	def matchGamename(self, results, gamenameFromFile, digits, romes, checkSubtitle, scraperSource, romCollection):
		highestRatio = 0.0
		bestIndex = 0		
		for i in range(0, len(results)):
			result = results[i]
				#check if the result has the correct platform (if needed)
				platformSearchKey = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'PlatformSearchKey')
				if(platformSearchKey != ''):
					platform = config.getPlatformByRomCollection(scraperSource, romCollection.name)
					if(platform != platformSearchKey):
						Logutil.log('Platform mismatch. %s != %s. Result will be skipped.' %(platform, platformSearchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				searchKey = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'SearchKey')
				#keep it for later reference
				origSearchKey = searchKey
				gamenameToCheck = gamenameFromFile
				#searchKey is specified in parserConfig - if no one is specified first result is valid (1 file per game scenario)
				if(searchKey == ''):
					Logutil.log('No searchKey found. Using first result', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
					return result, 1.0
				Logutil.log('Comparing %s with %s' %(gamenameToCheck, searchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				if(self.compareNames(gamenameToCheck, searchKey, checkSubtitle)):
					#perfect match
					return result, 1.0
				#try again with normalized names		
				gamenameToCheck = self.normalizeName(gamenameToCheck)
				searchKey = self.normalizeName(searchKey)
				Logutil.log('Try normalized names. Comparing %s with %s' %(gamenameToCheck, searchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				if(self.compareNames(gamenameToCheck, searchKey, checkSubtitle)):
					#perfect match
					return result, 1.0
				#try again with replaced sequel numbers		
				sequelGamename = gamenameToCheck
				sequelSearchKey = searchKey
				for j in range(0, len(digits)):
					sequelGamename = sequelGamename.replace(digits[j], romes[j])
					sequelSearchKey = sequelSearchKey.replace(digits[j], romes[j])
				Logutil.log('Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing %s with %s' %(sequelGamename, sequelSearchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				if(self.compareNames(sequelGamename, sequelSearchKey, checkSubtitle)):
					#perfect match
					return result, 1.0
				#remove last char for sequel number 1 from gamename
				if(gamenameFromFile.endswith(' 1') or gamenameFromFile.endswith(' I')):
					gamenameRemovedSequel = sequelGamename[:len(sequelGamename)-1]
					Logutil.log('Try with removed sequel numbers. Comparing %s with %s' %(gamenameRemovedSequel, sequelSearchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
					if(self.compareNames(gamenameRemovedSequel, sequelSearchKey, checkSubtitle)):
						#perfect match											
						return result, 1.0
				#remove last char for sequel number 1 from result (check with gamenameFromFile because we need the ' ' again)
				if(origSearchKey.endswith(' 1') or origSearchKey.endswith(' I')):
					searchKeyRemovedSequels = sequelSearchKey[:len(sequelSearchKey)-1]
					Logutil.log('Try with removed sequel numbers. Comparing %s with %s' %(sequelGamename, searchKeyRemovedSequels), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
					if(self.compareNames(sequelGamename, searchKeyRemovedSequels, checkSubtitle)):
						#perfect match											
						return result, 1.0
				ratio = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, sequelGamename.upper(), sequelSearchKey.upper()).ratio()
				Logutil.log('No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing %s with %s, ratio: %s' %(sequelGamename, sequelSearchKey, str(ratio)), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)						
				if(ratio > highestRatio):
					highestRatio = ratio
					bestIndex = i
			except Exception, (exc):
				Logutil.log("An error occured while matching the best result: " +str(exc), util.LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)
	def matchGamename(self, results, gamenameFromFile, digits, romes, checkSubtitle, scraperSource, romCollection):
		highestRatio = 0.0
		bestIndex = 0		
		for i in range(0, len(results)):
			result = results[i]
				#check if the result has the correct platform (if needed)
				platformSearchKey = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'PlatformSearchKey')
				if(platformSearchKey != ''):
					platform = config.getPlatformByRomCollection(scraperSource, romCollection.name)
					if(platform != platformSearchKey):
						Logutil.log('Platform mismatch. %s != %s. Result will be skipped.' %(platform, platformSearchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				searchKey = self.resolveParseResult(result, 'SearchKey')
				#keep it for later reference
				origSearchKey = searchKey
				gamenameToCheck = gamenameFromFile
				#searchKey is specified in parserConfig - if no one is specified first result is valid (1 file per game scenario)
				if(searchKey == ''):
					Logutil.log('No searchKey found. Using first result', util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
					return result, 1.0
				Logutil.log('Comparing %s with %s' %(gamenameToCheck, searchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				if(self.compareNames(gamenameToCheck, searchKey, checkSubtitle)):
					#perfect match
					return result, 1.0
				#try again with normalized names		
				gamenameToCheck = self.normalizeName(gamenameToCheck)
				searchKey = self.normalizeName(searchKey)
				Logutil.log('Try normalized names. Comparing %s with %s' %(gamenameToCheck, searchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				if(self.compareNames(gamenameToCheck, searchKey, checkSubtitle)):
					#perfect match
					return result, 1.0
				#try again with replaced sequel numbers		
				sequelGamename = gamenameToCheck
				sequelSearchKey = searchKey
				for j in range(0, len(digits)):
					sequelGamename = sequelGamename.replace(digits[j], romes[j])
					sequelSearchKey = sequelSearchKey.replace(digits[j], romes[j])
				Logutil.log('Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing %s with %s' %(sequelGamename, sequelSearchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
				if(self.compareNames(sequelGamename, sequelSearchKey, checkSubtitle)):
					#perfect match
					return result, 1.0
				#remove last char for sequel number 1 from gamename
				if(gamenameFromFile.endswith(' 1') or gamenameFromFile.endswith(' I')):
					gamenameRemovedSequel = sequelGamename[:len(sequelGamename)-1]
					Logutil.log('Try with removed sequel numbers. Comparing %s with %s' %(gamenameRemovedSequel, sequelSearchKey), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
					if(self.compareNames(gamenameRemovedSequel, sequelSearchKey, checkSubtitle)):
						#perfect match											
						return result, 1.0
				#remove last char for sequel number 1 from result (check with gamenameFromFile because we need the ' ' again)
				if(origSearchKey.endswith(' 1') or origSearchKey.endswith(' I')):
					searchKeyRemovedSequels = sequelSearchKey[:len(sequelSearchKey)-1]
					Logutil.log('Try with removed sequel numbers. Comparing %s with %s' %(sequelGamename, searchKeyRemovedSequels), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
					if(self.compareNames(sequelGamename, searchKeyRemovedSequels, checkSubtitle)):
						#perfect match											
						return result, 1.0
				ratio = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, sequelGamename.upper(), sequelSearchKey.upper()).ratio()
				Logutil.log('No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing %s with %s, ratio: %s' %(sequelGamename, sequelSearchKey, str(ratio)), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)						
				if(ratio > highestRatio):
					highestRatio = ratio
					bestIndex = i
			except Exception, (exc):
				Logutil.log("An error occured while matching the best result: " +str(exc), util.LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)
    def scrapeResults(self, results, scraper, urlsFromPreviousScrapers,
                      gamenameFromFile, foldername, filecrc, romFile,
                      fuzzyFactor, updateOption, romCollection, settings):
        Logutil.log("using parser file: " + scraper.parseInstruction,
        Logutil.log("using game description: " + scraper.source,

