def main(): args = doParsing() print(args) # Read training configuration (config file is in common for dataset creation and training hyperparameters) configParams = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Load data data = tc.SFrame(args.datasetFile) # Create and train model model = tc.image_classifier.create(data, model=configParams.architecture, max_iterations=configParams.iterations, target=const.DatasetFeatures.targets, verbose=True) # Save model, configParams.architecture)) print("Model saved") # Export to Core ML model.export_coreml( os.path.join(args.modelOutputDir, configParams.architecture + '.mlmodel')) print("CoreML model exported")
def main(): """ Script to export TF profiling results, tutorial from You will need Google Chrome to read exported tracing. """ args = doParsing() print(args) # Load config (it includes preprocessing type) config = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Load model model = TensorflowModel(args.modelPath) print("Loaded model from " + args.modelPath) inputPlaceholder = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.inputName + ":0") outputTensor = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.outputName + ":0") options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # One by one image prediction forcing CPU usage with model.getSession() as sess: with tf.device("/gpu:0"): for ix, file in tqdm(enumerate(sorted(glob.glob(args.datasetTestDir + "/*.jpg"))[:args.numImages])): image = ImageUtils.loadImage(file) # Resize image and preprocess (inception or vgg preprocessing based on config) processedImage = ImageUtils.preprocessing(image=image, width=config.inputSize, height=config.inputSize, preprocessingType=config.preprocessType, meanRGB=config.meanRGB) # Convert colorspace processedImage = ImageUtils.convertImageFormat(processedImage, format=config.inputFormat) # Add 1st dimension for image index in batch processedImage = np.expand_dims(processedImage, axis=0) # Get and print TOP1 class result =, feed_dict={inputPlaceholder: processedImage}, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata) print(os.path.basename(file) + " -> " + str(np.argmax(result[0]))) fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats) chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format() # Create chrome tracing which you can load with chrome://tracing inside Chrome browser os.makedirs(os.path.join('profiling', 'chrome_tracing', config.architecture), exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join('profiling', 'chrome_tracing', config.architecture, 'timeline_step_%d.json' % ix), 'w') as f: f.write(chrome_trace) print("Test finished")
def main(): args = doParsing() print(args) # Read training configuration (config file is in common for dataset creation and training hyperparameters) configParams = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Select train device trainDevice = selectTrainDevice(args.useGpu) # Load DataProvider dataProvider = DatasetTFReader( datasetDir=args.datasetDir, datasetMetadata=DatasetMetadata().initFromJson(os.path.join(args.datasetDir, "metadata.json")), configParams=configParams) # Load base model graph (fine tuning training) baseTFModel = None try: baseTFModel = TensorflowModel(os.path.join(args.baseModelDir, "graph.pb")) except Exception as e: print("Warning: no base model provided or impossible to read," " this works only for custom model created from scratch") baseTFModel = TensorflowModel() # Append classifier for fine tuning training trainingModel = ModelFactory.create(config=configParams, tfmodel=baseTFModel, dataProvider=dataProvider, trainDevice=trainDevice) # Run training trainProcess = TrainProcess(config=configParams, trainingModel=trainingModel, dataProvider=dataProvider, outputDir=args.checkpointOutputDir, tensorboardDir=args.tensorboardDir) trainProcess.runTrain() # Freeze graph (graphdef plus parameters), # this includes in the graph only the layers needed to provide the output_node_names freeze_graph(input_graph=args.checkpointOutputDir + "/model_graph.pb", input_saver="", input_binary=True, input_checkpoint=args.checkpointOutputDir + "/model", output_node_names=configParams.outputName, restore_op_name="save/restore_all", filename_tensor_name="save/Const:0", output_graph=args.modelOutputDir + "/graph.pb", clear_devices=True, initializer_nodes="")
