def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None, conda_forge=False):
    lints = []
    hints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or "", "meta.yaml")

    sources_section = get_section(meta, "source", lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, "build", lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, "requirements", lints)
    test_section = get_section(meta, "test", lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, "about", lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, "extra", lints)
    package_section = get_section(meta, "package", lints)
    outputs_section = get_section(meta, "outputs", lints)

    recipe_dirname = os.path.basename(recipe_dir) if recipe_dir else "recipe"
    is_staged_recipes = recipe_dirname != "recipe"

    # 0: Top level keys should be expected
    unexpected_sections = []
    for section in major_sections:
        if section not in EXPECTED_SECTION_ORDER:
                "The top level meta key {} is unexpected".format(section))

    for section in unexpected_sections:

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    lint_section_order(major_sections, lints)

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    lint_about_contents(about_section, lints)

    # 3a: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []):
        lints.append("The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in "
                     "the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section.")

    # 3b: Maintainers should be a list
    if not (isinstance(extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []), Sequence)
            and not isinstance(extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []),
        lints.append("Recipe maintainers should be a json list.")

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if not any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_section):
        a_test_file_exists = recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file))
            for test_file in TEST_FILES)
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            has_outputs_test = False
            no_test_hints = []
            if outputs_section:
                for out in outputs_section:
                    test_out = get_section(out, "test", lints)
                    if any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_out):
                        has_outputs_test = True
                    elif test_out.get("script", "").endswith((".bat", ".sh")):
                        has_outputs_test = True
                            "It looks like the '{}' output doesn't "
                            "have any tests.".format(out.get("name", "???")))

            if has_outputs_test:
                lints.append("The recipe must have some tests.")

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "unknown" == license.strip():
        lints.append("The recipe license cannot be unknown.")

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors, bad_lines = [], []
        pyXY_selectors_lint, pyXY_lines_lint = [], []
        pyXY_selectors_hint, pyXY_lines_hint = [], []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r"(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$")
        # Look out for py27, py35 selectors; we prefer py==35
        pyXY_selectors_pat = re.compile(r".+#\s*\[.*?(py\d{2,3}).*\]")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for selector_line, line_number in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
                pyXY_matches = pyXY_selectors_pat.match(selector_line)
                if pyXY_matches:
                    for pyXY in pyXY_matches.groups():
                        if int(pyXY[2:]) in (27, 34, 35, 36):
                            # py27, py35 and so on are ok up to py36 (included); only warn
        if bad_selectors:
            lints.append("Selectors are suggested to take a "
                         "``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form."
                         " See lines {}".format(bad_lines))
        if pyXY_selectors_hint:
                "Old-style Python selectors (py27, py34, py35, py36) are "
                "deprecated. Instead, consider using the int ``py``. For "
                "example: ``# [py>=36]``. See lines {}".format(
        if pyXY_selectors_lint:
                "Old-style Python selectors (py27, py35, etc) are only available "
                "for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. Please use explicit comparisons "
                "with the integer ``py``, e.g. ``# [py==37]`` or ``# [py>=37]``. "
                "See lines {}".format(pyXY_lines_lint))

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get("number", None) is None:
        lints.append("The recipe must have a `build/number` section.")

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    seen_requirements = [
        k for k in requirements_section if k in REQUIREMENTS_ORDER
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(seen_requirements,
    if seen_requirements != requirements_order_sorted:
        lints.append("The `requirements/` sections should be defined "
                     "in the following order: " +
                     ", ".join(REQUIREMENTS_ORDER) + "; instead saw: " +
                     ", ".join(seen_requirements) + ".")

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    for source_section in sources_section:
        if "url" in source_section and not ({"sha1", "sha256", "md5"}
                                            & set(source_section.keys())):
                "When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 "
                "or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably).")

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if ("license" in license.lower() and "unlicense" not in license.lower()
            and "licenseref" not in license.lower()
            and "-license" not in license.lower()):
        lints.append("The recipe `license` should not include the word "

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "r") as f:
            lines = f.read().split("\n")
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == "", reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count > 1:
            lints.append("There are {} too many lines.  "
                         "There should be one empty line at the end of the "
                         "file.".format(end_empty_lines_count - 1))
        elif end_empty_lines_count < 1:
            lints.append("There are too few lines.  There should be one empty "
                         "line at the end of the file.")

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    # 12a: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    license_family = about_section.get("license_family", license).lower()
    license_file = about_section.get("license_file", None)
    if not license_file and any(
            f for f in NEEDED_FAMILIES if f in license_family):
        lints.append("license_file entry is missing, but is required.")

    # 13: Check that the recipe name is valid
    recipe_name = package_section.get("name", "").strip()
    if re.match(r"^[a-z0-9_\-.]+$", recipe_name) is None:
            "Recipe name has invalid characters. only lowercase alpha, numeric, "
            "underscores, hyphens and dots allowed")

    # 14: Run conda-forge specific lints
    if conda_forge:
        run_conda_forge_specific(meta, recipe_dir, lints, hints)

    # 15: Check if we are using legacy patterns
    build_reqs = requirements_section.get("build", None)
    if build_reqs and ("numpy x.x" in build_reqs):
            "Using pinned numpy packages is a deprecated pattern.  Consider "
            "using the method outlined "

    # 16: Subheaders should be in the allowed subheadings
    for section in major_sections:
        expected_subsections = FIELDS.get(section, [])
        if not expected_subsections:
        for subsection in get_section(meta, section, lints):
            if (section != "source" and section != "outputs"
                    and subsection not in expected_subsections):
                lints.append("The {} section contained an unexpected "
                             "subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection"
                             " name.".format(section, subsection))
            elif section == "source" or section == "outputs":
                for source_subsection in subsection:
                    if source_subsection not in expected_subsections:
                            "The {} section contained an unexpected "
                            "subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection"
                            " name.".format(section, source_subsection))
    # 17: Validate noarch
    noarch_value = build_section.get("noarch")
    if noarch_value is not None:
        valid_noarch_values = ["python", "generic"]
        if noarch_value not in valid_noarch_values:
            valid_noarch_str = "`, `".join(valid_noarch_values)
                "Invalid `noarch` value `{}`. Should be one of `{}`.".format(
                    noarch_value, valid_noarch_str))

