def procinst_delete(procInstId): my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/process-instance/' + procInstId my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.delete(my_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass)) if resp.status_code != 204: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text)
def procdef_get(procDefId): my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/process-definition/' + procDefId my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.get(my_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass)) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text) respjson = json.loads(resp.text) return respjson
def hcleanup_getconfig(): my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/history/cleanup/configuration' my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.get(my_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass)) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text) respjson = json.loads(resp.text) return respjson
def procdef_set_hittl(procDefId, hittl): my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/process-definition/' + procDefId + '/history-time-to-live' my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') my_data = '{"historyTimeToLive":' + str(hittl) + '}' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} resp = requests.put(my_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass), data=my_data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code != 204: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text)
def hcleanup_schedulejob(now): params = {} if now == False: params['executeAtOnce'] = 'false' my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/history/cleanup' my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp =, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass), params=params) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text) respjson = json.loads(resp.text) return respjson
def deployment_list(tenantId): params = {} if tenantId != None: params['tenantIdIn'] = tenantId my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/deployment' my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.get(my_url, params=params, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass)) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text) respjson = json.loads(resp.text) return respjson
def procdef_count(tenantId): if tenantId != None: params = {'tenantIdIn': tenantId} else: params = {} my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/process-definition/count' my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.get(my_url, params=params, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass)) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text) respjson = json.loads(resp.text) return respjson
def get(self,urlKey): templateValues = { 'placeholder':'Enter Human Language', 'key':config.getKey(), 'BASE_URL':config.getRootURL(), 'totalTranslations': getTotalTranslations(self), } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'main.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, templateValues))
def deployment_delete(deploymentId, doCascade, skipListeners, skipIoMappings): params = {} if doCascade == True: params['cascade'] = 'true' if skipListeners == True: params['skipCustomListeners'] = 'true' if skipIoMappings == True: params['skipIoMappings'] = 'true' my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/deployment/' + deploymentId my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.delete(my_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass), params=params) if resp.status_code != 204: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text)
def procinst_for_procdefid(procDefId, deploymentid): params = {} if procDefId != None: params['processDefinitionId'] = procDefId if deploymentid != None: params['deploymentId'] = deploymentid my_url = getKey('url') my_url = my_url + '/engine/default/process-instance' my_user = getKey('username') my_pass = getKey('password') resp = requests.get(my_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(my_user, my_pass), params=params) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception(resp.status_code, resp.text) respjson = json.loads(resp.text) return respjson
def _login(self): ''' Performs a login by posting the username, password and collecting the cookie. returns nothing ''' params = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'username' : self.username, 'password' : self.password, 'login' : 'Login' }).encode(self.encoding) response ='login_url'), params) return
