def sync_symbol(filtertype, alpha, K, n_mod, N):
    Generate Schmidls Training Symbols to achieve Receiver Synchronisation
    K: should be an odd number
        * First Symbol: Transmit PN-Sequence on all even frequencies while zeros on the odd
        frequencies. Constant signal energy -> Multiply every Symbol with sqrt(2)

        * Second Symbol: Transmit PN-Sequence on all odd frequencies and another PN-Sequence
        on the even frequencies

    pn_order = 14
    pn_seed = "00101101010010"
    pn_mask = "01001110100111"
    if int(np.floor(K / 2.0)) % 2:
        n_even_freq = int(np.floor(K / 2.0))
        n_even_freq = int(np.ceil(K / 2.0))
    seq_length = n_even_freq * n_mod
    sym_sequence = np.zeros(K, dtype="complex")
    pn_sequence = cp.pnsequence(pn_order, pn_seed, pn_mask, seq_length)
    qam_mod = cp.modulation.QAMModem(2**n_mod)
    qam_sequence = qam_mod.modulate(pn_sequence)
    for i in range(len(sym_sequence)):
        if not i % 2:
            sym_sequence[i] = qam_sequence[i / 2]
    ifft_sequence = np.fft.ifftshift(sym_sequence)
    output = gfdm_tx(ifft_sequence, filtertype, alpha, 1, K, N)
    # output = np.fft.ifft(np.sqrt(2)*ifft_sequence)

    return output
def sync_symbol(filtertype, alpha, K, n_mod, N):
        Generate Schmidls Training Symbols to achieve Receiver Synchronisation
        K: should be an odd number
            * First Symbol: Transmit PN-Sequence on all even frequencies while zeros on the odd
            frequencies. Constant signal energy -> Multiply every Symbol with sqrt(2)

            * Second Symbol: Transmit PN-Sequence on all odd frequencies and another PN-Sequence
            on the even frequencies

    pn_order = 14
    pn_seed = '00101101010010'
    pn_mask = '01001110100111'
    if int(np.floor(K/2.0)) % 2:
        n_even_freq = int(np.floor(K/2.0))
        n_even_freq = int(np.ceil(K/2.0))
    seq_length = n_even_freq*n_mod
    sym_sequence = np.zeros(K, dtype='complex')
    pn_sequence = cp.pnsequence(pn_order, pn_seed, pn_mask, seq_length)
    qam_mod = cp.modulation.QAMModem(2**n_mod)
    qam_sequence = qam_mod.modulate(pn_sequence)
    for i in xrange(len(sym_sequence)):
        if not i % 2:
            sym_sequence[i] = qam_sequence[i/2]
    ifft_sequence = np.fft.ifftshift(sym_sequence)
    output = gfdm_tx(ifft_sequence, filtertype, alpha, 1, K, N)
    # output = np.fft.ifft(np.sqrt(2)*ifft_sequence)

    return output
def sync_symbol2(filtertype, alpha, K, L, n_mod):
    pn_order = 14
    pn_seed = '01001000111011'
    pn_mask = '01001101001110'
    seq_length = K*n_mod
    pn_sequence = cp.pnsequence(pn_order, pn_seed, pn_mask, seq_length)
    qam_mod = cp.modulation.QAMModem(2**n_mod)
    qam_sequence = qam_mod.modulate(pn_sequence)
    output = gfdm_tx_fft2(np.tile(qam_sequence, 2), filtertype, alpha, 2, K, 2, 1)
    return output
def sync_symbol2(filtertype, alpha, K, L, n_mod):
    pn_order = 14
    pn_seed = '01001000111011'
    pn_mask = '01001101001110'
    seq_length = K * n_mod
    pn_sequence = cp.pnsequence(pn_order, pn_seed, pn_mask, seq_length)
    qam_mod = cp.modulation.QAMModem(2 ** n_mod)
    qam_sequence = qam_mod.modulate(pn_sequence)
    output = gfdm_tx_fft2(np.tile(qam_sequence, 2), filtertype, alpha, 2, K, 2, 1)
    return output