def export_kv(self, PATH=None): if PATH is None: from conf import gamepath PATH = gamepath from kivy.logger import Logger #print " -- EXPORT KV -- "*10 from conf import CP relativ = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'TMPL_RELATIVE_SIZE_POS') save_cm = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'SAVE_IN_CM') save_relpath = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'TMPL_RELATIVE_GAMEPATH') imports = list() directives = self.current_template.directives[:] #Will be used to find a interresting base for relpath print 'at this stage, i should insert a check for name vs libraty & templates' if not self.current_template.template_name: print 'Current template as no name: reverting to default' self.current_template.template_name = "TMPL" KV = list() for template in self.templates: tmpls, imports, directives = template.export_to_kv( level=1, save_cm=save_cm, relativ=relativ, save_relpath=save_relpath, RELPATH=PATH) Logger.debug('export these imports to kv: ' + str(imports)) print self.nodes, template for node in self.nodes[template].nodes: if not hasattr(node, 'target'): continue field = if field == template: #skip export of the root template: done above continue t, i, d = field.export_field(level=2, save_cm=save_cm, relativ=relativ, save_relpath=save_relpath, RELPATH=PATH) tmpls.extend(t) imports.extend(i) directives.extend(d) #Prepend include if imports: tmpls.insert(0, "") for imp in imports: if imp: tmpls.insert(0, "#:include %s" % imp) Logger.debug("directives at the end" + str(directives)) if directives: tmpls.insert(0, "") for directive in directives: tmpls.insert(0, "#:%s" % directive) from os import linesep KV.append(linesep.join(tmpls)) KV.extend(' ') return linesep.join(KV)
def export_kv(self, PATH=None): if PATH is None: from conf import gamepath PATH = gamepath from kivy.logger import Logger #print " -- EXPORT KV -- "*10 from conf import CP relativ = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'TMPL_RELATIVE_SIZE_POS') save_cm = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'SAVE_IN_CM') save_relpath = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'TMPL_RELATIVE_GAMEPATH') imports = list() directives = self.current_template.directives[:] #Will be used to find a interresting base for relpath print 'at this stage, i should insert a check for name vs libraty & templates' if not self.current_template.template_name: print 'Current template as no name: reverting to default' self.current_template.template_name = "TMPL" KV = list() for template in self.templates: tmpls, imports, directives = template.export_to_kv(level=1, save_cm=save_cm, relativ=relativ, save_relpath=save_relpath, RELPATH=PATH) Logger.debug('export these imports to kv: ' + str(imports)) print self.nodes, template for node in self.nodes[template].nodes: if not hasattr(node, 'target'): continue field = if field == template: #skip export of the root template: done above continue t, i, d = field.export_field(level=2, save_cm=save_cm, relativ=relativ, save_relpath=save_relpath, RELPATH=PATH) tmpls.extend(t) imports.extend(i) directives.extend(d) #Prepend include if imports: tmpls.insert(0, "") for imp in imports: if imp: tmpls.insert(0,"#:include %s"%imp) Logger.debug("directives at the end" + str(directives)) if directives: tmpls.insert(0,"") for directive in directives: tmpls.insert(0, "#:%s"%directive) from os import linesep KV.append(linesep.join(tmpls)) KV.extend(' ') return linesep.join(KV)
def write_file_popup(self, title, cb, default='export.pdf'): from conf import CP if default.endswith('.pdf'): lf = CP.get('Path', 'last_pdf') else: lf = CP.get('Path', 'last_file') if default.endswith(('.csv', '.xlsx')): #try to use last file if exsits default = lf or default elif default.endswith('.pdf'): if lf: default = lf.replace('.xlsx', '.pdf').replace('.csv', '.pdf') p = Factory.get('WriteFilePopup')() p.title = title p.cb = cb p.default_name = default
