    def export_pkg(self, conanfile_path, name, channel, source_folder=None, build_folder=None,
                   package_folder=None, install_folder=None, profile_name=None, settings=None,
                   options=None, env=None, force=False, user=None, version=None, cwd=None):

        settings = settings or []
        options = options or []
        env = env or []
        cwd = cwd or get_cwd()

        # Checks that info files exists if the install folder is specified
        if install_folder and not existing_info_files(_make_abs_path(install_folder, cwd)):
            raise ConanException("The specified install folder doesn't contain '%s' and '%s' "
                                 "files" % (CONANINFO, BUILD_INFO))

        conanfile_path = _get_conanfile_path(conanfile_path, cwd, py=True)

        if package_folder:
            if build_folder or source_folder:
                raise ConanException("package folder definition incompatible with build and source folders")
            package_folder = _make_abs_path(package_folder, cwd)

        build_folder = _make_abs_path(build_folder, cwd)
        install_folder = _make_abs_path(install_folder, cwd, default=build_folder)
        source_folder = _make_abs_path(source_folder, cwd, default=os.path.dirname(conanfile_path))

        # Checks that no both settings and info files are specified
        if install_folder and existing_info_files(install_folder) and \
                (profile_name or settings or options or env):
            raise ConanException("%s and %s are found, at '%s' folder, so specifying profile, "
                                 "settings, options or env is not allowed" % (CONANINFO, BUILD_INFO,

        infos_present = existing_info_files(install_folder)
        if not infos_present:
            profile = profile_from_args(profile_name, settings, options, env=env,
                                        cwd=cwd, client_cache=self._client_cache)
            profile = read_conaninfo_profile(install_folder)

        conanfile = load_conanfile_class(conanfile_path)
        if (name and conanfile.name and conanfile.name != name) or \
           (version and conanfile.version and conanfile.version != version):
            raise ConanException("Specified name/version doesn't match with the "
                                 "name/version in the conanfile")
        cmd_export(conanfile_path, name, version, user, channel, False,
                   self._user_io.out, self._client_cache)

        if not (name and version):
            name = conanfile.name
            version = conanfile.version

        reference = ConanFileReference(name, version, user, channel)
        recorder = ActionRecorder()
        manager = self._init_manager(recorder)
        manager.export_pkg(reference, source_folder=source_folder, build_folder=build_folder,
                           package_folder=package_folder, install_folder=install_folder,
                           profile=profile, force=force)
 def _validate_one_settings_source(install_folder, profile_name, settings,
                                   options, env):
     if install_folder and existing_info_files(install_folder) and \
        (profile_name or settings or options or env):
         raise ConanException(
             "%s and %s are found, at '%s' folder, so specifying profile, "
             "settings, options or env is not allowed" %
             (CONANINFO, BUILD_INFO, install_folder))
    def _get_profile(self, profile_name, settings, options, env, cwd, install_folder):

        infos_present = existing_info_files(install_folder)

        if not infos_present:
            profile = profile_from_args(profile_name, settings, options, env=env, scope=None,
                                        cwd=cwd, client_cache=self._client_cache)
            profile = read_conaninfo_profile(install_folder)

        return profile
    def _info_get_profile(self, reference, install_folder, profile_name, settings, options, env):
        cwd = os.getcwd()
            reference = ConanFileReference.loads(reference)
        except ConanException:
            reference = _get_conanfile_path(reference, cwd=None, py=None)
            if install_folder or not (profile_name or settings or options or env):
                # When not install folder is specified but neither any setting, we try to read the
                # info from cwd
                install_folder = _make_abs_path(install_folder, cwd)
                if existing_info_files(install_folder):
                    return reference, read_conaninfo_profile(install_folder)

        return reference, profile_from_args(profile_name, settings, options, env=env,
                                            cwd=cwd, client_cache=self._client_cache)
 def _validate_can_read_infos(self, install_folder, cwd):
     if install_folder and not existing_info_files(
             self._abs_relative_to(install_folder, cwd)):
         raise ConanException(
             "The specified --install-folder doesn't contain '%s' and '%s' "
             "files" % (CONANINFO, BUILD_INFO))