def run(self, mainframe, values=None): from config import card_folder from os.path import join, isfile from math import ceil rescale = values['Try to Rescale ?'] path = mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img = wx.Image( join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'), path.decode('cp1252'))) w, h = float(img.GetWidth()), float(img.GetHeight()) fw, fh = mainframe.fitting_size width_ratio = w / fw height_ratio = h / fh if rescale: width_ratio = int(round(width_ratio)) height_ratio = int(round(height_ratio)) #If one size is smaller tahn the fitting size, take fitting size as minimum if width_ratio == 0: width_ratio = 1 if height_ratio == 0: height_ratio = 1 img = img.Rescale(fw * width_ratio, fh * height_ratio) else: width_ratio = int(ceil(width_ratio)) height_ratio = int(ceil(height_ratio)) for wr in range(width_ratio): for hr in range(height_ratio): rect = wx.Rect(wr * fw, hr * fh, min(fw, w - wr * fw), min(fh, h - hr * fh)) simg = img.GetSubImage(rect) #Save the small one simg.SaveFile( join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'), 'split_%d_%d.jpg' % (wr, hr)), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) #Add the cards mainframe.AddCard(cardPath='split_%d_%d.jpg' % (wr, hr), qt=1)
def run(self,mainframe,values=None): from config import card_folder from os.path import join,isfile from math import ceil rescale=values['Try to Rescale ?'] path=mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img=wx.Image(join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'),path.decode('cp1252'))) w,h=float(img.GetWidth()),float(img.GetHeight()) fw,fh=mainframe.fitting_size width_ratio=w/fw height_ratio=h/fh if rescale: width_ratio=int(round(width_ratio)) height_ratio=int(round(height_ratio)) #If one size is smaller tahn the fitting size, take fitting size as minimum if width_ratio==0:width_ratio=1 if height_ratio==0:height_ratio=1 img=img.Rescale(fw*width_ratio,fh*height_ratio) else: width_ratio=int(ceil(width_ratio)) height_ratio=int(ceil(height_ratio)) for wr in range(width_ratio): for hr in range(height_ratio): rect=wx.Rect(wr*fw,hr*fh,min(fw,w-wr*fw),min(fh,h-hr*fh)) simg=img.GetSubImage(rect) #Save the small one simg.SaveFile(join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'),'split_%d_%d.jpg'%(wr,hr)),wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) #Add the cards mainframe.AddCard(cardPath='split_%d_%d.jpg'%(wr,hr),qt=1)
def process ( self ,dc,values): import wx bmp=dc.GetAsBitmap() img=wx.ImageFromBitmap(bmp) w,h=img.GetSize().Get() #now with bdirect image cropping from config import card_folder from os.path import join,isfile from __main__ import frame as mainframe path=mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img=wx.Image(join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'),path.decode('cp1252'))) w,h=float(img.GetWidth()),float(img.GetHeight()) def check(x,value=None): if x.endswith('%'): return value* int(x[:-1])/100 else: return int(x) x0=check(values['x0'],w) y0=check(values['y0'],h) x1=check(values['x1'],w) y1=check(values['y1'],h) rect=wx.Rect(x0,y0,min(w,x1-x0),min(h,y1-y0)) simg=img.GetSubImage(rect) simg.Rescale(*dc.GetSizeTuple()) bmp=wx.BitmapFromImage(simg) dc.DrawBitmap(bmp,0,0)
def run(self,mainframe,values=None): from config import card_folder from os.path import join,isfile path=mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img=wx.Image(join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'),path.decode('cp1252'))) w,h=float(img.GetWidth()),float(img.GetHeight()) #Keep the old fitting size fw,fh=mainframe.fitting_size #I know this is mestup ! do not want to dfix it now numcol=values['Num Row'] numrow=values['Num Col'] percentage=values['Save as percentage ?'] fw,fh=mainframe.fitting_size ending='' if percentage: fw,fh=100,100 ending='%' stepw=fh/numcol steph=fw/numrow for j in range(numcol): for i in range(numrow): _vs={'x0':str(i*steph)+ending,'y0':str(j*stepw)+ending,'x1':str((i+1)*steph)+ending,'y1':str((j+1)*stepw)+ending} mainframe.AddCard(cardPath=path,qt=1,template='Subsplit Template',values=_vs)