def rangeBan(self,ip,reason,botid='',unban=False): self._checkLogin() page = config.getKey('rangeban_url') params = { 'ip':ip, 'reason':reason, 'targetbot':botid } if unban: params['unban'] = 'unban' self._csnfPost(page,params)
def post(self,urlKey): # uuserInput = self.request.get_all('translations_public') # dude(uuserInput) userInput = self.request.get('phrase') newUrlKey = translateToWookie(userInput,self.request.remote_addr,self) translation = Translation.get_by_id(newUrlKey) templateValues = { 'totalTranslations': getTotalTranslations(self), 'placeholder':translation.english, 'translation':translation.wookie, 'translationId':translation.key().id(), 'key':config.getKey(), 'BASE_URL':config.getRootURL(), 'translationsPublic':self.session.get('translations_public'), 'translationsPublicCheck' : self.session.get('translations_public') == True and 'checked' or 'unchecked', 'translations_public' : self.request.get('translations_public') # not currently getting this data } pushTranslationToZapier(templateValues) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'translated.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, templateValues))
def generateMainWindow(frame): frame.wm_title("User Console") global USERNAME global PASSWORD #Open file browser dialog def browseFile(fileVar, fileLocationVar): from tkinter import filedialog fileLocation = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Any", "*.*")]) if len(fileLocation) > 0: displayName = str(fileLocation).split('/') fileVar.set(displayName[-1]) fileLocationVar.set(fileLocation) return #Download File row downloadOption = StringVar() downloadOption.set("Select File") serverFiles = getFileNames() downloadFileLabel = Label(text="Download File") downloadFileLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="W") dropDown = OptionMenu(frame, downloadOption, *serverFiles) dropDown.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) downloadButton = Button(text="Download File", command = lambda: downloadFile(downloadOption.get())) downloadButton.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=5) #Upload File row uploadOption = StringVar() uploadOption.set("Browse...") uploadFileLocation = StringVar() uploadFileLocation.set("Browse...") uploadFileLabel = Label(text="Upload File") uploadFileLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="W") uploadBrowseButton = Button(textvar=uploadOption, command=lambda: (browseFile(uploadOption, uploadFileLocation))) uploadBrowseButton.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) uploadButton = Button(text="Upload File", command=lambda:(uploadFile(uploadFileLocation.get(), frame))) uploadButton.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=5, pady=5) #Select the file you would like to decrypt | File browser | Decrypt decryptFileLocation = StringVar() decryptFileLocation.set("Browse...") decryptLabel = Label(text="Select the file you would like to decrypt") decryptLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="W") decryptFileVar = StringVar() decryptFileVar.set("Browse...") decryptBrowseButton = Button(textvar=decryptFileVar, command= lambda:(browseFile(decryptFileVar, decryptFileLocation))) decryptBrowseButton.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) decryptButton = Button(text="Decrypt File", command= lambda:(processDecryptButton(decryptFileLocation.get(), decryptFileVar.get(), config.getKey(), frame))) decryptButton.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=5, pady=5) #Select the file you would like to Encrypt | File Browser | Encrypt encryptFileLocation = StringVar() encryptFileLocation.set("") encryptLabel = Label(text="Select the File you would like to Encrypt") encryptLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="W") encryptFileVar = StringVar() encryptFileVar.set("Browse...") encryptBrowseButton = Button(textvar=encryptFileVar, command=lambda:(browseFile(encryptFileVar, encryptFileLocation))) encryptBrowseButton.grid(row=3, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) encryptButton = Button(text="Encrypt File", command= lambda: (processEncryptButton(encryptFileLocation.get(), encryptFileVar.get(), config.getKey(), frame))) encryptButton.grid(row=3, column=2, padx=5, pady=5) #Show buttons for user addition and removal addUserButton = Button(text="Add New User", command= lambda: processAddUserFrame(frame)) addUserButton.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) removeUserButton = Button(text="Remove Existing User", command= lambda: (processRemoveUserFrame(frame))) removeUserButton.grid(row=4, column=2, padx=5, pady=5)
