def main_worker(gpu, port, ngpus_per_node, config, buffer_dict, exp_name, mode): torch.distributed.init_process_group( backend="nccl", init_method="tcp://" + port, world_size=ngpus_per_node, rank=gpu, ) # Apply config to wandb if gpu == 0 and config["wandb_opt"]: wandb.init(project="craft-stage2", entity="user_name", name=exp_name) wandb.config.update(config) batch_size = int(config["train"]["batch_size"] / ngpus_per_node) config["train"]["batch_size"] = batch_size config = DotDict(config) # Start train trainer = Trainer(config, gpu, mode) trainer.train(buffer_dict) if gpu == 0: if config["wandb_opt"]: wandb.finish() torch.distributed.barrier() torch.distributed.destroy_process_group()
def iou_eval(self, dataset, train_step, buffer, model): test_config = DotDict(self.config.test[dataset]) val_result_dir = os.path.join( self.config.results_dir, "{}/{}".format(dataset + "_iou", str(train_step))) evaluator = DetectionIoUEvaluator() metrics = main_eval( None, self.config.train.backbone, test_config, evaluator, val_result_dir, buffer, model, self.mode, ) if self.gpu == 0 and self.config.wandb_opt: wandb.log({ "{} iou Recall".format(dataset): np.round(metrics["recall"], 3), "{} iou Precision".format(dataset): np.round(metrics["precision"], 3), "{} iou F1-score".format(dataset): np.round(metrics["hmean"], 3), })
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CRAFT custom data train") parser.add_argument( "--yaml", "--yaml_file_name", default="custom_data_train", type=str, help="Load configuration", ) parser.add_argument( "--port", "--use ddp port", default="2346", type=str, help="Port number" ) args = parser.parse_args() # load configure exp_name = args.yaml config = load_yaml(args.yaml) print("-" * 20 + " Options " + "-" * 20) print(yaml.dump(config)) print("-" * 40) # Make result_dir res_dir = os.path.join(config["results_dir"], args.yaml) config["results_dir"] = res_dir if not os.path.exists(res_dir): os.makedirs(res_dir) # Duplicate yaml file to result_dir shutil.copy( "config/" + args.yaml + ".yaml", os.path.join(res_dir, args.yaml) + ".yaml" ) if config["mode"] == "weak_supervision": mode = "weak_supervision" else: mode = None # Apply config to wandb if config["wandb_opt"]: wandb.init(project="craft-stage2", entity="user_name", name=exp_name) wandb.config.update(config) config = DotDict(config) # Start train buffer_dict = {"custom_data":None} trainer = Trainer(config, 0, mode) trainer.train(buffer_dict) if config["wandb_opt"]: wandb.finish()
def cal_eval(config, data, res_dir_name, opt, mode): evaluator = DetectionIoUEvaluator() test_config = DotDict(config.test[data]) res_dir = os.path.join(os.path.join("exp", args.yaml), "{}".format(res_dir_name)) if opt == "iou_eval": main_eval( config.test.trained_model, config.train.backbone, test_config, evaluator, res_dir, buffer=None, model=None, mode=mode, ) else: print("Undefined evaluation")
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CRAFT Text Detection Eval") parser.add_argument( "--yaml", "--yaml_file_name", default="custom_data_train", type=str, help="Load configuration", ) args = parser.parse_args() # load configure config = load_yaml(args.yaml) config = DotDict(config) if config["wandb_opt"]: wandb.init(project="evaluation", entity="gmuffiness", name=args.yaml) wandb.config.update(config) val_result_dir_name = args.yaml cal_eval( config, "custom_data", val_result_dir_name + "-ic15-iou", opt="iou_eval", mode=None, )