def call(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Speech Enhancement Evaluation Metrics" ) parser.add_argument("--noisy_dir", required=True, type=str, help="noisy wav files directory") parser.add_argument("--denoised_dir", required=True, type=str, help="denoised wav files directory") parser.add_argument("--clean_dir", required=True, type=str, help="clean wav files directory") parser.add_argument("--purenoise_dir", required=True, type=str, help="pure noise wav files location") parser.add_argument("--output_path", default="./output.xls", type=str, help="output dir, filename should end on .xls") parser.add_argument("--limit", default=0, type=int, help="file limit, 0 means no limit") parser.add_argument("--offset", default=0, type=int, help="start from file with index nr") parser.add_argument("--sr", default=16000, type=int, help="sample rate ") args = parser.parse_args() comp( noisy_dir=args.noisy_dir, clean_dir=args.clean_dir, denoised_dir=args.denoised_dir, purenoise_dir = args.purenoise_dir,, limit=args.limit, offset=args.offset, output_path=args.output_path, )
def run_comp(): import comp player = comp.comp() p = player_client(player) data = {} data["quit"] = 0 while not data["quit"]: data =
def _compara_somatom(fl_paciente): try: with smt_data_ctx('s') as src_context: with smt_data_ctx('t') as ref_context: rsrc = RecordSource(src_context, ref_context, _fl_paciente) return comp('SOMATOM', rsrc, _verbose()) except PacienteNoEncontrado, e: # Si no se encontraron somatometrías en ambas BDs, se considera éxito return True
def _compara_okw(fl_paciente): try: with okw_data_ctx('s') as src_context: with okw_data_ctx('t') as ref_context: rsrc = RecordSource(src_context, ref_context, fl_paciente) return comp('OKW', rsrc, _verbose()) except PacienteNoEncontrado, e: print e return False
def test_rand(self): sol = lambda a1, a2: sorted(a1) == sorted( [item**.5 for item in a2]) if a1 != None and a2 != None else False for _ in range(40): a1 = [randint(0, 100) for i in range(randint(1, 8))] a2 = [elem * elem for elem in a1] if randint(0, 1) == 1: a2[randint(0, len(a2) - 1)] += 1 self.assertEqual(comp(a1[:], a2[:]), sol(a1, a2), "It should work with random inputs too")
def test_1(self): a = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] b = [ 11 * 11, 121 * 121, 144 * 144, 19 * 19, 161 * 161, 19 * 19, 144 * 144, 19 * 19, ] result = comp(a, b) self.assertEqual(result, True)
def tseriescm(data, maxiter=400, burnin=sentinel, thinning=5, level=False, trend=True, seasonality=True, deg=2, c0eps=2, c1eps=1, c0beta=2, c1beta=1, c0alpha=2, c1alpha=1, priora=False, pia=0.5, q0a=1, q1a=1, priorb=False, q0b=1, q1b=1, a=0.25, b=0, indlpml=False, **kwargs): if burnin == sentinel: burnin = math.floor(0.1 * maxiter) if deg % 1 != 0 or deg <= 0: raise ValueError("deg must be a positive integer number.") if maxiter % 1 != 0 or maxiter <= 0: raise ValueError("maxiter must be a positive (large) integer number.") if burnin % 1 != 0 or burnin <= 0: raise ValueError("burnin must be a non-negative integer number.") if thinning % 1 != 0 or thinning <= 0: raise ValueError("thinning must be a non-negative integer number.") if maxiter <= burnin: raise ValueError("maxiter cannot be less than or equal to burnin.") if c0eps <= 0 or c1eps <= 0 or c0beta <= 0 or c1beta <= 0 or c0alpha <= 0 or c1alpha <= 0: raise ValueError( "c0eps,c1eps,c0beta,c1beta,c0alpha and c1alpha must be positive numbers." ) if pia <= 0 or pia >= 1: raise ValueError( "The mixing proportion pia must be a number in (0,1).") if q0a <= 0 or q1a <= 0: raise ValueError("q0a and q1a must be positive numbers.") if a < 0 or a >= 1: raise ValueError("'a' must be a number in [0,1).") if q0b <= 0 or q1b <= 0: raise ValueError("q0b and q1b must be positive numbers.") if b <= -a: raise ValueError("'b' must be greater than '-a'.") periods, mydata, cts = scaleandperiods(data) ##### Construction of the design matrices##### T = mydata.shape[0] # Number of periods of the time series n = mydata.shape[1] # Number of time series present in the data p, d, X, Z = designmatrices(level, trend, seasonality, deg, T) ##### Initial Values for the parameters that will be part of the gibbs sampling ##### sig2eps = np.ones( n ) # Vector that has the diagonal entries