def application(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() != 'POST':
        return ["1003"]
    myFile = ''
    length = 0
        length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
        return ["1003"]
    inputForm = environ['wsgi.input']
    post_form = environ.get('wsgi.post_form')
    if (post_form is not None and post_form[0] is inputForm):
        return post_form[2]
    environ.setdefault('QUERY_STRING', '')
    fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=inputForm, environ=environ, keep_blank_values=1)
    userN = None
    passW = None
    oriPass = None
    token = None
    myFile = None
    ID = None
    for f in fs:
        if f == "username":
            userN = fs[f].value
        elif f == "password":
            oriPass = fs[f].value
            passW = hashlib.md5(oriPass).hexdigest()
        elif f == "token":
            token = fs[f].value
        elif f == "myfile":
            myFile = fs[f].value
    print("%s, %s, %s, length=%d" % (userN, passW, token, length))
    if userN == None or passW == None or token == None or myFile == None:
        LOG.log.error("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s, length=%d" %
                      (userN, passW, token, length))
        print("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s" % (userN, passW, token))
        return "1003"

    authorID = -1
    parentID = -1
    authorID = mc.get(token)
    #step1 check author token, status
    if authorID == None:
        #this token has not been set in memcached
        #checktoken will check token if exsit and save token to memcached
        ret = config.checkToken(token)
        authorID = mc.get(token)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        status = mc.get("%s%s" % (str(authorID), config._STATUS))
        if status != 0:
            print 'second'
            return '1001'
    #print("step1 pass")
    #step2 check subsuer belong to this author
        if userN.find(" ") != -1:
            return '1003'
        SubUserID = mc.get(userN)
        return '1012'
    if SubUserID == None:
        ret = config.checkSubUser(userN, passW, authorID)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        LeftCount = mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), config._LEFTCOUNT))
        if LeftCount <= 0:
            return '1002'
        if mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), config._PARENTID)) == -1:
            return '1001'
        if mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), config._STATUS)) != 0:
            return '1001'

        #print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME), userN))
        if mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), config._USERNAME)) != userN:
            return ['1008']
        #print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD), passW))
        if mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), config._PASSWORD)) != passW:
            return ['1008']
    #print("---step2 pass---")
    #mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + config._CALLEDCOUNT)
    #call distribute
        #needEvidence = "False"
        #opener = urllib2.build_opener(MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler)
        #params = { "username" : userN, "myfile" : myFile}
        #data = opener.open("", params, timeout=70)
        #content = data.read()
        content = "ABCD"
        #print("%s" % (content))
        if content.find("10") == -1:
            #success one result, then we check whether this user need save evidence
            #In memcached, I add 2 fields, "F_WARN" and "FROZEN", default they are 0, "FROZEN" is equal to STATUS
            #These 2 fileds will be changed in another sync process
            #We compare F_WARN here, and if is 1, save pic
            #nextNum = None
            nextNum = mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM")
            if nextNum == None:
                #if can not be none
                return '1013'
                #nextNum = mc.set(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM", 0)
            #if nextNum > 20000:
            # if > 20000, just roll back to 0
            #    nextNum = mc.set(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM", 0)
            #code key is like subuserid_CODE_nextNUm, 731_CODE_1
            #!!!MUST set code value to 0
            mc.set("%d%s%d" % (SubUserID, "_CODE_", nextNum), 0)
            #All 3 counts need changed
            #result = mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + config._CALLEDCOUNT)
            #if result == None:
            #    LOG.log.error(str(SubUserID) + "RESULT NONE")

