def volume_size(name_id): try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(parser.config_params('ssh')['server'], port=22, username=parser.config_params('ssh')['user'], password=parser.config_params('ssh')['password']) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: print 'issues with the connection' #get total. #my_command_total = "docker inspect -f '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Source }}{{ end }}' %s | xargs sudo du -shm| sed 's/\s.*$//'"%name_id my_command_total = "docker inspect -f '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Source }}{{ end }}' %s | xargs sudo df -h | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $2}'" % name_id # get free my_command_free = "docker inspect -f '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Source }}{{ end }}' %s | xargs sudo df -h | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $4}'" % name_id #get used my_command_used = "docker inspect -f '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Source }}{{ end }}' %s | xargs sudo df -h | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $3}'" % name_id # stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(my_command_total) storage_total = stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(my_command_free) storage_free = stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(my_command_used) storage_used = json_create = json.dumps({"stats": dict(total='%s', free='%s', used='%s') }) % (storage_total, storage_free, storage_used) print json_create return json_create
def __init__(self): # host value = parser.config_params('kubeauth')['host'] # check if certificate exists try: # certificate - authority - data os.path.isfile(parser.config_params('kubeauth')['ssl_ca_cert_file']) self.ssl_ca_cert_file = parser.config_params('kubeauth')['ssl_ca_cert_file'] except IOError as e: logger_settings.logger.error(' certificate-authority-data file missing:{0}'.format(e)) try: # client - certificate - data os.path.isfile(parser.config_params('kubeauth')['ssl_cert_file']) self.ssl_cert_file = parser.config_params('kubeauth')['ssl_cert_file'] except IOError as e: logger_settings.logger.error('client-certificate-data file missing:{0}'.format(e)) try: # client - key - data os.path.isfile(parser.config_params('kubeauth')['ssl_key_file']) self.ssl_key_file = parser.config_params('kubeauth')['ssl_key_file'] except IOError as e: logger_settings.logger.error('client-key-data file missing:{0}'.format(e)) # proxy settings self.proxy = parser.config_params('kubeauth')['proxy'] # context self.context = parser.config_params('kubeauth')['context']
def __init__(self, min_interval, max_interval): """ :param min_interval: :param max_interval: :return: """ self.min_interval = min_interval self.max_interval = max_interval self.salt = 2 self.my_excluded = parser.config_params('rand_exclusion')['exclude_ports'].split() self.range = 6
def make_the_connection(): """ this function is making the connection and map app name with schema :return: """ try: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = parser.config_params('dbname')['location_name_db'] except ImportError: print 'no db connection availabe''no db connection available' )
def test_random_port_generator_not_restricred(self): """ Test if random generated port is not in restricted list :return: """ print 'test 2 - test if random generated port is not in the excluded list' my_excluded_list = parser.config_params( 'rand_exclusion')['exclude_ports'].split() my_port = random_generator_function.generator_instance.random_port() for i in my_excluded_list: self.assertNotEqual(my_port, i, 'This port should not be generated')
def connect_docker_server(): """ this function will connect to docker server endpoint :rtype : object :return: """ server_address = parser.config_params('server')['server_address'] try: cli = docker.APIClient(base_url=server_address) return cli except: print 'no connection to the server :('
def get_md5(): """ :rtype : object """ openvpn_config = parser.config_params('openvpnconfig')['file'] md5 = hashlib.md5() try: f = open(openvpn_config) for line in f: md5.update(line) f.close() return md5.hexdigest() except IOError:'There is no config file...will download one for you') return md5.hexdigest()
def get_md5(): """ :rtype : object """ openvpn_config = parser.config_params('openvpnconfig')['file'] md5 = hashlib.md5() try: f = open(openvpn_config) for line in f: md5.update(line) f.close() return md5.hexdigest() except IOError: 'There is no config file...will download one for you') return md5.hexdigest()