def build(self): from conf import CP, gamepath from utils import path_reader root = RootWidget() if CP.getboolean('Startup', 'load_tmpl_lib'): root.ids.deck.load_template_lib(force_reload=True, background_mode=True) if CP.getboolean('Startup', 'startup_tips'): from kivy.factory import Factory p = Factory.StartupPopup() from kivy.clock import Clock def _inner(*args): Clock.schedule_once(_inner) if gamepath: from kivy.clock import Clock from time import clock #Startup file csv fpath = CP.get('Path', 'last_file') from os.path import join, isfile, split j = join(gamepath, fpath) TARGET = None if isfile(j): TARGET = join(gamepath, fpath) elif isfile(path_reader(fpath)): TARGET = path_reader(fpath) def launcher(*args): if TARGET: root.ids.deck.load_folder(split(TARGET)[0]) if TARGET.endswith('.xlsx'): root.ids.deck.load_file(TARGET) elif TARGET.endswith('.csv'): root.ids.deck.load_file_csv(TARGET) Clock.schedule_once(launcher, .2) #Filling ENV Global Variable from conf import fill_env Clock.schedule_once(fill_env, 1) #Dropfile Mngt from kivy.core.window import Window Window.bind(on_dropfile=self.load_file) return root
def write_file_popup(self, title, cb, default='export.pdf'): from conf import CP if default.endswith('.pdf'): lf = CP.get('Path', 'last_pdf') else: lf = CP.get('Path', 'last_file') if default.endswith( ('.csv', '.xlsx')): #try to use last file if exsits default = lf or default elif default.endswith('.pdf'): if lf: default = lf.replace('.xlsx', '.pdf').replace('.csv', '.pdf') p = Factory.get('WriteFilePopup')() p.title = title p.cb = cb p.default_name = default
def save(self, PATH=None, *args): from conf import CP from os.path import isfile, split, splitext if PATH is not None: self.current_template.template_name = splitext( split(PATH)[-1])[0].capitalize() self.tmplPath = PATH else: self.current_template.template_name = self.current_template.template_name.capitalize( ) if PATH is None: if self.tmplPath: PATH = self.tmplPath if "@" in PATH: PATH = PATH.split('@')[-1] overwrite = True else: PATH = 'templates/%s.kv' % self.current_template.template_name overwrite = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'OVERWRITE_SAVED_TMPL') alert('Template Saved in Library as %s.kv' % self.current_template.template_name) else: overwrite = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'OVERWRITE_SAVED_TMPL') exists = isfile(PATH) kv = self.export_kv(split(PATH)[0]) if overwrite or not exists: file(PATH, 'wb').write(kv) else: from utils import alert alert('Template %s already exists !' % PATH) return from utils import alert alert('Template %s saved' % self.current_template.template_name) #Force update on deck widget from import App deck = App.get_running_app().root.ids.deck stack = deck.ids['stack'] from template import find_template_path, templateList templateList.register_file(PATH) for child in stack.children: if not hasattr(child, 'template'): continue _, tpath = find_template_path(getattr(child, 'template')) if tpath.endswith(PATH): child.realise(use_cache=True) print 'todo: how do I save pultiple template on a single KV file ? '
