vf, timeout)

        if not hide_progressbar:

        return version, len(version) == 0
    def enumerate_version(self, url, versions_file, threads=10, verb='head', timeout=15):
        vf = VersionsFile(versions_file)

        hashes = {}
        futures = {}
        files = vf.files_get()
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor:
            for file_url in files:
                futures[file_url] = executor.submit(self.enumerate_file_hash,
                        url, file_url=file_url, timeout=timeout)

            for file_url in futures:
                hashes[file_url] = futures[file_url].result()

        version = vf.version_get(hashes)

        # Narrow down using changelog, if accurate.
        if vf.has_changelog():
            version = self.enumerate_version_changelog(url, version, vf, timeout)

        return version, len(version) == 0
    def download_append(self, vg, versions_file, **additional_params):
            @param vg an instance of VersionGetterBase, such as SSVersions or
            @param versions_file the versions_file which corresponds to this
                VersionGetterBase, in the filesystem.
            @param **aditional_params:
                - override_newer: utilize this value instead of calling
        versions = VersionsFile(versions_file)

        ok = self.confirm('This will download a whole bunch of stuff. OK?')
        if ok:
            base_folder = mkdtemp() + "/"

            # Get information needed.
            if 'override_newer' in additional_params:
                new = additional_params['override_newer']
                majors = versions.highest_version_major(vg.update_majors)
                new = vg.newer_get(majors)

            if len(new) == 0:
                self.error("No new version found, versions.xml is up to date.")

            # Get hashes.
            dl_files = vg.download(new, base_folder)
            extracted_dirs = vg.extract(dl_files, base_folder)
            file_sums = vg.sums_get(extracted_dirs, versions.files_get())

            xml = versions.str_pretty()

            # Final sanity checks.
            f_temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
            call(['diff', '-s', f_temp.name, versions_file])

            ok = self.confirm('Overwrite %s with the new file?' %

            if ok:
                f_real = open(versions_file, 'w')

                print "Done."

                call(['git', 'status'])

    def __init__(self, plugin=None):
            @param plugin as returned by handler.list('controller'). Must
                extend BasePlugin.
        if plugin:

            self.name = plugin.__name__

            if plugin.can_enumerate_plugins:
                self.plugins_can_enumerate = True
                self.plugins_wordlist_size = file_len(plugin.plugins_file)
                # this can fail due to git not being installed on the system or
                # this not being a git repository.
                    self.plugins_mtime = self.file_mtime(plugin.plugins_file)

            if plugin.can_enumerate_themes:
                self.themes_can_enumerate = True
                self.themes_wordlist_size = file_len(plugin.themes_file)
                    self.themes_mtime = self.file_mtime(plugin.themes_file)

            if plugin.can_enumerate_interesting:
                self.interesting_can_enumerate = True
                self.interesting_url_size = len(plugin.interesting_urls)

            if plugin.can_enumerate_version:
                versions_file = VersionsFile(plugin.versions_file)

                self.version_can_enumerate = True
                self.version_highest = versions_file.highest_version()
    def test_version_has_changelog(self):
        v_with_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)

        assert not self.v.has_changelog()
        assert v_with_changelog.has_changelog()
class FingerprintTests(BaseTest):
        Tests related to version fingerprinting for all plugins.

    xml_file_changelog = 'tests/resources/versions_with_changelog.xml'

    class MockHash():
        files = None

        def mock_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
            url = kwargs['file_url']
            return self.files[url]

    def setUp(self):
        super(FingerprintTests, self).setUp()
        self.add_argv(['scan', 'drupal'])
        self.add_argv(['--method', 'forbidden'])
        self.v = VersionsFile(self.xml_file)

    def mock_xml(self, xml_file, version_to_mock):
            generates all mock data, and patches Drupal.get_hash

            @param xml_file a file, which contains the XML to mock.
            @param version_to_mock the version which we will pretend to be.
            @return a function which can be used to mock

