def test_charisma_increase(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """When charisma is increased or decreased, relevant skills and savings throws reflect the change.""" print(('When charisma is increased or decreased, relevant skills and ' 'savings throws reflect the change.')) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) skills = SkillsTable(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) ability_scores_edit.charisma = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( table_cell_updated(saving_throw, 'blank2', '+ 2', 'table', 1)) charisma = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', row_number=1) deception = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=5) intimidation = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=8) performance = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=13) persuasion = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=14) assert charisma.blank2.strip() == '+ 2' assert deception.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Cha)' assert intimidation.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Cha)' assert performance.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Cha)' assert persuasion.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Cha)'
def test_dexterity_increase(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """When dexterity is increased or decreased, relevant skills, savings throws, initiative, and to hit (finesse weapons) reflect the change.""" print(('When dexterity is increased or decreased, relevant skills, ' 'savings throws, initiative, and to hit (finesse weapons) reflect ' 'the change.')) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) skills = SkillsTable(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) weapon_table = WeaponTable(browser) weapon_add = WeaponAddModal(browser) stats = OtherStats(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) # str needs to be less than dex as we are testing finesse weapon # i.e. the higher of str and dex is used ability_scores_edit.strength = 10 ability_scores_edit.dexterity = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( table_cell_updated(saving_throw, 'blank2', '+ 2', 'table', 3)) dexterity = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', row_number=3) initiative = stats.initiative.text acrobatics = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=1) sleight_of_hand = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=16) stealth = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=17) # select a dagger ut.select_from_autocomplete(weapon_add, 'name', browser, has_search_term=False, arrow_down_count=7) to_hit = ut.get_table_row(weapon_table, 'table').to_hit assert dexterity.blank2.strip() == '+ 2' assert initiative.strip() == '2' assert to_hit.strip() == '+ 4' assert acrobatics.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Dex)' assert sleight_of_hand.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Dex)' assert stealth.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Dex)'
def test_ability_scores_persist(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """As a player, ability scores persist after page refresh.""" print('As a player, ability scores persist after page refresh.') ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) ability_scores_edit.strength = 15 ability_scores_edit.dexterity = 16 ability_scores_edit.constitution = 17 ability_scores_edit.intelligence = 16 ability_scores_edit.wisdom = 15 ability_scores_edit.charisma = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( (By.ID, ability_scores_table.strength.get_attribute('id')), '15' ) ) browser.refresh() assert ability_scores_table.strength.text == '15' assert ability_scores_table.dexterity.text == '16' assert ability_scores_table.constitution.text == '17' assert ability_scores_table.intelligence.text == '16' assert ability_scores_table.wisdom.text == '15' assert ability_scores_table.charisma.text == '14'
def test_ability_scores_modifiers(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """As a player, I can view my ability score modifiers.""" print('As a player, I can view my ability score modifiers.') ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) ability_scores_edit.strength = 15 ability_scores_edit.dexterity = 16 ability_scores_edit.constitution = 17 ability_scores_edit.intelligence = 16 ability_scores_edit.wisdom = 15 ability_scores_edit.charisma = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( (By.ID, ability_scores_table.strength.get_attribute('id')), '15' ) ) assert ability_scores_table.strength_modifier.text == '+ 2' assert ability_scores_table.dexterity_modifier.text == '+ 3' assert ability_scores_table.constitution_modifier.text == '+ 3' assert ability_scores_table.intelligence_modifier.text == '+ 3' assert ability_scores_table.wisdom_modifier.text == '+ 2' assert ability_scores_table.charisma_modifier.text == '+ 2'
def test_edit_ability_scores(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """As a player, I can edit my ability scores.""" print('As a player, I can edit my ability scores.') time.sleep(8) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit.strength = 15 ability_scores_edit.dexterity = 16 ability_scores_edit.constitution = 17 ability_scores_edit.intelligence = 16 ability_scores_edit.wisdom = 15 ability_scores_edit.charisma = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element( (By.ID, ability_scores_table.strength.get_attribute('id')), '15')) assert ability_scores_table.strength.text.strip() == '15' assert ability_scores_table.dexterity.text.strip() == '16' assert ability_scores_table.constitution.text.strip() == '17' assert ability_scores_table.intelligence.text.strip() == '16' assert ability_scores_table.wisdom.text.strip() == '15' assert ability_scores_table.charisma.text.strip() == '14'
