 def setUp(self):
     super(ArgumentParsingTest, self).setUp()
     self.config = Config({
         "a": {
             "a1": {
                 "flag1": True // conf_utils.Cmdline(off="--no-flag1")
         "b": {
             "b1": {
                 "flag2": False // conf_utils.Cmdline(on="--flag2")
         "string_value": "",
         "int_value": 0,
 def setUp(self):
     super(ArgumentParsingTest, self).setUp()
     self.config = Config({
         "a": {
             "a1": {
                 "flag1": True // conf_utils.Cmdline(off="--no-flag1")
         "b": {
             "b1": {
                 "flag2": False // conf_utils.Cmdline(on="--flag2")
         0 //
         conf_utils.Cmdline(increase="--increase", decrease="--decrease"),
         "" // conf_utils.Cmdline(arg="--arg-value"),
         "list": ["existing_item"] // conf_utils.Cmdline(append="--append"),
config = Config({
    "debug": {
        "debug_skips": False // Doc("Enter pdb also for SkipTest exceptions"),
        "debug_hook_handlers": False // Doc("Enter pdb also for every exception encountered in a hook/callback. Only relevant when debugging is enabled"),
        "enabled": False // Doc("Enter pdb on failures and errors") // Cmdline(on="--pdb"),
        "filter_strings": [] // Doc("A string filter, selecting if to enter pdb") // Cmdline(append='--pdb-filter',
        "debugger": None,

    "log": {
        "colorize": False // Doc("Emit log colors to files"),
        "console_theme": {
            'dark_background': True,
            'inline-file-end-fail': 'red',
            'inline-file-end-skip': 'yellow',
            'inline-file-end-success': 'green',
            'inline-error': 'red',
            'inline-test-interrupted': 'yellow',
            'error-cause-marker': 'white/bold',
            'fancy-message': 'yellow/bold',
            'frame-local-varname': 'yellow/bold',
            'num-collected': 'white/bold',
            'session-summary-success': 'green/bold',
            'session-summary-failure': 'red/bold',
            'session-start': 'white/bold',
            'error-separator-dash': 'red',
            'tb-error-message': 'red/bold',
            'tb-error': 'red/bold',
            'tb-frame-location': 'white/bold',
            'test-additional-details-header': 'black/bold',
            'test-additional-details': 'black/bold',
            'test-error-header': 'white',
            'test-skip-message': 'yellow',
            'tb-line-cause': 'white',
            'tb-test-line': 'red/bold',
            'tb-line': 'black/bold',

        "console_level": logbook.WARNING // Cmdline(decrease='-v',
                                                    decrease_doc='Make console more verbose (can be specified multiple times)',
                                                    increase_doc='Make console less verbose (can be specified multiple times)'),
        "core_log_level": logbook.WARNING // Doc("Minimal level of slash log messages to show"),
        "color_console": None // Cmdline(on='--force-color', off='--no-color'),
        "repr_blacklisted_types": [] // Doc("Blacklisted types that should not be repred in traceback"),
        "traceback_variables": False // Doc("Logs values of variables in traceback frames for added errors"),
        "console_traceback_level": 2 // Doc("Detail level of tracebacks") // Cmdline(arg="--tb"),
        "truncate_console_lines": True // Doc("truncate long log lines on the console") // Cmdline(arg='--truncate-console-lines', metavar='yes/no'),
        "truncate_console_errors": False // Doc("If truncate_console_lines is set, also truncate long log lines, including and above the \"error\" level, on the console"),
        "root": None // Doc("Root directory for logs") // Cmdline(arg="-l", metavar="DIR"),
        "subpath": "{context.session.id}/{context.test_id}/debug.log" // Doc("Path to write logs to under the root"),
        "session_subpath": "{context.session.id}/session.log",
        "highlights_subpath": None // Doc("If set, this path will be used to record highlights (eg. errors added) in the session and/or tests"),
        "last_session_symlink": None // Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last session log file in each run"),
        "last_session_dir_symlink": None // Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last session log directory"),
        "last_test_symlink": None // Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last test log file in each run"),
        "last_failed_symlink": None // Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last failed test log file"),
        "show_manual_errors_tb": True // Doc("Show tracebacks for errors added via slash.add_error"),
        "show_raw_param_values": False // Doc("Makes test start logs contain the raw values of test parameters"),