            @usage self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, "7.27")
        with open(xml_file) as f:
            doc = etree.fromstring(f.read())
            files_xml = doc.xpath('//cms/files/file')

            files = {}
            for file in files_xml:
                url = file.get('url')
                versions = file.xpath('version')
                for file_version in versions:
                    version_number = file_version.get('nb')
                    md5 = file_version.get('md5')

                    if version_number == version_to_mock:
                        files[url] = md5

                if not url in files:
                    files[url] = '5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592'

            ch_xml = doc.find('./files/changelog')
            if ch_xml is not None:
                ch_url = ch_xml.get('url')
                ch_versions = ch_xml.findall('./version')
                for ch_version in ch_versions:
                    ch_nb = ch_version.get('nb')
                    if ch_nb == version_to_mock:
                        files[ch_url] = ch_version.get('md5')

        mock_hash = self.MockHash()
        mock_hash.files = files
        mock = MagicMock(side_effect=mock_hash.mock_func)

        return mock

    @patch('common.VersionsFile.files_get', return_value=['misc/drupal.js'])
    def test_calls_version(self, m):
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'misc/drupal.js')
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'CHANGELOG.txt')
        # with no mocked calls, any HTTP req will cause a ConnectionError.

    def test_calls_version_no_mock(self):
        # with no mocked calls, any HTTP req will cause a ConnectionError.

    def test_xml_validates_all(self):
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
            xml_validate(xml_path, self.versions_xsd)

    def test_determines_version(self):
        real_version = '7.26'
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(
            self.xml_file, real_version)

        version, is_empty = self.scanner.enumerate_version(
            self.base_url, self.xml_file)

        assert version[0] == real_version
        assert is_empty == False

    def test_determines_version_similar(self):
        real_version = '6.15'
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(
            self.xml_file, real_version)
        returned_version, is_empty = self.scanner.enumerate_version(
            self.base_url, self.xml_file)

        assert len(returned_version) == 2
        assert real_version in returned_version
        assert is_empty == False

    def test_enumerate_hash(self):
        file_url = '/misc/drupal.js'
        body = 'zjyzjy2076'
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + file_url, body=body)

        actual_md5 = hashlib.md5(body.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

        md5 = self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash(self.base_url, file_url)

        assert md5 == actual_md5

    @patch('common.VersionsFile.files_get', return_value=['misc/drupal.js'])
    def test_fingerprint_correct_verb(self, patch):
        # this needs to be a get, otherwise, how are going to get the request body?
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'misc/drupal.js')
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'CHANGELOG.txt')

        # will exception if attempts to HEAD

    def test_version_gt(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("10.1", "9.1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23", "5.9")
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23.10", "5.23.9")

        assert self.v.version_gt("10.1", "10.1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("9.1", "10.1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.9", "5.23") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23.8", "5.23.9") == False

    def test_version_gt_different_length(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("", "10") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("10", "") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("", "10") == True

    def test_version_gt_diff_minor(self):
        # added after failures parsing SS versions.
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.9", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.11", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.10", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.8", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.7", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.6", "3.1.5") == False

    def test_version_gt_rc(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.7-rc1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.7-rc2")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.7-rc3")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.8", "3.1.7-rc1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("4", "3.1.7-rc1")

        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7-rc1", "3.1.7-rc1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7-rc1", "3.1.7") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.6", "3.1.7-rc1") == False

    def test_version_gt_ascii(self):
        # strips all letters?
        assert self.v.version_gt('1.0a', '2.0a') == False
        assert self.v.version_gt('4.0a', '2.0a')

    def test_version_highest(self):
        assert self.v.highest_version() == '7.28'

    def test_version_highest_major(self):
        res = self.v.highest_version_major(['6', '7'])

        assert res['6'] == '6.15'
        assert res['7'] == '7.28'

    def test_add_to_xml(self):
        add_versions = {
            '7.31': {
                'misc/ajax.js': '30d9e08baa11f3836eca00425b550f82',
                'misc/drupal.js': '0bb055ea361b208072be45e8e004117b',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': 'caaf444bbba2811b4fa0d5aecfa837e5',
                'misc/tableheader.js': 'bd98fa07941364726469e7666b91d14d'
            '6.33': {
                'misc/drupal.js': '1904f6fd4a4fe747d6b53ca9fd81f848',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': '50ebbc8dc949d7cb8d4cc5e6e0a6c1ca',
                'misc/tableheader.js': '570b3f821441cd8f75395224fc43a0ea'


        highest = self.v.highest_version_major(['6', '7'])

        assert highest['6'] == '6.33'
        assert highest['7'] == '7.31'

    def test_equal_number_per_major(self):
            Drupal fails hard after updating with auto updater of versions.xml
            This is because misc/tableheader.js had newer versions and not older versions of the 7.x branch.
            I've removed these manually, but if this is not auto fixed, then it
                opens up some extremely buggy-looking behaviour.