            warn = mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_WARN"))
            #print("warn:" + str(warn))
            if warn == None:
                #it can not be none
                return '1014'
                #mc.set("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_WARN"), 0)
                #make sure every user has his pic directory
                #os.makedirs("%s%s" % ("/home/newevidence/", userN))
                #os.makedirs("%s%s%s" % ("/home/newevidence/", userN, "/wrong"))
            #print("eual:" + str(warn == 1))
            if warn == 1:
                #begin save image
                savedPicNum = mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_SAVEDPIC"))
                if savedPicNum == None:
                    #it can not be none
                    return '1015'
                    #savedPicNum = mc.set("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_SAVEDPIC"), 1)
                print("picnum:" + str(savedPicNum))
                if savedPicNum <= 2000:
                    mc.incr("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_SAVEDPIC"))
                    #only save pic less then 2000
                    path = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ('/home/newevidence/', userN,
                                               '/', str(nextNum), '_', content,
                    #path='/home/newevidence/' + userN + '/' + str(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S',time.localtime(time.time()))) + '_' + ret + '.jpg'
                    #path2="/home/newevidence/wanghu/" + content + ".jpg"
                    print("+++++++++path:" + path)
                    PicData = open(path, 'wb')
            #All 3 counts need changed
            result = mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + config._CALLEDCOUNT)
            mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + "_SUCCESSCOUNT", delta=1)
            mc.decr(str(SubUserID) + "_LEFTCOUNT", delta=1)
            return "%d_%s" % (nextNum, content)
            return content
        LOG.log.error("Unexpected error:" + str(traceback.format_exc()))
        return '1011'
def application(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() != 'POST':
        return ["1003"]
    myFile = ''
    length = 0
        length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
        return ["1003"]
    inputForm = environ['wsgi.input']
    post_form = environ.get('wsgi.post_form')
    if (post_form is not None and post_form[0] is inputForm):
        return post_form[2]
    environ.setdefault('QUERY_STRING', '')
    fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=inputForm, environ=environ, keep_blank_values=1)
    userN = None
    passW = None
    oriPass = None
    token = None
    ID = None
    codeID = None
    for f in fs:
        if f == "username":
            userN = fs[f].value
        elif f == "password":
            oriPass = fs[f].value
            passW = hashlib.md5(oriPass).hexdigest()
        elif f == "token":
            token = fs[f].value
        elif f == "codeid":
            codeID = fs[f].value
    print("%s, %s, %s, %s" % (userN, passW, token, codeID))
    if userN == None or passW == None or token == None or codeID == None:
        LOG.log.error("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s, %s, length=%d" %
                      (userN, passW, token, codeID, length))
        print("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s, %s" %
              (userN, passW, token, codeID))
        return ["1003"]
    if codeID == "0":
        return '1014'
    authorID = -1
    parentID = -1
    authorID = mc.get(token)
    #step1 check author token, status
    if authorID == None:
        #this token has not been set in memcached
        #checktoken will check token if exsit and save token to memcached
        ret = config.checkToken(token)
        authorID = mc.get(token)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        status = mc.get(str(authorID) + config._STATUS)
        if status != 0:
            print 'second'
            return '1001'
    #print("step1 pass")
    #step2 check subsuer belong to this author
    SubUserID = mc.get(userN)
    if SubUserID == None:
        ret = config.checkSubUser(userN, passW, authorID)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        codeStatus = mc.get("%s%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_CODE_", codeID))
        if codeStatus == None:
            #codeID not exsit
            return '1014'
        elif codeStatus == 1:
            #this code has been repoted error once
            return '1015'
        elif codeStatus == 0:
            #OK, this can be repoted error
            mc.decr(str(SubUserID) + "_SUCCESSCOUNT", delta=1)
            mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + "_LEFTCOUNT", delta=1)
            mc.set("%s%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_CODE_", codeID), 1)
        warn = mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_WARN"))
        if warn == None:
            return '1016'
            #mc.set("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_WARN"), 0)
        if warn == 1:
            #write codeID to one file
            savedPicNum = mc.get("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_SAVEDPIC"))
            if savedPicNum == None:
                #it can not be none
                return '1012'
                #savedPicNum = mc.set("%s%s" % (str(SubUserID), "_SAVEDPIC"), 1)
            if savedPicNum <= 2000:
                path2 = "/home/newevidence/wanghu/%s" % (str(SubUserID) +
                with open(path2, 'a') as f:
                    f.write("%s__%s\n" % (str(
                                      time.localtime(time.time()))), codeID))
        '''LeftCount = mc.get(str(SubUserID)+config._LEFTCOUNT)
        if LeftCount <= 0:
            return '1002'
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PARENTID)==-1:
            return '1001'

        print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME), userN))
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME)!=userN:
            return '1008'
        print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD), passW))
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD)!=passW:
            return '1008'
    print("---step2 pass---")
    #check all pass, update
    return '0'
def application(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() != 'POST':
        return ["1003"]
    myFile = ''
    length = 0
        length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
        return ["1003"]
    inputForm = environ['wsgi.input']
    post_form = environ.get('wsgi.post_form')
    if (post_form is not None and post_form[0] is inputForm):
        return post_form[2]
    environ.setdefault('QUERY_STRING', '')
    fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=inputForm, environ=environ, keep_blank_values=1)
    userN = None
    passW = None
    oriPass = None
    token = None
    myFile = None
    ID = None
    for f in fs:
        if f == "username":
            userN = fs[f].value
        elif f == "password":
            oriPass = fs[f].value
            passW = hashlib.md5(oriPass).hexdigest()
        elif f == "token":
            token = fs[f].value
        elif f == "myfile":
            myFile = fs[f].value
    print("%s, %s, %s" % (userN, passW, token))
    if userN == None or passW == None or token == None or myFile == None:
        LOG.log.error("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s, length=%d" %
                      (userN, passW, token, length))
        print("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s" % (userN, passW, token))
        return "1003"

