def flush(self) -> None: """Flush the buffered steps and observations to database.""" n_steps, n_observations = len(self.step_buffer), len(self.observations_buffer) # Nothing to flush. if not n_steps: return with Timer() as flush_time: # House keeping notice: Keep these statements in sync with record(). self.cursor.executemany( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO States VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", self.step_buffer, ) self.cursor.executemany( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Observations VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ((k, *v) for k, v in self.observations_buffer.items()), ) self.step_buffer = [] self.observations_buffer = {} self.connection.commit() "Wrote %d state records and %d observations in %s. Last flush %s ago", n_steps, n_observations, flush_time, humanize_duration(time() - self.last_commit), ) self.last_commit = time()
def run_sensitivity_analysis_eval(rewards_path: Path, runtimes_path: Path) -> None: """Print a summary of sensitivity analysis logs.""" with open(str(rewards_path)) as f: rewards_in ="\n") with open(str(runtimes_path)) as f: runtimes_in ="\n") rows = [] for rewards_row, runtimes_row in zip(rewards_in, runtimes_in): name, *rewards = rewards_row.split(",") _, *runtimes = runtimes_row.split(",") if rewards == [""]: rows.append((name, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-")) continue rewards = np.array([float(v) for v in rewards]) runtimes = np.array([float(v) for v in runtimes]) rows.append(( name, humanize_duration(runtimes.mean()), f"{rewards.mean():.5%}", f"{np.median(rewards):.5%}", f"{rewards.max():.5%}", f"{rewards.std():.5%}", )) print( tabulate( sorted(rows), headers=( "Name", "Time (avg)", "Δ (avg)", "Δ (median)", "Δ (max)", "Δ (std.)", ), ))
def test_humanize_duration_negative_seconds(): assert timer.humanize_duration(-1.5) == "-1.500s"
def test_humanize_duration_ns(): assert timer.humanize_duration(0.0000005) == "500.0ns" assert timer.humanize_duration(0.0000000019) == "1.9ns"
def test_humanize_duration_us(): assert timer.humanize_duration(0.0005) == "500.0us" assert timer.humanize_duration(0.0000119) == "11.9us"
def test_humanize_duration_ms(): assert timer.humanize_duration(0.0055) == "5.5ms" assert timer.humanize_duration(0.5) == "500.0ms" assert timer.humanize_duration(0.51) == "510.0ms" assert timer.humanize_duration(0.9999) == "999.9ms"
def test_humanize_duration_seconds(): assert timer.humanize_duration(5) == "5.000s" assert timer.humanize_duration(500.111111) == "500.1s"