def __init__(self, parser): """ :type self: object :type parser: object :rtype : object """ self.parser = parser self.http_md5 = parser.config_params('http')['http_md5'] self.openvpn_config_file = parser.config_params('http')['config_file'] self.user = parser.config_params('authentication')['auth_user'] self.password = parser.config_params('authentication')['auth_passwd'] self.openvpn_config_save_file = parser.config_params('openvpnconfig')['file'] self.file_name_saved_local = 'client_danbordeanu_saved' self.ssl_crt = parser.config_params('certs')['ssl_crt'] self.ssl_key = parser.config_params('certs')['ssl_key']
def __init__(self, parser): """ :type self: object :type parser: object :rtype : object """ self.parser = parser self.http_md5 = parser.config_params('http')['http_md5'] self.openvpn_config_file = parser.config_params('http')['config_file'] self.user = parser.config_params('authentication')['auth_user'] self.password = parser.config_params('authentication')['auth_passwd'] self.openvpn_config_save_file = parser.config_params( 'openvpnconfig')['file'] self.file_name_saved_local = 'client_danbordeanu_saved' self.ssl_crt = parser.config_params('certs')['ssl_crt'] self.ssl_key = parser.config_params('certs')['ssl_key']
# proto = 'tcp' # # config_ports = parser.config_params('images')['test_multiple_port'].split() # # append_to = str(random.randrange(1025, 65000, 2)) # # my_new_list = [x + '/' + proto + ':'+ str(random.randrange(1025, 65000, 2)) for x in config_ports] # # print my_new_list # # # my_dict_port_list = dict(map(str, x.split(':')) for x in my_new_list) # # print my_dict_port_list config_ports = parser.config_params('images')['test_internal_port'].split() print config_ports my_new_list = [x + ':'+ str(random.randrange(1025, 65000, 2)) for x in config_ports] print my_new_list my_dict_port_list = dict(map(str, x.split(':')) for x in my_new_list) print my_dict_port_list container_id = cli.create_container( image='eg_ngphp', hostname='wtfplm', ports=config_ports, host_config=cli.create_host_config(port_bindings=my_dict_port_list), name='wtf')
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if request.headers.get('secretkey') and request.headers.get('secretkey') \ == parser.config_params('proxy')['secretkey']: return view_function(*args, **kwargs) else: abort(401)
def makevm(name_id): """ curl -i -H "secretkey:1234" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"******","password": "******", "options": {"diskspace":"500m","service":"ssh"}}' http://localhost:5000/api/seedboxes/new/sshdan this will create a container we parse the json data and take username/password and we insert this into db :param name_id: :return: """ content = request.json my_request = json.dumps(content)'Username {0}, passwd:{1}, diskspace:{2}, service:{3}'.format(content['username'], content['password'], content['options']['diskspace'], content['options']['service'])) #check if the hostname is valid, should not contain strange stuff if not validatehostname.isvalidhostname(name_id): raise InvalidUsage('invalid hostname', status_code=404) #check if we have plex related stuff if my_request.find('plex') != -1: plex_secret_token = content['plex']['plex_secret_token'] plex_server_name = content['plex']['plex_server_name'] else: plex_secret_token = '' plex_server_name = '' # TODO convert this to dictionary or invent something smarter than if else #create ssh container if content['options']['service'] == 'ssh': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['ssh_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'NET_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['ssh_internal_port'].split() #create web container if content['options']['service'] == 'web': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['web_image_name'] exec_this = 'python' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['web_internal_port'].split() #create rtorrent container if content['options']['service'] == 'rtorrent': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['rtorrent_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['rtorrent_internal_port'].split() #create rutorrent container if content['options']['service'] == 'rutorrent': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['rutorrent_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['rutorrent_internal_port'].split() #create transmission container if content['options']['service'] == 'transmission': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['transmission_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['transmission_internal_port'].split() #create deluge container if content['options']['service'] == 'deluge': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['deluge_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['deluge_internal_port'].split() #create openvpn over udp container if content['options']['service'] == 