def block_out(ip_address): print(Fore.RED + "Block out counter archived!") winsound.Beep(1000, 4000) ip_research_counter = 1 if internet_status() is True: print(Fore.RED + "Blocked IP:" + str(ip_address).strip()) refresh_ip = None while (refresh_ip == ip_address) or refresh_ip is None: print( "Program will be wait until you to renew internet ip for:" + str(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"]) + " second {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( ) sleep(int(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"])) refresh_ip = public_ip() print("Refreshed IP:" + str(refresh_ip)) else: while internet_status() is False: print( "Connection is lost!,Check your internet connection! Try:", ip_research_counter, " second {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(, ) sleep(int(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"])) ip_research_counter += 1
def main(): # List available table conn_id = None global conn internet_try_counter = 1 while internet_status() is not True: print( "Connection is lost!,Check your internet connection! Refresh interval:", int(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"]), "second,Try:", internet_try_counter, ) sleep(int(config_section_map("general")["ip_refresh_second"])) internet_try_counter += 1 ip_address = public_ip() while conn_id is None: try: db_config = read_db_config() conn = MySQLConnection(**db_config) conn_id = conn.connection_id except Exception: conn_id = None print("Try connecting to database...") table_list = ( "select table_name,table_rows from information_schema.tables " "where table_name like 'lst_%' and table_rows>0;" ) table_list_exec = db_select(table_list) table_list_result = {} for line in range(0, len(table_list_exec)): table_records_status_query = ( "select count(site) from %s where status='Passed' or status is null " "or status='Registered No Email'" % (table_list_exec[line][0]) ) table_records_status_result = db_select(table_records_status_query) table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_records_status_result[0][0]) table_list_result.setdefault(table_list_exec[line][0], []).append(table_list_exec[line][1]) if config_section_map("general")["default_list_name"]: selected_list = str(config_section_map("general")["default_list_name"]) print("Searching " + selected_list + " list...") if selected_list in table_list_result.keys(): print("Processable,Total Record:" + str(table_list_result[selected_list])) else: print("Please Choice your dictionary list from below list") print( tabulate( zip(table_list_result.keys(), table_list_result.values()), headers=["List Name", "Processable/Record Count"], tablefmt="grid", ) ) selected_list = input("List Name:").lower() if selected_list in table_list_result.keys(): delay = float(config_section_map("search")["delay_second"]) whois = "" port = 43 try_count = config_section_map("search")["try_count"] loop_counter = 1 process_counter = 0 passed_counter = 0 monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Searching", str(ip_address)) while loop_counter > 0: # lock record for process lock_record_query = ( "update %s set lockedby=connection_id(),lockedat=now()," "trycount=trycount+1,Hostname='%s' " "where lockedby is null and (status='Passed' or status is null " "or status='Registered No Email' ) and trycount<%s order by trycount limit %s" % (selected_list, socket.gethostname(), try_count, int(config_section_map("search")["buffer"])) ) loop_counter, connection_d = db_update(lock_record_query) if loop_counter: todo_query = "select no,site from %s where lockedby=%s and trycount<=%s " % ( selected_list, connection_d, try_count, ) todo_result = db_select(todo_query) if todo_result: for to_do_line in range(0, len(todo_result)): if ( process_counter > 0 and (process_counter / int(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_record"])) - (math.floor(process_counter / int(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_record"]))) == 0 ): print( Fore.BLUE + "Sleep mode:" + str(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_time"]) + " second {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(, "Session Processed Count:", process_counter, end="\r", ) monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Sleep Mode", str(ip_address)) sleep(int(config_section_map("search")["mid_sleep_time"])) monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Searching", str(ip_address)) process_counter += 1 try: sleep(delay) look_for = todo_result[to_do_line][1] looking_for = str(look_for.strip()) telnet_connect = Telnet( whois, port, timeout=int(config_section_map("telnet")["telnet_timeout"]) ) telnet_connect.write(looking_for.encode("ascii") + b"\r\n") telnet_result = str(telnet_connect.read_all()) if telnet_result == "b''": print(str(todo_result[to_do_line][0]) + " : Passed --> " + looking_for, end="\r") return_update_query = ( "update %s set Status='Passed',lockedby=null ,Hostname='%s' " "where No=%s " % (selected_list, socket.gethostname(), todo_result[to_do_line][0]) ) db_update(return_update_query) else: telnet_parser( telnet_result, todo_result, to_do_line, look_for, selected_list, looking_for ) passed_counter = 0 except Exception: passed_counter += 1 print( Fore.RED + "Telnet exception Passed -->", str(look_for), "Count", passed_counter, end="\r", ) winsound.Beep(9000, 300) return_update_query = ( "update %s set Status='Passed',lockedby=null ,Hostname='%s' " "where No=%s " % (selected_list, socket.gethostname(), todo_result[to_do_line][0]) ) db_update(return_update_query) if passed_counter >= int(config_section_map("search")["block_counter_out"]): ip_address = public_ip() monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Blocked", str(ip_address)) mail_sender(socket.gethostname(), "Blocked") block_out(ip_address) else: print("All record are processed for " + selected_list + " list!") else: monitoring(socket.gethostname(), "Finished", str(ip_address)) print("List does not exist!Bye!") sys.exit(0)