def mesh_draw_edge_labels(mesh, attr_name=None, layer=None, color=None, formatter=None): """Display labels for the edges of a mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh : compas.datastructures.Mesh A mesh object. attr_name : str (None) The name of the attribute value to display in the label. Default is to display the edge keys. layer : str (None) The layer to draw in. Default is to draw in the current layer. color : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The color specififcation for the labels. Colors should be specified in the form of a string (hex colors) or as a tuple of RGB components. To apply the same color to all face labels, provide a single color specification. Individual colors can be assigned using a dictionary of key-color pairs. Missing keys will be assigned the default edge color (``self.defaults['edge.color']``). Default is to inherit color from the parent layer. formatter : callable (None) A formatting function. Defaults to the built-in ``str`` function. Notes ----- The labels are named using the following template: ``"{}.edge.label.{}".format(, key)``. This name is used afterwards to identify edges of the mesh in the Rhino model. Examples -------- >>> """ if not attr_name: attr_name = 'key' if formatter: assert callable(formatter), 'The provided formatter is not callable.' else: formatter = str text = {} for index, (u, v, attr) in enumerate(mesh.vertices(True)): if 'key' == attr_name: value = '{}-{}'.format(u, v) elif 'index' == attr_name: value = index else: value = attr[attr_name] text[(u, v)] = formatter(value) artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer artist.clear_edgelabels() artist.draw_edgelabels(text=text, color=color) artist.redraw()
def draw_subd(self): artist = MeshArtist(self.subd) layer = self.settings['layer.subd'] color = self.settings['color.subd.edges'] artist.layer = layer edges = [edge for edge in self.subd.edges() if not self.subd.is_edge_on_boundary(edge[0], edge[1])] guids = artist.draw_edges(edges, color=color) self.guid_subd_edge = zip(guids, edges) artist.redraw()
def mesh_draw_vertices(mesh, keys=None, color=None, layer=None, clear_layer=False, clear_vertices=False, redraw=True): """Draw a selection of vertices of the mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh : compas.datastructures.Mesh A mesh object. keys : list (None) A list of vertex keys identifying which vertices to draw. Default is to draw all vertices. color : str, tuple, dict (None) The color specififcation for the vertices. Colors should be specified in the form of a string (hex colors) or as a tuple of RGB components. To apply the same color to all vertices, provide a single color specification. Individual colors can be assigned using a dictionary of key-color pairs. Missing keys will be assigned the default vertex color (``self.defaults['vertex.color']``). Default is use the color of the parent layer. layer : str (None) The layer in which the vertices are drawn. Default is to draw in the current layer. clear_layer : bool (False) Clear the drawing layer. redraw : bool (True) Redraw the view after adding the vertices. Notes ----- The vertices are named using the following template: ``"{}.vertex.{}".format(self.mesh.attributes['name'], key)``. This name is used afterwards to identify vertices of the meshin the Rhino model. Examples -------- >>> """ artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer if clear_layer: artist.clear_layer() if clear_vertices: artist.clear_vertices() guids = artist.draw_vertices(color=color) if redraw: artist.redraw() return guids
def draw_mesh_faces(mesh): fkeys_nodraw = [ fkey for fkey in mesh.faces() if mesh.face_area(fkey) <= 0 ] fkeys = list(set(list(mesh.faces())) - set(fkeys_nodraw)) artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = '3GS::Skeleton' artist.draw_faces(faces=fkeys, join_faces=True)