of the variance-covariance matrix for every epsilon_i. sig2the = 1 # Initial value for sig2the. rho = 0 # Initial value for rho. P = np.zeros((T, T)) # Initial matrix P. for j in np.arange(1, T + 1): for k in np.arange(1, T + 1): P[j - 1, k - 1] = rho**(abs(j - k)) R = sig2the * P # Initial matrix R. if level + trend + seasonality == 0: sig2alpha = np.ones( p ) # Vector that has the diagonal entries of the variance-covariance matrix for alpha. sigmaalpha = np.diag( sig2alpha) # Variance-covariance matrix for alpha. invsigmaalpha = np.diag( 1 / sig2alpha) # Inverse variance-covariance matrix for alpha. alpha = np.random.multivariate_normal( np.zeros(p), sigmaalpha, size=n ).T # alpha is a matrix with a vector value of alpha for every time series in its columns. theta = np.random.multivariate_normal( np.zeros(T), R, size=n ).T # theta is a matrix with a vector value of theta for every time series in its columns. gamma = theta # gamma is the union by rows of the beta and theta matrices elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: sig2beta = np.ones(d) sigmabeta = np.diag(sig2beta) invsigmabeta = np.diag(1 / sig2beta) beta = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), sigmabeta, size=n).T theta = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(T), R, size=n).T gamma = np.concatenate((beta, theta)) else: sig2beta = np.ones(d) sigmabeta = np.diag(sig2beta) invsigmabeta = np.diag(1 / sig2beta) sig2alpha = np.ones(p) sigmaalpha = np.diag(sig2alpha) invsigmaalpha = np.diag(1 / sig2alpha) alpha = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(p), sigmaalpha, size=n).T beta = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), sigmabeta, size=n).T theta = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(T), R, size=n).T gamma = np.concatenate((beta, theta)) iter0 = 0 iter1 = 0 # Counter for the number of iterations saved during the Gibbs sampling. arrho = 0 # Variable that will contain the acceptance rate of rho in the Metropolis-Hastings step. ara = 0 # Variable that will contain the acceptance rate of a in the Metropolis-Hastings step. arb = 0 # Variable that will contain the acceptance rate of b in the Metropolis-Hastings step. sim = np.zeros((n, n)) # Initialization of the similarities matrix. if thinning == 0: CL = math.floor(maxiter - burnin) else: CL = math.floor((maxiter - burnin) / thinning) memory = np.zeros( (CL * n, n) ) # Matrix that will contain the cluster configuration of every iteration that is saved during the Gibbs sampling. memorygn = np.zeros( (CL, n) ) # Matrix that will save the group number to which each time series belongs in every iteration saved. sig2epssample = np.zeros( (CL, n) ) # Matrix that in its columns will contain the sample of each sig2eps_i's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. sig2thesample = np.zeros( (CL, 1) ) # Vector that will contain the sample of sig2the's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. rhosample = np.zeros( (CL, 1) ) # Vector that will contain the sample of rho's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. asample = np.zeros( (CL, 1) ) # Vector that will contain the sample of a's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. bsample = np.zeros( (CL, 1) ) # Vector that will contain the sample of b's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. msample = np.zeros( (CL, 1) ) # Vector that will contain the sample of the number of groups at each Gibbs sampling iteration. if level + trend + seasonality == 0: sig2alphasample = np.zeros( (CL, p) ) # Matrix that in its columns will contain the sample of each sig2alpha_i's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: sig2betasample = np.zeros( (CL, d) ) # Matrix that in its columns will contain the sample of each sig2beta_i's posterior distribution after Gibbs sampling. else: sig2alphasample = np.zeros((CL, p)) sig2betasample = np.zeros((CL, d)) if indlpml != 0: iter2 = 0 auxlpml = np.zeros((math.floor((maxiter - burnin) / 10), n)) ##### BEGINNING OF GIBBS SAMPLING ##### while iter0 < maxiter: ##### 1) SIMULATION OF ALPHA'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION ##### if level + trend + seasonality != 3: if level + trend + seasonality == 0: for i in