    # 18: noarch doesn't work with selectors for runtime dependencies
    if noarch_value is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            in_runreqs = False
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if line_s == "host:" or line_s == "run:":
                    in_runreqs = True
                    runreqs_spacing = line[:-len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                    lints.append("`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                                 "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                                 "`noarch: {}`.".format(noarch_value))
                if in_runreqs:
                    if runreqs_spacing == line[:-len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_runreqs = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                            "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                            "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                            "`noarch: {}`.".format(noarch_value))

    # 19: check version
    if package_section.get("version") is not None:
        ver = str(package_section.get("version"))
                "Package version {} doesn't match conda spec".format(ver))

    # 20: Jinja2 variable definitions should be nice.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_jinja = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good Jinja2 variable definitions look like "{% set .+ = .+ %}"
        good_jinja_pat = re.compile(r"\s*\{%\s(set)\s[^\s]+\s=\s[^\s]+\s%\}")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for jinja_line, line_number in jinja_lines(fh):
                if not good_jinja_pat.match(jinja_line):
        if bad_jinja:
            lints.append("Jinja2 variable definitions are suggested to "
                         "take a ``{{%<one space>set<one space>"
                         "<variable name><one space>=<one space>"
                         "<expression><one space>%}}`` form. See lines "

    # 21: Legacy usage of compilers
    if build_reqs and ("toolchain" in build_reqs):
            "Using toolchain directly in this manner is deprecated.  Consider "
            "using the compilers outlined "

    # 22: Single space in pinned requirements
    for section, requirements in requirements_section.items():
        for requirement in requirements or []:
            req, _, _ = requirement.partition("#")
            if "{{" in req:
            parts = req.split()
            if len(parts) > 2 and parts[1] in [
                # check for too many spaces
                    "``requirements: {section}: {requirement}`` should not "
                    "contain a space between relational operator and the version, i.e. "
                    "``{name} {pin}``").format(
            # check that there is a space if there is a pin
            bad_char_idx = [(parts[0].find(c), c) for c in "><="]
            bad_char_idx = [bci for bci in bad_char_idx if bci[0] >= 0]
            if bad_char_idx:
                i = bad_char_idx[0][0]
                    ("``requirements: {section}: {requirement}`` must "
                     "contain a space between the name and the pin, i.e. "
                     "``{name} {pin}``").format(
                         pin=parts[0][i:] + "".join(parts[1:]),

    # 23: non noarch builds shouldn't use version constraints on python and r-base
    check_languages = ["python", "r-base"]
    host_reqs = requirements_section.get("host") or []
    run_reqs = requirements_section.get("run") or []
    for language in check_languages:
        if noarch_value is None and not outputs_section:
            filtered_host_reqs = [
                req for req in host_reqs
                if req.partition(" ")[0] == str(language)
            filtered_run_reqs = [
                req for req in run_reqs
                if req.partition(" ")[0] == str(language)
            if filtered_host_reqs and not filtered_run_reqs:
                    "If {0} is a host requirement, it should be a run requirement."
            for reqs in [filtered_host_reqs, filtered_run_reqs]:
                if str(language) in reqs:
                for req in reqs:
                    constraint = req.split(" ", 1)[1]
                    if constraint.startswith(">") or constraint.startswith(
                            "Non noarch packages should have {0} requirement without any version constraints."

    # 24: jinja2 variable references should be {{<one space>var<one space>}}
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_vars = []
        bad_lines = []
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for i, line in enumerate(fh.readlines()):
                for m in JINJA_VAR_PAT.finditer(line):
                    if m.group(1) is not None:
                        var = m.group(1)
                        if var != " %s " % var.strip():
                            bad_lines.append(i + 1)
        if bad_vars:
            hints.append("Jinja2 variable references are suggested to "
                         "take a ``{{<one space><variable name><one space>}}``"
                         " form. See lines %s." % (bad_lines, ))

    # 25: require a lower bound on python version
    if noarch_value == "python" and not outputs_section:
        for req in run_reqs:
            if (req.strip().split()[0] == "python") and (req != "python"):
                "noarch: python recipes are required to have a lower bound "
                "on the python version. Typically this means putting "
                "`python >=3.6` in **both** `host` and `run` but you should check "
                "upstream for the package's Python compatibility.")

    # 26: pin_subpackage is for subpackages and pin_compatible is for
    # non-subpackages of the recipe. Contact @carterbox for troubleshooting
    # this lint.
    subpackage_names = []
    for out in outputs_section:
        if "name" in out:
            subpackage_names.append(out["name"])  # explicit
    if "name" in package_section:
        subpackage_names.append(package_section["name"])  # implicit

    def check_pins(pinning_section):
        if pinning_section is None:
        for pin in fnmatch.filter(pinning_section, "compatible_pin*"):
            if pin.split()[-1] in subpackage_names:
                    "pin_subpackage should be used instead of"
                    f" pin_compatible for `{pin.split()[1]}`"
                    " because it is one of the known outputs of this recipe:"
                    f" {subpackage_names}.")
        for pin in fnmatch.filter(pinning_section, "subpackage_pin*"):
            if pin.split()[-1] not in subpackage_names:
                    "pin_compatible should be used instead of"
                    f" pin_subpackage for `{pin.split()[1]}`"
                    " because it is not a known output of this recipe:"
                    f" {subpackage_names}.")

    def check_pins_build_and_requirements(top_level):
        if "build" in top_level and "run_exports" in top_level["build"]:
        if "requirements" in top_level and "run" in top_level["requirements"]:
        if "requirements" in top_level and "host" in top_level["requirements"]:

    for out in outputs_section:

    # hints
    # 1: suggest pip
    if "script" in build_section:
        scripts = build_section["script"]
        if isinstance(scripts, str):
            scripts = [scripts]
        for script in scripts:
            if "python setup.py install" in script:
                    "Whenever possible python packages should use pip. "
                    "See https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/adding_pkgs.html#use-pip"