def build(self): from conf import CP, gamepath from utils import path_reader root = RootWidget() if CP.getboolean('Startup', 'load_tmpl_lib'): root.ids.deck.load_template_lib(force_reload=True, background_mode=True) if CP.getboolean('Startup', 'startup_tips'): from kivy.factory import Factory p = Factory.StartupPopup() from kivy.clock import Clock def _inner(*args): Clock.schedule_once(_inner) if gamepath: from kivy.clock import Clock from time import clock #Startup file csv fpath = CP.get('Path','last_file') from os.path import join, isfile, split j = join(gamepath,fpath) TARGET= None if isfile(j): TARGET = join(gamepath,fpath) elif isfile(path_reader(fpath)): TARGET = path_reader(fpath) def launcher(*args): if TARGET: root.ids.deck.load_folder(split(TARGET)[0]) if TARGET.endswith('.xlsx'): root.ids.deck.load_file(TARGET) elif TARGET.endswith('.csv'): root.ids.deck.load_file_csv(TARGET) Clock.schedule_once(launcher,.2) #Filling ENV Global Variable from conf import fill_env Clock.schedule_once(fill_env, 1) #Dropfile Mngt from kivy.core.window import Window Window.bind(on_dropfile=self.load_file) return root
def save(self,PATH=None, *args): from conf import CP from os.path import isfile, split, splitext if PATH is not None: self.current_template.template_name = splitext(split(PATH)[-1])[0].capitalize() self.tmplPath = PATH else: self.current_template.template_name = self.current_template.template_name.capitalize() if PATH is None: if self.tmplPath: PATH = self.tmplPath if "@" in PATH: PATH = PATH.split('@')[-1] overwrite = True else: PATH = 'templates/%s.kv'%self.current_template.template_name overwrite = CP.getboolean('Designer','OVERWRITE_SAVED_TMPL') alert('Template Saved in Library as %s.kv'%self.current_template.template_name) else: overwrite = CP.getboolean('Designer', 'OVERWRITE_SAVED_TMPL') exists = isfile(PATH) kv = self.export_kv(split(PATH)[0]) if overwrite or not exists: file(PATH,'wb').write(kv) else: from utils import alert alert('Template %s already exists !'%PATH) return from utils import alert alert('Template %s saved'%self.current_template.template_name) #Force update on deck widget from import App deck = App.get_running_app().root.ids.deck stack = deck.ids['stack'] from template import find_template_path, templateList templateList.register_file(PATH) for child in stack.children: if not hasattr(child, 'template'): continue _, tpath = find_template_path(getattr(child, 'template')) if tpath.endswith(PATH): child.realise(use_cache=True) print 'todo: how do I save pultiple template on a single KV file ? '
from kivy.metrics import cm self.size = color.size = (cm(6.5),cm(8.8)) from kivy.clock import Clock #templateList.register(RedSkin()) #Now load all files from the templates dir to templatelist def LoadTemplateFolder(folder="templates"): from glob import glob from os.path import join for kv in glob(join(folder, '*.kv')): templateList.register_file(kv) from conf import CP if CP.getboolean('Startup', 'LOAD_TMPL_LIB'): LoadTemplateFolder() def find_template_path(filename): from os.path import abspath, isfile, join from conf import gamepath from utils import find_path if "@" in filename: #Only using subone name, filename = filename.split('@') else: name = "" r = find_path(filename) from kivy.resources import resource_paths, resource_find #for p in resource_paths: print p, isfile(join(p,filename)) if not r or not isfile(r):
def generation_step(self, with_realize=False): "Will be called in order to show some advancement" i, row, col, face, item = self.index.pop() #Determine wheter a new page should be appended face_index = 0 if self.current_face == 'F' else 1 if self.current_face != face: self.current_face = face self.current_page_num[1 - face_index] = i self.AddPage() elif self.current_page_num[face_index] != i: self.current_page_num[face_index] = i self.AddPage() #Determine Image X/Y/W/H depending on print mode if self.mode == 'LAYOUT': x, y, self.x, self.y, angle, pageindex = item.layout x /= cm(1) y /= cm(1) self.x /= cm(1) self.y /= cm(1) elif self.mode == 'BINCAN': x, y, self.x, self.y, angle, item = item #hackick: replace item in place ! x /= cm(1) y /= cm(1) self.x /= cm(1) self.y /= cm(1) else: if face == 'F': x, y = col * self.x + left, height - (1 + row) * self.y - top else: x, y = width - (1 + col) * self.x - left - right, height - ( 1 + row) * self.y - top #x, y = width - (1+col)*self.x - right, height-(1+row)*self.y - top #self.x & slef.y has already been setp by calculate_size #Check is there is a layout that could be used, just for the angle if getattr(item, 'layout', 0): angle = item.layout[4] else: angle = 0 #Now that in item lies the Stack Item, before rendering it, inject special print vairables item.print_index = { 'pagenum': i, 'stackrow': row, 'stackcol': col, 'pageface': face } # Now, define source for image: we either get the source or convert to image if item.image: #speicla case for complex image manip src = ImageReader(item.image.rotate(angle)) elif item.template: if with_realize: item.realise(True, True) tmplWidget = item.tmplWidget elif item.tmplWidget: #it has been modified tmplWidget = item.tmplWidget else: from template import BGTemplate'[Printer] Generation Step without tmplWidget') tmplWidget = BGTemplate.FromFile(item.template) if tmplWidget: #only taking the last one tmplWidget = tmplWidget[-1] else: raise NameError('No such template: ' + item.template) if item.values: tmplWidget.apply_values(item.values) from kivy.base import EventLoop EventLoop.idle() cim = tmplWidget.toImage(for_print=True) pim = frombuffer('RGBA', cim.size, cim._texture.pixels, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1) src = ImageReader(pim.rotate(angle)) else: src = item.source from utils import find_path src = find_path(src) if angle: src = ImageReader(PILOpen(src).rotate(angle)) #print "Adding Image to pdf", i, row, col, face, item, src, x, y, self.x, self.y, angle self.pdf.drawImage(src, x * r_cm, y * r_cm, self.x * r_cm, self.y * r_cm, mask='auto') from conf import CP if CP.getboolean('Print', 'draw_cut_rect'): #add line after image: they ll be above self.AddLines(x, y, self.x, self.y)
def record_last_file(self,filepath): #set path as last_opoend_file from conf import CP, gamepath from os.path import relpath if filepath.startswith(gamepath): fpath = relpath(filepath,gamepath) else: fpath = filepath if not(fpath): CP.set('Path','last_pdf',fpath) CP.set('Path', 'last_file', fpath) CP.write() elif fpath.endswith('.pdf'): CP.set('Path','last_pdf',fpath) CP.write() else: CP.set('Path', 'last_file', fpath) CP.write()
def prepare_print(self, dst): """Launch PDF preparation. First determine the best method for placing images""" from conf import CP from utils import alert if CP.getboolean('Print', 'AUTOCSV'): alert('Auto saving XLS deck') self.export_file(dst.replace('.pdf', '.xlsx')) #Save last pdf file name & path self.record_last_file(dst) from printer import prepare_pdf from conf import card_format FFORMAT = (card_format.width, card_format.height) #3 possibilites # If FORCE_FOMART, just use it with auto layout placement if self.ids['force_format'].active: mode = 'FORCED' else: #Loop on all stack & check their size. #IF ALL have layout, launch print with layout #ELSE USE_LAYOUT = True sizes = set() WARNING = False for cs in self.ids.stack.children: if cs.layout: WARNING = True else: USE_LAYOUT = False if WARNING: from utils import alert alert( 'Can not have both with and without layout (%s was without)!' % cs) return if cs.template: if cs.tmplWidget: sizes.add(tuple(cs.tmplWidget.size)) else: from template import BGTemplate sizes.add( tuple( BGTemplate.FromFile(cs.template, use_cache=True)[-1].size)) elif cs.image: sizes.add(cs.image.size) else: sizes.add(FFORMAT) if USE_LAYOUT: mode = 'LAYOUT' else: if len(sizes) == 1: mode = sizes.pop() else: mode = 'BINCAN' #Now add the advancement gauge progress = self.ids['load_progress'] progress.value = 0 #ensure the stop button is reachable self.ids['stop_action'].width = 80 self.ids['stop_action'].text = 'Stop' self.cancel_action = False