def main(): args = do_parsing() print(args) # Read dataset configuration (config file is in common for dataset creation and training hyperparameters) datasetParams = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Get dataset writer with training and validation splits dataset = DatasetWriterFactory.createDatasetWriter(datasetParams=datasetParams, scriptArgs=args) if os.path.exists(args.outputDir) is False: os.makedirs(args.outputDir) trainingOutputFile = os.path.join(args.outputDir, "data_train.tfrecords") validationOutputFile = os.path.join(args.outputDir, "data_val.tfrecords") jsonFilePath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, "metadata.json") # Export Train Samples with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(trainingOutputFile) as tfrecWriter: print("TRAINING") dataset.saveTFExamplesTraining(datasetParams=datasetParams, writer=tfrecWriter) print("Saving file...") # Export Validation Samples with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(validationOutputFile) as tfrecWriter: print("VALIDATION") dataset.saveTFExamplesValidation(datasetParams=datasetParams, writer=tfrecWriter) print("Saving file...") # Export metadata to JSON trainingSamplesNumber = dataset.getTrainingSamplesNumber() validationSamplesNumber = dataset.getValidationSamplesNumber() datasetMetadata = DatasetMetadata(trainingSamplesNumber, validationSamplesNumber, dataset.numClasses) with open(jsonFilePath, 'w') as jsonOutFile: json.dump(datasetMetadata, jsonOutFile, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4) print("Dataset successfully created in " + args.outputDir)
def main(): """ Script to export bottleneck features, Images are read one by one. """ args = doParsing() print(args) # Load config (it includes preprocessing type) config = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Load model model = TensorflowModel(args.modelPath) print("Loaded model from " + args.modelPath) inputPlaceholder = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.inputName + ":0") outputTensor = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.lastFrozenLayerName + ":0") # Evaluate if the dataset directory has all files or classes subdirectories dirs = [os.path.join(args.datasetDir, d) for d in os.listdir(args.datasetDir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(args.datasetDir, d))] # Create output directories (one per class) for dir in dirs: outputDir = os.path.join(args.outputDir, os.path.basename(dir)) if os.path.exists(outputDir) is False: os.makedirs(outputDir) # Case with one directory with all files singleDir = False if dirs == []: singleDir = True dirs = [args.datasetDir] if os.path.exists(args.outputDir) is False: os.makedirs(args.outputDir) # One by one image prediction forcing CPU usage with model.getSession() as sess: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): for srcDir in tqdm(sorted(dirs), unit="directory"): for file in tqdm(sorted(glob.glob(srcDir + "/*.jpg")), unit="image"): if singleDir: outputDir = args.outputDir else: outputDir = os.path.join(args.outputDir, os.path.basename(srcDir)) image = ImageUtils.loadImage(file) # Resize image and preprocess (inception or vgg preprocessing based on config) processedImage = ImageUtils.preprocessing(image=image, width=config.inputSize, height=config.inputSize, preprocessingType=config.preprocessType, meanRGB=config.meanRGB) # Convert colorspace processedImage = ImageUtils.convertImageFormat(processedImage, format=config.inputFormat) # Add 1st dimension for image index in batch processedImage = np.expand_dims(processedImage, axis=0) # Get and print TOP1 class result =, feed_dict={inputPlaceholder: processedImage}) # Force global average in case of too big layer size (e.g. SqueezeNet is 14x14x512 at this stage # because global average is applied to top classifier and not to bottlenecks if len(result.shape) == 4 and (result.shape[1] != 1 or result.shape[2] != 1): result = np.mean(result, axis=(1,2), keepdims=True) # Save npy file (features have 1D shape, eg. mobilenet has 1024 elements, nasnet mobile 1056) outputFileName = os.path.basename(file) outputFileName = outputFileName[:outputFileName.rfind(".")], outputFileName + ".npy"), result.reshape(-1)) print("Export features finished")