    authorID = -1
    parentID = -1
    authorID = mc.get(token)
    #step1 check author token, status
    if authorID == None:
        #this token has not been set in memcached
        #checktoken will check token if exsit and save token to memcached
        ret = config.checkToken(token)
        authorID = mc.get(token)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        status = mc.get(str(authorID) + config._STATUS)
        if status != 0:
            print 'second'
            return '1001'
    #print("step1 pass")
    #step2 check subsuer belong to this author
    SubUserID = mc.get(userN)
    if SubUserID == None:
        ret = config.checkSubUser(userN, passW, authorID)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        LeftCount = mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._LEFTCOUNT)
        if LeftCount <= 0:
            return '1002'
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PARENTID) == -1:
            return '1001'
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._STATUS) != 0:
            return '1001'

        #print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME), userN))
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME) != userN:
            return ['1008']
        #print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD), passW))
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD) != passW:
            return ['1008']
    #print("---step2 pass---")
    #mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + config._CALLEDCOUNT)

    #judge if need to lock the subuser
    Num = mc.get(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM")
    if Num == None:
        mc.set(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM", 0)
    elif Num >= 10000:
        print 'lock check begin!'
        CalledCount = mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._CALLEDCOUNT)
        SucCount = mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._SUCCESSCOUNT)
        Count = SucCount / CalledCount
        Base = mc.get('731' +
                      config._SUCCESSCOUNT) / mc.get('731' +
                                                     config._CALLEDCOUNT) * 0.7
        print Count
        print Base
        if Count < Base:
            mc.set(str(SubUserID) + "_STATUS", 1)
        mc.set(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM", 0)
        mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + "_NUM")

    #call distribute
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(
        params = {"username": userN, "myfile": myFile}
        data = opener.open("",
        content = data.read()
        if content.find("10") == -1:
            result = mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + config._CALLEDCOUNT)
            if result == None:
                LOG.log.error(str(SubUserID) + "RESULT NONE")
        return content
        LOG.log.error("Unexpected error:" + str(sys.exc_info()))
        return '1011'
def application(environ, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() != 'POST':
        return ["1003"]
    myFile = ''
    length = 0
        length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
        return ["1003"]
    inputForm = environ['wsgi.input']
    post_form = environ.get('wsgi.post_form')
    if (post_form is not None and post_form[0] is inputForm):
        return post_form[2]
    environ.setdefault('QUERY_STRING', '')
    fs = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=inputForm, environ=environ, keep_blank_values=1)
    userN = None
    passW = None
    oriPass = None
    token = None
    ID = None
    for f in fs:
        if f == "username":
            userN = fs[f].value
        elif f == "password":
            oriPass = fs[f].value
            passW = hashlib.md5(oriPass).hexdigest()
        elif f == "token":
            token = fs[f].value
    print("%s, %s, %s" % (userN, passW, token))
    if userN == None or passW == None or token == None:
        LOG.log.error("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s, length=%d" %
                      (userN, passW, token, length))
        print("Argument Error : %s, %s, %s" % (userN, passW, token))
        return ["1003"]

    authorID = -1
    parentID = -1
    authorID = mc.get(token)
    #step1 check author token, status
    if authorID == None:
        #this token has not been set in memcached
        #checktoken will check token if exsit and save token to memcached
        ret = config.checkToken(token)
        authorID = mc.get(token)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        status = mc.get(str(authorID) + config._STATUS)
        if status != 0:
            print 'second'
            return '1001'
    print("step1 pass")
    #step2 check subsuer belong to this author
    SubUserID = mc.get(userN)
    if SubUserID == None:
        ret = config.checkSubUser(userN, passW, authorID)
        if ret != "0":
            return ret
        LeftCount = mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._LEFTCOUNT)
        if LeftCount <= 0:
            return '1002'
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PARENTID) == -1:
            return '1001'

        print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME), userN))
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._USERNAME) != userN:
            return '1008'
        print("%s--%s" % (mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD), passW))
        if mc.get(str(SubUserID) + config._PASSWORD) != passW:
            return '1008'
    print("---step2 pass---")
    #check all pass, update
    mc.incr(str(SubUserID) + "_SUCCESSCOUNT", delta=1)
    mc.decr(str(SubUserID) + "_LEFTCOUNT", delta=1)
    return '0'