def quotetext(form):
    note that headers come from the prior page's form here,
    not from parsing the mail message again; that means that 
    commonhtml.viewpage must pass along date as a hidden field
    quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'
    for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Date'):
        quoted = quoted + '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, getfield(form, hdr))
    quoted = quoted + '\n' +   getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted = '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted
def quotetext(form):
    note that headers come from the prior page's form here,
    not from parsing the mail message again; that means that 
    commonhtml.viewpage must pass along date as a hidden field
    quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'
    for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Date'):
        quoted = quoted + '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, getfield(form, hdr))
    quoted = quoted + '\n' + getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted = '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted
def quotetext(form):
    note that headers come from the prior page's form here,
    not from parsing the mail message again; that means that
    commonhtml.viewpage must pass along date as a hidden field
    parser = mailtools.MailParser()
    addrhdrs = ('From', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc')              # decode name only
    quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'
    for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Date'):
        rawhdr = getfield(form, hdr)
        if hdr not in addrhdrs:
            dechdr = parser.decodeHeader(rawhdr)        # 3.0: decode for display
        else:                                           # encoded on sends
            dechdr = parser.decodeAddrHeader(rawhdr)    # email names only 
        quoted += '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, dechdr)
    quoted += '\n' + getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted =  '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted
def quotetext(form):
	обратите внимание, что заголовки поступают из формы предыдущей страницы,
	а не получаются в результате повторного анализа почтового сообщения;
	это означает, что функция commonhtml.viewpage должна передавать дату
	в скрытом поле
    parser = mailtools.MailParser()
    addrhdrs = ('From', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc')  # декодируется только имя
    quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'
    for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Date'):
        rawhdr = getfield(form, hdr)
        if hdr not in addrhdrs:
            dechdr = parser.decodeHeader(
                rawhdr)  # 3.0: декодировать для отображения
        else:  # закодировать при отправке
            dechdr = parser.decodeAddrHeader(rawhdr)  # только имена в адресах
        quoted += '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, dechdr)
    quoted += '\n' + getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted = '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted
            dechdr = parser.decodeHeader(rawhdr)        # 3.0: decode for display
        else:                                           # encoded on sends
            dechdr = parser.decodeAddrHeader(rawhdr)    # email names only 
        quoted += '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, dechdr)
    quoted += '\n' + getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted =  '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted

form = cgi.FieldStorage()  # parse form or URL data
user, pswd, site = commonhtml.getstandardpopfields(form)
pswd = secret.decode(pswd)

    if form['action'].value   == 'Reply':
        headers = {'From':    mailconfig.myaddress,    # 3.0: commonhtml decodes
                   'To':      getfield(form, 'From'),
                   'Cc':      mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'Subject': 'Re: ' + getfield(form, 'Subject')}
        commonhtml.editpage('Reply', headers, quotetext(form))

    elif form['action'].value == 'Forward':
        headers = {'From':    mailconfig.myaddress,    # 3.0: commonhtml decodes
                   'To':      '',
                   'Cc':      mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'Subject': 'Fwd: ' + getfield(form, 'Subject')}
        commonhtml.editpage('Forward', headers, quotetext(form))

    elif form['action'].value == 'Delete':     # mnum field is required here
        msgnum  = int(form['mnum'].value)      # but not eval(): may be code
        fetcher = mailtools.SilentMailFetcher(site, user, pswd)
            savefile.write(filedata)                       # or a with statement
            savefile.close()                               # but EIBTI still
            os.chmod(pathname, 0o666)                      # need for some srvrs
            partnames.append(pathname)                     # list of local paths
    return partnames                                       # gets type from name

form = cgi.FieldStorage()                      # parse form input data
attaches = saveAttachments(form)               # cgi.print_form(form) to see

# server name from module or get-style URL
smtpservername = commonhtml.getstandardsmtpfields(form)

# parms assumed to be in form or URL here
from commonhtml import getfield                # fetch value attributes
From = getfield(form, 'From')                  # empty fields may not be sent
To   = getfield(form, 'To')
Cc   = getfield(form, 'Cc')
Subj = getfield(form, 'Subject')
text = getfield(form, 'text')
if Cc == '?': Cc = ''

# 3.0: headers encoded per utf8 within mailtools if non-ascii
parser = mailtools.MailParser()
Tos = parser.splitAddresses(To)                # multiple recip lists: ',' sept
Ccs = (Cc and parser.splitAddresses(Cc)) or ''
extraHdrs = [('Cc', Ccs), ('X-Mailer', 'PyMailCGI 3.0')]

# 3.0: resolve main text and text attachment encodings; default=ascii in mailtools
bodyencoding = 'ascii'
            savefile.write(filedata)                       # or a with statement
            savefile.close()                               # but EIBTI still
            os.chmod(pathname, 0o666)                      # need for some srvrs
            partnames.append(pathname)                     # list of local paths
    return partnames                                       # gets type from name

form = cgi.FieldStorage()                      # parse form input data
attaches = saveAttachments(form)               # cgi.print_form(form) to see