def get(self,urlKey): try: urlKey except NameError: urlKey = '' if(urlKey==''): self.redirect('/') if(urlKey!=''): tid = int(urlKey) translation = Translation.get_by_id(tid) if translation != None: templateValues = {'placeholder':translation.wookie,'translation':translation.english,'key':config.getKey(),'BASE_URL':config.getRootURL()} else: templateValues = {'placeholder':'uhhhughh arrahhrrhhhh','translation':'This isn\'t the page you\'re looking for...','key':config.getKey(),'BASE_URL':config.getRootURL()} path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'share.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, templateValues))
elif range > 16: steps = 256 # + 256 = 256^1 dots = 2 # elif range > 8: steps = 65536 # + 65536 = 256^2 dots = 1 # elif range > 0: steps = 16777216# + 16777216 256^3 dots = 0 # xxx. else: return [] # never ban /0 i = 0 retVal = [] while IPv4Address(ip+i*steps) in net: address = str(ip+i*steps) indexes = [j for j,x in enumerate(address) if x == '.'] indexes.append(32) # Whole string endpoint = indexes[dots] if dots < 3: # trailing dot needs to be readded retVal.append(address[:endpoint]+'.') else: retVal.append(address[:endpoint]) i = i + 1 return retVal if __name__ == "__main__": from Hyperion import Hyperion hyp = Hyperion(config.getKey('ent-user'),config.getKey('ent-pass')) f = open('E:\\Hyperion\\tmp\\rangeban.txt', 'r') hyp.whois_rangeban(,'vpn tid=28764 lancom mass ban') f.close()
games.append(id) debug('Added id :: '+str(id),1) debug('Index is:: '+str(index) + ' | '+str(id)+' : '+str(last_id),2) index = index + 100 # Start at # Mark last game id # Check if last game id is after last known id # If it is, keep incrememting url by 100 until it is not. # # view-source: if __name__ == '__main__': auth = EntAdapter(config.getKey('ent-user'),config.getKey('ent-pass')) print(auth._postPage('',{})) #print(str(auth.getGames('Island Defense','4726776'))) temp = auth._postPage('',{}) soup = BeautifulSoup(temp) tds = soup.findAll('td') users = [] for i in range(0,math.ceil((len(tds)-17)/5)): #players users.append( { 'userpage' : tds[16+5*i+0], #username 'realm' : tds[16+5*i+2], 'ip' : tds[16+5*i+1], 'left' : tds[16+5*i+3], 'left_reason' : tds[16+5*i+4] })
def getImage(country): HOME_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) API_KEY = config.getKey() GOOGLE_URL = ("" "size=640x640&key=" + API_KEY) IMG_PREFIX = "img_" IMG_SUFFIX = ".jpg" print "Loading borders" shape_file = HOME_PATH + "/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp" if not os.path.exists(shape_file): print("Cannot find " + shape_file + ". Please download it from " " " "and try again.") sys.exit() sf = shapefile.Reader(shape_file) shapes = sf.shapes() print "Finding country" for i, record in enumerate(sf.records()): if record[2] == country.upper(): print record[2], record[4] print shapes[i].bbox min_lon = shapes[i].bbox[0] min_lat = shapes[i].bbox[1] max_lon = shapes[i].bbox[2] max_lat = shapes[i].bbox[3] borders = shapes[i].points break print "Getting images" attempts, country_hits, imagery_hits, imagery_misses = 0, 0, 0, 0 MAX_URLS = 25000 IMAGES_WANTED = 1 try: while(True): attempts += 1 rand_lat = random.uniform(min_lat, max_lat) rand_lon = random.uniform(min_lon, max_lon) # print attempts, rand_lat, rand_lon # Is (lat,lon) inside borders? if point_inside_polygon(rand_lon, rand_lat, borders): print " In country" country_hits += 1 lat_lon = str(rand_lat) + "," + str(rand_lon) outfile = os.path.join( HOME_PATH + '/images', IMG_PREFIX + 'test' + IMG_SUFFIX) url = GOOGLE_URL + "&location=" + lat_lon try: urllib.urlretrieve(url, outfile) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("exit") except: pass if os.path.isfile(outfile): print lat_lon # get_color returns the main color of image color = getcolor.get_color(outfile) print color if color[0] == '#e3e2dd' or color[0] == "#e3e2de": print " No imagery" imagery_misses += 1 os.remove(outfile) else: print " ========== Got one! ==========" imagery_hits += 1 if imagery_hits == IMAGES_WANTED: break if country_hits == MAX_URLS: break except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Keyboard interrupt" print "Attempts:\t", attempts print "Country hits:\t", country_hits print "Imagery misses:\t", imagery_misses print "Imagery hits:\t", imagery_hits return lat_lon