    # 2: suggest python noarch (skip on feedstocks)
    if (noarch_value is None and build_reqs
            and not any(["_compiler_stub" in b
                         for b in build_reqs]) and ("pip" in build_reqs)
            and (is_staged_recipes or not conda_forge)):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            in_runreqs = False
            no_arch_possible = True
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if line_s == "host:" or line_s == "run:":
                    in_runreqs = True
                    runreqs_spacing = line[:-len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                    no_arch_possible = False
                if in_runreqs:
                    if runreqs_spacing == line[:-len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_runreqs = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                        no_arch_possible = False
            if no_arch_possible:
                    "Whenever possible python packages should use noarch. "
                    "See https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/knowledge_base.html#noarch-builds"

    # 3: suggest fixing all recipe/*.sh shellcheck findings
    shellcheck_enabled = False
    shell_scripts = []
    if recipe_dir:
        shell_scripts = glob(os.path.join(recipe_dir, "*.sh"))
        # support feedstocks and staged-recipes
        forge_yaml = glob(os.path.join(
            recipe_dir, "..", "conda-forge.yml")) or glob(
                os.path.join(recipe_dir, "..", "..", "conda-forge.yml"), )
        if shell_scripts and forge_yaml:
            with open(forge_yaml[0], "r") as fh:
                code = get_yaml().load(fh)
                shellcheck_enabled = code.get("shellcheck",

    if shellcheck_enabled and shutil.which("shellcheck") and shell_scripts:
        cmd = [
            # SC2154: var is referenced but not assigned,
            #         see https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2154

        p = subprocess.Popen(
            cmd + shell_scripts,
                "PATH": os.getenv("PATH")
            },  # exclude other env variables to protect against token leakage
        sc_stdout, _ = p.communicate()

        if p.returncode == 1:
            # All files successfully scanned with some issues.
            findings = (sc_stdout.decode(sys.stdout.encoding).replace(
                "\r\n", "\n").splitlines())
            hints.append("Whenever possible fix all shellcheck findings ('" +
                         " ".join(cmd) +
                         " recipe/*.sh -f diff | git apply' helps)")
            if len(findings) > MAX_SHELLCHECK_LINES:
                hints.append("Output restricted, there are '%s' more lines." %
                             (len(findings) - MAX_SHELLCHECK_LINES))
        elif p.returncode != 0:
            # Something went wrong.
                "There have been errors while scanning with shellcheck.")

    # 4: Check for SPDX
    import license_expression

    license = about_section.get("license", "")
    licensing = license_expression.Licensing()
    parsed_exceptions = []
        parsed_licenses = []
        parsed_licenses_with_exception = licensing.license_symbols(
            license.strip(), decompose=False)
        for l in parsed_licenses_with_exception:
            if isinstance(l, license_expression.LicenseWithExceptionSymbol):
    except license_expression.ExpressionError:
        parsed_licenses = [license]

    licenseref_regex = re.compile(r"^LicenseRef[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]*$")
    filtered_licenses = []
    for license in parsed_licenses:
        if not licenseref_regex.match(license):

    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "licenses.txt"),
              "r") as f:
        expected_licenses = f.readlines()
        expected_licenses = set([l.strip() for l in expected_licenses])
    with open(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "license_exceptions.txt"),
            "r") as f:
        expected_exceptions = f.readlines()
        expected_exceptions = set([l.strip() for l in expected_exceptions])
    if set(filtered_licenses) - expected_licenses:
            "License is not an SPDX identifier (or a custom LicenseRef) nor an SPDX license expression.\n\n"
            "Documentation on acceptable licenses can be found "
            "[here]( https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/adding_pkgs.html#spdx-identifiers-and-expressions )."
    if set(parsed_exceptions) - expected_exceptions:
            "License exception is not an SPDX exception.\n\n"
            "Documentation on acceptable licenses can be found "
            "[here]( https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/adding_pkgs.html#spdx-identifiers-and-expressions )."

    return lints, hints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None, conda_forge=False):
    lints = []
    hints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or "", "meta.yaml")

    sources_section = get_section(meta, "source", lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, "build", lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, "requirements", lints)
    test_section = get_section(meta, "test", lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, "about", lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, "extra", lints)
    package_section = get_section(meta, "package", lints)
    outputs_section = get_section(meta, "outputs", lints)

    recipe_dirname = os.path.basename(recipe_dir) if recipe_dir else "recipe"
    is_staged_recipes = recipe_dirname != "recipe"

    # 0: Top level keys should be expected
    unexpected_sections = []
    for section in major_sections:
        if section not in EXPECTED_SECTION_ORDER:
                "The top level meta key {} is unexpected".format(section)

    for section in unexpected_sections:

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    lint_section_order(major_sections, lints)

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    lint_about_contents(about_section, lints)

    # 3a: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []):
            "The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in "
            "the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section."

    # 3b: Maintainers should be a list
    if not (
        isinstance(extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []), Sequence)
        and not isinstance(
            extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []), str_type
        lints.append("Recipe maintainers should be a json list.")

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if not any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_section):
        a_test_file_exists = recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file))
            for test_file in TEST_FILES
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            has_outputs_test = False
            no_test_hints = []
            if outputs_section:
                for out in outputs_section:
                    test_out = get_section(out, "test", lints)
                    if any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_out):
                        has_outputs_test = True
                            "It looks like the '{}' output doesn't "
                            "have any tests.".format(out.get("name", "???"))

            if has_outputs_test:
                lints.append("The recipe must have some tests.")

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "unknown" == license.strip():
        lints.append("The recipe license cannot be unknown.")

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r"(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for selector_line, line_number in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
                "Selectors are suggested to take a "
                "``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form."
                " See lines {}".format(bad_lines)

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get("number", None) is None:
        lints.append("The recipe must have a `build/number` section.")

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    seen_requirements = [
        k for k in requirements_section if k in REQUIREMENTS_ORDER
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(
        seen_requirements, key=REQUIREMENTS_ORDER.index
    if seen_requirements != requirements_order_sorted:
            "The `requirements/` sections should be defined "
            "in the following order: "
            + ", ".join(REQUIREMENTS_ORDER)
            + "; instead saw: "
            + ", ".join(seen_requirements)
            + "."