def mesh_draw_edges(mesh, keys=None, color=None, layer=None, clear_layer=False, redraw=True): """Draw a selection of edges of the mesh. Parameters ---------- keys : list A list of edge keys (as uv pairs) identifying which edges to draw. Default is to draw all edges. color : str, tuple, dict The color specififcation for the edges. Colors should be specified in the form of a string (hex colors) or as a tuple of RGB components. To apply the same color to all faces, provide a single color specification. Individual colors can be assigned using a dictionary of key-color pairs. Missing keys will be assigned the default face color (``self.defaults['face.color']``). Default is use the color of the parent layer. layer : str (None) The layer in which the edges are drawn. Default is to draw in the current layer. clear_layer : bool (False) Clear the drawing layer. redraw : bool (True) Redraw the view after adding the edges. Notes ----- All edges are named using the following template: ``"{}.edge.{}-{}".fromat(self.mesh.attributes['name'], u, v)``. This name is used afterwards to identify edges of the mesh in the Rhino model. Examples -------- >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh) >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, color='#ff0000') >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, color=(255, 0, 0)) >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, keys=mesh.edges_on_boundary()) >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, color={(u, v): '#00ff00' for u, v in mesh.edges_on_boundary()}) """ artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer if clear_layer: artist.clear_layer() artist.clear_edges() guids = artist.draw_edges(color=color) if redraw: artist.redraw() return guids
def subdivide(mesh, guid): compas_rhino.delete_object(guid) mesh = mesh_subdivide_catmullclark(mesh, k=1) artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = '3GS::Skeleton' guid = artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True) artist.redraw() return mesh, guid[0]
def create_sk3_exo(lines, branch_radius=1, node_radius_fac=1, segments=4): sk3 = Skeleton3D.from_skeleton_lines(lines) sk3.section_seg = segments sk3.branch_radius = branch_radius sk3.node_radius_fac = node_radius_fac sk3.generate_mesh() sk3.merge_triangles() artist = MeshArtist(sk3) artist.layer = '3GS::Skeleton' guid = artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True) artist.redraw() return sk3, guid[0]
# ============================================================================== polylines = [] for points in pointsets: points = [Point(*point) for point in points] polyline = Polyline(points) polylines.append(polyline) # ============================================================================== # Visualize # ============================================================================== meshartist = MeshArtist(None) meshartist.mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(*A) meshartist.layer = "CGAL::Intersections::A" meshartist.clear_layer() meshartist.draw_faces(join_faces=True, color=hex_to_rgb('#222222')) meshartist.mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(*B) meshartist.layer = "CGAL::Intersections::B" meshartist.clear_layer() meshartist.draw_faces(join_faces=True, color=hex_to_rgb('#888888')) polylineartist = PolylineArtist(None, layer="CGAL::Intersections::Polylines") polylineartist.clear_layer() pointartist = PointArtist(None, layer='CGAL::Intersections::Points') pointartist.clear_layer() for polyline in polylines: polylineartist.primitive = polyline
def mesh_draw(mesh, layer=None, clear_layer=False, clear_vertices=False, clear_faces=False, clear_edges=False, show_faces=True, show_vertices=False, show_edges=False, vertexcolor=None, edgecolor=None, facecolor=None): """ Draw a mesh object in Rhino. Parameters ---------- mesh : compas.datastructures.Mesh The mesh object. layer : str (None) The layer to draw in. Default is to draw in the current layer. clear_layer : bool (False) Clear the drawing layer. show_faces : bool (True) Draw the faces. show_vertices : bool (False) Draw the vertices. show_edges : bool (False) Draw the edges. vertexcolor : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The vertex color specification. Default is to use the color of the parent layer. edgecolor : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The edge color specification. Default is to use the color of the parent layer. facecolor : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The face color specification. Default is to use the color of the parent layer. Notes ----- Colors can be specifiedin different ways: * str: A hexadecimal color that will be applied to all elements subject to the specification. * tuple, list: RGB color that will be applied to all elements subject to the specification. * dict: RGB or hex color dict with a specification for some or all of the related elements. Notes ----- RGB colors specified as values between 0 and 255, should be integers. RGB colors specified as values between 0.0 and 1.0, should be floats. """ artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer if clear_layer: artist.clear_layer() if clear_vertices: artist.clear_vertices() if clear_edges: artist.clear_edges() if clear_faces: artist.clear_faces() if show_faces: artist.draw_faces(color=facecolor) if show_edges: artist.draw_edges(color=edgecolor) if show_vertices: artist.draw_vertices(color=vertexcolor) artist.redraw()
mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes({'is_fixed': False}) # make an artist for visualisation artist = MeshArtist(mesh, layer='SubdModeling::Control') # draw the control mesh draw_mesh() # allow the user to change the attributes of the vertices while True: keys = VertexSelector.select_vertices(mesh) if not keys: break VertexModifier.update_vertex_attributes(mesh, keys) draw_mesh() # make a subd mesh (using catmullclark) subd = mesh_subdivide(mesh, scheme='catmullclark', k=4, fixed=mesh.vertices_where({'is_fixed': True})) # give the subdivision mesh a different name subd.attributes['name'] = 'Mesh' # draw the result artist.mesh = subd artist.layer = 'SubdModeling::Mesh' artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_mesh()
] STRIPS = SOUTH + SW + WEST + NW + NORTH + RING # ============================================================================== # Visualise # ============================================================================== ARTIST = MeshArtist(FABRIC, layer="Fabric") ARTIST.clear_layer() # INTRADOS ARTIST.mesh = IDOS ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Intrados" for i, strip in enumerate(STRIPS): guid = ARTIST.draw_faces(keys=strip, join_faces=True) color = (255, 128, 128) if i % 2 else (255, 0, 0) rs.ObjectColor(guid, color) ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Normals" ARTIST.draw_facenormals(color=(255, 0, 0), scale=0.05) # EXTRADOS ARTIST.mesh = EDOS ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Extrados"
mesh = Mesh.from_json(FILE_I) idos = mesh.copy() edos = mesh.copy() for vertex in mesh.vertices(): point = mesh.vertex_coordinates(vertex) normal = mesh.vertex_normal(vertex) thickness = 0.10 idos.vertex_attributes( vertex, 'xyz', add_vectors(point, scale_vector(normal, +0.5 * thickness))) edos.vertex_attributes( vertex, 'xyz', add_vectors(point, scale_vector(normal, -0.5 * thickness))) idos.to_json(FILE_O1) edos.to_json(FILE_O2) artist = MeshArtist(None) artist.mesh = idos artist.layer = "RV2::Idos" artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_faces(color=(255, 0, 0)) artist.mesh = edos artist.layer = "RV2::Edos" artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_faces(color=(0, 0, 255))
] STRIPS = SOUTH + SW + WEST + NW + NORTH + RING # ============================================================================== # Visualise # ============================================================================== ARTIST = MeshArtist(FABRIC, layer="Fabric") ARTIST.clear_layer() # INTRADOS ARTIST.mesh = IDOS ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Intrados" for name, panel in [('SOUTH', SOUTH), ('WEST', WEST), ('NORTH', NORTH), ('RING', RING)]: for strip, faces in enumerate(panel): ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Intrados::{}-{}".format( name, str(strip).zfill(2)) color = (255, 0, 0) points = [] fkeys = [] for fkey in faces: origin = IDOS.face_centroid(fkey) normal = IDOS.face_normal(fkey, unitized=True) plane = origin, normal if SHELL.has_vertex(fkey):
mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes({'is_fixed': False}) # make an artist for visualisation artist = MeshArtist(mesh, layer='InteractiveSubdivision::Cage') # draw the control mesh draw() # allow the user to change the attributes of the vertices while True: keys = VertexSelector.select_vertices(mesh) if not keys: break VertexModifier.update_vertex_attributes(mesh, keys) draw() # make a subd mesh (using catmullclark) subd = mesh_subdivide(mesh, scheme='catmullclark', k=4, fixed=mesh.vertices_where({'is_fixed': True})) # give the subdivision mesh a different name subd.attributes['name'] = 'Mesh' # draw the result artist.mesh = subd artist.layer = 'InteractiveSubdivision::Mesh' artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_mesh()