def analyse_cry(dRec, xDB):
    dRec must be dictionary of form:
    dInput = {
            'iSampleRate': iSampleRate,
            'aTime': aTime,
            'aAudio': aAudio,
            'aCorr': aCorr
    xDB can be string for filename, or dictionary of above form
    Correlation and least squares comparison between audio files
    classifications based on classifications by Pricilla Dunstan
    import numpy as np
    def normalize(aArray):
        iMax = np.max(aArray)
        return [i/iMax for i in aArray]
    def calc_misfit(a1, a2):
        calculates the misfit between the 2 arrays and returns a scalar
        shortest array length is taken
        iLen = len(a1) if len(a1)<len(a2) else len(a2)
        iMisfit = 0
        for i in range(iLen):
            iMisfit += (a1[i] - a2[i])**2
        return iMisfit
    def round_sci(iNum, iSigs):
        round number to significant figures
        return float(format(iNum, '.{0}g'.format(iSigs)))
    iRecSampleRate = dRec['iSampleRate']
    aRecTime_NoShift = dRec['aTime']
    aRecAudio = dRec['aAudio']
    aRecCorr_NoShift = dRec['aCorr']
    if type(xDB) == str:
        import common_fxns
        sDBDir = xDB
            aDBCorr_NoShift) = common_fxns.process_dir(sDBDir)[0:4]
    elif type(xDB) == dict:
        iDBSampleRate = xDB['iSampleRate']
        aDBTime_NoShift = xDB['aTime']
        aDBAudio = xDB['aAudio']
        aDBCorr_NoShift = xDB['aCorr']
        raise ValueError('Please enter a string or dict of the correct format')
    aRecCorr_NoShift = normalize(aRecCorr_NoShift)
    aDBCorr_NoShift = normalize(aDBCorr_NoShift)
    #shifted guassian correlations such that misfit has more meaning
    #shifted such that maxima line up
    iIndexMax = np.argmax(aRecCorr_NoShift)
    iDBIndexMax = np.argmax(aDBCorr_NoShift)
    #always shifting right: therefore shift where argmax is less
    #for y values, prepend 0, for tive values, prepend time increments
    if iDBIndexMax > iIndexMax:
        #shift signal 1 to the right
        iShift = iDBIndexMax - iIndexMax
        aRec = np.zeros(len(aRecCorr_NoShift) + iShift)
        aRec[iShift:] = aRecCorr_NoShift
        aRecTime = np.zeros(len(aRecTime_NoShift) + iShift)
        aRecTime[:iShift] = np.array([i/iRecSampleRate for i in range(iShift)])
        aRecTime[iShift:] = aRecTime_NoShift + iShift/iRecSampleRate
        aDB = aDBCorr_NoShift
        aDBTime = aDBTime_NoShift
        #shift signal 2 to the right
        iShift = iIndexMax - iDBIndexMax
        aDB = np.zeros(len(aDBCorr_NoShift) + iShift)
        aDB[iShift:] = aDBCorr_NoShift
        aDBTime = np.zeros(len(aDBTime_NoShift) + iShift)
        aDBTime[:iShift] = np.array([i/iDBSampleRate for i in range(iShift)])
        aDBTime[iShift:] = aDBTime_NoShift + iShift/iDBSampleRate
        aRec = aRecCorr_NoShift
        aRecTime = aRecTime_NoShift
    #correlation between 2 signals
    #order matters for the calculations to get iCorrArea
    bRecLonger = len(aRecTime) > len(aDBTime)
    #the fftconvolve needs the longer array to be placed first, time needs to be the longer one
    aCorrTime = aRecTime if bRecLonger else aDBTime
    aLonger = aRec if bRecLonger else aDB
    aShorter = aDB if bRecLonger else aRec
    #np.correlate(aRec, aDB, 'same') takes too long, fftconvolve is faster with near identical results
    from scipy import signal
    aCorr = signal.fftconvolve(aLonger, aShorter, mode='same') 
    #least squares comparison to get misfit
    iMisfit = calc_misfit(aRec, aDB)
    iCorrArea = np.trapz(aCorr, aCorrTime)
    #round to 3 significant figures
    iMisfit = round_sci(iMisfit, 3)
    iCorrArea = round_sci(iCorrArea, 3)
    return iMisfit, iCorrArea
def isolate_cries(sDir,
    expected peak corrolation by convolution, then edge detection
    iResample = 8000 Hz resampling rate
        Hard coded variables obtained by trial:
            linerar smoothing coefficient:  iLinearSmooth = 20 frames
            minima threshhold factor:  iThreshFact = 10 times
            horozontal cluster threshhold:  iThreshCluster = 0.01 seconds * iSampleRate
            keep sections threshhold factor:  iThreshKeepFact = 5
    can save each cut to separate file 
    returns list of cuts, each cut is peak data (correlation with gaussian)
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import signal
    import common_fxns

