def LU_decomp(n):
    h = 1 / (n + 1)
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, n + 2)[1:-1]
    q = h**2 * f(x)
    A = tridiag(n)

    t0 = time.time()
    init = pylib()
    LUdecomp = init.luDecomp(
        A)  # LU-decomp., pivot permutation, row interchange (+1/-1)
    LUbacksub = init.luBackSubst(LUdecomp[0], LUdecomp[1], q)
    T = time.time() - t0
    return LUbacksub, T, x
    v[1:-1], elapsed_time = TDCMA(f, n, runs)

    # Write results to file
    with open(DATADIR + "TDCMA.csv", 'a') as file:
        file.write('{},{:.2e}\n'.format(n, elapsed_time))

# Run LU decomposition and back substitution
ns = [10**i for i in range(1, lu_exponent + 1)]
for n in ns:
    algo_time = 0
    for run in range(1, runs + 1):
        h = 1. / (n + 1)
        x = np.linspace(0, 1, n + 2)
        u = f(x) * h**2
        A = build_toeplitz(-1, 2, -1, n)
        lib = pylib()
        start = time.time()
        A, index, t = lib.luDecomp(A)
        lib.luBackSubst(A, index, u[1:-1])
        algo_time += time.time() - start
    average_algo_time = algo_time / float(runs)

    # Write results to file
    with open(DATADIR + "LU_timing.csv", 'a') as file:
        file.write('{},{:.2e}\n'.format(n, average_algo_time))

# Write input parameters to file
with open(DATADIR + 'last_run.txt', 'w') as file:
    file.write('exponent: {}\n'.format(exponent))
    file.write('lu_exponent: {}\n'.format(lu_exponent))
    file.write('runs: {}\n'.format(runs))
# coding=utf-8
# Code to test and demonstrate the adaptive-step rk4 found in the library.
#Written by Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk

import computationalLib, numpy
lib = computationalLib.pylib()

import math

def derivsSHM(y, t):
    Example derivs for solving SHM equation
    x'' + x = 0
    which can be expressed as two coupled diff eq's
    for the variables x and v:
    x'  =  v 
    v' = - x

     - Array y[] which contains the values for x, v at time t
     - Array t, the time to evaluate at (useful for external forces etc.)

    I have chosen the following convention:
     - y[0] = x(t)
     - y[1] = v(t)
     - Array containing the derivatives at point t,
       same convention as with y[]:
       return[0] = x'(t)
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print "Number of integration points:"
    n = int(sys.stdin.readline())
    print "Integration limits (a, b)"
    (a,b) = sys.stdin.readline().split(",")
    a = int(a)
    b = int(b)
elif len(sys.argv) == 4:
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    a = int(sys.argv[2])
    b = int(sys.argv[3])
    print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "N a b"

m = pylib(inputcheck=False,cpp=False)

def integrand(x):
    return 4./(1. + x*x)

#Integrate with Gaus-legendre!
(x,w) = m.gausLegendre(a,b,n)
int_gaus = numpy.sum(w*integrand(x))

#Final output
print "integration of f(x) 4/(1+x**2) from",a,"to",b,"with",n,"meshpoints:"
print "Gaus-legendre:", int_gaus
print "Trapezoidal:  ", m.trapezoidal(a,b,n, integrand)
print "Simpson:      ", m.simpson(a,b,n,integrand)
# coding=utf-8
#Simple matrix inversion example
#Translated to Python by Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk

import numpy, computationalLib, math

myLib = computationalLib.pylib(inputcheck=False, cpp=False)

A = numpy.array([[1,3,4],[3,4,6],[4,6,8]],numpy.double)
print "Initial matrix A:\n", A

#LU-decompose A
matr = A.copy()
(matr,index,d) = myLib.luDecomp(matr);
print "LU-decomposed matrix:\n", matr
print "Index array:\n", index
print "Parity:\n", d

#Invert A column-by-column:
Ainv = numpy.zeros((3,3),numpy.double)
for j in xrange(3):
    col = numpy.zeros(3)
    col[j] = 1;