size, book = prepare_pdf(stack=self.ids['stack'], dst=dst, console_mode=False, mode=mode) progress.max = size from kivy.clock import Clock step_counter = range(size) #Now ensure that ALL stackpart from front & back are realized, while re-creating cache from template import templateList templateList.templates = dict() SS = book.stack[0] + book.stack[1] def inner(*args): step_counter.pop() progress.value += 1 #print 'remaninig index', len(book.index) book.generation_step() if (not step_counter) or self.cancel_action: self.cancel_action = False Clock.unschedule(inner) self.ids['stop_action'].width = 0 self.ids['stop_action'].text = '' progress.value = 0 from utils import alert alert('PDF Export completed') return False else: Clock.schedule_once(inner, 0.01) def realize_inner(*args): s = SS.pop() s.realise(withValue=True, use_cache=True) if SS: Clock.schedule_once(realize_inner, 0.01) else: Clock.schedule_once(inner, .1) if step_counter: Clock.schedule_once(inner, .1) return True
def prepare_print(self, dst): """Launch PDF preparation. First determine the best method for placing images""" from conf import CP from utils import alert if CP.getboolean('Print', 'AUTOCSV'): alert('Auto saving XLS deck') self.export_file(dst.replace('.pdf','.xlsx')) #Save last pdf file name & path self.record_last_file(dst) from printer import prepare_pdf from conf import card_format FFORMAT = (card_format.width, card_format.height) #3 possibilites # If FORCE_FOMART, just use it with auto layout placement if self.ids['force_format'].active: mode = 'FORCED' else: #Loop on all stack & check their size. #IF ALL have layout, launch print with layout #ELSE USE_LAYOUT = True sizes = set() WARNING = False for cs in self.ids.stack.children: if cs.layout: WARNING = True else: USE_LAYOUT = False if WARNING: from utils import alert alert('Can not have both with and without layout (%s was without)!'%cs) return if cs.template: if cs.tmplWidget: sizes.add(tuple(cs.tmplWidget.size)) else: from template import BGTemplate sizes.add(tuple(BGTemplate.FromFile(cs.template, use_cache=True)[-1].size)) elif cs.image: sizes.add(cs.image.size) else: sizes.add(FFORMAT) if USE_LAYOUT: mode = 'LAYOUT' else: if len(sizes) == 1: mode = sizes.pop() else: mode = 'BINCAN' #Now add the advancement gauge progress = self.ids['load_progress'] progress.value = 0 #ensure the stop button is reachable self.ids['stop_action'].width = 80 self.ids['stop_action'].text = 'Stop' self.cancel_action = False size, book = prepare_pdf(stack=self.ids['stack'], dst=dst, console_mode= False, mode = mode) progress.max = size from kivy.clock import Clock step_counter = range(size) #Now ensure that ALL stackpart from front & back are realized, while re-creating cache from template import templateList templateList.templates = dict() SS = book.stack[0] + book.stack[1] def inner(*args): step_counter.pop() progress.value += 1 #print 'remaninig index', len(book.index) book.generation_step() if (not step_counter) or self.cancel_action: self.cancel_action = False Clock.unschedule(inner) self.ids['stop_action'].width = 0 self.ids['stop_action'].text = '' progress.value = 0 from utils import alert alert('PDF Export completed') return False else: Clock.schedule_once(inner, 0.01) def realize_inner(*args): s = SS.pop() s.realise(withValue=True, use_cache=True) if SS: Clock.schedule_once(realize_inner, 0.01) else: Clock.schedule_once(inner,.1) if step_counter: Clock.schedule_once(inner, .1) return True