    iLinearSmooth = 50

    (iSampleRate, aTime, aAudio, aCorr,
     aOrigAudio) = common_fxns.process_dir(sDir,

    iThreshFact = 5.0
    iThreshClusterSecs = 0.01
    iThreshCluster = iThreshClusterSecs * iSampleRate
    iThreshKeepFact = 4.0

    from scipy import ndimage
    aFirstDeriv = ndimage.sobel(aCorr)

    aFirstDeriv = common_fxns.smooth(aFirstDeriv, iLinearSmooth)
    aSecondDeriv = ndimage.sobel(aFirstDeriv)

    #---Get minima and filter
    #intersecion of derivative with zero line (get maxima and minima)
    aZero = np.zeros(np.shape(aSecondDeriv))
    iTolerance = 10.0  #tolerance to zero-intersect
    aZeroIntersect = np.argwhere(
        np.isclose(aZero, aFirstDeriv, atol=iTolerance)).reshape(-1)

    #positive second derivitave (get minima)
    aMinimaIndeces = np.array(
        [i for i in aZeroIntersect if aSecondDeriv[i] > 0])

    #apply threshold filter for minima (y axis filter)
    iMax = np.max(aCorr)
    iMin = np.min(aCorr)
    iAmplThresh = (iMax - iMin) / iThreshFact  #we only want to keep low minima
    aMinimaIndeces = np.array(
        [i for i in aMinimaIndeces if aCorr[i] < iAmplThresh])

    #apply proximity filter to single out consecutive groups of minima
    lMinimaIndeces = []
    for i in range(len(aMinimaIndeces) - 1):
        if aMinimaIndeces[i + 1] - aMinimaIndeces[i] > iThreshCluster:

    if len(aMinimaIndeces) > 0:

    lMinimaIndecesFilt = [int(i) for i in lMinimaIndeces]

    #add the beginning and end of the track
    lMinimaIndecesFilt.insert(0, 0)
    lMinimaIndecesFilt.insert(len(lMinimaIndecesFilt), int(len(aCorr) - 1))

    #get time values from indeces
    aTimeIntersects = np.array(aTime)[lMinimaIndecesFilt]

    #cut up audio according to minima indeces
    iMin = 1
    iCut = 1

    laAudios = []
    laCorrs = []

    ###TODO remove
    #lKeep = []
    #lThrow = []
    #lStart = []

    while iMin < len(lMinimaIndecesFilt):
        iStart = lMinimaIndecesFilt[iMin - 1]
        iEnd = lMinimaIndecesFilt[iMin]

        ###TODO remove
        #iMean = iStart + (iEnd-iStart)/2
        #iMeanTime = iMean/iSampleRate

        aAudioCut = np.array(aAudio[iStart:iEnd])
        aCorrAudioCut = np.array(aCorr[iStart:iEnd])
        aOrigAudioCut = np.array(aOrigAudio[iStart:iEnd])

        if aCorrAudioCut.any():
            #keep only peaks with a minimum amplitude
            bKeep = (np.max(aCorrAudioCut) -
                     np.min(aCorrAudioCut)) > np.max(aCorr) / iThreshKeepFact
            bKeep = False