def test_strength_increase(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """When strength is increased or decreased, relevant skills, savings throws, to hit, and encumbrance reflect the change.""" print(('When strength is increased or decreased, relevant skills, savings ' 'throws, to hit, and encumbrance reflect the change.')) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) skills = SkillsTable(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) hud = HUD(browser) weapon_table = WeaponTable(browser) weapon_add = WeaponAddModal(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) ability_scores_edit.strength = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( table_cell_updated(saving_throw, 'blank2', '+ 2', 'table', 5)) strength = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', row_number=5) athletics = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=4) # select battleaxe ut.select_from_autocomplete(weapon_add, 'name', browser, has_search_term=False) to_hit = ut.get_table_row(weapon_table, 'table').to_hit status = hud.status_line.find_elements_by_tag_name('span') encumbrance_color = status[1].get_attribute('class') assert strength.blank2.strip() == '+ 2' assert to_hit.strip() == '+ 4' assert athletics.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Str)' assert 'text-info' in encumbrance_color
def test_constitution_increase(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """When constitution is increased or decreased, relevant skills reflect the change.""" print(('When constitution is increased or decreased, relevant skills ' 'reflect the change.')) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) ability_scores_edit.constitution = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( table_cell_updated(saving_throw, 'blank2', '+ 2', 'table', 2)) constitution = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', row_number=2) assert constitution.blank2.strip() == '+ 2'
def test_wisdom_increase(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """When wisdom is increased or decreased, relevant skills and savings throws reflect the change.""" print(('When wisdom is increased or decreased, relevant skills and ' 'savings throws reflect the change.')) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) skills = SkillsTable(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) ability_scores_edit.wisdom = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( table_cell_updated(saving_throw, 'blank2', '+ 2', 'table', 6)) wisdom = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', row_number=6) animal_handling = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=2) insight = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=7) medicine = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=10) perception = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=12) survival = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=18) assert wisdom.blank2.strip() == '+ 2' assert animal_handling.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Wis)' assert insight.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Wis)' assert medicine.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Wis)' assert perception.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Wis)' assert survival.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Wis)'
def test_intelligence_increase(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """When intelligence is increased or decreased, relevant skills reflect the change.""" print(('When intelligence is increased or decreased, relevant skills ' 'reflect the change.')) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) skills = SkillsTable(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) tabs = Tabs(browser) ability_scores_edit.intelligence = 14 WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until( table_cell_updated(saving_throw, 'blank2', '+ 2', 'table', 4)) intelligence = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', row_number=4) arcana = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=3) history = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=6) investigation = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=9) nature = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=11) religion = ut.get_table_row(skills, 'table', row_number=15) assert intelligence.blank2.strip() == '+ 2' assert arcana.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Int)' assert history.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Int)' assert investigation.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Int)' assert nature.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Int)' assert religion.blank2.strip() == '+ 2 (Int)'
def test_data_persists(player_wizard, browser): # noqa """As a player, all changes I make to hit points, hit dice, ability scores, savings throws, and other stats persist after I refresh the browser.""" print(('As a player, all changes I make to hit points, hit dice, ability ' 'scores, savings throws, and other stats persist after I refresh ' ' the browser.')) time.sleep(8) ability_scores_edit = AbilityScoresEditModal(browser) ability_scores_table = AbilityScoresTable(browser) hp_hd = HitPointHitDice(browser) other_stats = OtherStats(browser) saving_throw = SavingThrowTable(browser) saving_throw_edit = SavingThrowEditModal(browser) ability_scores_edit.strength = 15 ability_scores_edit.strength.send_keys(Keys.TAB) WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME).until(modal_finished_closing()) row = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', values=False) # open edit modal row[0].click() saving_throw_edit.modifier = 1 time.sleep(3) other_stats.ac_modifier_input = 1 other_stats.ac_modifier_input.send_keys(Keys.TAB) other_stats.initiative_modifier_input = 1 other_stats.initiative_modifier_input.send_keys(Keys.TAB) other_stats.proficiency_bonus_input = 1 other_stats.proficiency_bonus_input.send_keys(Keys.TAB) other_stats.speed_input = 40 other_stats.speed_input.send_keys(Keys.TAB) other_stats.level_input = 3 other_stats.level_input.send_keys(Keys.TAB) other_stats.experience_input = 2000 time.sleep(1) other_stats.experience_input.send_keys(Keys.TAB) time.sleep(2) browser.refresh() time.sleep(10) row = ut.get_table_row(saving_throw, 'table', values=False) proficiency = row[0].find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'span') assert ability_scores_table.strength.text.strip() == '15' assert hp_hd.hit_points_bar_label.text.strip() == 'HP: 9' assert hp_hd.hitdice3.get_attribute('class').strip() == 'dice-empty' assert proficiency[0].get_attribute('class').strip() == 'fa fa-check' assert other_stats.initiative_label.text.strip() == '5' assert other_stats.proficiency_bonus_label.text.strip() == '3' assert other_stats.speed_label.text.strip() == '40' assert other_stats.level_label.text.strip() == '3' assert other_stats.experience_label.text.strip() == '2000'