def predict_image(model_path: str, image: np.ndarray, show: bool = False): pred = Prediction(model_path=model_path, output_path=None, patch_size=train_params['patch_size'], batch_size=train_params['batch_size'], offset=2 * train_params["n_layers"], n_classes=len(classes_mask.keys()), n_filters=train_params["n_filters"], n_layers=train_params["n_layers"]) # image = np.array( / 255 predicted = pred.__predict_image__(image) predicted = np.argmax(predicted, axis=2) if show: Image.fromarray( colorize_mask(np.dstack((predicted, predicted, predicted)), n_classes=pred.n_classes)).show() return predicted
np.argmax(predicted, axis=2), os.path.basename(image_name), output_path=self.output_path) # predicted = np.argmax(predicted, axis=-1) # Image.fromarray(colorize_mask(np.dstack((predicted, predicted, predicted)), n_classes=self.n_classes).astype(np.uint8)).save(os.path.join(self.output_path, os.path.basename(image_name))) # visualize_prediction_result(image, res, os.path.basename(image_name), output_path=self.output_path) if __name__ == "__main__": output_path = os.path.join("output", "prediction") if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) pred = Prediction( model_path="/home/akochkarev/geology/models/model_46_0.07.hdf5", output_path=output_path, patch_size=train_params["patch_size"], batch_size=train_params["batch_size"], offset=2 * train_params["n_layers"], n_classes=len(classes_mask.keys()), n_filters=train_params["n_filters"], n_layers=train_params["n_layers"]) # unmarked = get_unmarked_images(os.path.join("input", "UMNIK_2019", "BoxA_DS1", "img"), os.path.join("input", "dataset")) unmarked = [ f"/home/akochkarev/geology/test_img1/{i+1}.jpg" for i in range(4) ] print(unmarked) pred.predict(unmarked)
def __iter__(self): assert (self.images.shape[:3] == self.masks.shape[:3]), ( "Original images and masks must be equal shape") classes = {cl: i for i, cl in enumerate(classes_mask.values())} aa = np.arange(self.masks[0].shape[0] * self.masks[0].shape[1]) a = np.indices(self.masks[0].shape) _xx = np.ndarray.flatten(a[0]) _yy = np.ndarray.flatten(a[1]) with open(os.path.join("input", "ores.json")) as ores_json: ores = json.load(ores_json) while (True): cur_class = min(self.stat.keys(), key=(lambda k: self.stat[k])) pp = np.fromiter(ores[cur_class].values(), dtype=np.float64) pp /= np.sum(pp) batch_files = np.random.choice(a=self.images.shape[0], size=self.batch_size, p=pp) batch_x = [] batch_y = [] for batch_idx in batch_files: if self.full_augment: etha_max = 2 etha = np.random.uniform(1 / etha_max, etha_max) angle = np.random.random_integers(0, 360) new_size = int(np.ceil(self.patch_size * sqrt(2) * etha)) p_s = self.heatmaps[batch_idx] p = p_s[classes[cur_class]] if self.full_augment: while (True): n = np.random.choice(a=aa, p=np.ndarray.flatten(p)) if (_xx[n] + new_size < self.masks[batch_idx].shape[0] and _yy[n] + new_size < self.masks[batch_idx].shape[1]): break else: while (True): n = np.random.choice(a=aa, p=np.ndarray.flatten(p)) if (_xx[n] + self.patch_size < self.masks[batch_idx].shape[0] and _yy[n] + self.patch_size < self.masks[batch_idx].shape[1]): break # Choosing patch if self.balanced: if self.full_augment: yy = self.masks[batch_idx, _xx[n]:_xx[n] + new_size, _yy[n]:_yy[n] + new_size, :] xx = self.images[batch_idx, _xx[n]:_xx[n] + new_size, _yy[n]:_yy[n] + new_size, :] else: yy = self.masks[batch_idx, _xx[n]:_xx[n] + self.patch_size, _yy[n]:_yy[n] + self.patch_size, :] xx = self.images[batch_idx, _xx[n]:_xx[n] + self.patch_size, _yy[n]:_yy[n] + self.patch_size, :] else: i = np.random.choice(a=self.images.shape[1] - new_size - 1) j = np.random.choice(a=self.images.shape[2] - new_size - 1) if self.full_augment: xx = self.images[batch_idx, i:i + new_size, j:j + new_size, :] yy = self.masks[batch_idx, i:i + new_size, j:j + new_size, :] else: xx = self.images[batch_idx, i:i + self.patch_size, j:j + self.patch_size, :] yy = self.masks[batch_idx, i:i + self.patch_size, j:j + self.patch_size, :] xx = Image.fromarray((255 * xx).astype(np.uint8)) yy = Image.fromarray((np.argmax(yy, axis=2)).astype(np.uint8)) if self.full_augment: # Rotate xx = xx.rotate(angle=angle, resample=Image.BICUBIC) yy = yy.rotate(angle=angle, resample=Image.NEAREST) # Rescale new_size1 = int(np.ceil(self.patch_size * etha)) ii = abs(new_size - new_size1) // 2 xx = xx.crop((ii, ii, ii + new_size1, ii + new_size1)) yy = yy.crop((ii, ii, ii + new_size1, ii + new_size1)) xx = xx.resize(size=(self.patch_size, self.patch_size), resample=Image.BICUBIC) yy = yy.resize(size=(self.patch_size, self.patch_size), resample=Image.NEAREST) # Flip if randint(0, 1) == 0: xx, yy = xx.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM), yy.transpose( Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) else: xx, yy = xx.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT), yy.transpose( Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) # Rotate 90 rotate_flg = randint(0, 3) if rotate_flg == 0: xx, yy = xx.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90), yy.transpose( Image.ROTATE_90) elif rotate_flg == 1: xx, yy = xx.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180), yy.transpose( Image.ROTATE_180) elif rotate_flg == 2: xx, yy = xx.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270), yy.transpose( Image.ROTATE_270) yy = to_categorical(np.array(yy).astype(np.uint8), num_classes=len(classes_mask.keys())) batch_x.append(np.array(xx).astype(np.float32) / 255) batch_y.append(yy) unique, counts = np.unique(np.argmax(yy, axis=2), return_counts=True) aaa = dict(zip(unique, counts)) for class_n in range(len(classes_mask)): if class_n in aaa: self.stat[classes_mask[class_n]] += aaa[class_n] batch_x = np.stack(batch_x) batch_y = np.stack(batch_y) yield (batch_x, batch_y)