        #throw away sections with max amplitude less than max/iThreshKeepFact
        if bKeep:
            if bSave:
                sDirCutNum = '{0}/cut{1}.wav'.format(sCutDir, iCut)
                from scipy.io.wavfile import write
                write(sDirCutNum, iSampleRate, aOrigAudioCut)


            iCut += 1

            ###TODO remove

        iMin += 1

    #def normalize(aArray):
    #iMax = np.max(aArray)
    #return [i/iMax for i in aArray]

    #iMax = np.max(aCorr)
    #iMax = 1.0
    #aCorr = normalize(aCorr)
    ##aAudio = normalize(aAudio)
    ##aFirstDeriv = normalize(aFirstDeriv)
    ##aSecondDeriv = normalize(aSecondDeriv)
    ##aOrigAudio = normalize(aOrigAudio)

    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #plt.plot(aTime, aCorr, 'r')

    #plt.plot(aTime, aCorr, 'b')
    #plt.plot(lKeep, [iMax/3 for i in range(len(lKeep))], 'g^')
    #plt.plot(lThrow, [iMax/3 for i in range(len(lThrow))], 'rx')
    #plt.plot(lStart, [iMax/50 for i in range(len(lStart))], 'yo')

    #plt.title('Green: Orig, Blue:  1st, Red:  2nd')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aCorr, 'g')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aFirstDeriv, 'bx')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aSecondDeriv, 'r')
    #plt.plot(lKeep, [0 for i in range(len(lKeep))], 'g^')
    #plt.plot(lThrow, [0 for i in range(len(lThrow))], 'rx')
    #plt.plot(lStart, [0 for i in range(len(lStart))], 'yo')


    return iSampleRate, laAudios, laCorrs
def isolate_cries(sDir, iResample = 8000, iSigmaSecs=0.05):
    expected peak corrolation by convolution, then edge detection
    iResample = 8000 Hz resampling rate
        Hard coded variables obtained by trial:
            linerar smoothing coefficient:  iLinearSmooth = 20 frames
            minima threshhold factor:  iThreshFact = 10 times
            horozontal cluster threshhold:  iThreshCluster = 0.01 seconds * iSampleRate
            keep sections threshhold factor:  iThreshKeepFact = 5
    can save each cut to separate file 
    returns list of cuts, each cut is peak data (correlation with gaussian)
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import signal
    import common_fxns
    iLinearSmooth = 50
        aOrigAudio) = common_fxns.process_dir(sDir, iSmooth=iLinearSmooth, iResample=iResample, iSigmaSecs=iSigmaSecs)
    iThreshFact = 5.0
    iThreshClusterSecs = 0.01
    iThreshCluster = iThreshClusterSecs * iSampleRate
    iThreshKeepFact = 4.0
    from scipy import ndimage
    aFirstDeriv = ndimage.sobel(aCorr)
    aFirstDeriv = common_fxns.smooth(aFirstDeriv, iLinearSmooth)
    aSecondDeriv = ndimage.sobel(aFirstDeriv)
    #---Get minima and filter
    #intersecion of derivative with zero line (get maxima and minima)
    aZero = np.zeros(np.shape(aSecondDeriv))
    iTolerance = 10.0        #tolerance to zero-intersect
    aZeroIntersect = np.argwhere(np.isclose(aZero, aFirstDeriv, atol=iTolerance)).reshape(-1)
    #positive second derivitave (get minima)
    aMinimaIndeces = np.array([ i for i in aZeroIntersect if aSecondDeriv[i] > 0 ])
    #apply threshold filter for minima (y axis filter)
    iMax = np.max(aCorr)
    iMin = np.min(aCorr)
    iAmplThresh = (iMax - iMin)/iThreshFact      #we only want to keep low minima
    aMinimaIndeces = np.array( [i for i in aMinimaIndeces if aCorr[i] < iAmplThresh] )
    #apply proximity filter to single out consecutive groups of minima
    lMinimaIndeces = []
    for i in range(len(aMinimaIndeces) - 1):
        if aMinimaIndeces[i+1] - aMinimaIndeces[i] > iThreshCluster:
    if len(aMinimaIndeces) >0:
    lMinimaIndecesFilt = [int(i) for i in lMinimaIndeces]
    #add the beginning and end of the track
    lMinimaIndecesFilt.insert(0, 0)
    lMinimaIndecesFilt.insert(len(lMinimaIndecesFilt), int(len(aCorr)-1))
    #get time values from indeces
    aTimeIntersects = np.array(aTime)[lMinimaIndecesFilt]