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    for source_section in sources_section:
        if "url" in source_section and not (
            {"sha1", "sha256", "md5"} & set(source_section.keys())
                "When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 "
                "or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably)."

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "license" in license.lower() and "unlicense" not in license.lower():
            "The recipe `license` should not include the word " '"License".'

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "r") as f:
            lines = f.read().split("\n")
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == "", reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count > 1:
                "There are {} too many lines.  "
                "There should be one empty line at the end of the "
                "file.".format(end_empty_lines_count - 1)
        elif end_empty_lines_count < 1:
                "There are too few lines.  There should be one empty "
                "line at the end of the file."

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    # 12a: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    license_family = about_section.get("license_family", license).lower()
    license_file = about_section.get("license_file", "")
    if license_file == "" and any(
        f for f in NEEDED_FAMILIES if f in license_family
        lints.append("license_file entry is missing, but is required.")

    # 13: Check that the recipe name is valid
    recipe_name = package_section.get("name", "").strip()
    if re.match("^[a-z0-9_\-.]+$", recipe_name) is None:
            "Recipe name has invalid characters. only lowercase alpha, numeric, "
            "underscores, hyphens and dots allowed"

    # 14: Run conda-forge specific lints
    if conda_forge:
        run_conda_forge_specific(meta, recipe_dir, lints, hints)

    # 15: Check if we are using legacy patterns
    build_reqs = requirements_section.get("build", None)
    if build_reqs and ("numpy x.x" in build_reqs):
            "Using pinned numpy packages is a deprecated pattern.  Consider "
            "using the method outlined "

    # 16: Subheaders should be in the allowed subheadings
    for section in major_sections:
        expected_subsections = FIELDS.get(section, [])
        if not expected_subsections:
        for subsection in get_section(meta, section, lints):
            if (
                section != "source"
                and section != "outputs"
                and subsection not in expected_subsections
                    "The {} section contained an unexpected "
                    "subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection"
                    " name.".format(section, subsection)
            elif section == "source" or section == "outputs":
                for source_subsection in subsection:
                    if source_subsection not in expected_subsections:
                            "The {} section contained an unexpected "
                            "subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection"
                            " name.".format(section, source_subsection)

    # 17: noarch doesn't work with selectors for runtime dependencies
    if build_section.get("noarch") is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            in_runreqs = False
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if line_s == "host:" or line_s == "run:":
                    in_runreqs = True
                    runreqs_spacing = line[: -len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                        "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                        "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                        "`noarch: {}`.".format(build_section["noarch"])
                if in_runreqs:
                    if runreqs_spacing == line[: -len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_runreqs = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                            "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                            "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                            "`noarch: {}`.".format(build_section["noarch"])

    # 19: check version
    if package_section.get("version") is not None:
        ver = str(package_section.get("version"))
                "Package version {} doesn't match conda spec".format(ver)

    # 20: Jinja2 variable definitions should be nice.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_jinja = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good Jinja2 variable definitions look like "{% set .+ = .+ %}"
        good_jinja_pat = re.compile(r"\s*\{%\s(set)\s[^\s]+\s=\s[^\s]+\s%\}")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for jinja_line, line_number in jinja_lines(fh):
                if not good_jinja_pat.match(jinja_line):
        if bad_jinja:
                "Jinja2 variable definitions are suggested to "
                "take a ``{{%<one space>set<one space>"
                "<variable name><one space>=<one space>"
                "<expression><one space>%}}`` form. See lines "

    # 21: Legacy usage of compilers
    if build_reqs and ("toolchain" in build_reqs):
            "Using toolchain directly in this manner is deprecated.  Consider "
            "using the compilers outlined "

    # 22: Single space in pinned requirements
    for section, requirements in requirements_section.items():
        for requirement in requirements or []:
            req, _, _ = requirement.partition("#")
            if "{{" in req:
            parts = req.split()
            if len(parts) > 2 and parts[1] in [
                # check for too many spaces
                        "``requirements: {section}: {requirement}`` should not "
                        "contain a space between relational operator and the version, i.e. "
                        "``{name} {pin}``"
            # check that there is a space if there is a pin
            bad_char_idx = [(parts[0].find(c), c) for c in "><="]
            bad_char_idx = [bci for bci in bad_char_idx if bci[0] >= 0]
            if bad_char_idx:
                i = bad_char_idx[0][0]
                        "``requirements: {section}: {requirement}`` must "
                        "contain a space between the name and the pin, i.e. "
                        "``{name} {pin}``"
                        pin=parts[0][i:] + "".join(parts[1:]),

    # hints
    # 1: suggest pip
    if "script" in build_section:
        scripts = build_section["script"]
        if isinstance(scripts, str):
            scripts = [scripts]
        for script in scripts:
            if "python setup.py install" in script:
                    "Whenever possible python packages should use pip. "
                    "See https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/adding_pkgs.html#use-pip"

    # 2: suggest python noarch (skip on feedstocks)
    if (
        build_section.get("noarch") is None
        and build_reqs
        and not any(["_compiler_stub" in b for b in build_reqs])
        and ("pip" in build_reqs)
        and (is_staged_recipes or not conda_forge)
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            in_runreqs = False
            no_arch_possible = True
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if line_s == "host:" or line_s == "run:":
                    in_runreqs = True
                    runreqs_spacing = line[: -len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                    no_arch_possible = False
                if in_runreqs:
                    if runreqs_spacing == line[: -len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_runreqs = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                        no_arch_possible = False
            if no_arch_possible:
                    "Whenever possible python packages should use noarch. "
                    "See https://conda-forge.org/docs/maintainer/knowledge_base.html#noarch-builds"

    return lints, hints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None, conda_forge=False):
    lints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or '', 'meta.yaml')

    source_section = get_section(meta, 'source', lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, 'build', lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, 'requirements', lints)
    test_section = get_section(meta, 'test', lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, 'about', lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, 'extra', lints)
    package_section = get_section(meta, 'package', lints)

    # 0: Top level keys should be expected
    unexpected_sections = []
    for section in major_sections:
        if section not in EXPECTED_SECTION_ORDER:
                'The top level meta key {} is unexpected'.format(section))

    for section in unexpected_sections:

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    section_order_sorted = sorted(major_sections,
    if major_sections != section_order_sorted:
        section_order_sorted_str = map(lambda s: "'%s'" % s,
        section_order_sorted_str = ", ".join(section_order_sorted_str)
        section_order_sorted_str = "[" + section_order_sorted_str + "]"
        lints.append('The top level meta keys are in an unexpected order. '
                     'Expecting {}.'.format(section_order_sorted_str))

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    for about_item in ['home', 'license', 'summary']:
        # if the section doesn't exist, or is just empty, lint it.
        if not about_section.get(about_item, ''):
            lints.append('The {} item is expected in the about section.'