            So, in conclusion, each version should have the same number of
            files (as defined in versions.xml file) as all other versions in
            the same major branch.

            E.g. All drupal 7.x versions should reference 3 files. If one of
            them has more than 3, the detection algorithm will fail.
        fails = []
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
            vf = VersionsFile(xml_path)

            if 'silverstripe' in xml_path:
                major_numbers = 2
                major_numbers = 1

            fpvm = vf.files_per_version_major(major_numbers)

            number = 0
            for major in fpvm:
                for version in fpvm[major]:
                    nb = len(fpvm[major][version])
                    if number == 0:
                        number = nb

                    if nb != number:
                        msg = """All majors should have the same number of
                          files, and version %s has %s, versus %s on other
                          files.""" % (version, nb, number)

                        fails.append(" ".join(msg.split()))

                number = 0

        if len(fails) > 0:
            for fail in fails:

            assert False

    def test_version_exists(self):
        filename = 'misc/tableheader.js'
        file_xpath = './files/file[@url="%s"]' % filename
        file_add = self.v.root.findall(file_xpath)[0]

        assert self.v.version_exists(file_add, '6.15',
        assert not self.v.version_exists(file_add, '6.14',

    def test_version_has_changelog(self):
        v_with_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)

        assert not self.v.has_changelog()
        assert v_with_changelog.has_changelog()

    def test_narrow_skip_no_changelog(self):
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, "7.27")
        self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog = m = MagicMock()

        self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)
        assert not m.called

        self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file_changelog)
        assert m.called

    def test_narrow_down_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(
            self.xml_file_changelog, "7.27")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(
            self.base_url, mock_versions, v_changelog)

        assert result == ['7.27']

    def test_narrow_down_ignore_incorrect_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(
            self.xml_file_changelog, "7.22")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(
            self.base_url, mock_versions, v_changelog)

        # Changelog is possibly outdated, can't rely on it.
        assert result == mock_versions
class FingerprintTests(BaseTest):
        Tests related to version fingerprinting for all plugins.

    xml_file_changelog = 'tests/resources/versions_with_changelog.xml'
    bpi_module = 'plugins.internal.base_plugin_internal.BasePluginInternal.'
    cms_identify_module = bpi_module + 'cms_identify'
    process_url_module = bpi_module + 'process_url'
    pui_module = bpi_module + 'process_url_iterable'
    efh_module = bpi_module + 'enumerate_file_hash'

    def setUp(self):
        super(FingerprintTests, self).setUp()
        self.add_argv(['scan', 'drupal'])
        self.add_argv(['--method', 'forbidden'])
        self.v = VersionsFile(self.xml_file)

    @patch('common.VersionsFile.files_get', return_value=['misc/drupal.js'])
    @patch('common.VersionsFile.changelogs_get', return_value=['CHANGELOG.txt'])
    def test_calls_version(self, m, n):
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'misc/drupal.js')
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'CHANGELOG.txt')
        # with no mocked calls, any HTTP req will cause a ConnectionError.

    def test_calls_version_no_mock(self):
        # with no mocked calls, any HTTP req will cause a ConnectionError.

    def test_xml_validates_all(self):
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
            xml_validate(xml_path, self.versions_xsd)

    def test_determines_version(self):
        real_version = '7.26'
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, real_version)

        version, is_empty = self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)

        assert version[0] == real_version
        assert is_empty == False

    def test_determines_version_similar(self):
        real_version = '6.15'
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, real_version)
        returned_version, is_empty = self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)

        assert len(returned_version) == 2
        assert real_version in returned_version
        assert is_empty == False

    def test_enumerate_hash(self):
        file_url = '/misc/drupal.js'
        body = 'zjyzjy2076'
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + file_url, body=body)

        actual_md5 = hashlib.md5(body.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

        md5 = self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash(self.base_url, file_url)

        assert md5 == actual_md5

    def test_enumerate_not_found(self):
        ch_url = "CHANGELOG.txt"
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + ch_url, status=404)

        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash(self.base_url, ch_url)

    @patch('common.VersionsFile.files_get', return_value=['misc/drupal.js'])
    @patch('common.VersionsFile.changelogs_get', return_value=['CHANGELOG.txt'])
    def test_fingerprint_correct_verb(self, patch, other_patch):
        # this needs to be a get, otherwise, how are going to get the request body?
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'misc/drupal.js')
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'CHANGELOG.txt')