'openvpnudp': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['openvpnudp_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'NET_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['openvpnudp_internal_port'].split() #create owncloud container if content['options']['service'] == 'owncloud': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['owncloud_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['owncloud_internal_port'].split() #create nginxphp container if content['options']['service'] == 'nginxphp': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['ngphp_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['ngphp_internal_port'].split() #create mariadb container if content['options']['service'] == 'mariadb': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['mariadb_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'SYS_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['mariadb_internal_port'].split() #create plex container if content['options']['service'] == 'plex': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['plex_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'NET_ADMIN' privileged = True internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['plex_internal_port'].split() #create sftp container if content['options']['service'] == 'sftp': image_name = parser.config_params('images')['sftp_image_name'] exec_this = '' cap_value = 'NET_ADMIN' privileged = False internal_port = parser.config_params('images')['sftp_internal_port'].split() new_container = docker_create(name_id, content['username'], content['password'], content['options']['service'], content['options']['diskspace'], image_name, internal_port, exec_this, cap_value, privileged, plex_secret_token, plex_server_name) return jsonify(new_container)
def docker_create(name_id, username, password, service, diskspace, image_name, internal_port, exec_this, cap_add_value, privileged, plex_secret_token, plex_server_name): """ this function will create the container :rtype : object :return: """ #check if there is a container with the same name, anyway useless because docker is doing same thing #we can remove this in the future if db.session.query(exists().where(my_sql_stuff.ContainerNames.name_of_container == name_id)).scalar(): raise InvalidUsage('there is a vm already with this name', status_code=404) #to the magic, generate unique port, make the shared volume my_new_volume = give_me_mount_point(username, diskspace) #making the list of ports from config #appending random values #making a dict of port from config and random ports my_new_list = [x + ':' + str(give_me_something_unique(name_id, name_id, username, password, service)) for x in internal_port] my_dict_port_list = dict(map(str, x.split(':')) for x in my_new_list) try:'Generating and inserting in db a new allocated port {0}'.format(my_new_list)) where_to_mount = my_new_volume + parser.config_params('mount')['where_to_mount_dir']'We will mount in this location {0}'.format(where_to_mount)) #here we make the list of ports from confing into a string #and remove / tcp udp #make removed string into a list and use it in ports internal_port_udp_tcp_removed = ''.join(c for c in ' '.join(internal_port) if c not in '/;udp;tcp').split() #creating the container response = make_connection.connect_docker_server().create_container(image=image_name, hostname=name_id, ports=internal_port_udp_tcp_removed, environment={'ACCESS_TOKEN': plex_secret_token, 'SERVER_NAME': plex_server_name, 'MANUAL_PORT': my_dict_port_list.values()[0]}, host_config=make_connection.connect_docker_server().create_host_config( cap_add=[cap_add_value], binds=[where_to_mount], port_bindings=my_dict_port_list, privileged=privileged, cpuset_cpus='0', cpu_period=100000, mem_limit=parser.config_params('container_settings')['memory']), command=exec_this, name=name_id) #starting the container make_connection.connect_docker_server().start(container=response.get('Id')) result_new_container = make_connection.connect.inspect_container(response.get('Id')) new_hostname = result_new_container['Config']['Hostname'] new_name = result_new_container['Name'] new_exposed_ports = result_new_container['Config']['ExposedPorts']'New container with hostname {0} and name {1} exposed ports {2} created'.format(new_hostname, new_name, new_exposed_ports))'New container created with id {0}'.format(name_id)) return result_new_container except: #this will delete the table raw where added port and name in ContainerNames my_sql_stuff.ContainerNames.query.filter_by(name_of_container=name_id).delete() db.session.commit() app.logger.error('An error occurred creating the container') raise InvalidUsage('can\'t make this container', status_code=404)