        "silence_loggers": [] // Doc("Logger names to silence"),
        "format": None // Doc("Format of the log line, as passed on to logbook. None will use the default format"),
        "console_format": None // Doc("Optional format to be used for console output. Defaults to the regular format"),
        "localtime": False // Doc("Use local time for logging. If False, will use UTC"),
        "unittest_mode": False // Doc("Used during unit testing. Emit all logs to stderr as well as the log files"),
        "unified_session_log": False // Doc("Make the session log file contain all logs, including from tests"),
        "compression": {
            "enabled": False // Doc("Compress log files"),
            "algorithm": "brotli" // Doc("Compression algorithm to use, either gzip or brotli"),
            "use_rotating_raw_file": False // Doc("When compression is enabled, write also to uncompressed rotating log file"),
        "cleanup": {
            "enabled": False,
            "keep_failed": True,
    "run": {
        "dump_variation": False // Doc("Output the full variation structure before each test is run (mainly used for internal debugging)"),
        "default_sources": [] // Doc("Default tests to run assuming no other sources are given to the runner"),
        "suite_files": [] // Doc("File(s) to be read for lists of tests to be run") // Cmdline(append="-f", metavar="FILENAME"),
        "stop_on_error": False // Doc("Stop execution when a test doesn't succeed") // Cmdline(on="-x", off="-X"),
        "filter_strings": [] // Doc("A string filter, selecting specific tests by string matching against their name") // Cmdline(append='-k', metavar='FILTER'),
        "repeat_each": 1 // Doc("Repeat each test a specified amount of times") // Cmdline(arg='--repeat-each', metavar="NUM_TIMES"),
        "repeat_all": 1 // Doc("Repeat all suite a specified amount of times") // Cmdline(arg='--repeat-all', metavar="NUM_TIMES"),
        "session_state_path": "~/.slash/last_session" // Doc("Where to keep last session serialized data"),
        "project_name": None,
        "project_customization_file_path": "./.slashrc",
        "user_customization_file_path": "~/.slash/slashrc",
        "resume_state_path": "~/.slash/session_states" // Doc("Path to store or load session's resume data"),
        "message_assertion_introspection": True // Doc("When False, failing assertions which have messages attached will not emit introspection info"),
        "capture": {
            "error_logs_as_errors": False // Doc("Add errors for error level logs"),
    "interactive": {
        "expose_g_globals": True // Doc("When False, slash.g won't be added to interactive test namespaces"),
        "colors": None // Doc("IPython color scheme"),

    "parallel": {
        "num_workers": 0 // Doc("Parallel execution") // Cmdline(arg='--parallel', metavar="NUM_WORKERS"),
        "worker_id": None // Doc("Worker_id") // Cmdline(arg='--parallel-worker-id', metavar="WORKER_ID"),
        "server_addr": "localhost" // Doc("Server address") // Cmdline(arg='--parallel-addr', metavar="PARALLEL_SERVER_ADDRESS"),
        "server_port": 0 // Doc("Server port") // Cmdline(arg='--parallel-port', metavar="PARALLEL_SERVER_PORT"),
        "keepalive_port": 0 // Doc("Keepalive port") // Cmdline(arg='--keepalive-port', metavar="KEEPALIVE_SERVER_PORT"),
        "parent_session_id": None // Doc("parent session id") // Cmdline(arg='--parallel-parent-session-id', metavar="MASTER_SESSION_ID"),
        "communication_timeout_secs": 60 // Doc("timeout of worker in seconds"),
        "worker_connect_timeout": 10 // Doc("timeout for each worker to connect"),
        "no_request_timeout": 20 // Doc("timeout for server not getting requests"),
        "worker_error_file": "errors-worker" // Doc("worker error filename template"),
        "workers_error_dir": None // Doc("workers error directory") // Cmdline(arg='--workers-error-dir', metavar="WORKERS_ERROR_DIR"),
    "resume": {
        "failed_first": False // Doc("Run failed tests of previous session before all others") // Cmdline(on='--failed-first', metavar="FAILED_FIRST"),
        "unstarted_first": False // Doc("Run unstarted tests of previous session before all others") // Cmdline(on='--unstarted-first', metavar="UNSTARTED_FIRST"),
        "failed_only": False // Doc("Run only failed tests of previous session") // Cmdline(on='--failed-only', metavar="FAILED_ONLY"),
        "unstarted_only": False // Doc("Run only unstarted tests of previous session") // Cmdline(on='--unstarted-only', metavar="UNSTARTED_ONLY"),
        "state_retention_days": 10 // Doc("Number of days to keep session entries for resuming session")
    "tmux": {
        "enabled": False // Doc("Run inside tmux") // Cmdline(on="--tmux"),
        "use_panes": False // Doc("In parallel mode, run children inside panes and not windows") // Cmdline(on="--tmux-panes"),
    "sentry": {
        "dsn": None // Doc("Possible DSN for a sentry service to log swallowed exceptions. "
                           "See http://getsentry.com for details"),
    "plugins": {
        "search_paths": [] // Doc("List of paths in which to search for plugin modules"),