def getImage(country): HOME_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) API_KEY = config.getKey() GOOGLE_URL = ( "" "size=640x640&key=" + API_KEY) IMG_PREFIX = "img_" IMG_SUFFIX = ".jpg" print "Loading borders" shape_file = HOME_PATH + "/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp" if not os.path.exists(shape_file): print( "Cannot find " + shape_file + ". Please download it from " " " "and try again.") sys.exit() sf = shapefile.Reader(shape_file) shapes = sf.shapes() print "Finding country" for i, record in enumerate(sf.records()): if record[2] == country.upper(): print record[2], record[4] print shapes[i].bbox min_lon = shapes[i].bbox[0] min_lat = shapes[i].bbox[1] max_lon = shapes[i].bbox[2] max_lat = shapes[i].bbox[3] borders = shapes[i].points break print "Getting images" attempts, country_hits, imagery_hits, imagery_misses = 0, 0, 0, 0 MAX_URLS = 25000 IMAGES_WANTED = 1 try: while (True): attempts += 1 rand_lat = random.uniform(min_lat, max_lat) rand_lon = random.uniform(min_lon, max_lon) # print attempts, rand_lat, rand_lon # Is (lat,lon) inside borders? if point_inside_polygon(rand_lon, rand_lat, borders): print " In country" country_hits += 1 lat_lon = str(rand_lat) + "," + str(rand_lon) outfile = os.path.join(HOME_PATH + '/images', IMG_PREFIX + 'test' + IMG_SUFFIX) url = GOOGLE_URL + "&location=" + lat_lon try: urllib.urlretrieve(url, outfile) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("exit") except: pass if os.path.isfile(outfile): print lat_lon # get_color returns the main color of image color = getcolor.get_color(outfile) print color if color[0] == '#e3e2dd' or color[0] == "#e3e2de": print " No imagery" imagery_misses += 1 os.remove(outfile) else: print " ========== Got one! ==========" imagery_hits += 1 if imagery_hits == IMAGES_WANTED: break if country_hits == MAX_URLS: break except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Keyboard interrupt" print "Attempts:\t", attempts print "Country hits:\t", country_hits print "Imagery misses:\t", imagery_misses print "Imagery hits:\t", imagery_hits return lat_lon
player['game_id'] = game_id player_db.insert(player) def addGame(self,game_id,game_name,date,duration,map,players): ''' Unique :: game_id { game_id : 1337 game_name : Pro Game date : 2014-12-1 18:56:00 duration : 13.4 map : pro.w3x } For every game there will be corresponding player entries who were in the game ''' game_db = self.db['games'] game = { "game_id":game_id, "game name":game_name, "date":date, "duration":duration, "map":map } game_db.insert(game) for player in players: addPlayer(player,game_id) if __name__ == "__main__": mongo = MongoAdapter(config.getKey('mongo-host'),config.getKey('mongo-port'),config.getKey('mongo-user'),config.getKey('mongo-pass'))
def debug(message,level): if config.getKey('verbose') <= level: print(message)
import config import Image import urllib import os import subprocess import random_street_view import random import requests import glob import gifcreator from twython import Twython from shutil import copyfile CLAVE = config.getKey() HOME_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PAISES = ["ARG","CHL","URY","PER","BOL","BRA","ECU","COL","ZAF","ISR","NZL","AUS","PHL","SGP","THA","KHM","TWN","BGD","LKA",'HKG','JPN','BTN','TUR','BGR','ROU','GRC','UKR','MKD','SRB','HRV','SVK','SVN','HUN','POL','CZE','LTU','LVA','EST','SWE','FIN','NOR','ITA','ESP','PRT','NLD','BEL','FRA','GBR','IRL','DNK','USA','MEX'] ELEGIDO = random.choice(PAISES) TWITTER = config.getTwitterKeys() print "El pais elegido es: " + ELEGIDO def getImage(): lat_lon = random_street_view.getImage(ELEGIDO) return lat_lon def getAddress(lat_lon): URL_REVERSE = "" + lat_lon + "&key=AIzaSyC7e8qywg4vWmaj7nJvEfSWRHOUdsiCp30&language=ES" response = requests.get(URL_REVERSE) data = response.json() return data['results'][0]['formatted_address']
import config import Image import urllib import os import subprocess import random_street_view import random import requests import glob import gifcreator from twython import Twython from shutil import copyfile CLAVE = config.getKey() HOME_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PAISES = [ "ARG", "CHL", "URY", "PER", "BOL", "BRA", "ECU", "COL", "ZAF", "ISR", "NZL", "AUS", "PHL", "SGP", "THA", "KHM", "TWN", "BGD", "LKA", 'HKG', 'JPN', 'BTN', 'TUR', 'BGR', 'ROU', 'GRC', 'UKR', 'MKD', 'SRB', 'HRV', 'SVK', 'SVN', 'HUN', 'POL', 'CZE', 'LTU', 'LVA', 'EST', 'SWE', 'FIN', 'NOR', 'ITA', 'ESP', 'PRT', 'NLD', 'BEL', 'FRA', 'GBR', 'IRL', 'DNK', 'USA', 'MEX' ] ELEGIDO = random.choice(PAISES) TWITTER = config.getTwitterKeys() print "El pais elegido es: " + ELEGIDO def getImage(): lat_lon = random_street_view.getImage(ELEGIDO) return lat_lon