range(0, n): sigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T)) Q = sigmaeps + R Qinv = inv(Q) Winv = Qinv W = Q Valphainv = ( np.transpose(Z).dot(Winv).dot(Z)) + invsigmaalpha Valpha = inv(Valphainv) mualpha = mydata[:, i]) alpha[:, i] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mualpha, Valpha, size=1) else: for i in range(0, n): sigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T)) Q = sigmaeps + R Qinv = inv(Q) Vinv = (np.transpose(X).dot(Qinv).dot(X)) + invsigmabeta V = inv(Vinv) Winv = Qinv + np.transpose(X)).dot(Qinv) W = inv(Winv) Valphainv = ( np.transpose(Z).dot(Winv).dot(Z)) + invsigmaalpha Valpha = inv(Valphainv) mualpha = mydata[:, i]) alpha[:, i] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mualpha, Valpha, size=1) ##### 2) SIMULATION OF GAMMA'S = (BETA,THETA) POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION ##### for i in range(0, n): jstar, nstar, mi, gn = comp( np.delete(gamma[0, :], i) ) # Only the first entries of gamma[,-i] are compared to determine the cluster configuration gmi = np.delete(gamma, i, axis=1) gammastar = gmi[:, jstar] # Matrix with all the elements of gamma, except for the i-th element if level + trend + seasonality == 0: thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] else: if d == 1: betastar = gammastar[ 0: d, :] # Separation of unique vectors between betastar and thetastar thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] else: betastar = gammastar[0:d, :] thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] sigmaeps = sig2eps[i] * np.diag(np.repeat(1, T)) invsigmaeps = (1 / sig2eps[i]) * np.diag(np.repeat(1, T)) Q = sigmaeps + R Qinv = inv(Q) if level + trend + seasonality == 0: Winv = Winv W = Q else: Vinv = (np.transpose(X).dot(Qinv).dot(X)) + invsigmabeta V = inv(Vinv) Winv = Qinv + ( np.transpose(X)).dot(Qinv)) W = inv(Winv) # Computing weigths for gamma(i)'s posterior distribution if level + trend + seasonality == 0: dj = np.zeros((mi)) d0 = (b + a * mi) * multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i])), W) den = 0 for j in range(0, mi): dj[j] < -(nstar[j] - a) * multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i]) + thetastar[:, j]), sigmaeps) den = d0 + sum(dj) if den == 0: d0 = (b + a * mi) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i])), W) for j in range(0, mi): dj[j] = (nstar[j] - a) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i]) + thetastar[:, j]), sigmaeps) dj = np.concatenate((dj, d0)) aa = min(dj) q = (1 + (dj - aa) + (dj - aa)**2 / 2) / sum(1 + (dj - aa) + (dj - aa)**2 / 2) else: q = dj / den q = np.append(q, (d0 / den)) elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: dj = np.zeros((mi)) d0 = (b + a * mi) * multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], np.zeros((T)), W) den = 0 for j in range(0, mi): dj[j] = (nstar[j] - a) * multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, j]) + thetastar[:, j]), sigmaeps) den = d0 + sum(dj) if den == 0: d0 = (b + a * mi) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( mydata[:, i], np.zeros((T)), W) for j in range(0, mi): dj[j] = (nstar[j] - a) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, j]) + thetastar[:, j]), sigmaeps) dj = np.concatenate((dj, d0)) aa = min(dj) q = (1 + (dj - aa) + (dj - aa)**2 / 2) / sum(1 + (dj - aa) + (dj - aa)**2 / 2) else: q = dj / den q = np.append(q, (d0 / den)) else: dj = np.zeros((mi)) d0 = (b + a * mi) * multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i])), W) den = 0 for j in range(0, mi): dj[j] = (nstar[j] - a) * multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i]) +[:, j]) + thetastar[:, j]), sigmaeps) den = d0 + sum(dj) if den == 0: d0 = (b + a * mi) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( mydata[:, i], Z * alpha[:, i], W) for j in range(0, mi): dj[j] = (nstar[j] - a) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i]) +[:, j]) + thetastar[:, j]), sigmaeps) dj = np.concatenate(dj, d0) aa = min(dj) q = (1 + (dj - aa) + (dj - aa)**2 / 2) / sum(1 + (dj - aa) + (dj - aa)**2 / 2) else: q = dj / den q = np.append(q, (d0 / den)) # Sampling a number between 1 and (mi+1) to determine what will be the simulated value for gamma(i) # The probabilities of the sample are based on the weights previously computed