    "plugin_config": {
        # DO NOT store configuration here. It is intended for dynamically loaded plugins
config = Config({
    "debug": {
        False // Doc("Enter pdb on failures and errors") //
    "log": {
        logbook.WARNING // Cmdline(decrease="-v", increase="-q"),
        None // Doc("Root directory for logs") // Cmdline(arg="-l"),
        "{context.session.id}/{context.test_id}/log" //
        Doc("Path to write logs to under the root"),
    "run": {
        False // Doc("Stop execution when a test doesn't succeed") //
    "notifications": {
        "prowl_api_key": None,
        "nma_api_key": None,
    "sentry": {
        None //
        Doc("Possible DSN for a sentry service to log swallowed exceptions. "
            "See http://getsentry.com for details"),
    "hooks": {
        False // Doc("If set, exceptions inside hooks will be re-raised"),
    "plugins": {
        [] // Doc("List of paths in which to search for plugin modules"),
config = Config({
    "debug": {
        False // Doc("Enter pdb also for SkipTest exceptions"),
        False //
        Doc("Enter pdb also for every exception encountered in a hook/callback. Only relevant when debugging is enabled"
        False // Doc("Enter pdb on failures and errors") //
    "log": {
        False // Doc("Emit log colors to files"),
        "console_theme": {
            'inline-file-end-fail': 'red',
            'inline-file-end-skip': 'yellow',
            'inline-file-end-success': 'green',
            'inline-error': 'red',
            'inline-test-interrupted': 'yellow',
            'error-cause-marker': 'white/bold',
            'fancy-message': 'yellow/bold',
            'frame-local-varname': 'yellow/bold',
            'session-summary-success': 'green/bold',
            'session-summary-failure': 'red/bold',
            'error-separator-dash': 'red',
            'tb-error': 'red/bold',
            'tb-frame-location': 'white/bold',
            'test-additional-details-header': 'black/bold',
            'test-additional-details': 'black/bold',
            'test-error-header': 'white',
            'test-skip-message': 'yellow',
            'tb-line-cause': 'white',
            'tb-test-line': 'red/bold',
            'tb-line': 'black/bold',
        logbook.WARNING //
                'Make console more verbose (can be specified multiple times)',
                'Make console less verbose (can be specified multiple times)'),
        2 // Doc("Detail level of tracebacks") // Cmdline(arg="--tb"),
        True // Doc("truncate long log lines on the console") //
        Cmdline(arg='--truncate-console-lines', metavar='yes/no'),
        False //
        Doc("If truncate_console_lines is set, also truncate long log lines, including and above the \"error\" level, on the console"
        None // Doc("Root directory for logs") //
        Cmdline(arg="-l", metavar="DIR"),
        "{context.session.id}/{context.test_id}/debug.log" //
        Doc("Path to write logs to under the root"),
        None //
        Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last session log file in each run"
        None //
        Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last session log directory"
        None //
        Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last test log file in each run"
        None //
        Doc("If set, specifies a symlink path to the last failed test log file"
        True // Doc("Show tracebacks for errors added via slash.add_error"),
        "silence_loggers": [] // Doc("Logger names to silence"),
        None //
        Doc("Format of the log line, as passed on to logbook. None will use the default format"
        None //
        Doc("Optional format to be used for console output. Defaults to the regular format"
        False // Doc("Use local time for logging. If False, will use UTC"),
        False //
        Doc("Used during unit testing. Emit all logs to stderr as well as the log files"
        False //
        Doc("Make the session log file contain all logs, including from tests"
    "run": {
        False //
        Doc("Output the full variation structure before each test is run (mainly used for internal debugging)"
        "default_sources": [] //
        Doc("Default tests to run assuming no other sources are given to the runner"
        [] // Doc("File(s) to be read for lists of tests to be run") //
        Cmdline(append="-f", metavar="FILENAME"),
        False // Doc("Stop execution when a test doesn't succeed") //
        "filter_strings": [] //
        Doc("A string filter, selecting specific tests by string matching against their name"
            ) // Cmdline(append='-k', metavar='FILTER'),
        1 // Doc("Repeat each test a specified amount of times") //
        Cmdline(arg='--repeat-each', metavar="NUM_TIMES"),
        1 // Doc("Repeat all suite a specified amount of times") //
        Cmdline(arg='--repeat-all', metavar="NUM_TIMES"),
        "~/.slash/last_session" //
        Doc("Where to keep last session serialized data"),
    "sentry": {
        None //
        Doc("Possible DSN for a sentry service to log swallowed exceptions. "
            "See http://getsentry.com for details"),
    "plugins": {
        [] // Doc("List of paths in which to search for plugin modules"),
    "plugin_config": {
        # DO NOT store configuration here. It is intended for dynamically loaded plugins
from confetti import Config
import os


options = dict(

config = Config()
from confetti import Config
import json
import os

_existing_config = os.environ.get('TESTBED_CONFIG_PATH')
if _existing_config is not None:
    with open(existing_config) as f:
        cfg = Config(json.load(f))
    cfg = Config({
        'backslash_url': None,

root = cfg.root

def serialize():
    return cfg.serialize_to_dict()
from confetti import Config
from slash.utils.conf_utils import Doc

__all__ = ["config"]

config = Config({
    'treerunner': {
        'ip': '' // Doc("Treerunner target IP address"),
        'username': '******' // Doc("Sync target SSH user name"),
        'password': '******',
    'serial_port': {
        'port': None,
        'baudrate': '115200'