    # 3a: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []):
        lints.append('The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in '
                     'the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section.')

    # 3b: Maintainers should be a list
    if not isinstance(extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []), list):
        lints.append('Recipe maintainers should be a json list.')

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if not any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_section):
        test_files = [
            'run_test.py', 'run_test.sh', 'run_test.bat', 'run_test.pl'
        a_test_file_exists = (recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file))
            for test_file in test_files))
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            lints.append('The recipe must have some tests.')

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'unknown' == license.strip():
        lints.append('The recipe license cannot be unknown.')

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r'(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$')
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            for selector_line, line_number in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
            lints.append('Selectors are suggested to take a '
                         '``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form.'
                         ' See lines {}'.format(bad_lines))

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get('number', None) is None:
        lints.append('The recipe must have a `build/number` section.')

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    seen_requirements = [
        k for k in requirements_section if k in REQUIREMENTS_ORDER
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(seen_requirements,
    if seen_requirements != requirements_order_sorted:
        lints.append('The `requirements/build` section should be defined '
                     'before the `requirements/run` section.')

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    if ('url' in source_section
            and not ({'sha1', 'sha256', 'md5'} & set(source_section.keys()))):
        lints.append('When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 '
                     'or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably).')

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'license' in license.lower():
        lints.append('The recipe `license` should not include the word '

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.read().split('\n')
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == '', reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count > 1:
            lints.append('There are {} too many lines.  '
                         'There should be one empty line at the end of the '
                         'file.'.format(end_empty_lines_count - 1))
        elif end_empty_lines_count < 1:
            lints.append('There are too few lines.  There should be one empty '
                         'line at the end of the file.')

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    # 13: Check that the recipe name is valid
    recipe_name = package_section.get('name', '').strip()
    if re.match('^[a-z0-9_\-.]+$', recipe_name) is None:
            'Recipe name has invalid characters. only lowercase alpha, numeric, '
            'underscores, hyphens and dots allowed')

    # 14: Run conda-forge specific lints
    if conda_forge:
        run_conda_forge_lints(meta, recipe_dir, lints)

    # 15: Check if we are using legacy patterns
    build_reqs = requirements_section.get('build', None)
    if build_reqs and ('numpy x.x' in build_reqs):
            'Using pinned numpy packages is a deprecated pattern.  Consider '
            'using the method outlined '

    # 16: Subheaders should be in the allowed subheadings
    for section in major_sections:
        expected_subsections = FIELDS.get(section, [])
        if not expected_subsections:
        for subsection in get_section(meta, section, lints):
            if subsection not in expected_subsections:
                lints.append('The {} section contained an unexpected '
                             'subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection'
                             ' name.'.format(section, subsection))

    # 17: noarch doesn't work with selectors
    if build_section.get('noarch') is not None:
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            in_requirements = False
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if (line_s == "requirements:"):
                    in_requirements = True
                    requirements_spacing = line[:-len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                    lints.append("`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                                 "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                                 "`noarch: {}`.".format(
                if in_requirements:
                    if requirements_spacing == line[:-len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_requirements = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                            "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                            "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                            "`noarch: {}`.".format(build_section['noarch']))

    return lints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None, conda_forge=False):
    lints = []
    hints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or '', 'meta.yaml')

    sources_section = get_section(meta, 'source', lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, 'build', lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, 'requirements', lints)
    test_section = get_section(meta, 'test', lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, 'about', lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, 'extra', lints)
    package_section = get_section(meta, 'package', lints)
    outputs_section = get_section(meta, 'outputs', lints)

    # 0: Top level keys should be expected
    unexpected_sections = []
    for section in major_sections:
        if section not in EXPECTED_SECTION_ORDER:
                'The top level meta key {} is unexpected'.format(section))

    for section in unexpected_sections:

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    lint_section_order(major_sections, lints)

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    lint_about_contents(about_section, lints)

    # 3a: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []):
        lints.append('The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in '
                     'the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section.')

    # 3b: Maintainers should be a list
    if not (isinstance(extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []), Sequence)
            and not isinstance(extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []),
        lints.append('Recipe maintainers should be a json list.')

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if not any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_section):
        a_test_file_exists = (recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file))
            for test_file in TEST_FILES))
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            has_outputs_test = False
            no_test_hints = []
            if outputs_section:
                for out in outputs_section:
                    test_out = get_section(out, 'test', lints)
                    if any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_out):
                        has_outputs_test = True
                            "It looks like the '{}' output doesn't "
                            "have any tests.".format(out.get('name', '???')))

            if has_outputs_test:
                lints.append('The recipe must have some tests.')

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'unknown' == license.strip():
        lints.append('The recipe license cannot be unknown.')

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r'(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$')
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            for selector_line, line_number in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
            lints.append('Selectors are suggested to take a '
                         '``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form.'
                         ' See lines {}'.format(bad_lines))

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get('number', None) is None:
        lints.append('The recipe must have a `build/number` section.')

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    seen_requirements = [
        k for k in requirements_section if k in REQUIREMENTS_ORDER
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(seen_requirements,
    if seen_requirements != requirements_order_sorted:
        lints.append('The `requirements/` sections should be defined '
                     'in the following order: ' +
                     ', '.join(REQUIREMENTS_ORDER) + '; instead saw: ' +
                     ', '.join(seen_requirements) + '.')

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    for source_section in sources_section:
        if ('url' in source_section and
                not ({'sha1', 'sha256', 'md5'} & set(source_section.keys()))):
                'When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 '
                'or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably).')