y = np.random.choice(np.arange(1, (mi + 2)), size=1, replace=False, p=q) # If sample returns the value (mi+1), a new vector from g0 will be simulated and assigned to gamma(i) if y == (mi + 1): if level + trend + seasonality == 0: Sthetai = inv(invsigmaeps + inv(R)) muthetai =[:, i] - ([:, i]))) theta0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(muthetai, Sthetai) gamma[:, i] = theta0 elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: Sthetai = inv(invsigmaeps + inv(R)) muthetai =[:, i] - ([:, i]))) mubetai =[:, i]) beta0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mubetai, V) theta0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(muthetai, Sthetai) gamma[:, i] = np.concatenate((beta0, theta0)) else: Sthetai = inv(invsigmaeps + inv(R)) muthetai =[:, i] - ([:, i])) - ([:, i]))) mubetai = np.transpose(X)).dot(Qinv).dot(mydata[:, i] - ([:, i]))) beta0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mubetai, V) theta0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(muthetai, Sthetai) gamma[:, i] = np.concatenate((beta0, theta0)) else: gamma[:, i] = gammastar[:, y - 1].reshape( len(gammastar) ) # Otherwise, column y from gammastar will be assigned to gamma(i) ##### 2.1) ACCELERATION STEP AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIMILARITIES MATRIX ##### jstar, nstar, m, gn = comp(gamma[0, :]) gammastar = gamma[:, jstar] if level + trend + seasonality == 0: theta = (gamma[d:(T + d), :]) thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] else: if d == 1: beta = gamma[0:d, :] theta = gamma[d:(T + d), :] betastar = gammastar[0:d, :] thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] else: beta = gamma[0:d, :] theta = gamma[d:(T + d), :] betastar = gammastar[0:d, :] thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] for j in range(0, m): if level + trend + seasonality == 0: cc = np.where( gn == j) # Identifying the cluster configuration of each group. aux = np.zeros( (T, T) ) # Calculating the necessary matrices for the simulation of the distributions for the acceleration step. aux1 = np.zeros((T, 1)) aux2 = np.zeros((T, 1)) for i in range(0, nstar[j]): aux = aux + np.diag(np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)) aux1 = aux1 + (np.diag(np.repeat( 1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)).dot(mydata[:, i] -[:, i]))).reshape( (T, 1)) Sthetastar = inv(aux + inv(R)) muthetastar = theta[:, cc[0]] = np.random.multivariate_normal( muthetastar.flatten(), Sthetastar).reshape( (len(muthetastar), 1)) elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: cc = np.where(gn == j) aux = np.zeros((T, T)) aux1 = np.zeros((T, 1)) aux2 = np.zeros((T, 1)) for i in range(0, nstar[j]): aux = aux + np.diag(np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)) aux1 = aux1 + (np.diag(np.repeat( 1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)).dot(mydata[:, i] -[:, j]))).reshape( (T, 1)) aux2 = aux2 + (np.diag(np.repeat( 1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)).dot(mydata[:, i] - thetastar[:, j])).reshape( (T, 1)) Sthetastar = inv(aux + inv(R)) muthetastar = Sbetastar = inv(np.transpose(X).dot(aux).dot(X) + invsigmabeta) mubetastar = beta[:, cc[0]] = np.random.multivariate_normal( mubetastar.flatten(), Sbetastar).reshape( (len(mubetastar), 1)) theta[:, cc[0]] = np.random.multivariate_normal( muthetastar.flatten(), Sthetastar).reshape( (len(muthetastar), 1)) else: cc = np.where(gn == j) aux = np.zeros((T, T)) aux1 = np.zeros((T, 1)) aux2 = np.zeros((T, 1)) for i in range(0, nstar[j]): aux = aux + np.diag(np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)) aux1 = aux1 + (np.diag(np.repeat( 1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)).dot(mydata[:, i] -[:, i]) -[:, j]))).reshape((T, 1)) aux2 = aux2 + (np.diag( np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[cc[0][i]], T)).dot(mydata[:, i] -[:, i]) - thetastar[:, j])).reshape((T, 1)) Sthetastar = inv(aux + inv(R)) muthetastar = Sbetastar = inv(np.transpose(X).dot(aux).dot(X) + invsigmabeta) mubetastar = beta[:, cc[0]] = np.random.multivariate_normal( mubetastar.flatten(), Sbetastar).reshape( (len(mubetastar), 1)) theta[:, cc[0]] = np.random.multivariate_normal( muthetastar.flatten(), Sthetastar).reshape( (len(muthetastar), 