def export_file(self, filepath='myxlfile.xlsx'): from collections import OrderedDict from conf import gamepath from os.path import relpath, isfile, splitext, split self.record_last_file(filepath) FOLDER, FNAME = split(filepath) FNAME = splitext(FNAME)[0] od = OrderedDict() cards = list() HAS_LAYOUT = False HAS_TEMPLATE = False HAS_SOURCE = False for item in reversed(self.ids['stack'].children): if not isinstance(item, Factory.get('StackPart')): continue d = dict() d['qt'] = item.qt if item.source: HAS_SOURCE = True if isfile(item.source): #it is a full path. convert it _s = relpath(item.source, gamepath) if item.source.startswith(FOLDER): _s = relpath(item.source, FOLDER) else: _s = item.source if item.template and item.source == 'img/card_template.png': _s = "" d['source'] = _s else: d['source'] = "" if item.template: HAS_TEMPLATE = True d['template'] = item.template d['dual'] = not(item.verso == 'normal') d['values'] = item.values if item.layout: HAS_LAYOUT = True #d['layout'] = item.layout _x,_y,_w,_h,_a, _p = item.layout d['layout_w'] = _w d['layout_h'] = _h d['layout_y'] = _y d['layout_x'] = _x d['layout_page'] = _p d['layout_angle'] = _a cards.append(d) od['cards'] = cards from conf import CP mode = CP.get('Export','format') if mode =='csv': self.export_file_CSV(cards, filepath, HAS_LAYOUT) return elif mode == 'xlsx': #Now also XL export import openpyxl from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter if cards: my_dict = {} #update the dict with all possible 'values' keys for c in cards: if c['values']: my_dict.update(**c['values']) wb= openpyxl.Workbook() ws = ws.title = FNAME fields_order = ['qt','dual'] if HAS_TEMPLATE: fields_order.append('template') if HAS_SOURCE: fields_order.append('source') if HAS_LAYOUT: fields_order.extend([ 'layout_x','layout_y','layout_w','layout_h', 'layout_angle','layout_page']) fields_order.extend(sorted(my_dict.keys())) for colindex, h in enumerate(fields_order): ws['%s%s'%(get_column_letter(colindex+1),1)] = h for rowindex,c in enumerate(cards): for k in my_dict: my_dict[k]=None my_dict.update(c) del my_dict['values'] my_dict.update(**c['values']) for colindex,h in enumerate(fields_order): _v = my_dict[h] ws['%s%s' % (get_column_letter(colindex+1),rowindex+2)] = _v from utils import alert from os.path import split alert('Exporting %s over'%split(filepath)[-1])
def record_last_file(self, filepath): #set path as last_opoend_file from conf import CP, gamepath from os.path import relpath if filepath.startswith(gamepath): fpath = relpath(filepath, gamepath) else: fpath = filepath if not (fpath): CP.set('Path', 'last_pdf', fpath) CP.set('Path', 'last_file', fpath) CP.write() elif fpath.endswith('.pdf'): CP.set('Path', 'last_pdf', fpath) CP.write() else: CP.set('Path', 'last_file', fpath) CP.write()
def export_file(self, filepath='myxlfile.xlsx'): from collections import OrderedDict from conf import gamepath from os.path import relpath, isfile, splitext, split self.record_last_file(filepath) FOLDER, FNAME = split(filepath) FNAME = splitext(FNAME)[0] od = OrderedDict() cards = list() HAS_LAYOUT = False HAS_TEMPLATE = False HAS_SOURCE = False for item in reversed(self.ids['stack'].children): if not isinstance(item, Factory.get('StackPart')): continue d = dict() d['qt'] = item.qt if item.source: HAS_SOURCE = True if isfile(item.source): #it is a full path. convert it _s = relpath(item.source, gamepath) if item.source.startswith(FOLDER): _s = relpath(item.source, FOLDER) else: _s = item.source if item.template and item.source == 'img/card_template.png': _s = "" d['source'] = _s else: d['source'] = "" if item.template: HAS_TEMPLATE = True d['template'] = item.template d['dual'] = not (item.verso == 'normal') d['values'] = item.values if item.layout: HAS_LAYOUT = True #d['layout'] = item.layout _x, _y, _w, _h, _a, _p = item.layout d['layout_w'] = _w d['layout_h'] = _h d['layout_y'] = _y d['layout_x'] = _x d['layout_page'] = _p d['layout_angle'] = _a cards.append(d) od['cards'] = cards from conf import CP mode = CP.get('Export', 'format') if mode == 