def cmd_line(self, config_file_name): self._CONFIG_O = Config(config_file_name) self._rf2path = Path(self._CONFIG_O.get_rfactor_folder()).expandvars() #self._rf2path = r'c:\Temp\dummy Rf2' self._mm_o = Mod_manager(self._rf2path) if not self._mm_o: SystemExit(99) return Path(self._rf2path) # for unit test
class Mod_manager_app: def cmd_line(self, config_file_name): self._CONFIG_O = Config(config_file_name) self._rf2path = Path(self._CONFIG_O.get_rfactor_folder()).expandvars() #self._rf2path = r'c:\Temp\dummy Rf2' self._mm_o = Mod_manager(self._rf2path) if not self._mm_o: SystemExit(99) return Path(self._rf2path) # for unit test def wait_for_rf2_to_start(self): self.rf2_o = rF2_check() #call('"c:/Program Files(x86)/Steam/steam" -applaunch 365960') print('\nWaiting for rFactor 2 to start...') while not self.rf2_o.isRF2running(): sleep(.2) print('\nrFactor 2 started') def set_up(self): self._mm_o.setup() for location in self._CONFIG_O.get_locations(): if not self._mm_o.select_mod(('Locations', location)): print(f'Locations {location} not found') for vehicle in self._CONFIG_O.get_vehicles(): if not self._mm_o.select_mod(('Vehicles', vehicle)): print(f'Vehicles {vehicle} not found') # for unit test: return (self._CONFIG_O.get_locations(), self._CONFIG_O.get_vehicles()) def start_rf2_single_player(self): self.rf2_o = rF2_check() _pop = os.getcwd() # save current directory os.chdir(self._rf2path) cmd = '"' + str(self._rf2path) + \ r'\Bin64\rFactor2.exe" +singleplayer +path="."' print(cmd) call(cmd) # actually, it doesn't return until rf2 exits os.chdir(_pop) def wait_for_rf2_to_exit(self): print('\nWaiting for rFactor 2 to exit...') while self.rf2_o.isRF2running(): sleep(1) print('\nrFactor 2 exited') def tear_down(self): self._mm_o.unselect_mods()
def __init__(self) -> None: """ docstring """ config_o = Config() if config_o.get('rFactor Toggle', 'controller') == KEYBOARD: self.headlightToggleDIK = config_o.get('rFactor Toggle', 'control') # (it must be) if self.headlightToggleDIK not in DirectInputKeyCodeTable: print('\nheadlight toggle button "%s" not recognised.\n' 'It must be one of:' % self.headlightToggleDIK) for _keyCode in DirectInputKeyCodeTable: print(_keyCode, end=', ') quit_program(99) else: status_poker_fn('\nHeadlight toggle control must be a key.\n') quit_program(99)
def main(): """ docstring """ headlightFlash_o = HeadlightControl() config_o = Config() def pit_limiter(): return config_o.get('miscellaneous', 'pit_limiter') == '1' def pit_lane(): return config_o.get('miscellaneous', 'pit_lane') == '1' def flash_duration(): return int(config_o.get('miscellaneous', 'flash_duration')) def pit_flash_duration(): return int(config_o.get('miscellaneous', 'pit_flash_duration')) def default_to_on(): return config_o.get('miscellaneous', 'default_to_on') == '1' def on_automatically(): return int(config_o.get('miscellaneous', 'on_automatically')) _root, tabConfigureFlash = gui_main() _player_is_driving = False _o_run = run(_root, tabConfigureFlash) _o_run.controller_o.start_pit_check_timer() # Start the 1 second timer while True: _cmd = _o_run.running() if headlightFlash_o.player_is_driving(): if not _player_is_driving: # First time player takes control _player_is_driving = True if default_to_on(): status_poker_fn('default_to_on') headlightFlash_o.on() if _cmd == 'Headlights off': headlightFlash_o.on() if _cmd == 'Headlights on': if _cmd == 'Flash headlights': headlightFlash_o.four_flashes(flash_duration()) if _cmd == 'Toggle headlights': headlightFlash_o.toggle() if _cmd == TIMER_EVENT: if pit_limiter(): headlightFlash_o.check_pit_limiter(pit_flash_duration()) if pit_lane(): headlightFlash_o.check_pit_lane(pit_flash_duration()) headlightFlash_o.automatic_headlights(on_automatically()) else: _player_is_driving = False if _cmd == 'QUIT': break
class Run: """ The external interface """ controller_o = Controller() config_o = Config() root = None xyPadding = 10 pygame_event = None def tk_event_callback(self, _event): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ docstring """ global tk_event # pylint: disable=global-statement tk_event = _event def __init__(self, parentFrame, _root): """ Put this into the parent frame """ self.root = _root self.parentFrame = parentFrame icon(self.root) _keyboard_control = False for name in headlight_controls: if self.config_o.get(name, 'Controller') == KEYBOARD: _keyboard_control = True break """ tk.Label(self.parentFrame, text="This window is only needed to capture keyboard input").