    def GetAutoCompList(self, command):
        """Returns the list of possible completions for a
        command string. If namespace is not specified the lookup
        is based on the locals namespace
        @param command: commadn lookup is done on
        @keyword namespace: namespace to do lookup in

        if command in [None, u'']:
            return list()

        buff = self.GetBuffer()
        cpos = buff.GetCurrentPos()

        # Check if we are in a php region or not
        if buff.GetStyleAt(cpos) not in HTML_AREA:
            return list()

        cline = buff.GetCurrentLine()

        tmp = buff.GetLine(cline).rstrip()

        # Check if we are completing an open tag
        if tmp.endswith('<'):
            if buff.GetLexer() == wx.stc.STC_LEX_XML:
                taglst = _FindXmlTags(buff.GetText())
                taglst = TAGS
            return completer.CreateSymbols(taglst, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        tmp = tmp.rstrip('>').rstrip()
        if len(tmp) and (tmp[-1] in '"\' \t' or tmp[-1].isalpha()):
            for line in range(cline, -1, -1):
                txt = buff.GetLine(line)
                if line == cline:
                    txt = txt[:buff.GetColumn(cpos)]

                idx = txt.rfind('<')
                if idx != -1:
                    parts = txt[idx:].lstrip('<').strip().split()
                    if len(parts):
                        tag = parts[0].rstrip('>')
                        if len(tag) and \
                           tag not in ('img', 'br', '?php', '?xml', '?') and \
                           not tag[0] in ('!', '/'):
                            rtag = u"</" + tag + u">"
                            if tag in NLINE_TAGS:

                            if not parts[-1].endswith('>'):
                                rtag = u">" + rtag
                            return [
                                completer.Symbol(rtag, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        return list()
    def GetAutoCompList(self, command):
        """Returns the list of possible completions for a
        command string. If namespace is not specified the lookup
        is based on the locals namespace
        @param command: command lookup is done on
        @keyword namespace: namespace to do lookup in

        buff = self.GetBuffer()
        keywords = buff.GetKeywords()
        if command in [None, u'']:
            return completer.CreateSymbols(keywords, completer.TYPE_UNKNOWN)

        cpos = buff.GetCurrentPos()
        cline = buff.GetCurrentLine()
        lstart = buff.PositionFromLine(cline)
        tmp = buff.GetTextRange(lstart, cpos).rstrip()

        # Check for the case of a pseudo class
        if IsPsuedoClass(command, tmp):
            return PSUEDO_SYMBOLS

        # Give some help on some common properties
        if tmp.endswith(u':'):
            word = GetWordLeft(tmp.rstrip().rstrip(u':'))
            comps = PROP_OPTS.get(word, list())
            comps = list(set(comps))
            return completer.CreateSymbols(comps, completer.TYPE_PROPERTY)

        # Look for if we are completing a tag class
        if tmp.endswith(u'.'):
            classes = list()
            if not buff.IsString(cpos):
                txt = buff.GetText()
                txt = RE_CSS_COMMENT.sub(u'', txt)
                txt = RE_CSS_BLOCK.sub(u' ', txt)
                for token in txt.split():
                    if u'.' in token:
                        classes.append(token.split(u'.', 1)[-1])

                classes = list(set(classes))
            return completer.CreateSymbols(classes, completer.TYPE_CLASS)

        return completer.CreateSymbols(keywords, completer.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
    def GetAutoCompList(self, command):
        """Returns the list of possible completions for a
        command string.
        @param command: command lookup is done on

        if command in [None, u'']:
            return list()

        buff = self.GetBuffer()
        cpos = buff.GetCurrentPos()

        # Check if we are in a php region or not
        if buff.GetStyleAt(cpos) not in HTML_AREA:
            return list()

        # Get current context
        cline = buff.GetCurrentLine()
        ccol = buff.GetColumn(cpos)
        tmp = buff.GetLine(cline).rstrip()
        if ccol < len(tmp):
            tmp = tmp[:ccol].rstrip()

        # Check if we are completing an open tag (i.e < was typed)
        if tmp.endswith('<'):
            if buff.GetLexer() == wx.stc.STC_LEX_XML:
                taglst = _FindXmlTags(buff.GetText())
                taglst = TAGS
            return completer.CreateSymbols(taglst, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        # Check for a self closing tag (i.e />)
        endchk = tmp.strip().replace(u" ", u"").replace(u"\t", u"")
        if endchk.endswith(u"/>"):
            return list()

        # Try to autocomplete a closing tag (if necessary)
        tmp = tmp.rstrip('>').rstrip()
        if len(tmp) and (tmp[-1] in '"\' \t' or tmp[-1].isalpha()):
            # Walk backwards from the current line
            for line in range(cline, -1, -1):
                txt = buff.GetLine(line)
                if line == cline:
                    txt = txt[:buff.GetColumn(cpos)]

                idx = txt.rfind('<')
                if idx != -1:
                    parts = txt[idx:].lstrip('<').strip().split()
                    if len(parts):
                        tag = parts[0].rstrip('>')
                        if len(tag) and \
                           tag not in ('img', 'br', '?php', '?xml', '?') and \
                           not tag[0] in ('!', '/'):
                            rtag = u"</" + tag + u">"

                            if not parts[-1].endswith('>'):
                                rtag = u">" + rtag
                            return [
                                completer.Symbol(rtag, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        return list()
# Imports
import re
import wx
import wx.stc

# Local Imports
import completer


# Regular Expressions
RE_LINK_PSEUDO = re.compile("a:(link|visited|active|hover|focus)*")
RE_CSS_COMMENT = re.compile("\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*\/")
RE_CSS_BLOCK = re.compile("\{[^}]*\}")

PSUEDO_SYMBOLS = completer.CreateSymbols(
    [u'active', u'focus', u'hover', u'link', u'visited'], )


class Completer(completer.BaseCompleter):
    """CSS Code completion provider"""
    def __init__(self, stc_buffer):
        super(Completer, self).__init__(stc_buffer)

        # Setup
        self.SetAutoCompKeys([ord(':'), ord('.')])
        self.SetAutoCompStops(' {}#')