def test_callref(self): coder = AsteriskHelper() uniqueid="1372690610.14545" callref = coder.add_uniqueid(uniqueid) count = coder.get_callrefs_count() self.assertEqual(count, 1) hasUniqueid = coder.has_uniqueid(uniqueid) self.assertEqual(hasUniqueid, True) coder.remove_callref_by_uniqueid(uniqueid) count = coder.get_callrefs_count() self.assertEqual(count, 0) hasUniqueid = coder.has_uniqueid(uniqueid) self.assertEqual(hasUniqueid, False) callref = coder.add_uniqueid(uniqueid) count = coder.get_callrefs_count() self.assertEqual(count, 1) coder.remove_callref(callref) count = coder.get_callrefs_count() self.assertEqual(count, 0)
class CallCenter(object): """docstring for CallCenter""" def __init__(self, amiBridge): super(CallCenter, self).__init__() self._amiBridge = amiBridge self._astHelper = AsteriskHelper() self._incalls = {} # def __send_callcenter_event(self, code, extention, callcenter, callref, caller, post=""): ''' Send a callcenter message to F1COM clients for indicate the state if an incomming call ''' logger.debug("CallCenter : __send_callcenter_message [ %s %s %s %s ]" % (extention, callcenter, callref, caller)) if self._amiBridge: type = "1" pstn = "1" optional ="#SDA=" + extention if post and len(post) > 0: optional +="#POSTE=" + post optional +="#IDCOMM=" + callref optional +="#CALLCENTER=" + callcenter optional +="#APPELANT=" + caller optional += "#AT=F1#NOMENT=27" self._amiBridge.send_alarm_event(type, code, pstn, optional) else: logger.error("CallCenter : CallCenter event can't be send to F1COM clients.") def new_call(self, data): uniqueid = data['event']['uniqueid'] logger.debug("CallCenter : CallCenter create a new call for uniqueid [%s] " % (uniqueid)) callref = self._astHelper.add_uniqueid(uniqueid) code = CC_INFO_CODE_1ECOUT extention = data['event']['extention'] callcenter = CC_INCALL_RING caller = data['event']['calleridnum'] newcall = BasicObject('InCall') newcall.callref = callref newcall.extention = extention newcall.caller = caller ='' newcall.uniqueid = uniqueid newcall.bridgeduniqueid = '' = data['event']['channel'] self._incalls[uniqueid] = newcall self.__send_callcenter_event(code, extention, callcenter, callref, caller) logger.debug("CallCenter : New call created for uniqueid [%s] extention [%s] caller [%s]" % (uniqueid, extention, caller)) if DUMPOBJECTS: logger.debug("CallCenter : new call :%s", newcall) def udpate_call_from_channel(self,channel): for i in self._incalls.keys(): incall = self._incalls[i] if incall.bridgeduniqueid == channel.uniqueid: if channel.state == 'Ringing': #send the notification that an operator post ringing callcenter = CC_INCALL_OP_PHONE_RING code = CC_INFO_CODE_INCOMM extention = incall.extention callref = incall.callref caller = incall.caller post = incall.bridgecalleridnum self.__send_callcenter_event(code, extention, callcenter, callref, caller, post) logger.debug("CallCenter : update_call_from_channel F1Client for uniqueid [%s] operator phone ringing " % (incall.uniqueid)) if DUMPOBJECTS: logger.debug("CallCenter : Call update from channel :%s", incall) def update_call_from_bridge(self, bridge): uniqueid = bridge.uniqueid bridgeduniqueid = bridge.bridgeduniqueid status = bridge.status logger.debug("CallCenter : update_call_from_bridge for uniqueid [%s] and bridgeduniqueid [%s] and status [%s]" % (uniqueid, bridgeduniqueid, status)) if self._incalls.has_key(uniqueid): callcenter = None code = None incall = self._incalls[uniqueid] incall.bridgeduniqueid = bridgeduniqueid = bridge.bridgecalleridnum incall.bridgedchannel = bridge.bridgedchannel if status == 'Dial': callcenter = CC_INCALL_OP_DIAL_PROCESS code = CC_INFO_CODE_CALLCT elif status == 'Link': callcenter = CC_INCALL_OP_TAKE_CALL code = CC_INFO_CODE_CALLCT # if code and callcenter > 0: post = None if : post = extention = incall.extention callref = incall.callref caller = bridge.calleridnum self.