def run(self, mainframe, values=None): from config import card_folder from os.path import join, isfile path = mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img = wx.Image( join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'), path.decode('cp1252'))) w, h = float(img.GetWidth()), float(img.GetHeight()) #Keep the old fitting size fw, fh = mainframe.fitting_size #I know this is mestup ! do not want to dfix it now numcol = values['Num Row'] numrow = values['Num Col'] percentage = values['Save as percentage ?'] fw, fh = mainframe.fitting_size ending = '' if percentage: fw, fh = 100, 100 ending = '%' stepw = fh / numcol steph = fw / numrow for j in range(numcol): for i in range(numrow): _vs = { 'x0': str(i * steph) + ending, 'y0': str(j * stepw) + ending, 'x1': str((i + 1) * steph) + ending, 'y1': str((j + 1) * stepw) + ending } mainframe.AddCard(cardPath=path, qt=1, template='Subsplit Template', values=_vs)
def process(self, dc, values): import wx bmp = dc.GetAsBitmap() img = wx.ImageFromBitmap(bmp) w, h = img.GetSize().Get() #now with bdirect image cropping from config import card_folder from os.path import join, isfile from __main__ import frame as mainframe path = mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img = wx.Image( join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'), path.decode('cp1252'))) w, h = float(img.GetWidth()), float(img.GetHeight()) def check(x, value=None): if x.endswith('%'): return value * int(x[:-1]) / 100 else: return int(x) x0 = check(values['x0'], w) y0 = check(values['y0'], h) x1 = check(values['x1'], w) y1 = check(values['y1'], h) rect = wx.Rect(x0, y0, min(w, x1 - x0), min(h, y1 - y0)) simg = img.GetSubImage(rect) simg.Rescale(*dc.GetSizeTuple()) bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(simg) dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0)
def run(self, mainframe, values=None): from config import card_folder from os.path import join, isfile from math import sqrt if not values: size_length = 2 * 118.1 split = False else: size_length = values['Dice Length (in cm)'] * 118.1 split = values['Split Selected Image?'] if split: #Take the selected image, split in 6 in order to obtain 6 squares path = mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img = wx.Image( join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'), path.decode('cp1252'))) w, h = img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight() w = float(w) h = float(h) nblines = int(round(6 * h / w)) for j in range(nblines): for i in range(6): rect = wx.Rect(i * w / 6, j * h / nblines, w / 6, h / nblines) simg = img.GetSubImage(rect) #Save the small one simg.SaveFile( join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'), 'ori_sub_%d_%d.jpg' % (i, j)), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) #Add the cards mainframe.AddCard(cardPath="ori_sub_%d_%d.jpg" % (i, j), qt=1, template=mainframe. templates['Origami Dice Template'].name) w = h = int(sqrt(2) * 2 * size_length) mainframe.fitting_size = (w, h) = "%sx%s" % (w, h)
def run(self,mainframe,values=None): from config import card_folder from os.path import join,isfile from math import sqrt if not values: size_length=2*118.1 split=False else: size_length=values['Dice Length (in cm)'] * 118.1 split=values['Split Selected Image?'] if split: #Take the selected image, split in 6 in order to obtain 6 squares path=mainframe.GetCurrentSelectedPath() if not path: return img=wx.Image(join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'),path.decode('cp1252'))) w,h=img.GetWidth(),img.GetHeight() w=float(w) h=float(h) nblines=int(round(6*h/w)) for j in range(nblines): for i in range(6): rect=wx.Rect(i*w/6,j*h/nblines,w/6,h/nblines) simg=img.GetSubImage(rect) #Save the small one simg.SaveFile(join(card_folder.decode('cp1252'),'ori_sub_%d_%d.jpg'%(i,j) ), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) #Add the cards mainframe.AddCard( cardPath="ori_sub_%d_%d.jpg"%(i,j), qt=1, template=mainframe.templates['Origami Dice Template'].name ) w=h=int(sqrt(2) * 2 * size_length) mainframe.fitting_size=(w,h)"%sx%s"%(w,h)