1)) if (iter0 % thinning == 0) & iter0 >= burnin: for i1 in range(0, nstar[j]): for i2 in range(i1, nstar[j]): sim[cc[0][i1], cc[0][i2]] = sim[cc[0][i1], cc[0][i2]] + 1 sim[cc[0][i2], cc[0][i1]] = sim[cc[0][i2], cc[0][i1]] + 1 memory[cc[0][i1] + (n * iter1), cc[0][i2]] = memory[cc[0][i1] + (n * iter1), cc[0][i2]] + 1 memory[cc[0][i2] + (n * iter1), cc[0][i1]] = memory[cc[0][i2] + (n * iter1), cc[0][i1]] + 1 if level + trend + seasonality == 0: gamma = theta else: gamma = np.concatenate( (beta, theta), axis=0 ) # Obtaining all gamma vectors after the acceleration step. jstar, nstar, m, gn = comp(gamma[1, :]) gammastar = gamma[:, jstar] if level + trend + seasonality == 0: theta = gamma[d:(T + d), :] thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] else: if d == 1: beta = gamma[0:d, :] theta = gamma[d:(T + d), :] betastar = gammastar[0:d, :] thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] else: beta = gamma[0:d, :] theta = gamma[d:(T + d), :] betastar = gammastar[0:d, :] thetastar = gammastar[d:(T + d), :] ##### 3) SIMULATION OF SIG2EPS' POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION ##### if level + trend + seasonality == 0: M = np.transpose(mydata - - theta).dot(mydata - - theta) elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: M = np.transpose(mydata - - theta).dot(mydata - - theta) else: M = np.transpose(mydata - - - theta).dot(mydata - - - theta) sig2eps = scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs((c0eps + T / 2), scale=(c1eps + M.diagonal() / 2), size=n) ##### 4) SIMULATION OF SIMGAALPHA'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION ##### if level + trend + seasonality != 3: sig2alpha = scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs( (c0alpha + n / 2), scale=(c1alpha + (alpha**2).sum(axis=1)), size=p) sigmaalpha = np.diag(sig2alpha) invsigmaalpha = np.diag(1 / sig2alpha) ##### 5) SIMULATION OF SIGMABETA'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION ##### if level + trend + seasonality != 0: diff_in_shape = d - betastar.shape[1] if diff_in_shape < 0: sig2beta = 1 / scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs( (c0beta + m / 2), scale=(c1beta + ((betastar**2).sum(axis=0) / 2)))[0:d] elif diff_in_shape <= (betastar.shape[1] / 2): sig2beta = 1/np.concatenate((scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs((c0beta + m/2), scale = (c1beta + ((betastar**2).sum(axis=0)/2)), size = betastar.shape[1]),\ scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs((c0beta + m/2), scale = (c1beta + ((betastar**2).sum(axis=0)/2)), size = betastar.shape[1])[:diff_in_shape])) else: beta_vector = [] for v in range(0, (math.floor(d / betastar.shape[1]))): beta_vector = np.concatenate( (beta_vector, scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs( (c0beta + m / 2), scale=(c1beta + ((betastar**2).sum(axis=0) / 2)), size=betastar.shape[1]))) sig2beta = 1 / np.concatenate( (beta_vector, scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs( (c0beta + m / 2), scale=(c1beta + ((betastar**2).sum(axis=0) / 2)), size=betastar.shape[1])[:(d % betastar.shape[1])])) sigmabeta = np.diag(sig2beta) invsigmabeta = np.diag(1 / sig2beta) ##### 6) SIMULATION OF SIG2THE'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION ##### cholP = np.linalg.cholesky(P) Pinv = inv(cholP) s1 = 0 # Calculating the sum necessary for the rate parameter of the posterior distribution. for j in range(0, m): s1 = s1 + np.transpose(thetastar[:, j]).dot(Pinv).dot(thetastar[:, j]) if s1 < 0: s1 = s1 * -1 sig2the = scipy.stats.invgamma.rvs((m * T / 2), scale=(s1 / 2), size=1) ##### 7) SIMULATION OF RHO'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION (Metropolis-Hastings step) ##### rhomh = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=1) Pmh = np.zeros((T, T)) # Calculating the matrix P for the proposed value rhomh. for j in range(1, T + 1): for k in range(1, T + 1): Pmh[j - 1, k - 1] = rhomh**(abs(j - k)) cholPmh = scipy.linalg.cholesky(Pmh) Pmhinv = inv(cholPmh) s = 0 # Calculating the sum necessary for the computation of the acceptance probability. for j in range(0, m): s = np.add( s, np.asmatrix(thetastar[:, j]).dot(Pmhinv - Pmh).dot( np.transpose(np.asmatrix(thetastar[:, j])))) # Computation