def online_recognition(self): r=self.r speak(random.choice(self.randomresp)) try: with sr.Microphone() as source: audi1 = r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) print "----------Listening-------" audi1 = r.listen(source) print "----------Recognizing-------" try: data=r.recognize_google(audi1,key=GOOGLE_API_KEY,language="en-US",show_all=False) voice_queue.put(data.lower()) return True except IndexError: # the API key didn't work speak("I am sorry sir, could not connect to the internet") print("No internet connection") except KeyError: speak("I am afraid,your API key is invalid") print("Invalid API key or quota maxed out") except LookupError: print("Could not understand audio") except sr.UnknownValueError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0)
def get_entry(self): voice_queue.put(self.entryVar.get().lower())