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'license' in license.lower():
        lints.append('The recipe `license` should not include the word '

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.read().split('\n')
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == '', reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count > 1:
            lints.append('There are {} too many lines.  '
                         'There should be one empty line at the end of the '
                         'file.'.format(end_empty_lines_count - 1))
        elif end_empty_lines_count < 1:
            lints.append('There are too few lines.  There should be one empty '
                         'line at the end of the file.')

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    # 13: Check that the recipe name is valid
    recipe_name = package_section.get('name', '').strip()
    if re.match('^[a-z0-9_\-.]+$', recipe_name) is None:
            'Recipe name has invalid characters. only lowercase alpha, numeric, '
            'underscores, hyphens and dots allowed')

    # 14: Run conda-forge specific lints
    if conda_forge:
        run_conda_forge_specific(meta, recipe_dir, lints, hints)

    # 15: Check if we are using legacy patterns
    build_reqs = requirements_section.get('build', None)
    if build_reqs and ('numpy x.x' in build_reqs):
            'Using pinned numpy packages is a deprecated pattern.  Consider '
            'using the method outlined '

    # 16: Subheaders should be in the allowed subheadings
    for section in major_sections:
        expected_subsections = FIELDS.get(section, [])
        if not expected_subsections:
        for subsection in get_section(meta, section, lints):
            if (section != 'source' and section != 'outputs'
                    and subsection not in expected_subsections):
                lints.append('The {} section contained an unexpected '
                             'subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection'
                             ' name.'.format(section, subsection))
            elif section == 'source' or section == 'outputs':
                for source_subsection in subsection:
                    if source_subsection not in expected_subsections:
                            'The {} section contained an unexpected '
                            'subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection'
                            ' name.'.format(section, source_subsection))

    # 17: noarch doesn't work with selectors
    if build_section.get('noarch') is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            in_requirements = False
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if (line_s == "requirements:"):
                    in_requirements = True
                    requirements_spacing = line[:-len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                    lints.append("`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                                 "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                                 "`noarch: {}`.".format(
                if in_requirements:
                    if requirements_spacing == line[:-len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_requirements = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                            "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                            "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                            "`noarch: {}`.".format(build_section['noarch']))

    # 19: check version
    if package_section.get('version') is not None:
        ver = str(package_section.get('version'))
                "Package version {} doesn't match conda spec".format(ver))

    # 20: Jinja2 variable definitions should be nice.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_jinja = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good Jinja2 variable definitions look like "{% set .+ = .+ %}"
        good_jinja_pat = re.compile(r'\s*\{%\s(set)\s[^\s]+\s=\s[^\s]+\s%\}')
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            for jinja_line, line_number in jinja_lines(fh):
                if not good_jinja_pat.match(jinja_line):
        if bad_jinja:
            lints.append('Jinja2 variable definitions are suggested to '
                         'take a ``{{%<one space>set<one space>'
                         '<variable name><one space>=<one space>'
                         '<expression><one space>%}}`` form. See lines '

    # hints
    # 1: Legacy usage of compilers
    if build_reqs and ('toolchain' in build_reqs):
            'Using toolchain directly in this manner is deprecated.  Consider '
            'using the compilers outlined '

    # 2: suggest pip
    if 'script' in build_section:
        scripts = build_section['script']
        if isinstance(scripts, str):
            scripts = [scripts]
        for script in scripts:
            if 'python setup.py install' in script:
                    'Whenever possible python packages should use pip. '
                    'See https://conda-forge.org/docs/meta.html#use-pip')

    return lints, hints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None):
    lints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or '', 'meta.yaml')

    source_section = get_section(meta, 'source', lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, 'build', lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, 'requirements', lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, 'about', lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, 'extra', lints)

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    section_order_sorted = sorted(major_sections,
    if major_sections != section_order_sorted:
        section_order_sorted_str = map(lambda s: "'%s'" % s,
        section_order_sorted_str = ", ".join(section_order_sorted_str)
        section_order_sorted_str = "[" + section_order_sorted_str + "]"
        lints.append('The top level meta keys are in an unexpected order. '
                     'Expecting {}.'.format(section_order_sorted_str))

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    for about_item in ['home', 'license', 'summary']:
        # if the section doesn't exist, or is just empty, lint it.
        if not about_section.get(about_item, ''):
            lints.append('The {} item is expected in the about section.'

    # 3: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []):
        lints.append('The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in '
                     'the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section.')

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if 'test' not in major_sections:
        test_files = [
            'run_test.py', 'run_test.sh', 'run_test.bat', 'run_test.pl'
        a_test_file_exists = (recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file))
            for test_file in test_files))
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            lints.append('The recipe must have some tests.')

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'unknown' == license.strip():
        lints.append('The recipe license cannot be unknown.')

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r'(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$')
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            for selector_line in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
            lints.append('Selectors are suggested to take a '
                         '``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form.')

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get('number', None) is None:
        lints.append('The recipe must have a `build/number` section.')

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(requirements_section,
    if list(requirements_section.keys()) != requirements_order_sorted:
        lints.append('The `requirements/build` section should be defined '
                     'before the `requirements/run` section.')

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    if ('url' in source_section
            and not ({'sha1', 'sha256', 'md5'} & set(source_section.keys()))):
        lints.append('When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 '
                     'or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably).')

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'license' in license.lower():
        lints.append('The recipe `license` should not include the word '

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.read().split('\n')
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == '', reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count != 1:
            lints.append('There should be one empty line at the end of the '

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    return lints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None):
    lints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or '', 'meta.yaml')

    source_section = get_section(meta, 'source', lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, 'build', lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, 'requirements', lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, 'about', lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, 'extra', lints)

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    section_order_sorted = sorted(major_sections,
    if major_sections != section_order_sorted:
        section_order_sorted_str = map(lambda s: "'%s'" % s,
        section_order_sorted_str = ", ".join(section_order_sorted_str)
        section_order_sorted_str = "[" + section_order_sorted_str + "]"
        lints.append('The top level meta keys are in an unexpected order. '
                     'Expecting {}.'.format(section_order_sorted_str))

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    for about_item in ['home', 'license', 'summary']:
        # if the section doesn't exist, or is just empty, lint it.
        if not about_section.get(about_item, ''):
            lints.append('The {} item is expected in the about section.'