    #cut up audio according to minima indeces
    iMin = 1
    iCut = 1
    laAudios = []
    laCorrs = []
    while iMin < len(lMinimaIndecesFilt):
        iStart = lMinimaIndecesFilt[iMin -1]
        iEnd = lMinimaIndecesFilt[iMin]

        aAudioCut = np.array(aAudio[iStart : iEnd])
        aCorrAudioCut = np.array(aCorr[iStart : iEnd])
        aOrigAudioCut = np.array(aOrigAudio[iStart : iEnd])
        if aCorrAudioCut.any():
            #keep only peaks with a minimum amplitude
            bKeep = (np.max(aCorrAudioCut) - np.min(aCorrAudioCut)) > np.max(aCorr)/iThreshKeepFact
            bKeep = False
        #throw away sections with max amplitude less than max/iThreshKeepFact
        if bKeep:
            iCut += 1
        iMin += 1
    return iSampleRate, laAudios, laCorrs
def analyse_cry(xRec, xDB):
    inputs must either be path string or dictionary of form:
    dInput = {
            'iSampleRate': iSampleRate,
            'aTime': aTime,
            'aAudio': aAudio,
            'aCorr': aCorr
    Correlation and least squares comparison between audio files
    classifications based on classifications by Pricilla Dunstan
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import signal

    import common_fxns

    def normalize(aArray):
        iMax = np.max(aArray)
        return [i / iMax for i in aArray]

    def calc_misfit(a1, a2):
        calculates the misfit between the 2 arrays and returns a scalar
        shortest array length is taken
        iLen = len(a1) if len(a1) < len(a2) else len(a2)

        iMisfit = 0
        for i in range(iLen):
            iMisfit += (a1[i] - a2[i])**2
        return iMisfit

    def round_sci(iNum, iSigs):
        round number to significant figures
        return float(format(iNum, '.{0}g'.format(iSigs)))

    if type(xRec) == str:
        sRecDir = xRec
        (iRecSampleRate, aRecTime_NoShift, aRecAudio,
         aRecCorr_NoShift) = common_fxns.process_dir(sRecDir)[0:4]

    elif type(xRec) == dict:
        iRecSampleRate = xRec['iSampleRate']
        aRecTime_NoShift = xRec['aTime']
        aRecAudio = xRec['aAudio']
        aRecCorr_NoShift = xRec['aCorr']

        raise ValueError('Please enter a string or dict of the correct format')

    if type(xDB) == str:
        sDBDir = xDB
        (iDBSampleRate, aDBTime_NoShift, aDBAudio,
         aDBCorr_NoShift) = common_fxns.process_dir(sDBDir)[0:4]

    elif type(xDB) == dict:
        iDBSampleRate = xDB['iSampleRate']
        aDBTime_NoShift = xDB['aTime']
        aDBAudio = xDB['aAudio']
        aDBCorr_NoShift = xDB['aCorr']

        raise ValueError('Please enter a string or dict of the correct format')

    aRecCorr_NoShift = normalize(aRecCorr_NoShift)
    aDBCorr_NoShift = normalize(aDBCorr_NoShift)