# server name from module or get-style URL
smtpservername = commonhtml.getstandardsmtpfields(form)

# parms assumed to be in form or URL here
from commonhtml import getfield                # fetch value attributes
From = getfield(form, 'From')                  # empty fields may not be sent
To   = getfield(form, 'To')
Cc   = getfield(form, 'Cc')
Subj = getfield(form, 'Subject')
text = getfield(form, 'text')
if Cc == '?': Cc = ''

# 3.0: headers encoded per utf8 within mailtools if non-ascii
parser = mailtools.MailParser()
Tos = parser.splitAddresses(To)                # multiple recip lists: ',' sept
Ccs = (Cc and parser.splitAddresses(Cc)) or ''
extraHdrs = [('Cc', Ccs), ('X-Mailer', 'PyMailCGI 3.0')]

# 3.0: resolve main text and text attachment encodings; default=ascii in mailtools
bodyencoding = 'ascii'
    quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'
    for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Date'):
        quoted = quoted + '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, getfield(form, hdr))
    quoted = quoted + '\n' +   getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted = '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted

form = cgi.FieldStorage()  # parse form or url data
user, pswd, site = commonhtml.getstandardpopfields(form)
pswd = secret.decode(pswd)
    if form['action'].value   == 'Reply':
        headers = {'From':    mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'To':      getfield(form, 'From'),
                   'Cc':      mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'Subject': 'Re: ' + getfield(form, 'Subject')}
        commonhtml.editpage('Reply', headers, quotetext(form))
    elif form['action'].value == 'Forward':
        headers = {'From':    mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'To':      '',
                   'Cc':      mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'Subject': 'Fwd: ' + getfield(form, 'Subject')}
        commonhtml.editpage('Forward', headers, quotetext(form))
    elif form['action'].value == 'Delete':     # mnum field is required here
        msgnum  = int(form['mnum'].value)      # but not eval(): may be code
        fetcher = mailtools.SilentMailFetcher(site, user, pswd)
    quoted = '\n-----Original Message-----\n'
    for hdr in ('From', 'To', 'Date'):
        quoted = quoted + '%s: %s\n' % (hdr, getfield(form, hdr))
    quoted = quoted + '\n' +   getfield(form, 'text')
    quoted = '\n' + quoted.replace('\n', '\n> ')
    return quoted

form = cgi.FieldStorage()  # parse form or url data
user, pswd, site = commonhtml.getstandardpopfields(form)
pswd = secret.decode(pswd)
    if form['action'].value   == 'Reply':
        headers = {'From':    mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'To':      getfield(form, 'From'),
                   'Cc':      mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'Subject': 'Re: ' + getfield(form, 'Subject')}
        commonhtml.editpage('Reply', headers, quotetext(form))
    elif form['action'].value == 'Forward':
        headers = {'From':    mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'To':      '',
                   'Cc':      mailconfig.myaddress,
                   'Subject': 'Fwd: ' + getfield(form, 'Subject')}
        commonhtml.editpage('Forward', headers, quotetext(form))
    elif form['action'].value == 'Delete':     # mnum field is required here
        msgnum  = int(form['mnum'].value)      # but not eval(): may be code
        fetcher = mailtools.SilentMailFetcher(site, user, pswd)
            savefile.close()  # но EIBTI
            os.chmod(pathname, 0o666)  # требуется некоторыми серверами
            partnames.append(pathname)  # список локальных путей
    return partnames  # определить тип по имени

# commonhtml.dumpstatepage(0)
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
attaches = saveAttachments(form)  # cgi.print_form(form), чтобы посмотреть

# имя сервера из модуля или из URL, полученного методом GET
smtpservername = commonhtml.getstandardsmtpfields(form)

# здесь предполагается, что параметры получены из формы или из URL
from commonhtml import getfield  # для получения значений атрибутов
From = getfield(form, 'Form')  # пустые поля не должны отправляться
To = getfield(form, 'To')
Cc = getfield(form, 'Cc')
Subj = getfield(form, 'Subject')
text = getfield(form, 'text')
if Cc == '?': Cc = ''

# 3.0: не-ascii заголовки кодируются в utf8 в пакете mailtools
parser = mailtools.MailParser()
Tos = parser.splitAddresses(To)  # списки получателей: разделитель ','
Ccs = (Cc and parser.splitAddresses(Cc)) or ''
extraHdrs = [('Cc', Ccs), ('X-Mailer', 'PyMailCGI 3.0')]

# 3.0: определить кодировку для основного текста и текстовых вложений;
# по умолчанию = ascii в mailtools
bodyencoding = 'ascii'