    Ainv[:,j] = myLib.luBackSubst(matr,index,col)

print "Inverse of A:\n", Ainv
#Test matrix inversion: AxAinv should be identity
test = True
ZERO = 1.0E-10
const_1 = -2.0 * const_2
orb_factor = orb_l * (orb_l + 1)

#Calculate array of potential values
V = numpy.zeros(max_step + 1, numpy.double)
for i in xrange(max_step + 1):
    r = r_min + i * step
    V[i] = potential(r) + orb_factor / r**2  #(include centrifugal term)

#Calculate elements of the matrix to be diagonalized
d = numpy.zeros(max_step, numpy.double)  #diagonal elements
e = numpy.zeros(max_step, numpy.double)  #off-diagonal elements
z = numpy.zeros(
    (max_step, max_step),
    numpy.double)  #matrix for eigenvectors (only used as a dummy-argument to
#tqli() in the current version of this program)
for i in xrange(max_step):
    d[i] = const_1 + V[i + 1]
    e[i] = const_2

    z[i, i] = 1  #(identity matrix)

#Diagonalize and obtain eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are stored in d.
computationalLib.pylib(cpp=False).tqli(d, e, z)

#Sort the eigenvalues (smallest to largest)
d = numpy.msort(d)

#Output to file
# coding=utf-8
# Code to test and demonstrate ODE solvers in the library.
# In order to use rk2 or euler instead of rk4, just change rk4 -> rk2
# or rk4 -> euler in the library function calls
#Written by Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk

import computationalLib, numpy
lib = computationalLib.pylib()

def derivsSHM(y,t):
    Example derivs for solving SHM equation
    x'' + x = 0
    which can be expressed as two coupled diff eq's
    for the variables x and v:
    x'  =  v 
    v' = - x

     - Array y[] which contains the values for x, v at time t
     - Array t, the time to evaluate at (useful for external forces etc.)

    I have chosen the following convention:
     - y[0] = x(t)
     - y[1] = v(t)
     - Array containing the derivatives at point t,
       same convention as with y[]:
       return[0] = x'(t)
       return[1] = v'(t)
step = (r_max - r_min) / max_step
const_2 = -1.0 / step**2
const_1 = -2.0 * const_2
orb_factor = orb_l * (orb_l + 1)

#Calculate array of potential values
V = numpy.zeros(max_step+1,numpy.double)
for i in xrange(max_step+1):
    r = r_min + i*step
    V[i] = potential(r) + orb_factor/r**2 #(include centrifugal term)

#Calculate elements of the matrix to be diagonalized
d = numpy.zeros(max_step,numpy.double) #diagonal elements
e = numpy.zeros(max_step,numpy.double) #off-diagonal elements
z = numpy.zeros((max_step,max_step),numpy.double) #matrix for eigenvectors (only used as a dummy-argument to
                                                  #tqli() in the current version of this program)
for i in xrange(max_step):
    d[i] = const_1 + V[i+1]
    e[i] = const_2

    z[i,i] = 1 #(identity matrix)

#Diagonalize and obtain eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are stored in d.

#Sort the eigenvalues (smallest to largest)
d = numpy.msort(d)

#Output to file
# coding=utf-8
#Simple matrix inversion example
#Translated to Python by Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk

import numpy, computationalLib, math

myLib = computationalLib.pylib(inputcheck=False, cpp=False)

A = numpy.array([[1, 3, 4], [3, 4, 6], [4, 6, 8]], numpy.double)
print "Initial matrix A:\n", A

#LU-decompose A
matr = A.copy()
(matr, index, d) = myLib.luDecomp(matr)
print "LU-decomposed matrix:\n", matr
print "Index array:\n", index
print "Parity:\n", d

#Invert A column-by-column:
Ainv = numpy.zeros((3, 3), numpy.double)
for j in xrange(3):
    col = numpy.zeros(3)
    col[j] = 1

    Ainv[:, j] = myLib.luBackSubst(matr, index, col)

print "Inverse of A:\n", Ainv

#Test matrix inversion: AxAinv should be identity
test = True
ZERO = 1.0E-10