\ grid(row=0, column=0) """ if _keyboard_control: root.bind('<KeyPress>', self.tk_event_callback) """ else: # minimise the windown self.root.wm_state('iconic') """ def pygame_callback(self, event): """ docstring """ self.pygame_event = event def running(self): """ docstring """ global tk_event # pylint: disable=global-statement tk_event = None self.pygame_event = None while True: # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks while not tk_event and not self.pygame_event: # Run pygame and tk to get latest input self.controller_o.pygame_tk_check(self.pygame_callback, self.parentFrame) if tk_event: if tk_event == 'QUIT': return 'QUIT' dik = KeycodeToDIK(tk_event.keycode) for cmd in headlight_controls: if self.config_o.get(cmd, 'Controller') == KEYBOARD: if dik == self.config_o.get(cmd, 'Control'): return cmd tk_event = None if self.pygame_event: if self.pygame_event == 'QUIT': return 'QUIT' if self.pygame_event == TIMER_EVENT: return TIMER_EVENT try: _button = str(self.pygame_event.button) _joy = self.controller_o.controller_names[] #print(_joy, _button) for cmd in headlight_controls: if self.config_o.get(cmd, 'Controller') == _joy: if _button == self.config_o.get(cmd, 'Control'): return cmd except: # pylint: disable=bare-except # not a joystick button pass self.pygame_event = None
class Tab: """ Configure the headlight control app """ parentFrame = None controller_o = Controller() config_o = Config() root = None xyPadding = 10 def __tk_event_callback(self, _event): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ docstring """ global tk_event # pylint: disable=global-statement tk_event = _event if tk_event == 'QUIT': sys.exit(0) def __init__(self, parentFrame, _root): """ Put this into the parent frame """ self.root = _root self.parentFrame = parentFrame icon(self.root) self.root.bind('<KeyPress>', self.__tk_event_callback) ############################# # Three sub-frames self.headlight_controls_frame_o = headlightControlsFrame( self.parentFrame) self.headlight_controls_frame_o.tkFrame_headlight_control.grid( column=0, row=0, sticky='new', padx=self.xyPadding, rowspan=1) self.headlightOptionsFrame_o = headlightOptionsFrame(self.parentFrame) self.headlightOptionsFrame_o.tkFrame_headlight_control.grid( column=1, row=0, sticky='new', padx=self.xyPadding, rowspan=2) self.rFactorStatusFrame_o = rFactorStatusFrame(self.parentFrame) self.rFactorStatusFrame_o.tkFrame_headlight_control.grid( column=2, row=0, sticky='new', padx=self.xyPadding, rowspan=3) self.rf_headlight_control_frame_o = rFactorHeadlightControlFrame( self.parentFrame) self.rf_headlight_control_frame_o.tkFrame_headlight_control.grid( column=0, row=1, sticky='new', padx=self.xyPadding, rowspan=1) ############################# # And a "Save configuration" button buttonFont = font.Font(weight='bold', size=10) self.tkButtonSave = tk.Button(parentFrame, text="Save configuration", width=20, height=2, background='green', font=buttonFont, self.tkButtonSave.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=25, sticky='s') ############################# def save(self): """ Save all the settings written to the config data struct """ self.config_o.write() def getSettings(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Return the settings for this tab """ return ['Options'] def setSettings(self, settings): """ Set the settings for this tab """ pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
def test_nested_config_files(self): config_o = Config('1960s_F1.modlist.txt ') locations = config_o.get_locations() vehicles = config_o.get_vehicles() assert locations assert vehicles
except json.JSONDecodeError: pass def get_item(self, item_name): for section, items in self.dict.items(): if item_name in items: value = items[item_name] return value return None if __name__ == "__main__": # Test from configIni import Config from pyDirectInputKeySend.directInputKeySend import rfKeycodeToDIK _CONFIG_O = Config() _controller_file = _CONFIG_O.get_controller_file() _JSON_O = Json(_controller_file) headlight_control = _JSON_O.get_item("Control - Headlights") if headlight_control: print(F'headlight_control: {headlight_control}') keycode = rfKeycodeToDIK(headlight_control[1]) rf2headlights_keycode = _CONFIG_O.get('rFactor Toggle', 'Control') if keycode == rf2headlights_keycode: print(F'Match: {keycode}') else: print( F"Doesn't match: rF2 keycode {keycode} : rf2headlights keycode {rf2headlights_keycode}" ) else: print(F'"Control - Headlights" not in {_controller_file}')