    #shifted guassian correlations such that misfit has more meaning
    #shifted such that maxima line up
    iIndexMax = np.argmax(aRecCorr_NoShift)
    iDBIndexMax = np.argmax(aDBCorr_NoShift)

    #always shifting right: therefore shift where argmax is less
    #for y values, prepend 0, for tive values, prepend time increments
    if iDBIndexMax > iIndexMax:
        #shift signal 1 to the right
        iShift = iDBIndexMax - iIndexMax
        aRec = np.zeros(len(aRecCorr_NoShift) + iShift)
        aRec[iShift:] = aRecCorr_NoShift

        aRecTime = np.zeros(len(aRecTime_NoShift) + iShift)
        aRecTime[:iShift] = np.array(
            [i / iRecSampleRate for i in range(iShift)])
        aRecTime[iShift:] = aRecTime_NoShift + iShift / iRecSampleRate

        aDB = aDBCorr_NoShift
        aDBTime = aDBTime_NoShift
        #shift signal 2 to the right
        iShift = iIndexMax - iDBIndexMax
        aDB = np.zeros(len(aDBCorr_NoShift) + iShift)
        aDB[iShift:] = aDBCorr_NoShift

        aDBTime = np.zeros(len(aDBTime_NoShift) + iShift)
        aDBTime[:iShift] = np.array([i / iDBSampleRate for i in range(iShift)])
        aDBTime[iShift:] = aDBTime_NoShift + iShift / iDBSampleRate

        aRec = aRecCorr_NoShift
        aRecTime = aRecTime_NoShift

    #correlation between 2 signals
    aCorr = np.correlate(aRec, aDB, 'same')
    aCorrTime = aRecTime if len(aRecTime) > len(aDBTime) else aDBTime

    #least squares comparison to get misfit
    iMisfit = calc_misfit(aRec, aDB)
    iCorrArea = np.trapz(aCorr, aCorrTime)

    #round to 3 significant figures
    iMisfit = round_sci(iMisfit, 3)
    iCorrArea = round_sci(iCorrArea, 3)

    return iMisfit, iCorrArea
def isolate_cries(sDir, iResample = 8000, bSave = False, sCutDir=None, iSigmaSecs=0.05):
    expected peak corrolation by convolution, then edge detection
    iResample = 8000 Hz resampling rate
        Hard coded variables obtained by trial:
            linerar smoothing coefficient:  iLinearSmooth = 20 frames
            minima threshhold factor:  iThreshFact = 10 times
            horozontal cluster threshhold:  iThreshCluster = 0.01 seconds * iSampleRate
            keep sections threshhold factor:  iThreshKeepFact = 5
    can save each cut to separate file 
    returns list of cuts, each cut is peak data (correlation with gaussian)
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import signal
    import common_fxns
    iLinearSmooth = 50
        aOrigAudio) = common_fxns.process_dir(sDir, iSmooth=iLinearSmooth, iResample=iResample, iSigmaSecs=iSigmaSecs)
    iThreshFact = 5.0
    iThreshClusterSecs = 0.01
    iThreshCluster = iThreshClusterSecs * iSampleRate
    iThreshKeepFact = 4.0
    from scipy import ndimage
    aFirstDeriv = ndimage.sobel(aCorr)
    aFirstDeriv = common_fxns.smooth(aFirstDeriv, iLinearSmooth)
    aSecondDeriv = ndimage.sobel(aFirstDeriv)
    #---Get minima and filter
    #intersecion of derivative with zero line (get maxima and minima)
    aZero = np.zeros(np.shape(aSecondDeriv))
    iTolerance = 10.0        #tolerance to zero-intersect
    aZeroIntersect = np.argwhere(np.isclose(aZero, aFirstDeriv, atol=iTolerance)).reshape(-1)
    #positive second derivitave (get minima)
    aMinimaIndeces = np.array([ i for i in aZeroIntersect if aSecondDeriv[i] > 0 ])
    #apply threshold filter for minima (y axis filter)
    iMax = np.max(aCorr)
    iMin = np.min(aCorr)
    iAmplThresh = (iMax - iMin)/iThreshFact      #we only want to keep low minima
    aMinimaIndeces = np.array( [i for i in aMinimaIndeces if aCorr[i] < iAmplThresh] )
    #apply proximity filter to single out consecutive groups of minima
    lMinimaIndeces = []
    for i in range(len(aMinimaIndeces) - 1):
        if aMinimaIndeces[i+1] - aMinimaIndeces[i] > iThreshCluster:
    if len(aMinimaIndeces) >0:
    lMinimaIndecesFilt = [int(i) for i in lMinimaIndeces]
    #add the beginning and end of the track
    lMinimaIndecesFilt.insert(0, 0)
    lMinimaIndecesFilt.insert(len(lMinimaIndecesFilt), int(len(aCorr)-1))
    #get time values from indeces
    aTimeIntersects = np.array(aTime)[lMinimaIndecesFilt]