def main(): # Load params args = do_parsing() print(args) # Load config file with model, hyperparameters and preprocessing config = ConfigParams(args.config_file) # Prepare preprocessing transform pipeline preprocessing_transforms = Preprocessing(config) preprocessing_transforms_train = preprocessing_transforms.get_transforms_train( ) preprocessing_transforms_val = preprocessing_transforms.get_transforms_val( ) # Read Dataset dataset_train = StandardDataset(args.dataset_train_dir, preprocessing_transforms_train) print("Train - Classes: {0}, Samples: {1}".format( str(len(dataset_train.get_classes())), str(len(dataset_train)))) dataset_val = StandardDataset(args.dataset_val_dir, preprocessing_transforms_val) print("Validation - Classes: {0}, Samples: {1}".format( str(len(dataset_val.get_classes())), str(len(dataset_val)))) print("Classes " + str(dataset_train.get_classes())) # Load model and apply .train() and .cuda() model = ModelsFactory.create(config, len(dataset_train.get_classes())) print(model) model.cuda() model.train() # Create a PyTorch DataLoader from CatDogDataset (two of them: train + val) train_loader = DataLoader(dataset_train, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=8) val_loader = DataLoader(dataset_val, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) # Set Optimizer and Loss # CrossEntropyLoss add LogSoftmax to the model while NLLLoss doesn't do it criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=config.learning_rate, momentum=config.momentum) for epoch in range(config.epochs): running_loss = 0.0 # Iterate on train batches and update weights using loss for batch_i, data in enumerate(train_loader): # get the input images and their corresponding labels images = data['image'] gts = data['gt'] # Move to GPU gts = gts.type(torch.cuda.LongTensor) images = images.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) # forward pass to get outputs output = model(images) # calculate the loss between predicted and target class loss = criterion(output, gts) # zero the parameter (weight) gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # backward pass to calculate the weight gradients loss.backward() # update the weights optimizer.step() # print loss statistics running_loss += loss.item() if batch_i % 10 == 9: # print every 10 batches print('Epoch: {}, Batch: {}, Avg. Loss: {}'.format( epoch + 1, batch_i + 1, running_loss / 10)) running_loss = 0.0 # Iterate on validation batches print("Calculating validation accuracy...") exact_match = 0 for batch_i, data in enumerate(val_loader): # get the input images and their corresponding labels images = data['image'] gts = data['gt'] # Move to GPU gts = gts.type(torch.cuda.LongTensor) images = images.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) # forward pass to get outputs output = model(images) # Calculate Accuracy output = output.cpu().data.numpy() predictions = np.argmax(output, axis=1) gts_np = gts.cpu().data.numpy() correct = np.count_nonzero(predictions == gts_np) exact_match += correct print('Epoch: {}, Validation Accuracy: {}'.format( epoch + 1, exact_match / len(dataset_val))) # Save model, args.model_output_path) print("End")
def main(): args = doParsing() print(args) config = ConfigParams(args.configFile) preprocessFunction = getPreprocessFunction(config.preprocessType) # Image Generator using preprocess function, e.g. MobileNet needs [-1.0, 1.0] range (Inception like preprocessing) trainImageGenerator = ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=preprocessFunction, rotation_range=10, width_shift_range=0.1, height_shift_range=0.1, zoom_range=.1, horizontal_flip=True) valImageGenerator = ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=preprocessFunction) trainGenerator = trainImageGenerator.flow_from_directory( args.datasetTrainDir, # height, width target_size=(config.inputSize, config.inputSize), batch_size=config.batchSize, class_mode='categorical', shuffle=True) valGenerator = valImageGenerator.flow_from_directory( args.datasetValDir, # height, width target_size=(config.inputSize, config.inputSize), batch_size=config.batchSize, class_mode='categorical', shuffle=False) # Load model using config file model = ModelsFactory.create(config, trainGenerator.num_classes) print(model.summary()) # Train as categorical crossentropy (works also with numclasses > 2) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=config.optimizer, metrics=['categorical_accuracy']) # Callbacks for early stopping and best model save earlyStoppingCB = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_categorical_accuracy', min_delta=0, patience=config.patience, verbose=1, mode='auto') modelChkptCB = ModelCheckpoint(args.modelOutputPath, monitor='val_categorical_accuracy', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1) # fine-tune the model model.fit_generator( trainGenerator, steps_per_epoch=trainGenerator.samples//trainGenerator.batch_size, epochs=config.epochs, validation_data=valGenerator, validation_steps=valGenerator.samples//valGenerator.batch_size, callbacks=[earlyStoppingCB, modelChkptCB]) print("Training finished") print("Model saved to " + args.modelOutputPath) # Export model to TF format if args.tfModelOutputDir is not None: exportModelToTF(args.tfModelOutputDir)
def main(): """ Script to export results for Kaggle, Images are read one by one """ args = doParsing() print(args) # Load config (it includes preprocessing type) config = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Load model model = TensorflowModel(args.modelPath) print("Loaded model from " + args.modelPath) # Dogs and cats test dataset has 12500 samples results = [] inputPlaceholder = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.inputName + ":0") outputTensor = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.outputName + ":0") # One by one image prediction forcing CPU usage with model.getSession() as sess: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): for file in sorted(glob.glob(args.datasetTestDir + "/*.jpg")): image = ImageUtils.loadImage(file) # Resize image and preprocess (inception or vgg preprocessing based on config) processedImage = ImageUtils.preprocessing( image=image, width=config.inputSize, height=config.inputSize, preprocessingType=config.preprocessType, meanRGB=config.meanRGB) # Convert colorspace processedImage = ImageUtils.convertImageFormat( processedImage, format=config.inputFormat) # Add 1st dimension for image index in batch processedImage = np.expand_dims(processedImage, axis=0) # Get and print TOP1 class result =, feed_dict={inputPlaceholder: processedImage}) print( os.path.basename(file) + " -> " + classes[int(np.argmax(result[0]))]) # Get and save dog probability results.append(( os.path.basename(file)[:os.path.basename(file).rfind('.')], result[0][classes.index("dog")])) print("Test finished") if args.kaggleExportFile is not None: exportResults(results, args.kaggleExportFile)
def main(): """ Script to export TF profiling results following 1.13.1 up-to-date documentation You can use to view results. """ args = doParsing() print(args) # Load config (it includes preprocessing type) config = ConfigParams(args.configFile) # Load model model = TensorflowModel(args.modelPath) print("Loaded model from " + args.modelPath) inputPlaceholder = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.inputName + ":0") outputTensor = model.getGraph().get_tensor_by_name(config.outputName + ":0") profiler = Profiler(model.getGraph()) options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() # One by one image prediction forcing CPU usage with model.getSession() as sess: with tf.device("/gpu:0"): for ix, file in tqdm( enumerate( sorted(glob.glob(args.datasetTestDir + "/*.jpg"))[:args.numImages])): image = ImageUtils.loadImage(file) # Resize image and preprocess (inception or vgg preprocessing based on config) processedImage = ImageUtils.preprocessing( image=image, width=config.inputSize, height=config.inputSize, preprocessingType=config.preprocessType, meanRGB=config.meanRGB) # Convert colorspace processedImage = ImageUtils.convertImageFormat( processedImage, format=config.inputFormat) # Add 1st dimension for image index in batch processedImage = np.expand_dims(processedImage, axis=0) # Get and print TOP1 class result =, feed_dict={inputPlaceholder: processedImage}, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata) print( os.path.basename(file) + " -> " + str(np.argmax(result[0]))) profiler.add_step(ix, run_metadata) # Profile the parameters of your model. #profiler.profile_name_scope(options=(tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder # .trainable_variables_parameter())) # Or profile the timing of your model operations. opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.time_and_memory() profiler.profile_operations(options=opts) # Or you can generate a timeline: # opts = (tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder( # tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.time_and_memory()) # .with_step(ix) # .with_timeline_output("timeline_step.json").build()) #profiler.profile_graph(options=opts) os.makedirs(os.path.join('profiling', 'tfprof', config.architecture), exist_ok=True) # Auto detect problems and generate advice. profiler.advise(ALL_ADVICE) with open( os.path.join('profiling', 'tfprof', config.architecture, 'profiler.context'), 'wb') as f: f.write(profiler.serialize_to_string()) print("Test finished")
