def get_completion(self, code, offset):
        token_code = self._tokenize_text(code[:offset])
        scopes = self._search_for_scope(token_code)
        var_segment = self._search_for_completion_segment(token_code)
        words = var_segment.split('.', 1)
        words_final = var_segment.rsplit('.', 1)
        main_attribute = words[0].strip().split('(', 1)
        attr_name = main_attribute[0]
        word = ''
        final_word = ''
        if var_segment.count(".") > 0:
            word = words[1].strip()
        if not var_segment.endswith('.') and len(words_final) > 1:
            final_word = words_final[1].strip()
            word = word.rsplit('.', 1)[0].strip()
            if final_word == word:
                word = ''
        module = self.cdaemon.get_module(self.module_id)
        imports = module.get_imports()
        result = module.get_type(attr_name, word, scopes)
        if result['found'] and result['type'] is not None:
            prefix = attr_name
            if result['type'] != attr_name:
                prefix = result['type']
                word = final_word
            to_complete = "%s.%s" % (prefix, word)
            if result.get('main_attr_replace', False):
                to_complete = var_segment.replace(attr_name, result['type'], 1)
            imports = [imp.split('.')[0] for imp in imports]
            data = completer.get_all_completions(to_complete, imports)
            __attrib = [d for d in data.get('attributes', []) if d[:2] == '__']
            if __attrib:
                map(lambda i: data['attributes'].remove(i), __attrib)
                data['attributes'] += __attrib
            if data:
                return data
                result = {'found': None, 'type': None}

        if result['type'] is not None and len(result['type']) > 0:
            data = {'attributes': result['type']['attributes'],
                'functions': result['type']['functions']}
            clazzes = sorted(set(self.patClass.findall(code)))
            funcs = sorted(set(self.patFunction.findall(code)))
            attrs = sorted(set(self.patWords.split(code)))
            if final_word in attrs:
            if attr_name in attrs:
            filter_attrs = lambda x: (x not in funcs) and \
                not x.isdigit() and (x not in self.keywords)
            attrs = filter(filter_attrs, attrs)
            funcs = filter(lambda x: x not in clazzes, funcs)
            data = {'attributes': attrs,
                'functions': funcs,
                'classes': clazzes}
        return data
 def _resolve_inheritance(self, clazz, module):
     for base in clazz.bases:
         name = base.split('.', 1)
         main_attr = name[0]
         child_attrs = ''
         if len(name) == 2:
             child_attrs = name[1]
         result = module.get_type(main_attr, child_attrs)
         data = model.late_resolution
         if result.get('found', True):
             data_type = module.imports[main_attr].get_data_type()
             if child_attrs:
                 child_attrs = '.%s' % child_attrs
             name = '%s%s().' % (data_type, child_attrs)
             imports = module.get_imports()
             imports = [imp.split('.')[0] for imp in imports]
             data = completer.get_all_completions(name, imports)
             data = (name, data)
         elif result.get('object', False).__class__ is model.Clazz:
             data = result['object']
         clazz.bases[base] = data
 def _resolve_inheritance(self, clazz, module):
     for base in clazz.bases:
         name = base.split('.', 1)
         main_attr = name[0]
         child_attrs = ''
         if len(name) == 2:
             child_attrs = name[1]
         result = module.get_type(main_attr, child_attrs)
         data = model.late_resolution
         if result.get('found', True):
             data_type = module.imports[main_attr].get_data_type()
             if child_attrs:
                 child_attrs = '.%s' % child_attrs
             name = '%s%s().' % (data_type, child_attrs)
             imports = module.get_imports()
             imports = [imp.split('.')[0] for imp in imports]
             data = completer.get_all_completions(name, imports)
             data = (name, data)
         elif result.get('object', False).__class__ is model.Clazz:
             data = result['object']
         clazz.bases[base] = data
    def get_completion(self, code, offset):
        token_code = self._tokenize_text(code[:offset])
        scopes = self._search_for_scope(token_code)
        var_segment = self._search_for_completion_segment(token_code)
        words = var_segment.split('.', 1)
        words_final = var_segment.rsplit('.', 1)
        main_attribute = words[0].strip().split('(', 1)
        attr_name = main_attribute[0]
        word = ''
        final_word = ''
        if var_segment.count(".") > 0:
            word = words[1].strip()
        if not var_segment.endswith('.') and len(words_final) > 1:
            final_word = words_final[1].strip()
            word = word.rsplit('.', 1)[0].strip()
            if final_word == word:
                word = ''
        module = self.cdaemon.get_module(self.module_id)
        imports = module.get_imports()
        result = module.get_type(attr_name, word, scopes)
        if result['found'] and result['type'] is not None:
            prefix = attr_name
            if result['type'] != attr_name:
                prefix = result['type']
                word = final_word
            to_complete = "%s.%s" % (prefix, word)
            if result.get('main_attr_replace', False):
                to_complete = var_segment.replace(attr_name, result['type'], 1)
            imports = [imp.split('.')[0] for imp in imports]
            data = completer.get_all_completions(to_complete, imports)
            __attrib = [d for d in data.get('attributes', []) if d[:2] == '__']
            if __attrib:
                map(lambda i: data['attributes'].remove(i), __attrib)
                data['attributes'] += __attrib
            if data:
                return data
                result = {'found': None, 'type': None}

        if result['type'] is not None and len(result['type']) > 0:
            data = {
                'attributes': result['type']['attributes'],
                'functions': result['type']['functions']
            clazzes = sorted(set(self.patClass.findall(code)))
            funcs = sorted(set(self.patFunction.findall(code)))
            attrs = sorted(set(self.patWords.split(code)))
            if final_word in attrs:
            if attr_name in attrs:
            filter_attrs = lambda x: (x not in funcs) and \
                not x.isdigit() and (x not in self.keywords)
            attrs = filter(filter_attrs, attrs)
            funcs = filter(lambda x: x not in clazzes, funcs)
            data = {
                'attributes': attrs,
                'functions': funcs,
                'classes': clazzes
        return data