        # will exception if attempts to HEAD
                self.scanner.versions_file, verb='head')

    def test_version_gt(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("10.1", "9.1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23", "5.9")
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23.10", "5.23.9")

        assert self.v.version_gt("10.1", "10.1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("9.1", "10.1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.9", "5.23") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23.8", "5.23.9") == False

    def test_version_gt_different_length(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("", "10") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("10", "") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("", "10") == True

    def test_version_gt_diff_minor(self):
        # added after failures parsing SS versions.
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.9", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.11", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.10", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.8", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.7", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.6", "3.1.5") == False

    def test_version_gt_rc(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.7-rc1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.7-rc2")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.7-rc3")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.8", "3.1.7-rc1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("4", "3.1.7-rc1")

        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7-rc1", "3.1.7-rc1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7-rc1", "3.1.7") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.6", "3.1.7-rc1") == False

    def test_version_gt_ascii(self):
        # strips all letters?
        assert self.v.version_gt('1.0a', '2.0a') == False
        assert self.v.version_gt('4.0a', '2.0a')

    def test_version_gt_edge_case(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt('8.0.0-beta6', '8.0') == False
        assert self.v.version_gt('8.0.1-beta6', '8.0')

    def test_version_gt_empty_rc(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.8", "3.1.8-rc")
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.7", "3.1.8-rc") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.1.8-rc", "3.1.8") == False

    def test_weird_joomla_rc(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("2.5.28", "2.5.28.rc")
        assert self.v.version_gt("2.5.28.rc", "2.5.28") == False

        assert self.v.version_gt("2.5.0", "2.5.0_RC1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("2.5.0_RC1", "2.5.0") == False

    def test_weird_joomla_again(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt('2.5.28.rc', '2.5.28.rc2') == False
        assert self.v.version_gt('2.5.28.rc2', '2.5.28.rc')

    def test_version_highest(self):
        assert self.v.highest_version() == '7.28'

    def test_version_highest_major(self):
        res = self.v.highest_version_major(['6', '7', '8'])

        assert res['6'] == '6.15'
        assert res['7'] == '7.28'
        assert res['8'] == '7.9999'

    def test_add_to_xml(self):
        add_versions = {
            '7.31': {
                'misc/ajax.js': '30d9e08baa11f3836eca00425b550f82',
                'misc/drupal.js': '0bb055ea361b208072be45e8e004117b',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': 'caaf444bbba2811b4fa0d5aecfa837e5',
                'misc/tableheader.js': 'bd98fa07941364726469e7666b91d14d'
            '6.33': {
                'misc/drupal.js': '1904f6fd4a4fe747d6b53ca9fd81f848',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': '50ebbc8dc949d7cb8d4cc5e6e0a6c1ca',
                'misc/tableheader.js': '570b3f821441cd8f75395224fc43a0ea'


        highest = self.v.highest_version_major(['6', '7'])

        assert highest['6'] == '6.33'
        assert highest['7'] == '7.31'

    def test_equal_number_per_major(self):
            Drupal fails hard after updating with auto updater of versions.xml
            This is because misc/tableheader.js had newer versions and not older versions of the 7.x branch.
            I've removed these manually, but if this is not auto fixed, then it
                opens up some extremely buggy-looking behaviour.

            So, in conclusion, each version should have the same number of
            files (as defined in versions.xml file) as all other versions in
            the same major branch.

            E.g. All drupal 7.x versions should reference 3 files. If one of
            them has more than 3, the detection algorithm will fail.
        fails = []
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
           vf = VersionsFile(xml_path)

           if 'silverstripe' in xml_path:
               major_numbers = 2
               major_numbers = 1

           fpvm = vf.files_per_version_major(major_numbers)

           number = 0
           for major in fpvm:
              for version in fpvm[major]:
                  nb = len(fpvm[major][version])
                  if number == 0:
                      number = nb

                  if nb != number:
                      msg = """All majors should have the same number of
                          files, and version %s has %s, versus %s on other
                          files.""" % (version, nb, number)

                      fails.append(" ".join(msg.split()))

              number = 0

        if len(fails) > 0:
            for fail in fails:

            assert False

    def test_version_exists(self):
        filename = 'misc/tableheader.js'
        file_xpath = './files/file[@url="%s"]' % filename
        file_add = self.v.root.findall(file_xpath)[0]