__send_callcenter_event(code, extention, callcenter, callref, caller, post) logger.debug("CallCenter : update_call_from_bridge F1Client notified for code [%s] and extention [%s] and callcenter [%s]" % (code, extention, callcenter)) # if DUMPOBJECTS: logger.debug("Call update_call_from_bridge :%s", incall) else: logger.debug("CallCenter : Can't update_call_from_bridge for uniqueid [%s] and bridgeduniqueid [%s]" % (uniqueid, bridgeduniqueid)) def remove_call(self, bridge): ''' Remove an incomming call from the conencted (bridged) call ''' uniqueid = bridge.uniqueid logger.debug("CallCenter : Removing an incall for [%s]." % (uniqueid)) if self._incalls.has_key(uniqueid): incall = self._incalls[uniqueid] code = CC_INFO_CODE_CALLCT extention = incall.extention post = bridge.bridgecalleridnum callcenter = CC_INCALL_HANGUP_CALL callref = incall.callref caller = bridge.calleridnum self.__send_callcenter_event(code, extention, callcenter, callref, caller, post) if DUMPOBJECTS: logger.debug("CallCenter : Remove call :%s", incall) #remove the call references self._astHelper.remove_callref_by_uniqueid(uniqueid) del self._incalls[uniqueid] logger.debug("CallCenter : CallCenter the incall removed for uniqueid [%s]." % (uniqueid)) else:"CallCenter : CallCenter can't find incall for uniqueid [%s]." % (uniqueid)) def __look_for_call_by_callref(self, callref): incall = None for i in self._incalls.keys(): tmp = self._incalls[i] if tmp.callref == callref: incall = tmp break return incall def commut_call(self, internal, callref): ''' Try to find an incomming call and in the success to execute transffer to the internal given number Please see the asterisk dialplan ''' done = False logger.debug("CallCenter : CallCenter try to find callref [%s]."%(callref)) incall = self.__look_for_call_by_callref(callref) if incall: logger.debug("CallCenter : CallCenter find callref %s and send commut to the internal [%s]."%(callref, internal)) done = True #try execute transferring self._amiBridge.transffer_call(, internal) else: logger.debug("CallCenter : CallCenter can't find callref %s and send commut to the internal [%s]." % (callref, internal)) #check and log if the callref doen't find if not done : logger.debug("CallCenter : CallCenter can't find callref %s and send commut to the internal [%s].", callref, internal) #return the search result return done def check_and_remove_call(self, uniqueid): call = self.__get_call_by_uniqueid(uniqueid) if call: code = CC_INFO_CODE_CALLCT extention = call.extention post = callcenter = CC_INCALL_HANGUP_CALL callref = call.callref caller = call.caller self.__send_callcenter_event(code, extention, callcenter, callref, caller, post) if DUMPOBJECTS: logger.debug("CallCenter : Check and remove a call :%s", incall) #remove the call references self._astHelper.remove_callref_by_uniqueid(uniqueid) del self._incalls[uniqueid] logger.debug("CallCenter : Check and remove the incall removed for uniqueid [%s]." % (uniqueid)) def get_channel_by_callref(self, callref): ''' Look for a channel in the incomming calls by callref Return the originate channel for the call otherwise None ''' logger.debug("CallCenter : Look for a channel by callref [%s] ", callref) channel = None incall = self.__look_for_call_by_callref(callref) if incall: channel = logger.debug("CallCenter : Channel [%s] find for the callref [%s]", channel, callref) if DUMPOBJECTS: logger.debug("CallCenter : Find the call %s by callref %s", incall, callref) else: logger.debug("CallCenter : Can't find a channel for the callref [%s]", callref) return channel def __get_call_by_uniqueid(self, uniqueid): ''' Look for an incomming call by uniqueid ''' call = None for i in self._incalls.keys(): incall = self._incalls[i] if incall.uniqueid == uniqueid: call = incall break return call