    # 3: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get('recipe-maintainers', []):
        lints.append('The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in '
                     'the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section.')

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if 'test' not in major_sections:
        test_files = ['run_test.py', 'run_test.sh', 'run_test.bat',
        a_test_file_exists = (recipe_dir is not None and
                                  for test_file in test_files))
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            lints.append('The recipe must have some tests.')

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'unknown' == license.strip():
        lints.append('The recipe license cannot be unknown.')

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r'(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$')
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'rt') as fh:
            for selector_line in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
            lints.append('Selectors are suggested to take a '
                         '``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form.')

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get('number', None) is None:
        lints.append('The recipe must have a `build/number` section.')

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(requirements_section,
    if list(requirements_section.keys()) != requirements_order_sorted:
        lints.append('The `requirements/build` section should be defined '
                     'before the `requirements/run` section.')

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    if ('url' in source_section and
            not ({'sha1', 'sha256', 'md5'} & set(source_section.keys()))):
        lints.append('When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 '
                     'or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably).')

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get('license', '').lower()
    if 'license' in license.lower():
        lints.append('The recipe `license` should not include the word '

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.read().split('\n')
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == '', reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count > 1:
            lints.append('There are {} too many lines.  '
                         'There should be one empty line at the end of the '
                         'file.'.format(end_empty_lines_count - 1))
        elif end_empty_lines_count < 1:
            lints.append('There are too few lines.  There should be one empty '
                         'line at the end of the file.')

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    return lints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None, conda_forge=False):
    lints = []
    hints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or "", "meta.yaml")

    sources_section = get_section(meta, "source", lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, "build", lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, "requirements", lints)
    test_section = get_section(meta, "test", lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, "about", lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, "extra", lints)
    package_section = get_section(meta, "package", lints)
    outputs_section = get_section(meta, "outputs", lints)

    recipe_dirname = os.path.basename(recipe_dir) if recipe_dir else "recipe"
    is_staged_recipes = recipe_dirname != "recipe"
    # 0: Top level keys should be expected
    unexpected_sections = []
    for section in major_sections:
        if section not in EXPECTED_SECTION_ORDER:
                "The top level meta key {} is unexpected".format(section)

    for section in unexpected_sections:

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    lint_section_order(major_sections, lints)

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    lint_about_contents(about_section, lints)

    # 3a: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []):
            "The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in "
            "the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section."

    # 3b: Maintainers should be a list
    if not (
        isinstance(extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []), Sequence)
        and not isinstance(
            extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []), str_type
        lints.append("Recipe maintainers should be a json list.")

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if not any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_section):
        a_test_file_exists = recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file))
            for test_file in TEST_FILES
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            has_outputs_test = False
            no_test_hints = []
            if outputs_section:
                for out in outputs_section:
                    test_out = get_section(out, "test", lints)
                    if any(key in TEST_KEYS for key in test_out):
                        has_outputs_test = True
                            "It looks like the '{}' output doesn't "
                            "have any tests.".format(out.get("name", "???"))

            if has_outputs_test:
                lints.append("The recipe must have some tests.")

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "unknown" == license.strip():
        lints.append("The recipe license cannot be unknown.")

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r"(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for selector_line, line_number in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
                "Selectors are suggested to take a "
                "``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form."
                " See lines {}".format(bad_lines)

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get("number", None) is None:
        lints.append("The recipe must have a `build/number` section.")

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    seen_requirements = [
        k for k in requirements_section if k in REQUIREMENTS_ORDER
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(
        seen_requirements, key=REQUIREMENTS_ORDER.index
    if seen_requirements != requirements_order_sorted:
            "The `requirements/` sections should be defined "
            "in the following order: "
            + ", ".join(REQUIREMENTS_ORDER)
            + "; instead saw: "
            + ", ".join(seen_requirements)
            + "."

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    for source_section in sources_section:
        if "url" in source_section and not (
            {"sha1", "sha256", "md5"} & set(source_section.keys())
                "When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 "
                "or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably)."

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "license" in license.lower():
            "The recipe `license` should not include the word " '"License".'

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "r") as f:
            lines = f.read().split("\n")
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == "", reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count > 1:
                "There are {} too many lines.  "
                "There should be one empty line at the end of the "
                "file.".format(end_empty_lines_count - 1)
        elif end_empty_lines_count < 1:
                "There are too few lines.  There should be one empty "
                "line at the end of the file."

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    # 13: Check that the recipe name is valid
    recipe_name = package_section.get("name", "").strip()
    if re.match("^[a-z0-9_\-.]+$", recipe_name) is None:
            "Recipe name has invalid characters. only lowercase alpha, numeric, "
            "underscores, hyphens and dots allowed"

    # 14: Run conda-forge specific lints
    if conda_forge:
        run_conda_forge_specific(meta, recipe_dir, lints, hints)

    # 15: Check if we are using legacy patterns
    build_reqs = requirements_section.get("build", None)
    if build_reqs and ("numpy x.x" in build_reqs):
            "Using pinned numpy packages is a deprecated pattern.  Consider "
            "using the method outlined "

    # 16: Subheaders should be in the allowed subheadings
    for section in major_sections:
        expected_subsections = FIELDS.get(section, [])
        if not expected_subsections:
        for subsection in get_section(meta, section, lints):
            if (
                section != "source"
                and section != "outputs"
                and subsection not in expected_subsections
                    "The {} section contained an unexpected "
                    "subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection"
                    " name.".format(section, subsection)
            elif section == "source" or section == "outputs":
                for source_subsection in subsection:
                    if source_subsection not in expected_subsections:
                            "The {} section contained an unexpected "
                            "subsection name. {} is not a valid subsection"
                            " name.".format(section, source_subsection)

    # 17: noarch doesn't work with selectors for runtime dependencies
    if build_section.get("noarch") is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            in_runreqs = False
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if line_s == "host:" or line_s == "run:":
                    in_runreqs = True
                    runreqs_spacing = line[: -len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                        "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                        "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                        "`noarch: {}`.".format(build_section["noarch"])
                if in_runreqs:
                    if runreqs_spacing == line[: -len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_runreqs = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                            "`noarch` packages can't have selectors. If "
                            "the selectors are necessary, please remove "
                            "`noarch: {}`.".format(build_section["noarch"])