        assert self.v.version_exists(file_add, '6.15', 'b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184')
        assert not self.v.version_exists(file_add, '6.14', 'b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184')

    def test_version_has_changelog(self):
        v_with_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)

        assert not self.v.has_changelog()
        assert v_with_changelog.has_changelog()

    def test_narrow_skip_no_changelog(self):
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, "7.27")
        self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog = m = MagicMock()

        self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)
        assert not m.called

        self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file_changelog)
        assert m.called

    def test_narrow_down_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file_changelog, "7.27")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        assert result == ['7.27']

    def test_narrow_down_ignore_incorrect_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file_changelog, "7.22")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        # Changelog is possibly outdated, can't rely on it.
        assert result == mock_versions

    def test_multiple_changelogs_or(self):
        mock_versions = ["8.0", "8.1", "8.2"]
        xml_multi_changelog = 'tests/resources/versions_multiple_changelog.xml'

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(xml_multi_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(xml_multi_changelog, "8.0")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        assert result == ["8.0"]

    def test_multiple_changelogs_all_fail(self):
        mock_versions = ["8.0", "8.1", "8.2"]
        xml_multi_changelog = 'tests/resources/versions_multiple_changelog.xml'

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(xml_multi_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(xml_multi_changelog,
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        assert result == mock_versions

    def _prepare_identify(self, url_file=False):
        if url_file:
            self.add_argv(['scan', '-U', self.valid_file])
            self.add_argv(['scan', '-u', self.base_url])

    def test_cms_identify_called(self):
        with patch(self.cms_identify_module, autospec=True) as m:

        assert m.called

    def test_cms_identify_repairs_url(self):
        url_simple = self.base_url[7:-1]
        self.add_argv(['scan', '-u', url_simple])

        ru_module = "common.functions.repair_url"
        ru_return = self.base_url

        with patch(self.cms_identify_module, autospec=True, return_value=False) as ci:
            with patch(ru_module, return_value=self.base_url, autospec=True) as ru:

                args, kwargs = ci.call_args
                assert ru.called
                assert args[3] == self.base_url

    def test_cms_identify_respected(self):
        return_value = [False, False, True]

            with patch(self.process_url_module, autospec=True) as pu:
                with patch(self.cms_identify_module, side_effect=return_value, autospec=True) as m:
        except ConnectionError:

        assert m.call_count == 3
        assert pu.call_count == 1

    def test_cms_identify_respected_multiple(self):
        return_value = [True, False, True, False, False, True]

            with patch(self.pui_module, autospec=True) as pui:
                with patch(self.cms_identify_module, side_effect=return_value, autospec=True) as m:
        except ConnectionError:

        assert m.call_count == 6
        assert pui.call_count == 3

    def test_cms_identify(self):
        rfu = "test/topst/tust.txt"
        has_hash = 'common.versions.VersionsFile.has_hash'

        with patch(self.efh_module, autospec=True, return_value=fake_hash) as efh:
            with patch(has_hash, autospec=True, return_value=True) as hh:
                self.scanner.regular_file_url = rfu
                is_cms = self.scanner.cms_identify(self.test_opts, self.v, self.base_url)

                args, kwargs = efh.call_args
                assert args[1] == self.base_url
                assert args[2] == rfu
                assert args[3] == self.test_opts['timeout']

                args, kwargs = hh.call_args
                assert hh.called
                assert args[1] == fake_hash
                assert is_cms == True

    def test_cms_identify_array(self):
        def _efh_side_effect(self, *args):
            if args[1] != second_url:
                raise RuntimeError
                return fake_hash

        second_url = "test/tstatat/deststat.js"
        rfu = ["test/topst/tust.txt", second_url]
        has_hash = 'common.versions.VersionsFile.has_hash'

        with patch(self.efh_module, autospec=True, side_effect=_efh_side_effect) as efh:
            with patch(has_hash, autospec=True, return_value=True) as hh:
                self.scanner.regular_file_url = rfu
                is_cms = self.scanner.cms_identify(self.test_opts, self.v, self.base_url)

                assert efh.call_count == 2
                i = 0
                for args, kwargs in efh.call_args_list:
                    assert args[1] == self.base_url
                    assert args[2] == rfu[i]
                    assert args[3] == self.test_opts['timeout']
                    i += 1