def main(): # See this example for reference # and this blog post args = doParsing() print(args) config = ConfigParams(args.configFile) preprocessFunction = getPreprocessFunction(config.preprocessType) # Image Generator using preprocess function, e.g. MobileNet needs [-1.0, 1.0] range (Inception like preprocessing) trainImageGenerator = ImageDataGenerator( preprocessing_function=preprocessFunction, horizontal_flip=True) valImageGenerator = ImageDataGenerator( preprocessing_function=preprocessFunction) trainGenerator = trainImageGenerator.flow_from_directory( args.datasetTrainDir, # height, width target_size=(config.inputSize, config.inputSize), batch_size=config.batchSize, class_mode='categorical', shuffle=True) valGenerator = valImageGenerator.flow_from_directory( args.datasetValDir, # height, width target_size=(config.inputSize, config.inputSize), batch_size=config.batchSize, class_mode='categorical', shuffle=False) # Load model using config file model = ModelsFactory.create(config, trainGenerator.num_classes) print(model.summary()) # Train as categorical crossentropy (works also with numclasses > 2) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizers.SGD(lr=config.learningRate, momentum=config.momentum), metrics=['categorical_accuracy']) # TODO: Explains monitors in README # Callbacks for early stopping, LR step reducing and best model save earlyStoppingCB = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_categorical_accuracy', min_delta=0, patience=config.patience, verbose=1, mode='auto') modelChkptCB = ModelCheckpoint(args.modelOutputPath, monitor='val_categorical_accuracy', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1) reduceLROnPlateau = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_categorical_accuracy', factor=0.1, patience=config.patience / 2, verbose=1) # fine-tune the model model.fit_generator( trainGenerator, steps_per_epoch=trainGenerator.samples // trainGenerator.batch_size, epochs=config.epochs, validation_data=valGenerator, validation_steps=valGenerator.samples // valGenerator.batch_size, callbacks=[earlyStoppingCB, modelChkptCB, reduceLROnPlateau]) print("Training finished") print("Model saved to " + args.modelOutputPath) # Export model to TF format if args.tfModelOutputDir is not None: exportModelToTF(args.tfModelOutputDir)
def main(): # Load params args = do_parsing() print(args) # Load config file with model and preprocessing (must be the same used in training to be coherent) config = ConfigParams(args.config_file) # Prepare preprocessing transform pipeline (same processing of validation dataset) preprocessing_transforms = Preprocessing(config) preprocessing_transforms_test = preprocessing_transforms.get_transforms_val( ) # Read test Dataset, dataset_test = SingleDirDataset(args.dataset_test_dir, preprocessing_transforms_test) print("Test - Samples: {0}".format(str(len(dataset_test)))) # Load model and apply .eval() and .cuda() model = ModelsFactory.create(config, len(classes)) print(model) model.cuda() model.eval() # Load trained weights model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path)) # Create a PyTorch DataLoader from CatDogDataset test_loader = DataLoader(dataset_test, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) # Results for each image compatible with kaggle format (we need to export the dog probability) results = [] print("Evaluating test dataset...") for batch_i, data in enumerate(test_loader): # Retrieve images images = data["image"] # Move to GPU images = images.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) # forward pass to get outputs output = model(images) probs = nn.Softmax(dim=1)(output) probs_np = probs.cpu().data.numpy() files = data["file"] for index, file in enumerate(files): results.append( (os.path.basename(file)[:os.path.basename(file).rfind('.')], probs_np[index][classes.index("dog")])) print("Test finished") if args.kaggle_export_file is not None: export_results(results, args.kaggle_export_file)