of the acceptance probability. q = (-m) * (np.log( - np.log( - ((1 / (2 * sig2the)) * s) + (1 / 2) * ( np.log(1 + rhomh * rhomh) - np.log(1 + rho * rho)) - np.log( 1 - rhomh * rhomh) + np.log(1 - rho * rho) # Definition of the acceptance probability. quot = min(0, q) # Sampling a uniform random variable in [0,1] to determine if the proposal is accepted or not. unif1 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1) # Acceptance step. if np.log(unif1) <= quot: rho = rhomh arrho = arrho + 1 for j in np.arange(1, T + 1): for k in np.arange(1, T + 1): P[j - 1, k - 1] = rho**(abs(j - k)) R = sig2the * P ##### 8) SIMULATION OF A'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION (METROPOLIS-HASTINGS WITH UNIFORM PROPOSALS) ##### if priora == 1: if b < 0: amh = np.random.uniform(low=-b, high=1, size=1) else: unif2 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1) if unif2 <= 0.5: amh = 0 else: amh = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1) # If b is not greater than -a, then accept the proposal directly. if a + b <= 0: a = amh print("a + b < 0") else: quot1 = 0 if (m > 1): for j in range(0, m - 1): quot1 = quot1 + np.log(b + (j + 1) * amh) + np.log( scipy.special.gamma(nstar[j] - amh)) - np.log( scipy.special.gamma(1 - amh) ) - np.log(b + (j + 1) * a) - np.log( scipy.special.gamma(nstar[j] - a)) + np.log( scipy.special.gamma(1 - a)) quot1 = quot1 + np.log( scipy.special.gamma(nstar[m - 1] - amh)) - np.log( scipy.special.gamma(1 - amh)) - np.log( scipy.special.gamma(nstar[m - 1] - a)) + np.log( scipy.special.gamma(1 - a)) if a == 0: fa = 0.5 else: fa = 0.5 * scipy.stats.beta.pdf(a, q0a, q1a) if amh == 0: famh = 0.5 else: famh = 0.5 * scipy.stats.beta.pdf(amh, q0a, q1a) # Quotient to evaluate the Metropolis-Hastings step in logs quot1 = quot1 + np.log(famh) - np.log(fa) # Determination of the probability for the Metropolis-Hastings step alphamh1 = min(quot1, 0) unif3 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1) # Acceptance step if np.log(unif3) == alphamh1: a = amh ara = ara + 1 ##### 9) SIMULATION OF B'S POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION (METROPOLIS-HASTINGS WITH GAMMA PROPOSALS) ##### if priorb == 1: y1 = scipy.stats.gamma.rvs(1, 1, scale=10) bmh = y1 - a # If b is not greater than -a, then accept the proposal directly. if a + b <= 0: b = bmh print("a+b < 0") else: quot2 = 0 if m > 1: for j in range(0, m - 1): quot2 = quot2 + np.log(bmh + (j + 1) * a) - np.log(b + (j + 1) * a) fb = scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(a + b, q0b, scale=q1b) fbmh = scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(y1, q0b, scale=q1b) # Quotient to evaluate the Metropolis-Hastings step in logs quot2 = quot2 + (np.log(scipy.special.gamma(bmh + 1)) - np.log(scipy.special.gamma(bmh + n)) - np.log(scipy.special.gamma(b + 1)) + np.log(scipy.special.gamma(b + n))) + ( np.log(fbmh) - np.log(fb)) - 0.1 * (b - bmh) # Determination of the probability for the Metropolis-Hastings step alphamh2 = min(quot2, 0) unif4 = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=1) # Acceptance step if np.log(unif4) <= alphamh2: b = bmh arb = arb + 1 if (iter0 % thinning == 0) & (iter0 >= burnin): iter1 = iter1 + 1 sig2epssample[iter1 - 1, :] = sig2eps sig2thesample[iter1 - 1] = sig2the rhosample[iter1 - 1] = rho asample[iter1 - 1] = a bsample[iter1 - 1] = b msample[iter1 - 1, :] = m memorygn[iter1 - 1, :] = gn if level + trend + seasonality == 0: sig2alphasample[iter1 - 1, :] = sig2alpha elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: sig2betasample[iter1 - 1, :] = sig2beta else: sig2alphasample[iter1 - 1, :] = sig2alpha sig2betasample[iter1 - 1, :] = sig2beta if indlpml != 0: if (iter0 % 10 == 0) & (iter0 >= burnin): iter2 = iter2 + 1 for i in range(0, n): if level + trend + seasonality == 0: for j in range(0, m): auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] = auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] + ( (nstar[j] - a) / (b + n)) * scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], (([:, i])) + thetastar[:, j]), np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T))) sigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T)) invsigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[i], T)) Q = sigmaeps + R Qinv = inv(Q) Winv = Qinv W = Q auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] = auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] + ( (b + (a * m)) / (b + n)) * scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i])), W) elif level + trend + seasonality == 3: for j in range(0, m): auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] = auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] + ( (nstar[j] - a) / (b + n)) * scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, j]) + thetastar[:, j]), np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T))) sigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T)) invsigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[i], T)) Q = sigmaeps + R Qinv = inv(Q) Vinv = np.transpose(X).dot(Qinv).dot(X) + invsigmabeta V = inv(Vinv) Winv = Qinv + ( np.transpose(X)).dot(Qinv)) W = inv(Winv) auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] = auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] + ( (b + (a * m)) / (b + n)) * scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], np.zeros(T), W) else: for j in range(0, m): auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] = auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] + ( (nstar[j] - a) / (b + n)) * scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i], ([:, i]) +[:, j]) + thetastar[:, j]), np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T))) sigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(sig2eps[i], T)) invsigmaeps = np.diag(np.repeat(1 / sig2eps[i], T)) Q = sigmaeps + R Qinv = inv(Q) Vinv = np.transpose(X).dot(Qinv).dot(X) + invsigmabeta V = inv(Vinv) Winv = Qinv + ( np.transpose(X)).dot(Qinv)) W = inv(Winv) auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] = auxlpml[iter2 - 1, i] + ( (b + (a * m)) / (b + n)) * scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.pdf( mydata[:, i],[:, i]), W) iter0 = iter0 + 1 if iter0 % 50 == 0: print("Iteration Number: ", iter0, "Progress: ", round((iter0 / maxiter), 2) * 100, "% \n") ##### END OF GIBBS SAMPLING ##### # Calculation of acceptance rates and similarities matrix arrho = arrho / iter0 ara = ara / iter0 arb = arb / iter0 sim = sim / iter1 dist = np.zeros(CL) # Calculating the distance between each cluster configuration to the similarities matrix for i in range(0, CL): aux4 = memory[(i * n):((i + 1) * n), :] - sim dist[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux4) # Determining which cluster configuration minimizes the distance to the similarities matrix mstar = msample[np.argmin(dist)] gnstar = memorygn[np.argmin(dist), :] ##### HM MEASURE CALCULATION ##### HM = 0 for j in range(0, mstar[0].astype(int)): cc = np.where(gnstar == j)[0] HM1 = 0 if len(cc) > 1: for i1 in range(0, len(cc)): for i2 in range(0, i1): HM1 = HM1 + sum((mydata[:, cc[i2]] - mydata[:, cc[i1]])**2) HM = HM + (2 / (len(cc) - 1)) * HM1 ##### PRINT FINAL CLUSTER ASSIGNMENTS AND HM MEASURE ##### print("Number of groups of the chosen cluster configuration: ", mstar[0].astype(int)) for i in range(0, mstar[0].astype(int)): print("Time series in group ", i, np.where(gnstar == i)[0].astype(int), "\n") print("HM Measure: ", HM) if indlpml != 0: auxlpml = 1 / auxlpml cpo = auxlpml.mean(axis=0) cpo = 1 / cpo lpml = sum(np.log(cpo)) ##### PLOT FINAL CLUSTER ASSIGNMENTS (ONE PLOT PER CLUSTER)##### for j in range(0, mstar[0].astype(int)): plt.figure() plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) cc_plot = np.where(gnstar == j)[0] plt.xlabel('Time Period') plt.ylabel('Scaled Value') title = "Group " + str(j) plt.title(title) plt.plot(mydata[:, cc_plot], c=np.random.rand(3))
def test_comp(): a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] a2 = [11*11, 121*121, 144*144, 19*19, 161*161, 19*19, 144*144, 19*19] assert comp(a1, a2) is True a1 = [4, 4] a2 = [1, 31] assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] a2 = [11*21, 121*121, 144*144, 19*19, 161*161, 19*19, 144*144, 19*19] assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] a2 = [11*11, 121*121, 144*144, 190*190, 161*161, 19*19, 144*144, 19*19] assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [] a2 = [] assert comp(a1, a2) is True a1 = [] a2 = None assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11, 1008] a2 = [11*11, 121*121, 144*144, 190*190, 161*161, 19*19, 144*144, 19*19] assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [10000000, 100000000] a2 = [10000000 * 10000000, 100000000 * 100000000] assert comp(a1, a2) is True a1 = [10000001, 100000000] a2 = [10000000 * 10000000, 100000000 * 100000000] assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [2, 2, 3] a2 = [4, 9, 9] assert comp(a1, a2) is False a1 = [2, 2, 3] a2 = [4, 4, 9] assert comp(a1, a2) is True a1 = None a2 = [] assert comp(a1, a2) is False
