async def v(client, channel, msg_id): msg = await client.get_messages(channel, ids=msg_id) answers = w = 2 for z in range(1, len(answers) + 1): for y in range(int(target[str(z)] * target['row'] * 0.01)): clients = TelegramClient(str(w), api_id, api_hash) await clients.start() await clients( SendVoteRequest(peer=channel, msg_id=msg_id, options=[[z - 1].option]) ) await client.disconnect() w += 1 print('🌚') coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'status': 'Complete' }})
async def v_c(channel): messages_id = [] for s in range(1, 10): messages_id.append(s) if ('joinchat' in channel) and ('https' in channel): channel = channel[22:] elif ('joinchat' in channel) and (not 'https' in channel): channel = channel[14:] elif '@' in channel: channel = channel[1:] try: await client( GetMessagesViewsRequest(peer=channel, id=messages_id, increment=True)) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelPrivateError: coll_targets.update_one({ '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Канал является приватным' }}) except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChatIdInvalidError, ValueError): coll_targets.update_one({ '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Канал недействителен' }}) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.PeerIdInvalidError: pass print('👍')
async def v_p(channel, msg_id): try: await client( GetMessagesViewsRequest(peer=channel, id=[msg_id], increment=True)) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelPrivateError: coll_targets.update_one({ '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Канал является приватным' }}) except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChatIdInvalidError, telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.PeerIdInvalidError, ValueError): coll_targets.update_one({ '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, { '$set': { 'additional': 'Пересланный пост является недействительным' } }) coll_targets.update_one({ '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'status': 'Complete' }}) print('👌')
async def s(channel): # channel = await client.get_input_entity(chat) if ('joinchat' in channel) and ('https' in channel): channel = channel[22:] try: await client(ImportChatInviteRequest(channel)) except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UserAlreadyParticipantError, telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelsTooMuchError): pass except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.InviteHashEmptyError: coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Ссылка недействительна' }}) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.InviteHashExpiredError: coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Срок действия ссылки истёк' }}) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UsersTooMuchError: coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, { '$set': { 'additional': 'Количество участников группы достигнуто максимума' } }) elif ('joinchat' in channel) and (not 'https' in channel): channel = channel[14:] try: await client(ImportChatInviteRequest(channel)) except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UserAlreadyParticipantError, telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelsTooMuchError): pass except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.InviteHashEmptyError, ValueError): coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Ссылка недействительна' }}) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.InviteHashExpiredError: coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'additional': 'Срок действия ссылки истёк' }}) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UsersTooMuchError: coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, { '$set': { 'additional': 'Количество участников группы достигнуто максимума' } }) elif '@' in channel: channel = channel[1:] try: await client(JoinChannelRequest(channel)) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelsTooMuchError: pass except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelInvalidError, ValueError): coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, { '$set': { 'additional': 'Ссылка на канал/чат недействительна' } }) else: try: await client(JoinChannelRequest(channel)) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelsTooMuchError: pass except (telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.ChannelInvalidError, ValueError): coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, { '$set': { 'additional': 'Ссылка на канал/чат недействительна' } }) coll_targets.update_one({ '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'status': 'Complete' }}) print('😌')
loop.run_until_complete(v_c(target['channel'])) client.disconnect() else: #пишем по сплошным целям for x in range(1, target['row'] + 1): client = TelegramClient(str(x), api_id, api_hash) client.start() loop.run_until_complete(v_c(target['channel'])) client.disconnect() coll_targets.update_one( { '#': target['#'], 'owner': target['owner'] }, {'$set': { 'status': 'Complete' }}) coll_to_do.delete_one({'date': target['date']}) elif target['type'] == 'vote': try: target['row'] except (KeyError, TypeError): #пишем по сессиям client = TelegramClient(target['session'], api_id, api_hash)