                args, kwargs = hh.call_args
                assert hh.called
                assert args[1] == fake_hash
                assert is_cms == True

    def test_cms_identify_false(self):
        rfu = "test/topst/tust.txt"
        with patch(self.efh_module, autospec=True, side_effect=RuntimeError) as m:
            self.scanner.regular_file_url = rfu
            is_cms = self.scanner.cms_identify(self.test_opts, self.v, self.base_url)

            assert is_cms == False

    def test_cms_identify_false_notexist(self):
        rfu = "test/topst/tust.txt"
        has_hash = 'common.versions.VersionsFile.has_hash'

        with patch(self.efh_module, autospec=True, return_value=fake_hash) as efh:
            with patch(has_hash, autospec=True, return_value=False) as hh:
                self.scanner.regular_file_url = rfu
                is_cms = self.scanner.cms_identify(self.test_opts, self.v, self.base_url)

                assert is_cms == False

    def test_has_hash(self):
        existant_hash = 'b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184'

        assert self.v.has_hash(existant_hash) == True
        assert self.v.has_hash(nonexistant_hash) == False
class FingerprintTests(BaseTest):
        Tests related to version fingerprinting for all plugins.

    xml_file_changelog = 'tests/resources/versions_with_changelog.xml'

    class MockHash():
        files = None
        def mock_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
            url = kwargs['file_url']
            return self.files[url]

    def setUp(self):
        super(FingerprintTests, self).setUp()
        self.add_argv(['scan', 'drupal'])
        self.add_argv(['--method', 'forbidden'])
        self.v = VersionsFile(self.xml_file)

    def mock_xml(self, xml_file, version_to_mock):
            generates all mock data, and patches Drupal.get_hash

            @param xml_file a file, which contains the XML to mock.
            @param version_to_mock the version which we will pretend to be.
            @return a function which can be used to mock

            @usage self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, "7.27")
        with open(xml_file) as f:
            doc = etree.fromstring(f.read())
            files_xml = doc.xpath('//cms/files/file')

            files = {}
            for file in files_xml:
                url = file.get('url')
                versions = file.xpath('version')
                for file_version in versions:
                    version_number = file_version.get('nb')
                    md5 = file_version.get('md5')

                    if version_number == version_to_mock:
                        files[url] = md5

                if not url in files:
                    files[url] = '5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592'

            ch_xml = doc.find('./files/changelog')
            if ch_xml is not None:
                ch_url = ch_xml.get('url')
                ch_versions = ch_xml.findall('./version')
                for ch_version in ch_versions:
                    ch_nb = ch_version.get('nb')
                    if ch_nb == version_to_mock:
                        files[ch_url] = ch_version.get('md5')

        mock_hash = self.MockHash()
        mock_hash.files = files
        mock = MagicMock(side_effect=mock_hash.mock_func)

        return mock

    @patch('common.VersionsFile.files_get', return_value=['misc/drupal.js'])
    def test_calls_version(self, m):
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'misc/drupal.js')
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'CHANGELOG.txt')
        # with no mocked calls, any HTTP req will cause a ConnectionError.

    def test_calls_version_no_mock(self):
        # with no mocked calls, any HTTP req will cause a ConnectionError.

    def test_xml_validates_all(self):
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
            xml_validate(xml_path, self.versions_xsd)

    def test_determines_version(self):
        real_version = '7.26'
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, real_version)

        version, is_empty = self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)

        assert version[0] == real_version
        assert is_empty == False

    def test_determines_version_similar(self):
        real_version = '6.15'
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, real_version)
        returned_version, is_empty = self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)

        assert len(returned_version) == 2
        assert real_version in returned_version
        assert is_empty == False

    def test_enumerate_hash(self):
        file_url = '/misc/drupal.js'
        body = 'zjyzjy2076'
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + file_url, body=body)

        actual_md5 = hashlib.md5(body).hexdigest()

        md5 = self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash(self.base_url, file_url)

        assert md5 == actual_md5

    @patch('common.VersionsFile.files_get', return_value=['misc/drupal.js'])
    def test_fingerprint_correct_verb(self, patch):
        # this needs to be a get, otherwise, how are going to get the request body?
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'misc/drupal.js')
        responses.add(responses.GET, self.base_url + 'CHANGELOG.txt')