    #cut up audio according to minima indeces
    iMin = 1
    iCut = 1
    laAudios = []
    laCorrs = []
    ###TODO remove
    #lKeep = []
    #lThrow = []
    #lStart = []
    while iMin < len(lMinimaIndecesFilt):
        iStart = lMinimaIndecesFilt[iMin -1]
        iEnd = lMinimaIndecesFilt[iMin]
        ###TODO remove
        #iMean = iStart + (iEnd-iStart)/2
        #iMeanTime = iMean/iSampleRate

        aAudioCut = np.array(aAudio[iStart : iEnd])
        aCorrAudioCut = np.array(aCorr[iStart : iEnd])
        aOrigAudioCut = np.array(aOrigAudio[iStart : iEnd])
        if aCorrAudioCut.any():
            #keep only peaks with a minimum amplitude
            bKeep = (np.max(aCorrAudioCut) - np.min(aCorrAudioCut)) > np.max(aCorr)/iThreshKeepFact
            bKeep = False
        #throw away sections with max amplitude less than max/iThreshKeepFact
        if bKeep:
            if bSave:
                sDirCutNum = '{0}/cut{1}.wav'.format(sCutDir, iCut)
                from scipy.io.wavfile import write
                write(sDirCutNum, iSampleRate, aOrigAudioCut)
            iCut += 1
            ###TODO remove
        iMin += 1
    #def normalize(aArray):
        #iMax = np.max(aArray)
        #return [i/iMax for i in aArray]

    #iMax = np.max(aCorr)
    #iMax = 1.0
    #aCorr = normalize(aCorr)
    ##aAudio = normalize(aAudio)
    ##aFirstDeriv = normalize(aFirstDeriv)
    ##aSecondDeriv = normalize(aSecondDeriv)
    ##aOrigAudio = normalize(aOrigAudio)

    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #plt.plot(aTime, aCorr, 'r')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aCorr, 'b')
    #plt.plot(lKeep, [iMax/3 for i in range(len(lKeep))], 'g^')
    #plt.plot(lThrow, [iMax/3 for i in range(len(lThrow))], 'rx')
    #plt.plot(lStart, [iMax/50 for i in range(len(lStart))], 'yo')
    #plt.title('Green: Orig, Blue:  1st, Red:  2nd')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aCorr, 'g')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aFirstDeriv, 'bx')
    #plt.plot(aTime, aSecondDeriv, 'r')
    #plt.plot(lKeep, [0 for i in range(len(lKeep))], 'g^')
    #plt.plot(lThrow, [0 for i in range(len(lThrow))], 'rx')
    #plt.plot(lStart, [0 for i in range(len(lStart))], 'yo')

    return iSampleRate, laAudios, laCorrs