def test_2(self): result = comp( [-121, -144, 19, -161, 19, -144, 19, -11], [121, 14641, 20736, 361, 25921, 361, 20736, 361], ) self.assertEqual(result, True)
def test(self): a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] a2 = [ 11 * 11, 121 * 121, 144 * 144, 19 * 19, 161 * 161, 19 * 19, 144 * 144, 19 * 19 ] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), True) a1 = [4, 4] a2 = [1, 31] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] a2 = [ 11 * 21, 121 * 121, 144 * 144, 19 * 19, 161 * 161, 19 * 19, 144 * 144, 19 * 19 ] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11] a2 = [ 11 * 11, 121 * 121, 144 * 144, 190 * 190, 161 * 161, 19 * 19, 144 * 144, 19 * 19 ] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [] a2 = [] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), True) a1 = [] a2 = None self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [121, 144, 19, 161, 19, 144, 19, 11, 1008] a2 = [ 11 * 11, 121 * 121, 144 * 144, 190 * 190, 161 * 161, 19 * 19, 144 * 144, 19 * 19 ] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [10000000, 100000000] a2 = [10000000 * 10000000, 100000000 * 100000000] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), True) a1 = [10000001, 100000000] a2 = [10000000 * 10000000, 100000000 * 100000000] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [2, 2, 3] a2 = [4, 9, 9] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False) a1 = [2, 2, 3] a2 = [4, 4, 9] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), True) a1 = None a2 = [] self.assertEqual(comp(a1, a2), False)
import os import string from comp import comp # False or True for printing errors, delete old version of stochdir if True doprint = literal_eval(argv[1:][0]) # Correct directory names if raw_dir[-1] != '/': raw_dir += '/' if out_dir[-1] != '/': out_dir += '/' # Get number of elements used n_ele = np.shape(comp(''))[0] # H-065.txt is l,g water 1bar # Get all JANAF file names and make empty array for specie data extraction JANAF_files = os.listdir(raw_dir) n_JANAF = np.size(JANAF_files) species = np.empty((n_JANAF, 4), dtype='|S50') # Loop over all JANAF files to get specie names for i in np.arange(n_JANAF): infile = raw_dir + JANAF_files[i] f = open(infile, 'r') line = [value for value in f.readline().split()] f.close() string = ' '.join(line) # Get the specie name from the JANAF file
s = s.display(0) elif choice == 2: s = volunteer.volunteer() s.display() elif choice == 3: s = staff.staff() s.display() else: print("\nPlease enter a valid choice") elif choice == 3: s = comp.comp() s.register() choice = raw_input("Show Fixtures ? [Y/n] ") if choice.lower() == "y": s.display() elif choice.lower() == "n": break else: print "Please enter valid choice" elif choice == 4: break else: print("\nPlease enter a valid choice")
def __init__(self, port = 5000): self.setup_socket(port) self.players = [] self.players = [player_server(self.server_socket), comp(), comp(), comp(), ] # self.players = [player_server(self.server_socket), comp(), player_server(self.server_socket), comp(), ] # self.players = [player_server(self.server_socket), comp(), player_curses(), comp(), ] # self.players = [player_curses(), comp(), player_curses(), comp(), ] # self.players = [player_curses(), comp(), comp(), comp(), ] # self.players = [player_test(), comp(), comp(), comp(), ] # self.players = [player(), player(), player(), player(), ] # self.players = [player(), comp(), comp(), comp(), ] # self.players = [player(), comp(), player(), comp(), ] # self.players = [comp(), comp(), comp(), comp(), ] self.players[0].name = "Paul" self.players[1].name = "Phil" self.players[2].name = "Sierra" self.players[3].name = "Julia"