        # will exception if attempts to HEAD
                self.scanner.versions_file, verb='head')

    def test_version_gt(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("10.1", "9.1")
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23", "5.9")
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23.10", "5.23.9")

        assert self.v.version_gt("10.1", "10.1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("9.1", "10.1") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.9", "5.23") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("5.23.8", "5.23.9") == False

    def test_version_gt_different_length(self):
        assert self.v.version_gt("", "10") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("10", "") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("", "10") == True

    def test_version_gt_diff_minor(self):
        # added after failures parsing SS versions.
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.9", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.11", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.10", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.8", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.7", "3.1.5") == False
        assert self.v.version_gt("3.0.6", "3.1.5") == False

    def test_version_gt_ascii(self):
        # strips all letters?
        assert self.v.version_gt('1.0a', '2.0a') == False
        assert self.v.version_gt('4.0a', '2.0a')

    def test_version_highest(self):
        assert self.v.highest_version() == '7.28'

    def test_version_highest_major(self):
        res = self.v.highest_version_major(['6', '7'])

        assert res['6'] == '6.15'
        assert res['7'] == '7.28'

    def test_add_to_xml(self):
        add_versions = {
            '7.31': {
                'misc/ajax.js': '30d9e08baa11f3836eca00425b550f82',
                'misc/drupal.js': '0bb055ea361b208072be45e8e004117b',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': 'caaf444bbba2811b4fa0d5aecfa837e5',
                'misc/tableheader.js': 'bd98fa07941364726469e7666b91d14d'
            '6.33': {
                'misc/drupal.js': '1904f6fd4a4fe747d6b53ca9fd81f848',
                'misc/tabledrag.js': '50ebbc8dc949d7cb8d4cc5e6e0a6c1ca',
                'misc/tableheader.js': '570b3f821441cd8f75395224fc43a0ea'


        highest = self.v.highest_version_major(['6', '7'])

        assert highest['6'] == '6.33'
        assert highest['7'] == '7.31'

    def test_equal_number_per_major(self):
            Drupal fails hard after updating with auto updater of versions.xml
            This is because misc/tableheader.js had newer versions and not older versions of the 7.x branch.
            I've removed these manually, but if this is not auto fixed, then it
                opens up some extremely buggy-looking behaviour.

            So, in conclusion, each version should have the same number of
            files (as defined in versions.xml file) as all other versions in
            the same major branch.

            E.g. All drupal 7.x versions should reference 3 files. If one of
            them has more than 3, the detection algorithm will fail.
        fails = []
        for xml_path in glob('plugins/*/versions.xml'):
           vf = VersionsFile(xml_path)
           fpvm = vf.files_per_version_major()

           number = 0
           for major in fpvm:
              for version in fpvm[major]:
                  nb = len(fpvm[major][version])
                  if number == 0:
                      number = nb

                  if nb != number:
                      msg = """All majors should have the same number of
                          files, and version %s has %s, versus %s on other
                          files.""" % (version, nb, number)

                      fails.append(" ".join(msg.split()))

              number = 0

        if len(fails) > 0:
            for fail in fails:
                print fail

            assert False

    def test_version_exists(self):
        filename = 'misc/tableheader.js'
        file_xpath = './files/file[@url="%s"]' % filename
        file_add = self.v.root.findall(file_xpath)[0]

        assert self.v.version_exists(file_add, '6.15', 'b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184')
        assert not self.v.version_exists(file_add, '6.14', 'b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184')

    def test_version_has_changelog(self):
        v_with_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)

        assert not self.v.has_changelog()
        assert v_with_changelog.has_changelog()

    def test_narrow_skip_no_changelog(self):
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file, "7.27")
        self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog = m = MagicMock()

        self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file)
        assert not m.called

        self.scanner.enumerate_version(self.base_url, self.xml_file_changelog)
        assert m.called

    def test_narrow_down_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file_changelog, "7.27")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        assert result == ['7.27']

    def test_narrow_down_ignore_incorrect_changelog(self):
        mock_versions = ['7.26', '7.27', '7.28']

        v_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)
        self.scanner.enumerate_file_hash = self.mock_xml(self.xml_file_changelog, "7.22")
        result = self.scanner.enumerate_version_changelog(self.base_url,
                mock_versions, v_changelog)

        # Changelog is possibly outdated, can't rely on it.
        assert result == mock_versions
    def test_version_has_changelog(self):
        v_with_changelog = VersionsFile(self.xml_file_changelog)

        assert not self.v.has_changelog()
        assert v_with_changelog.has_changelog()