        if not entity.key or not entity.key.id():

            if (yield txn.transaction_async(run, retries=0)):
        except txn.CommitError:
            # Retry with the same key.
            # Entity existed. Get the next key.
            entity.key = yield new_key_callback_async()
    raise ndb.Return(entity.key)

insert = utils.sync_of(insert_async)

def get_versioned_root_model(model_name):
    """Returns a root model that can be used for versioned entities.

  Using this entity for get_versioned_most_recent(),
  get_versioned_most_recent_with_root() and store_new_version() is optional. Any
  entity with cls.current as an ndb.IntegerProperty will do.
    assert isinstance(model_name, str), model_name

    class _Root(Root):
        def _get_kind(cls):
            return model_name
class GlobalConfig(ndb.Model):
    """Singleton entity with the global configuration of the service.

  All changes are stored in the revision log.

    # When this revision of configuration was created.
    updated_ts = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=False, auto_now_add=True)
    # Who created this revision of configuration (as identity string).
    updated_by = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, default='')

    def cached_async(cls):
        """Fetches config entry from local cache or datastore.

    Bootstraps it if missing. May return slightly stale data but in most cases
    doesn't do any RPCs. Should be used for read-only access to config.
        # Build new class-specific fetcher function with cache on the fly on
        # the first attempt (it's not a big deal if it happens concurrently in MT
        # environment, last one wins). Same can be achieved with metaclasses, but no
        # one likes metaclasses.
        if not cls._config_fetcher_async:

            def fetcher():
                with fetcher.cache_lock:
                    expiry = fetcher.cache_expiry
                    if expiry is not None and utils.utcnow() < expiry:
                        raise ndb.Return(fetcher.cache_value)

                # Do not lock while yielding, it would cause deadlock.
                # Also do not cache a future, it might cross ndb context boundary.
                # If there is no cached value, multiple concurrent requests will make
                # multiple RPCs, but as soon as one of them updates cache, subsequent
                # requests will use the cached value, for a minute.
                conf = yield cls.fetch_async()
                if not conf:
                    conf = cls()
                    yield conf.store_async(updated_by='')

                with fetcher.cache_lock:
                    fetcher.cache_expiry = utils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(
                    fetcher.cache_value = conf
                raise ndb.Return(conf)

            fetcher.cache_lock = threading.Lock()
            fetcher.cache_expiry = None
            fetcher.cache_value = None

            cls._config_fetcher_async = staticmethod(fetcher)
        return cls._config_fetcher_async()

    cached = utils.sync_of(cached_async)

    def clear_cache(cls):
        """Clears the cache of .cached().

    So the next call to .cached() returns the fresh instance from ndb.
        if cls._config_fetcher_async:
            cls._config_fetcher_async.cache_expiry = None

    def fetch_async(cls):
        """Returns the current up-to-date version of the config entity.

    Always fetches it from datastore. May return None if missing.
        return datastore_utils.get_versioned_most_recent_async(
            cls, cls._get_root_key())

    fetch = utils.sync_of(fetch_async)

    def store_async(self, updated_by):
        """Stores a new version of the config entity."""
        # Create an incomplete key, to be completed by 'store_new_version'.
        self.key = ndb.Key(self.__class__, None, parent=self._get_root_key())
        self.updated_by = updated_by
        self.updated_ts = utils.utcnow()
        return datastore_utils.store_new_version_async(self,

    store = utils.sync_of(store_async)

    def modify(self, updated_by, **kwargs):
        """Applies |kwargs| dict to the entity and stores the entity if changed."""
        dirty = False
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            assert k in self._properties, k
            if getattr(self, k) != v:
                setattr(self, k, v)
                dirty = True
        if dirty:
        return dirty

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Fills in default values for empty config. Implemented by subclasses."""

    ### Private stuff.

    _config_fetcher_async = None

    def _get_root_model(cls):
        return datastore_utils.get_versioned_root_model('%sRoot' %

    def _get_root_key(cls):
        return ndb.Key(cls._get_root_model(), 1)
    if not entity.key or not entity.key.id():

      if (yield txn.transaction_async(run, retries=0)):
    except txn.CommitError:
      # Retry with the same key.
      # Entity existed. Get the next key.
      entity.key = yield new_key_callback_async()
  raise ndb.Return(entity.key)

insert = utils.sync_of(insert_async)

def get_versioned_root_model(model_name):
  """Returns a root model that can be used for versioned entities.

  Using this entity for get_versioned_most_recent(),
  get_versioned_most_recent_with_root() and store_new_version() is optional. Any
  entity with cls.current as an ndb.IntegerProperty will do.
  assert isinstance(model_name, str), model_name
  class _Root(Root):
    def _get_kind(cls):
      return model_name