'csv': self.export_file_CSV(cards, filepath, HAS_LAYOUT) return elif mode == 'xlsx': #Now also XL export import openpyxl from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter if cards: my_dict = {} #update the dict with all possible 'values' keys for c in cards: if c['values']: my_dict.update(**c['values']) wb = openpyxl.Workbook() ws = ws.title = FNAME fields_order = ['qt', 'dual'] if HAS_TEMPLATE: fields_order.append('template') if HAS_SOURCE: fields_order.append('source') if HAS_LAYOUT: fields_order.extend([ 'layout_x', 'layout_y', 'layout_w', 'layout_h', 'layout_angle', 'layout_page' ]) fields_order.extend(sorted(my_dict.keys())) for colindex, h in enumerate(fields_order): ws['%s%s' % (get_column_letter(colindex + 1), 1)] = h for rowindex, c in enumerate(cards): for k in my_dict: my_dict[k] = None my_dict.update(c) del my_dict['values'] my_dict.update(**c['values']) for colindex, h in enumerate(fields_order): _v = my_dict[h] ws['%s%s' % (get_column_letter(colindex + 1), rowindex + 2)] = _v from utils import alert from os.path import split alert('Exporting %s over' % split(filepath)[-1])
def generation_step(self, with_realize = False): "Will be called in order to show some advancement" i, row, col, face, item = self.index.pop() #Determine wheter a new page should be appended face_index = 0 if self.current_face == 'F' else 1 if self.current_face != face: self.current_face = face self.current_page_num[1-face_index] = i self.AddPage() elif self.current_page_num[face_index] != i: self.current_page_num[face_index] = i self.AddPage() #Determine Image X/Y/W/H depending on print mode if self.mode == 'LAYOUT': x, y, self.x, self.y, angle, pageindex = item.layout x /= cm(1) y /= cm(1) self.x /= cm(1) self.y /= cm(1) elif self.mode == 'BINCAN': x, y, self.x, self.y, angle, item = item #hackick: replace item in place ! x /= cm(1) y /= cm(1) self.x /= cm(1) self.y /= cm(1) else: if face == 'F': x, y = col * self.x + left, height-(1+row)*self.y - top else: x, y = width - (1+col)*self.x - left - right, height-(1+row)*self.y - top #x, y = width - (1+col)*self.x - right, height-(1+row)*self.y - top #self.x & slef.y has already been setp by calculate_size #Check is there is a layout that could be used, just for the angle if getattr(item, 'layout',0): angle = item.layout[4] else: angle = 0 #Now that in item lies the Stack Item, before rendering it, inject special print vairables item.print_index = { 'pagenum' : i, 'stackrow': row, 'stackcol': col, 'pageface': face } # Now, define source for image: we either get the source or convert to image if item.image:#speicla case for complex image manip src = ImageReader(item.image.rotate(angle)) elif item.template: if with_realize: item.realise(True,True) tmplWidget = item.tmplWidget elif item.tmplWidget:#it has been modified tmplWidget = item.tmplWidget else: from template import BGTemplate '[Printer] Generation Step without tmplWidget') tmplWidget = BGTemplate.FromFile(item.template) if tmplWidget: #only taking the last one tmplWidget = tmplWidget[-1] else: raise NameError('No such template: '+ item.template) if item.values: tmplWidget.apply_values(item.values) from kivy.base import EventLoop EventLoop.idle() cim = tmplWidget.toImage(for_print=True) pim = frombuffer('RGBA', cim.size, cim._texture.pixels, 'raw', 'RGBA',0,1) src = ImageReader(pim.rotate(angle)) else: src = item.source from utils import find_path src = find_path(src) if angle: src = ImageReader(PILOpen(src).rotate(angle)) #print "Adding Image to pdf", i, row, col, face, item, src, x, y, self.x, self.y, angle self.pdf.drawImage(src, x*r_cm, y*r_cm, self.x*r_cm, self.y*r_cm, mask='auto') from conf import CP if CP.getboolean('Print','draw_cut_rect'): #add line after image: they ll be above self.AddLines(x,y,self.x,self.y)