        scraperSource = scraper.source.decode('utf-8')

        Logutil.log('Expected platform: {0}'.format(romCollection.name),
        self.expected_platform = config.getPlatformByRomCollection(
            scraperSource, romCollection.name)

        self.fuzzy_factor = fuzzyFactor
        self.update_option = updateOption
        self.scraper = scraper

        # Information about the current game
        self.crc = filecrc
        self.foldername = foldername
        self.romfile = romFile

        #url to scrape may be passed from the previous scraper
        if (scraper.source.isdigit()):
            if (len(urlsFromPreviousScrapers) == 0):
                    "Configuration error: scraper source is numeric and there is no previous scraper that returned an url to scrape.",
                return results, urlsFromPreviousScrapers, True

                url = urlsFromPreviousScrapers[int(scraper.source) - 1]
                Logutil.log("using url from previous scraper: " + str(url),
            except Exception as e:
                # FIXME TODO - out of bounds exception
                    "Configuration error: no url found at index " +
                    str(scraper.source), util.LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
                return results, urlsFromPreviousScrapers, True

            if (scraper.sourceAppend != None and scraper.sourceAppend != ""):
                url = url + '/' + scraper.sourceAppend
                    "sourceAppend = '%s'. New url = '%s'" %
                    (scraper.sourceAppend, url), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)

            scraperSource = url

        if (scraper.source == 'nfo'):
            scraperSource = self.getNfoFile(settings, romCollection,

        tempResults = self.parseDescriptionFile(scraper, scraperSource,
                "Found {0} results for {1} from URL {2}".format(
                    len(tempResults), gamenameFromFile, scraperSource),
            # Ignore if an exception since it will be where tempResults is None

        tempResults = self.getBestResults(tempResults, gamenameFromFile)

        if tempResults is None:
            #try again without (*) and [*]
            altname = re.sub('\s\(.*\)|\s\[.*\]|\(.*\)|\[.*\]', '',
                "Did not find any matches for {0}, trying again with {1}".
                format(gamenameFromFile, altname), util.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)
            tempResults = self.parseDescriptionFile(scraper, scraperSource,
            tempResults = self.getBestResults(tempResults, altname)

            if tempResults is None:
                Logutil.log("Still no matches after modifying game name",
                if (scraper.returnUrl):
                return results, urlsFromPreviousScrapers, True

                "After modifying game name, found {0} best results for {1}".
                format(len(tempResults), altname), util.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)

        if (scraper.returnUrl):
                tempUrl = self.resolveParseResult(tempResults, 'url')
                Logutil.log("pass url to next scraper: " + str(tempUrl),
                    "Should pass url to next scraper, but url is empty.",
            return results, urlsFromPreviousScrapers, True

        # For each result, compare against already existing results. If the old key value doesn't exist and the new
        # one does, then use the new value, otherwise retain the value
        if (tempResults != None):
            for resultKey in tempResults.keys():
                resultValue = []

                resultValueOld = results.get(resultKey, [])
                # unescaping ugly html encoding from websites
                if (len(resultValueOld) > 0):
                    resultValueOld[0] = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(

                resultValueNew = tempResults.get(resultKey, [])
                # unescaping ugly html encoding from websites
                if (len(resultValueNew) > 0):
                    resultValueNew[0] = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(

                if (len(resultValueOld) == 0 and
                    (len(resultValueNew) != 0 and resultValueNew != [
                    ] and resultValueNew != None and resultValueNew != '')):
                        "No existing value for key {0}, replacing with new value [{1}]"
                                ','.join(str(x) for x in resultValueNew)),
                    results[resultKey] = resultValueNew
                    resultValue = resultValueNew
                        "Retaining existing value for key {0} ([{1}])".format(
                            ','.join(str(x) for x in resultValueOld)),
                    resultValue = resultValueOld
            del tempResults

        return results, urlsFromPreviousScrapers, False