def reset(self):

        #Initiliazing game state
        self.direction = config.Direction.RIGHT

        self.head = config.Loc(self.width/2, self.height/2)
        self.snake = [self.head, config.Loc(self.head.x - config.BLOCK_SIZE, self.head.y),config.Loc(self.head.x - (2 * config.BLOCK_SIZE), self.head.y)]

        self.score = 0 = None
        self.gameIter = 0
    def placeFood(self):
        x = np.random.randint(0, (self.width - config.BLOCK_SIZE) // config.BLOCK_SIZE) * config.BLOCK_SIZE
        y = np.random.randint(0, (self.height - config.BLOCK_SIZE) // config.BLOCK_SIZE) * config.BLOCK_SIZE = config.Loc(x, y)
        if in self.snake:
    def getState(self, snakeGame):
        head = snakeGame.snake[0]
        pointLeft = config.Loc(head.x - config.BLOCK_SIZE, head.y)
        pointRight = config.Loc(head.x + config.BLOCK_SIZE, head.y)
        pointDown = config.Loc(head.x, head.y + config.BLOCK_SIZE)
        pointUp = config.Loc(head.x, head.y - config.BLOCK_SIZE)

        dirLeft = snakeGame.direction == config.Direction.LEFT
        dirRight = snakeGame.direction == config.Direction.RIGHT
        dirUp = snakeGame.direction == config.Direction.UP
        dirDown = snakeGame.direction == config.Direction.DOWN

        state = [
            (dirRight and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointRight))
            or (dirLeft and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointLeft))
            or (dirUp and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointUp))
            or (dirDown and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointDown)),

            #Danger from right
            (dirRight and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointDown))
            or (dirLeft and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointUp))
            or (dirUp and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointRight))
            or (dirDown and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointLeft)),

            #Danger from left
            (dirRight and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointUp))
            or (dirLeft and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointDown))
            or (dirUp and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointLeft))
            or (dirDown and snakeGame.onCollisionEnter2D(pointRight)),

            #Move direction

            #Food location
   < snakeGame.head.x,  #Food left
   > snakeGame.head.x,  #Food right
   < snakeGame.head.y,  #Food up
   > snakeGame.head.y  #Food down

        return np.array(state, dtype=int)
    def onCollisionEnter2D(self, loc=None):
        #Check if snake is on the boundary (i.e. wall is hit by snake)

        if loc is None:
            loc = config.Loc(self.head.x, self.head.y)

        if loc.x > self.width - config.BLOCK_SIZE or loc.x < 0 or loc.y > self.height - config.BLOCK_SIZE or loc.y < 0:
            return True

        #If snake hits itself
        if loc in self.snake[1:]:
            return True

        #If any of the conditions are not satisfied, return false
        return False
    def moveSnake(self, dir):

        clockWise = [config.Direction.RIGHT, config.Direction.DOWN, config.Direction.LEFT, config.Direction.UP]
        idx = clockWise.index(self.direction)

        if not self.humanPlay:
            if np.array_equal(dir, [1, 0, 0]):
                # No changes
                newDir = clockWise[idx]
            elif np.array_equal(dir, [0, 1, 0]):
                nextIdx = (idx + 1) % 4
                # Take a right turn
                newDir = clockWise[nextIdx]
            else: #i.e [0, 0, 1]
                nextIdx = (idx - 1) % 4
                newDir = clockWise[nextIdx]

            self.direction = newDir

        x = self.head.x
        y = self.head.y

        if self.direction == config.Direction.RIGHT:
            x += config.BLOCK_SIZE
        elif self.direction == config.Direction.LEFT:
            x -= config.BLOCK_SIZE
        elif self.direction == config.Direction.DOWN:
            y += config.BLOCK_SIZE
        elif self.direction == config.Direction.UP:
            y -= config.BLOCK_SIZE

        self.head = config.Loc(x, y)