    # 19: check version
    if package_section.get("version") is not None:
        ver = str(package_section.get("version"))
                "Package version {} doesn't match conda spec".format(ver)

    # 20: Jinja2 variable definitions should be nice.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_jinja = []
        bad_lines = []
        # Good Jinja2 variable definitions look like "{% set .+ = .+ %}"
        good_jinja_pat = re.compile(r"\s*\{%\s(set)\s[^\s]+\s=\s[^\s]+\s%\}")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for jinja_line, line_number in jinja_lines(fh):
                if not good_jinja_pat.match(jinja_line):
        if bad_jinja:
                "Jinja2 variable definitions are suggested to "
                "take a ``{{%<one space>set<one space>"
                "<variable name><one space>=<one space>"
                "<expression><one space>%}}`` form. See lines "

    # 21: Legacy usage of compilers
    if build_reqs and ("toolchain" in build_reqs):
            "Using toolchain directly in this manner is deprecated.  Consider "
            "using the compilers outlined "

    # hints
    # 1: suggest pip
    if "script" in build_section:
        scripts = build_section["script"]
        if isinstance(scripts, str):
            scripts = [scripts]
        for script in scripts:
            if "python setup.py install" in script:
                    "Whenever possible python packages should use pip. "
                    "See https://conda-forge.org/docs/meta.html#use-pip"

    # 2: suggest python noarch (skip on feedstocks)
    if build_section.get("noarch") is None and build_reqs and not any(["_compiler_stub" in b for b in build_reqs]) \
            and ("pip" in build_reqs) and (is_staged_recipes or not conda_forge):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            in_runreqs = False
            no_arch_possible = True
            for line in fh:
                line_s = line.strip()
                if line_s == "host:" or line_s == "run:":
                    in_runreqs = True
                    runreqs_spacing = line[: -len(line.lstrip())]
                if line_s.startswith("skip:") and is_selector_line(line):
                    no_arch_possible = False
                if in_runreqs:
                    if runreqs_spacing == line[: -len(line.lstrip())]:
                        in_runreqs = False
                    if is_selector_line(line):
                        no_arch_possible = False
            if no_arch_possible:
                    "Whenever possible python packages should use noarch. "
                    "See https://conda-forge.org/docs/meta.html#building-noarch-packages"

    return lints, hints
def lintify(meta, recipe_dir=None):
    lints = []
    major_sections = list(meta.keys())

    # If the recipe_dir exists (no guarantee within this function) , we can
    # find the meta.yaml within it.
    meta_fname = os.path.join(recipe_dir or "", "meta.yaml")

    source_section = get_section(meta, "source", lints)
    build_section = get_section(meta, "build", lints)
    requirements_section = get_section(meta, "requirements", lints)
    about_section = get_section(meta, "about", lints)
    extra_section = get_section(meta, "extra", lints)

    # 1: Top level meta.yaml keys should have a specific order.
    section_order_sorted = sorted(major_sections, key=EXPECTED_SECTION_ORDER.index)
    if major_sections != section_order_sorted:
            "The top level meta keys are in an unexpected order. " "Expecting {}.".format(section_order_sorted)

    # 2: The about section should have a home, license and summary.
    for about_item in ["home", "license", "summary"]:
        # if the section doesn't exist, or is just empty, lint it.
        if not about_section.get(about_item, ""):
            lints.append("The {} item is expected in the about section." "".format(about_item))

    # 3: The recipe should have some maintainers.
    if not extra_section.get("recipe-maintainers", []):
        lints.append("The recipe could do with some maintainers listed in " "the `extra/recipe-maintainers` section.")

    # 4: The recipe should have some tests.
    if "test" not in major_sections:
        test_files = ["run_test.py", "run_test.sh", "run_test.bat", "run_test.pl"]
        a_test_file_exists = recipe_dir is not None and any(
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipe_dir, test_file)) for test_file in test_files
        if not a_test_file_exists:
            lints.append("The recipe must have some tests.")

    # 5: License cannot be 'unknown.'
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "unknown" == license.strip():
        lints.append("The recipe license cannot be unknown.")

    # 6: Selectors should be in a tidy form.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        bad_selectors = []
        # Good selectors look like ".*\s\s#\s[...]"
        good_selectors_pat = re.compile(r"(.+?)\s{2,}#\s\[(.+)\](?(2).*)$")
        with io.open(meta_fname, "rt") as fh:
            for selector_line in selector_lines(fh):
                if not good_selectors_pat.match(selector_line):
        if bad_selectors:
            lints.append("Selectors are suggested to take a " "``<two spaces>#<one space>[<expression>]`` form.")

    # 7: The build section should have a build number.
    if build_section.get("number", None) is None:
        lints.append("The recipe must have a `build/number` section.")

    # 8: The build section should be before the run section in requirements.
    requirements_order_sorted = sorted(requirements_section, key=REQUIREMENTS_ORDER.index)
    if list(requirements_section.keys()) != requirements_order_sorted:
        lints.append("The `requirements/build` section should be defined " "before the `requirements/run` section.")

    # 9: Files downloaded should have a hash.
    if "url" in source_section and not ({"sha1", "sha256", "md5"} & set(source_section.keys())):
        lints.append("When defining a source/url please add a sha256, sha1 " "or md5 checksum (sha256 preferably).")

    # 10: License should not include the word 'license'.
    license = about_section.get("license", "").lower()
    if "license" in license.lower():
        lints.append("The recipe `license` should not include the word " '"License".')

    # 11: There should be one empty line at the end of the file.
    if recipe_dir is not None and os.path.exists(meta_fname):
        with io.open(meta_fname, "r") as f:
            lines = f.read().split("\n")
        # Count the number of empty lines from the end of the file
        empty_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x == "", reversed(lines))
        end_empty_lines_count = len(list(empty_lines))
        if end_empty_lines_count != 1:
            lints.append("There should be one empty line at the end of the " "file.")

    # 12: License family must be valid (conda-build checks for that)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    return lints